4K CABVIEW Bar - Bijelo Polje -102 tunnels -96 bridges -1029m altitude change from Sea to Mountains
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Channel: dulevoz
Views: 7,245,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cabview, railway line Belgrade Bar, Belgrade, Bar, Adriatic sea, Montenegro, railway, track, tunnel, bridge, rail bridge, rail, scenic, beautiful, nature, rail line, longest tunnel, rail tunnel, train ride, train, cabinerit, führerstandsmitfahrt, fahrt, zug, night train, cabride, voznja, voz, pruga, tunel, most, planina, mountain, canyon, cliff, scenery, masinovodja, train driver, locomotive, lokomotiva, Mala Rijeka, drive, ride, tren, vlak, zeleznica, national park, 4k video, ultra hd, pruga beograd bar
Id: zomZywCAPTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 18sec (12378 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
LOL Well this was unexpected. In Poison's new interview with Vice, though, he said he knows for a fact that a lot of train conductors watch his videos.
is this the exact ride he was on? lol
Only part from Bar to Podgorica.