4K!潮州!三日兩夜!食遊記!旅遊攻略!牛肉火鍋140元!酒店自助早餐 !外賣開箱!鹵鵝飯!街頭早餐!潮汕腸粉!總店!街拍!人氣必吃!特色美食!正!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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There are some fruits or salads in front of you , and there are beef rice noodles and shrimps, but I may not eat them. As for here, there are just some steamed dim sum. Although there are some buns here , they are expensive, but the portions are quite large. There are also some goose kidneys below, which are good . Foie gras turns out to be goose blood... Is there any foie gras ? I like eating foie gras . Doesn’t it look like it ’s all goose kidney ? Let’s try it without dipping it . The sauce is not only salty but also fragrant. You can imagine Americano coffee and Italian. The difference between espresso and espresso. Hello everyone, good morning. It's already 8:30 in the morning. I slept very well last night. I woke up once around 5 o'clock and then went back to sleep around 8 o'clock. It's very comfortable. The air conditioning should be enough. It's enough and a little cold. The bed is comfortable to sleep in. The pillows should be soft or hard. There are enough choices because it's a street outside and there are a lot of cars coming and going . Because I am a person who doesn't mind the noisy people outside, even me. I think this is how I feel safe because the hotel I am staying in faces a small garden or an inner street. I don't feel safe facing those people . I accept it. So if you, the audience, come back, you can ask for a job even if you don't necessarily stay in this hotel. The staff arrangement requires that I want something quieter , and if I want something lively , I can also sleep here. It is 11 o'clock before going to bed. There are people playing motorcycles, and the sound is very loud. Other than that, there is nothing possible. I am tired enough . When you see me starting to shoot, you know that the raw pickled food I ate last night is no problem. It is also in the people's hospital or pharmacy. Let me talk about today's plan first. First of all, I will go to have breakfast. I decided to eat at the breakfast buffet in the restaurant. Maybe I'll go and see what breakfast is like first . If I see it's not that good, I won't eat it. I'll go nearby and find some breakfast stalls to eat rice rolls. There's also a market opposite. If possible, I'll have breakfast in a restaurant . Then because I've done it before I also told you at the beginning of the last episode that I came here because I have some official business. I will go do my own serious business first. I may not be filming for lunch because I can just have a quick meal and forget about those inactions. I recommend this video to everyone because I want to focus on tonight. I will start this afternoon after breakfast. I want to eat beef hotpot. I have already found information . I may be able to do it in the old town market , but I may not buy it. Buy or check the nearby property prices because this is the old city. I want to talk about the choice of beef hot pot because I am a tourist like the audience watching this episode. There are also many different voices online. Some say that locals will not come here. Some of us tourists said they had good food, some locals said it was bad, but I think this is the case. The beef hot pot in Shantou, Chaozhou, is better than the white-cut chicken in Guangzhou or eating squab in Zhongshan . It's not too bad as long as I eliminate the bad ones. I found a room with a better environment because as a tourist, price is not the most critical factor. It doesn't have to be three times more expensive. I found a room close to If you have to drive here , it takes more than ten minutes. It's a little further away. This area is also called Guantang Brothers. My plan is like this , so I will take you to see it when the time comes. If there are any new changes, I will tell you about them. I will go now. Eat breakfast. After breakfast, I guess it’s around nine o’clock, which is a good time for me to go do some errands. Let’s go have breakfast and set off. It’s very beautiful. There aren’t too many choices. First of all, white porridge is my favorite. Wait a minute. After waiting , there will be coffee. I should ask for a cup. There is hot water next to it, or milk and soy milk , some fruits, or salad. There seems to be beef noodles and shrimps , but I may not eat them. As for here, they are just some steamed snacks. There are some buns here. I definitely want an egg. There is actually bread and croissants. Don’t bake this croissant. You also need one of the same butter and jam. Although it is a domestic brand, it is better than asking for a frozen one . That's my first round of food. I got a croissant and a toast. I didn't bake it so it wouldn't be too hot . It wasn't inedible. Eggs, sourdough and a cup of coffee. It's more Western. There 's cake here , but I don't like cake in the morning. I started with a Western breakfast. The restaurant is very spacious. I sat in the corner of the restaurant and everyone saw at a glance how many tables there were for the guests just now. Because they were full, they continued the rest of the trip. The variety of food was not very large , but it was exquisite enough not to overwhelm. It's very quirky and has a local specialty, which is boiled rice noodles. I saw many people getting it , but I decided not to try it first. It was good to try an unbaked croissant. That's it. If you think it's strong, add more coffee. As for the small milk cup, it looks like a croissant and is very crispy when I bite it. Some viewers will ask again, didn’t they tell me before that I want to eat porridge in the morning? I have also verified it myself. In different channels , the audience also told me that I want to eat porridge in the morning. It is not very good , especially white porridge , because blood sugar will rise. Although my blood sugar should be said this way , although as I get older and older, I have more and more minor physical problems , but my blood sugar is only at the normal level. But these are not reasons to be willful . This is why I decided to try not to eat porridge in the future. In the past, I ate porridge because of gastrointestinal reasons and it didn’t matter if I felt uncomfortable. I just don’t overeat. However, this matter is not easy to drink in Chaozhou. You can also have coffee or eat unbaked toast croissants . Try to put the frozen food at the end. This is a normal breakfast buffet with unsalted butter. If you want to compare it with the one in Shenzhen, this place is a little smaller but the variety of food is better. A little less, that's all. I remember there seems to be rice rolls there. I've forgotten that the coffee is better there than here. As for this jam, it's not a good idea to give it to others. I drink the yogurt and it's always good for my stomach. The benefits are great. I ate slowly and then I went to see Guangji Bridge at noon. I won’t go again because if I go to Guangji Bridge, I might miss a lot or it depends on the time. If I finish the work at hand very early, I will go at three o’clock. If you have time, go there or go to Guangji Bridge for 20 yuan. I think even if it feels very touristy or the time is short , it won’t look as exciting as at night. It’s all worth trying. Let’s talk about it later. It’s past one o’clock and I’m too hungry to wait until I try the beef hot pot. Where can I buy this? It's very simple. I bought it on the opposite street. It's probably in this direction. It's mainly for convenience. It's just covered by the branches. The white one downstairs is called Xikou Liu Beef and Goose Meat Feast. I don't know what the flavor is. The main thing is convenience. I'm here to make a meal for you in the room. There is a bag in the box . Guess how much it costs. I have not opened the box. The food is not cheap. It is 48 yuan. It is like this downstairs. Xikou Beef and Goose Meat Banquet Paifang Street Store. This should be a lunch box. First, it is a lunch box. The lady boss put it in the back. It should be There is no reason. There is a lunch box that is heated in a microwave. I believe there is soup underneath. How should the lunch box be opened? Yes, there is soup and meatballs underneath. The soup has not been stirred yet. It should be three meatballs and some seaweed. Then there are two plates here. Sauce. Wait a minute and then look at this. I guess it's goose. That's it. Is it worth the 48 yuan? It's just based on the portion size. It's acceptable because it comes with soup and rice. I don't know how the goose tastes after eating it. This is the theme of the lunch box. I decided to separate the vegetables and try the soup first. It’s so hot. It’s too exaggerated. You shouldn’t be so impatient. Drink the soup and eat three seaweed meatballs. He can choose pork balls. I have no reason to choose pork balls. I’m so stupid . Of course I choose beef balls. But let’s put this aside first. I want to try the goose meat. The portion is large enough , so I’ll see if it ’s worth the 48 yuan. You’ll know if you taste it. Some of the sauces won’t talk about the taste of this restaurant. For the time being, it seems that although this hotel is expensive, it’s worth it. The first is that there are many restaurants nearby in the old town . I have never been to those places in the suburbs. I have been there a few years ago and it seems that they are not as lively as here. The meat is very tender and the marinade tastes fragrant. I don’t really like eating braised goose. It’s just that when I came to Chaozhou, I couldn’t help but eat this. It really changed my opinion. I don’t know if you usually like to eat this. I am more ordinary , but this time I have a change. Also, it is very good when dipped in vinegar. It is not so greasy and the meat is not too spicy. It's soft and bite open for everyone to see. It's pink in the middle. Although it's expensive, the portion is quite large. It turns out there are some goose kidneys underneath, which are very good . There's also foie gras. This is goose blood . Let's make it clear. Does goose blood have foie gras? I'm very confused. I like to eat foie gras. Is this like foie gras? It’s very good. Every part is available. Try the white rice. I came to Chaozhou and ate rice for the first time. I found that their rice is not that refined and thick, which is healthy. There should be fried garlic above to make the rice more fragrant. It may be fried garlic with lard. I don't know. Oiled garlic is fried and placed on the rice. It's 48 yuan. It's ok. There are also goose palm wings. This is my favorite part. Try dipping it in this sauce so you can eat it. The meat is very pink and soft. There is no powder sauce and it is not too salty. It has a sweet and fragrant flavor that goes well with the fried garlic. The rice was so delicious that I didn’t know what to do tonight. I decided not to go to the market because I went to the market and found something good to eat. I didn’t need to eat the beef hotpot tonight. I planned to just eat it and just passed by the other side. Also, if you haven’t tried beef hot pot before, it shouldn’t be too bad to try the beef balls , especially the beef balls. To be honest, there are many local factories that make them and they do them very well. These should be purchased, but they go to designated factories to purchase them , not for mass shipments. It should be delicious , super refreshing, super bouncy , and more chewy than chewy. It doesn’t have a lot of tendons in it, and it has a meaty flavor. It doesn’t feel too juicy , but the quality of the meat is relatively high , and the chef should beat it for a long time. This is the purpose of the beating process. Take away the air from the meat and take away a little more discomfort. It feels good . Drink the soup again. The soup should be cold. Then try a piece of goose red. My wife taught me that goose red is harder than pig red and it is very pleasant. Continue to have lunch. I will no longer talk to everyone. Slowly speaking, basically everyone has seen that 48 yuan is so worth it? I think it’s okay . Some viewers or locals will say that there must be something better than this nearby. Just like when we go back to Guangzhou to eat plain chicken , even if I tell you that Yixin Chicken is better, there must be something better than this or there was one before. I have had better meals from snacks to adults. As tourists, we are very satisfied with the convenience of not having to search aimlessly. Especially what if we don’t drive? What to eat by taking a taxi? Okay, let’s meet the audience when we eat beef hot pot. Now it’s 5:30 in the evening and it’s time to taste delicious food. There is one thing I haven’t eaten when I came to Chaozhou, which is beef hot pot. I checked online and found that there are two restaurants on this road. The first one is here. It's called Longxing Niufang. It's very popular and the seats are very neat . There's another one in the front called Guantang or something. We'll go to the one in front because it's more brightly lit. This is because Chaozhou is not a very big city. I came here on an electric bicycle. First of all , it was past 5 o'clock, so I drove an electric bicycle. I decided not to drive . I now feel that this decision not to drive is a good one. Many people drive electric bicycles. It’s a motorcycle , but many people ignore traffic lights. Many people drive electric bicycles. This road is extremely exciting. How do you compare it? In Guangzhou, some people drive electric bicycles or deliver food. What do they mean by looking at their mobile phones while driving? Just keep going. It won’t happen here. They don’t dare to look at their mobile phones while driving an electric bicycle because it will happen if they don’t pay attention. It’s very exciting. Also, if you are like me, I suggest you live in the ancient city and want to come. I strongly recommend taking a taxi. Don’t be like me when you want to ride an electric bike. It’s better not to come here to have dinner. The beef hotpot Guantang brothers here seem to be a little more spacious. I told everyone. How much do Chaozhou people like drinking tea ? Many snack shop owners, whether they are good at repairing cars or repairing cars, will keep a tea set here. I didn’t know what this owner did. But he had a tea set, so I came here to have dinner at Guantang Brothers Beef Restaurant. That's it. Cut it. Cut it. Cut it. It's now 5:40. I came into the restaurant. It 's very big. Scan the QR code to order. It's very neat . I 've already placed my order. The speed of serving is comparable to McDonald's. I just got the sauce and it's already served. It’s ready, but the stir-fried noodles are not yet here. Here is the QR code to scan the desk to order. Let me read the menu. The default soup base is clear soup. The meat in front of me is divided a lot. We don’t do that here in Chaozhou. Most of the unfeasible pork tenderloin and fat beef are 29 yuan to 30 yuan . Most of them are beef balls for 29 yuan. Here are 6 beef tendon balls for 15 yuan. Fried rice noodles and Teochew rice noodles are 30 yuan. You can see the price . The good thing is that each dish is written with how long it takes to cook. The fattened beef on the side is 10 seconds, beef cypress leaves, 12 seconds, beef tendon balls, rice noodles, and staple food. These are not expensive. They are only one yuan. The clear soup is 20 yuan, so the more people come, the better. Basically. I have seen that these are mainly beef. This one is the most special. What exactly is the carp tail? I have chosen it, but I haven’t decided yet which ones include beef hamstrings and breasts. The breasts need to be cooked for 6 to 5 minutes. Beef tongues and beef patties. The loin beef dumplings are all available. Beef heart is clear . Then there are mushrooms and vegetables. At the same time, there is a pile of vegetables on the table. As I said just now, the whole table is put together. It is boiling here. That's basically it. I’ve seen the prices of vegetables, bells, and these are not too expensive . There’s also medicated beef whip soup, both with Adenophora ginseng and Polygonatum japonicus, beef whip soup, and Cordyceps flower beef whip soup. It’s really awesome . Corn fried rice is also 15 yuan . It’s a pity that I ate too much fried food last night. Fried things are better. I don’t know what they are. Yam spring rolls are 15 yuan. I believe that as a tourist, you will like this place because there is a pair of tourists from foreign countries sitting on my left . Here is my seasoning. This is according to theirs. The recipe suggestion is a very simple one. It consists of three things : Shacha sauce , sesame sauce , and sesame oil. As for this, I will follow my own wishes and I will not eat spicy food today. For those of us tourists who are not experts, I only know that it is beef . I 've always had this little problem. I can only look at the picture to see what I ordered and what the dish is. My guess is that this is the handle , but it's the same thing for those of us who don't know it and put it in our mouths. Then this one I guess is carp tail , but when I look at the picture it’s very big, as thin as a piece of paper, and here it looks like this. Maybe I don’t recognize it. Next, I guess it’s tender meat. I ’m just guessing . If there are any familiar viewers, Tell me, when I got here and put down my car, I thought it was more fun over there in the old town. Of course, I haven’t eaten anything yet , or it tasted very exciting . There seemed to be a lot of these restaurants over there in the old town , but if you, the audience, are like me It would be better to take a taxi when I come back to play. At this time, I want to try it from this plate. I won’t put it all in. I can just put a little bit in and cook it. As for whether in the end, the most important thing is to be happy with it. This is also what I often do. The 10 seconds I mentioned should be enough for the smoke to fill up. Change the angle to see if it's just cooked beautifully. I don't really like how they turned the heat to such a high level. Those of us who don't know how to cook it will try it. I like to eat tender food and see if it's enough. It’s not tender enough. Let ’s order something very authentic first. We are going to come now. It’s almost 6 o’clock. There are more and more tourists. It ’s tender enough . It’s very tender. Order this. It’s delicious. It’s very tender. It’s very tender. I like it very much. The tender beef has a little bit of residue, but There aren’t many that have a bite and shouldn’t be called junk. I cooked it for just the right time this time and the sauce was not salty. In the past, the sauces I had in other chain beef hotpot restaurants from Shantou were very salty, so this one doesn’t count. Next , let's try the empty-mouthed food . It doesn't have any sauce and tastes like beef . It was the first time my mother cooked beef for me when I was a kid. It tasted very tender. I liked it very much. I wonder if there is anything written on the bottom of the plate about what kind of meat is not included ? Just pinch the wheel a little more and watch it slowly turn from red to deep red to pink , and then slowly the pink color disappears. This state should be fine. I turned down the heat and everyone saw that it spread out. It's not too much meat , it's just the minced meat. Let's look at it clearly. The minced meat is not too much. It's a whole piece. It's a lot . It's perfect when you see it from this angle . I'm very satisfied with this . I've heard that many locals come here to eat. I believe that it should be recognized by the local people. As for whether it is enough to say that they have grown up eating snacks, I will not say this again. People here are just like we eat white-cut chicken in Guangzhou, even those 20 yuan special-priced white-cut chicken. The plain-cut chicken is not too bad. Likewise , whether it’s the source or the boss, they know what’s good and what’s not. They’ve eliminated the very tender meat and put in the few pieces just now. It’s been a while since I’ve tasted it here for the first time. It’s so tender but not hard. This is good . It’s not only salty but also fragrant. It’s also the difference between Americano and espresso. Usually, what we eat in other stores is Americano. But this is espresso. A little bit is enough. I tried this. I think it is a plate of tender meat. I believe it should be tender meat. It feels a little loose after eating it in the past. I don’t know if it changes color like this again. It doesn’t count. Everyone has seen it , but it doesn’t count. Like these, the whole clip will come out. Is it okay to try this one which is larger? I saw that the fat paste will be more concentrated and have a little tendon. Try this one, which is more tender and ridiculous. Why can it be like this? I cooked it randomly on high and low heat for ten seconds and twenty seconds and ignored it. I just saw that brother coming over to instruct the customer next to me how to cook. You can cook it as you like , but of course don’t cook it for three minutes and it won’t get old. This dish has a stronger beef flavor. I feel like there may be a little more fat. I'll try this one. I haven't tried it yet . Is this okay? Wow, it's a bit garlicky and has more layers , but I think it would be better without it. It's such a good beef. It's not necessary to order this all the way. Even the chili is not delicious, so I'll order this and continue . But to be honest, it 's similar to the one in Shenzhen. Compared to here, I'm just talking about the portion size . The one in Shenzhen is a little better. The one called Kunji is the one that my wife always talks about. It's 29 yuan and only has a few pieces. And the price is really Guangzhou price. Guangzhou seems to be 29 yuan for a long time , but I haven't been there for a long time. I don't know. The color has just changed and I deliberately turned down the heat because firstly I don’t know how to control the heat. Secondly, the photo was so smoky that no one can see the meat because the whole beef tendon is slowly changing color like this . It’s not bad at the same time . I also called my Chaozhou Fried Beef Hor Fun the same way . It turned out to be such a big dish. It seemed to be 25 yuan. It turned out to be 30 yuan. That’s why I wrote 30 yuan here. Scan the QR code for this meal. During the meal , I had to pay for a total of 140 yuan, 140 yuan, and 142 yuan. I ordered a can of red kudzu water. I should eat this with red wine. Unfortunately, I am too drunk. Is it correct to add some soup to the sauce I usually make ? ? But those sauces I have in Guangzhou will be very thick if I don’t add them. This one is not very thick and can be dipped directly into the meat without taking away the meat flavor. This dish has a lot of beef flavor, and it always has a lot of beef flavor , just like what I just said. There will be a little bit of crumbling . It seems that this one will also be a bit crumbled. It's normal. And these are not very shredded compared to the ones I've eaten before. The ones I ate were a little bit scattered. My current feeling is that the beef is very tender and the sauce is very good . There are three recipes introduced. Let me finish this one first. It is one of mine. It is called a classic. I am already full after eating this . I still have a plate of meat and a plate of fried noodles. What should I do? I often forget other people’s names. Clip the carp tail into one piece. It’s not empty. Let the water boil. Yes, the whole piece is cooked like this. It seems that the boss didn’t lie to me. It’s cooked like this. It’s almost done in ten seconds. There is this thing between the minced meat and it will not get into the meat. I am not afraid of gout. I must finish it. There is no reason to pack it all the time. It is so convenient to have a car for so many days . I don’t have a car. The range I go to is very small, including Hanjianghe. I can't see the opposite side because it divides Hedong and Hexi. I can't see the place I want to go to later and I don't know what will happen. Shouldn't I take a taxi? Should I go first? It’s already annoying , but driving is different. I can drive there and put it down. Parking here is quite convenient. This one is also very tender , but has more bite. It doesn’t feel as good as the other two . What I’m most satisfied with is the tender meat , but this one doesn’t. The tender meat will be scattered, and the tender meat will be scattered. Finally, we got to this. The Teochew fried kway teow that has been left for a long time for me has behaved normally because the peanut butter and satay sauce will stick to it. It has been left for a long time. It is 30 yuan and is reasonably priced. Is it possible to eat it in Guangzhou? The quality is so small that it’s hard to pick it up because it’s made up of a lot of rice, so it’s easy to break. Try it and see if the wok gas is very good. The beef is delicious and the kale flavor isn’t too strong. But the bad news is that I won’t be able to eat it. After all, I think it’s better to call this than to call cornstarch. Those who cook it themselves don’t need to come here to eat. Remember this taste will be the standard for judging the deliciousness of fried kway teow in places other than Chaozhou and Shantou. I’m full. What do you think? Woolen cloth? It was very exciting at first, the meat was very tender and strong , but gradually I became a little dissatisfied with the taste of the carp . Of course, it was compared with their own products and what I had eaten before. If it was compared with what I had eaten before. Basically, there are no rivals. The one I ate for the first time in Shenzhen may be able to compete with it. There is nothing else. The carp tail would be better if I didn’t order it, and the pork belly would be better. The first two meats were perfect. I was shocked that the portion of fried rice noodles was so big, how could I finish it , and it cost 150 yuan to pack a large amount. If you reduce it back to soda, it would be about 130 yuan. The price is reasonable , but there is a big drawback here. It is far away from where we live. It's far away, so I have to take a taxi back. With my driving skills, I don't dare to drive out anymore because the roads in the old city I just saw are scary. Let me talk about the itinerary first. I think I haven't had enough fun here in Chaozhou. I originally thought about going there. It takes about an hour to drive to Shantou and then go back to Shantou to return the car. My plan was like this, but then I thought about it, I might as well forget it because there are still many things I haven’t seen in Chaozhou, including the Guangji Bridge on the east bank of the Hanjiang River . For the bridge built by boat, I think I have to check in once because my ticket for tomorrow has been changed to two o'clock. If I go to the station at 12:30 or 1 o'clock, it is enough. But if I go to Shantou again, I am afraid that there will be any changes. If things don’t go well , I ’d better stay in Chaozhou and wait until next time I come with my wife. I have a deep understanding that I always drive in a hurry. After driving this FIT, the FIT is already small enough. The Fit also feels so large and responsive. The speed is very slow. I drove my electric car in Guangzhou. I was very fast and was often scolded by my wife. Now I know that I am very fast because I am afraid of being photographed or following the car too far. It is very extreme. But when I came here, I was very slow. I'm very cautious. That's basically it. That's why I rented a car and didn't dare to drive it. That's why next time I have a chance to drive here by myself. It's always my own car. At least the braking distance is controlled. The car I rented is already FIT, so it should be fine. The control is better. Now I will end the video. The next part will be tomorrow morning. As for the breakfast part, I will check it out when I get there. I will eat it in the restaurant because I am going to eat on the west bank of the river. Goodbye in the next part. Hello, viewers. I woke up again . When I came to the last part, I found that 90% of the time during my trip to Chaozhou, the video content was about food and less about the streets. Now I will go to have breakfast. If I talk about the places I went to before, most of them are places that tourists like . Decided to try it today because there is a breakfast stall in front that is good for rice rolls. How did I know last night? I asked the hotel guard brother He is a local guard uncle and doesn’t call him brother anymore. One look at his belly shows that he is a gourmet. I will go over and try it now. His uncle said that he should turn left at the red light in front of him and he also said that there is some milk drink in it. Last night, I had walked through the alley behind this street. Of course I didn't realize it at the time, so I went to see him. At the same time, my classmates were in school. It rained a little and drizzled. At first, I thought about finishing breakfast. I went to Guangji Bridge for a walk , but when I looked at the time, it turned out that it opens at 10 a.m. and there will be a bridge closing ceremony around 9:30 , but I may not be able to see it. I also took into account that my train ticket was for 1 o'clock and the return time was 11. So don’t do so much, and since it’s raining now, we won’t go. We’ll end the video after breakfast. I think besides the market, the best way to reflect the local atmosphere is in the morning. The day’s plan is to see the locals in the morning. Going to work is a very good experience. You can experience the local customs. My uncle told me to turn left and go here. But I just looked at the map and didn’t know whether to go in here or in front. I went first because I saw something like this in front of me. It's not a restaurant in front. I decided to walk here. I saw the word "rice roll" written in front of it. The biggest difference between their Chaoshan rice rolls and Guangfu's is the sauce . They add a lot of sesame sauce and peanut butter. In short, it's just a sauce . The closed one now is called Xinqiao Road. I tried to walk here because I found a lot of good things on the map software. For example, this chicken pot is for dinner. This one is also a chicken pot. There are stalls in front of the map software. Fans should take their time to look for it. It feels like a residential area. There are not only eight-story roads but also eight-story and nine-story buildings. They should all have anti-theft nets. If you want to find delicious food, you should go to the market. But I am too lazy and don’t want to. Okay, plus the rain is such a good excuse not to go to the rice roll stall. It should be here . There is an aunt sitting at the door. This should be the feeling of the old town. My breakfast came and it was a plate of rice rolls with pork fillings. The price of the cabbage stuffing is six yuan, which is authentic. There is a lot of peanut butter. It’s the first time I tried it. It can’t be compared to the one in Guangzhou. It ’s very fragrant and super fragrant. It has minced meat wrapped in it. There are vegetables in it, but it’s not a big strip. The vegetables and egg fillings are all complete. The boss lady also brought coriander to me to garnish. She was very considerate. Let’s try it first. Yes, yes, try it. Can you try the Guangzhou version? Do you understand me from Guangzhou ? Yes, it’s great. Let’s talk about the taste first. I didn’t eat too much just now. I want to try the original flavor. I think as long as it’s the original flavor, it can have the delicious taste of the sauce. The most important thing is the soul sauce. I don’t know if you have tried the hot dry noodles in Wuhan. Those sauces are very rich and have enough calories if you eat them in the morning. Moreover, they are made by the aunt at home and are not expensive. When I came here, I saw a younger sister eating them , but she is very good at chopsticks. It seems too wasteful to simply eat it with coriander. Many children come to have breakfast . Let’s take a look at the rice rolls because the lights in the inner street are relatively dim. The vegetables are chopped cabbage, eggs and meat , which is like this but different. Those sauces are very rich and full. Let everyone take a look at the small shop. I bought one before going to work in the morning. There was a sister and brother eating on-site ramen. These are the local tastes. They are also next to the market. I originally wanted to talk about the market but I found it here. Since the market is here, there is no reason to walk around like this . It is also the best place to experience the local customs and customs . I don’t know if there will be only two stalls at the entrance. Let’s talk about it. There are only two stalls and these inner streets are the most popular. In Guangzhou, I also like to walk these inner streets. Once you walk out, you are already on the main road. The houses are very clean and some have anti-theft nets. They have been renovated and have iron gates . The road is not that smooth , but it is too flat and there is no market. It tastes good , but there is a dilapidated building in front that should have been decommissioned. Finally, I will summarize my experience in Chaozhou. There are many delicious food here , but I can only talk about Chaozhou . At least I can’t find any very new ones , such as big shopping malls or places like Guangzhou. There is no one in Tianhuan Plaza. If you plan to visit the mall here, basically give up the idea. When I had beef hot pot last night, I tried to look for it, but they all looked not as good as expected. There are RT-Mart and mass merchandisers , but there seems to be no AEON . None of them are old enough and quiet. In addition, if you want a better hotel, you should go to the east of Hanjiang River. I watched the phone map last night and after the live broadcast , I found that several of them are super expensive. I can’t tell from the pictures. The price is similar to the Guangzhou Garden Hotel. There is almost one that is even more exaggerated. It should be the most expensive. The most expensive is 6,000 to 7,000 yuan a night. I don’t know. It seems to be like staying in Dubai. At the same time , the hotel is 6,700 to 7,000 yuan a night. The hotel is next to Archway Street. I am queuing. When passing by Fang Street, I heard other people saying that this hotel is very expensive , and then they gave me a sneer. I have seen some social media and they are also very exciting. For example, the chef cooks on site and stays in the hotel. My suggestions are to stay here where I live now. The room seems expensive at more than 400 yuan for two days and 800 yuan for two days , but it is well worth the money. At least you can walk through the side streets and narrow alleys. As for the east bank of the river, the night view should be more beautiful because you can see the night view of Guangji Bridge . When I saw the light show , it was the light show at 8pm. The fifteen-minute light show was basically like this. There are many tourist attractions that I have never been to. For example, there is a temple decoration that looks like Thailand. Those are free. Only Guangji Bridge. The fee is only 20 yuan. It 's worth a visit. However, I didn't go there. I walked around in the inner streets and narrow alleys and came back. Chaozhou is a very ancient urban city and there are many things that have not been discovered. Especially for an ancient city that is not too big, this is the most flavorful , delicious food and customs. It is worth a visit. There are many undiscovered things including some local delicacies. If you come back as a tourist, in addition to choosing those new-style delicacies, basically It’s not too bad. The beef balls are also delicious. You can buy some souvenirs to take home. Or the rice rolls I just ate also have the flavor of the locals. It is definitely not hard to accept. There is nothing else. In addition, what I am most satisfied with is the oyster roll. Of all the foods , that is the most satisfying one. If you are on a group tour, When I came back, I followed the tour guide. It was fun and worth buying. Basically, this was the place in front of me. The traffic was already coming and going. The three-episode Chaozhou food tour that lasted three or two nights came to an end here. As mentioned at the beginning of this link. Most of them are gourmet beef hot pot fried rice noodles and taro noodles. Everything is delicious. If you like it, you can come back and try it yourself. It is very convenient to take the high-speed rail in West Kowloon, Hong Kong. I came here by high-speed rail. During the live broadcast last night, some viewers checked and it seemed that it was not It’s too expensive . Go directly to Chaozhou High-speed Railway Station and take the bus. It only costs 15 yuan. See you in the next episode.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 36,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, busy street, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, 点心, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, 4K, 潮州, 三日兩夜, 食遊記, 旅遊攻略, 牛肉火鍋, 自助早餐, 早餐, 外賣, 開箱, 鹵鵝飯, 腸粉, 現切牛肉, 炒粿條, 4k 60, 4k 60fps, vlog study, vlog china, food tour china, food tourism, cantonese food, china tour vlog, 廣州美食 粵語, china tourism vlog
Id: l0eppttpCuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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