4am MORNING ROUTINE | Productive Morning Routine 2020 | TheStylishMed

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hi everyone a very happy New Year to you all and welcome back to my channel in this video I'll be sharing with you guys my current one in routine so I've been getting up around 4 a.m. these days because like you guys already know that's the time that I'm most productive after that I head to the bathroom turn on the Giza that by the time I come back to shower and the water's nice and warm I don't really like switching it on so long because I've been preparing to take like lukewarm bath these days because it's really hot in the sauna and soft that I hit the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee currently loving these instant cafe lattes from the war words they're really nice and creamy just like how I loved my coffee and so I made my coffee aware I had cheated my study room [Music] so I prefer to charge and I put on the floor where I can't see it and doesn't really bother me because no one is actually trying to contact me at 4:00 in the morning in you so I hate bad get my desk ready for my work and currently I have my city planner which I've created for the year which I've been using and a couple of people have asked me about that and I will be doing some posts about it so I also like to listen to rain sounds like the sound of rain in the background while I study and I just find this like really calming and then together with my coffee and says like I have my productivity game on so weird I just did my work set out for that particular morning and if you guys watched the last couple of videos that I posted you'll have noticed that I've gone digital I'm no longer taking my notes like hand written on paper and that's mostly because I want to be able to keep my notes and like annotate them and update them with each time so every time I learn something new I just go back to those days with them was really hard to do if he's actually been using paper and so when I'm done with my work I just go back to my study planner and my daily planner and I cross out to the tasks that I've already managed to complete and then I just analyze the rest of the day that I have and go through the weekly planner that I've set out and just see where I'm at and where I need to be with the rest of my schedule and my toss after that I go through my social media and this is something that I've been really liking the fact that I don't wake up and immediately open my phone I can wake up be productive and after that that's when I can open my phone and check my messages emails black comments and all that so when I'm done doing that I started to pack up my desk and start getting ready for work and I like to listen to music while I'm doing all of this because it helps me get into you know like a good mood that by the time I'm getting to work I'm not like irritated too tired or anything so after that I hit the kitchen and I start to prepare my breakfast then I head to the shower and get my skincare routine my body care routine started and like I really said I don't really like hot water these days that was really hot here somebody would like slightly warm water [Music] listening to music while I get ready for work just helps me put me in a good mood and it prepares me for a long day ahead by the time I get torque I'm happy even ated and just really talk of the day and my simply routine at the moment is not really complicated it's just cleanser toner and moisturizer so yeah and then didn't between all of that I smiled to myself like myself and it's just you know good types so once I'm done with my skincare and my hand all of that good stuff it's time to get dressed and for the longest time I've just been wearing jeans and scrubs guys like I could not be bothered I'm currently in my peds rotation and it kind of gets missing sometimes so pop tops are the way to go and I prefer jeans geez well bottoms because afterward I can go somewhere and look like a normal person without looking like everyone away from work so so after I'm done getting dressed and ready I get to have my breakfast and this is one of my favorite ones of the day because it's the only time I eat during the day when I'm actually not tired but I have my lunch nap when tonight I'm already exhausted so I prefer my breakfast these days and so because I have braces not after every meal I have to clean my teeth so the last thing I do before I leave the house is to brush my teeth and once I'm done with that I was left with morning and ready to go to work [Music] alright guys and that's the last thing I do before I head to work so I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video please leave a like leave a comment subscribe to my channel with her already and I will see you in my next video bye
Channel: TheStylishMed
Views: 1,355,903
Rating: 4.9299407 out of 5
Keywords: productivity 2020, 2020 morning routine, morning routine for productivity, productive morning routine, medical intern vlog, medschool vlog, medical school vlog, medical vloggers, studying medicine in china, mbbs in china, botswana youtubers 2020, botswana vlog, 5am morning routine, 4am morning routine, study routine for med students, medical student, medical intern, final year med student
Id: EF1A9Jw3WA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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