Tokyo rainy night walk around Akabane・4K HDR
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Channel: Rambalac
Views: 1,733,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s-rhii6znMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Man, i really want to move to Japan or NL. Very walkable, excellent transportation (even in the more rural areas), and generally culturally interesting, compared to Sweden, in my opinion
I found the Rambalac channel by chance and, well, of the two videos I've watched of his, hour long the both of them, I see a vibrant, walkable city. In this one, there are people out walking even in the rain, at night. Just about every place he went, there was at least one person also out walking. If I did that in my neighborhood, I'd be the only person on the street.
Can I say that I would kill to have the shops and restaurants the Akabane area has? The closest Seattle has is the Pike Place Market, and that rolls up the street at 6pm, with the exception of some of the restaurants and bars. This video was shot at around 7pm and there's no sign of any of those shops or restaurants closing. I want to visit Japan one of these days...
I'm about to be very American here, but I can't figure this out. Ok, it's like a small mall, and I suppose you can have it open to the elements, though that's weird. But it's in the middle of the street, and that's where I get confused.
Notice the narrowness and intimacy of the streets. You can probably smell the delicious aromas from the food vendors. The only thing missing is Walmart.
I feel bad for those who are claustrophobic especially when spaces like this get crowded