[4K][최준의니곡내곡] 최준 - 우리집(feat.준호(2PM)) LIVE
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Channel: 피식대학Psick Univ
Views: 4,626,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9VQ1641-kgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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First non-seated segment, and they couldn't have picked a better guest🍑
For context, Choi Joon is a character by comedian Kim Haejun that rose to popularity through the "B-rated Online Date" segment on the comedy YT channel Psick University.
He plays uber-cheesy, annoyingly charming cafe owner, Choi Joon. I think he sang Paul Kim's "Coffee With Me" on his first few videos, and it became kind of his signature song. His own 'Your Song, My Song' segment launched from there. His awful "Piglet" singing voice has been kind of a meme, and it's been fun seeing Choi Joon trying his best to make his guests crack up while performing.
Here's a list of past 'Your Song My Song' videos:
Edit: bolded the most hilarious episodes imo
Junho, please .... his voice, that lip bite, his smile, the way he rocks that red shirt. Gosh, I gotta fan myself!
Best thing I’ve seen today! 😂
ngl I am tired of my house