47 Minutes of Unbelievable Moments

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from a ship launch in the Netherlands that flooded a nearby Road and a fighter jet that flew way too close to these English plane spotters to an old German apartment building that went down in a cloud of dust and debris and a cargo plane in Australia that had everyone holding their breath here are 47 minutes of unbelievable moments have you ever wondered what happens to massive ships like this when they reach the end of their life well most of the time they end up in a scrapyard in a foreign part of the world but it's the process of getting them there that's the most interesting the ausen spirit was a 26,000 ton Ferry built in 1987 in her Heyday she was one of the biggest fairies making runs between do England and Cal France but years passed and she changed ownership several times finally the decision was made to scrap the ship in November of 2013 they sailed the ship to one of turkey's biggest shipyards and well I'll just let you see what happens for yourselves [Music] [Applause] [Music] mother [Music] [Music] tunami tunami tunami up what looked like a terrible accident was actually a well executed beaching and a little tsunami to accompany it the captain threaded the needle between two skeleton ships and put the aend where she needed to be the scrapyard in Aliaga took care of the rest it took hundreds of workers several months to tear the aend apart piece by piece if you look on Google Maps you can see the graveyard of old ships waiting for demolition chamoli India is a mountainous District in the state of utarak Khan nearly 400,000 people live in the shadows of the Himalayan Mountains and as beautiful as those mountains are they can be equally terrifying on May 4th of 2023 Travelers heading through chamoli had to slam on their brakes when they saw rocks tumbling down the mountain everyone knew what was going to happen next so they got out of their cars stepped back a few feet and pressed record spe oh luckily Highway Maintenance teams had noticed the early stages of a landslide and blocked traffic on both ends unfortunately these Mountain Roads don't have many detour Lanes your only option is to go back the way you came until they clear the debris which can take days the scary part is that landslides like this are common and completely random especially in Northern India one can only assume that after a heavy rainstorm a few landslides are bound to happen you can only hope you're not driving by when they do ajmir India is a major city in the Central State of Rajasthan it's roughly 265 Mi Southwest of New Delhi and is among the oldest cities in the region on November 6th of 2019 an Indian army helicopter flew over ajmir on a mission to deliver some Army recruits as the pilot began to land something got stuck in the wind and flew toward his Chopper luckily the plastic sheet wasn't dense enough to cause any damage the blades cut through like soft butter and our pilot landed safely we uh can't say the same for this helicopter pilot in Auckland New Zealand it was Christmas time and our pilot was tasked with raising a 70ft tower for the Telecom Christmas tree as he lowered himself toward the tower his rotor blades struck a steel cable sending his Chopper crashing to the ground thankfully nobody got hurt during the crash Jesus [Music] God our pilot Greg Gribble had been flying for 20 years he told reporters that he was doing fine after the crash there was some finger pointing after the accident people wanted to blame the man in charge of unhooking the cable to make a long story short he did everything right the whole job was doomed to fail from the start maybe next time they'll stick to normal Christmas trees that don't require helicopters to lift duberg is a thriving City in Western Germany it's the 15th largest city in the country and home to about 500,000 people it's always been a busy City full of new building projects but to build something new sometimes you have to sacrifice something old the visera also known as the white giant was a 22-story apartment complex built in in the 1970s it was one of six similar buildings in duberg HW heida District they were supposed to blow it up in 2017 but ASB bestus slowed them down once it was safe a new demo date was set for March 24th of 2019 a crowd gathered to wave goodbye to the white giant an old Landmark they'll surely Miss [Music] sh [Applause] [Applause] demolition crews rigged the building with 290 kg of explosives once the dust settled they moved in and removed over 45,000 tons of debris duberg plans to tear down all six towers to build a park in the area however several delays keep pushing the timeline back the second tower finally came down in 2022 and the third is slated for 20 25 at this rate there's no telling how long it'll take for the white Giants to finally fall the Royal International Air tattoo or the riot is the largest military Air Show on Earth it's held every July in gler England at the RAF fairford base about 200,000 people will spend the weekend watching the world's best pilots fly the fastest planes ever made there's no shortage of crazy stunts at the annual Riot the 2016 was humming along when an F-22 Raptor pilot executed a stunning vertical takeoff it might seem easy but it's one of the hardest things a pilot can do [Music] we can't even imagine the amount of GeForce this pilot was under there's a chance he might have even blacked out while climbing into the clouds this isn't uncommon as fighter pilots often experience vision loss or total blackouts when climbing vertically thankfully fighter pilots wear special suits to prevent this and use breathing exercises to keep their blood where it's supposed to be commercial pilots on the other hand don't wear anything special other than their cap so when this Boeing 777x pilot attempted a near vertical takeoff at the farboro air show in the UK it was just him versus gravity V in the vicinity of the luckily he climbed without succumbing to the intense g-forces he must have been under big commercial planes like this definitely aren't made for those kinds of stunts but they are built strong enough to be able to withstand them let's just hope Pilots don't start doing this on passenger flight the Atlantic Ocean is one of the largest oceans on the planet it's split into two halves at the Equator the northern Atlantic and the southern Atlantic parts of the North Atlantic are famous for their rough Seas you've probably even seen videos of it on our Channel now back in 2021 a Scottish fishing vessel found itself in these Waters not too far off their Coast it was a particularly rough day so one fisherman took out his phone and began to film what he captured puts the whole rough Seas thing into perspective from the angle of the camera those waves don't seem all that big but looks can be deceiving those swells must be at least 15 to 20 ft tall and that trowler is plowing right through them for these men though this is business as usual the AF Tower was a 38 story building in the West End District of Frankfurt Germany it was built as part of the Johan vulf gang Gerta University campus and was at one point the tallest building in Frankfurt it was built to accommodate 2,500 students but more always showed up as a result some would have to wait 15 minutes in line just to use the elevator the building never ran efficiently there were accidents and frequent student protests eventually Frankfurt decided to cut its losses and tear the building down in 2014 [Music] [Music] the [Music] students and faculty had a LoveHate relationship with the AF tower for starters its brutalist architecture wasn't easy on the eyes only five of the seven elevators worked and they broke down frequently by 2014 all of the interior walls were covered in decades of graffiti according to One Source who held seminars on the 33rd floor you could feel the building sway whenever the wind picked up it wasn't the best learning environment when it came down in 2014 the AF Tower was the tallest building in Europe to ever be demolished by controlled demolition it took 950 kg of explosives to bring this old brutalist building down for those who remember waiting in the elevator lines they were happy to see it Go FIS Schmid is a massive ship building company in the Netherlands their Shipyard is located in the small village of vestbrook giving them access to Rivers leading North toward the sea as of 2024 FIS Schmid has built 470 vessels and Counting they produce about 68 ships each year ranging from cargo transports to cement carriers on October 31st of 2015 FIS Schmidt launched the Greenland the world's first dry cargo vessel powered entirely by liquefied natural gas or LNG a crowd gathered near the launch site to watch this historic moment they didn't know they'd be witnessing a tsunami as well while it might look like a failure this ship launch went according to plan there was no avoiding the water displacement and they expected a small tsunami to wash over the road luckily enough people got the message and weren standing in the Wet Zone the next ship launch however didn't go so well a shipyard in Jacarta Indonesia decided to roll this vessel into the water they went Stern first which is Common Place in ship launching they just made a grave miscalculation somewhere along the way [Music] [Music] since there was nothing they could do to help our friends decided to pose for pictures across from the wre AG judging by their clothes it looks like they work for the shipyard we're guessing this accident was above their pay grade it's unclear what caused this ship to overturn the endon launch is the oldest and most familiar way of launching large ships they typically roll Stern first down a slipway and into the water perhaps this Indonesian vessel moved too slowly lost balance and capsized or maybe the bad luck bug bit them in behind the the Queensland arts and culture Festival occurs every summer in Brisbane Australia it's a 3-we party celebrating Australia's best and most creative minds it always ends with an event called riverfire where fireworks light up the night sky but before the fireworks commenced during the 2018 Festival the Royal Australian Air Force decided to put on a little stunt show unfortunately this stunt show left many in Brisbane questioning the Air Force's sanity the Boeing c17 Globe Master is a massive plane capable of carrying over 177,000 lb of cargo it's 174 ft long with an almost equal wingspan the Airborne Behemoth weighs over 280,000 lb and can reach cruising speeds of 520 mph so when those living in these Brisbane skyscrapers saw one heading right for them they rightfully assumed the worst according to reports the globe master was about 300 ft off the ground as it weaved between buildings many called the stunt irresponsible comparing it to 9/11 one local commented all it would take is one small mistake and those buildings and people would be toast then again the the Air Force would not have attempted the stunt if there was even a slight possibility of failure but how can you be so sure what if the pilot has a freak heart attack what if something goes mechanically wrong with the plane some stunts even if they seem perfectly safe are still too dangerous to risk May 25th of 2019 was a big day in Italy they were finally launching the triesta a multi-purpose vessel built for the Italian Navy it's an air aircraft carrier capable of handling short takeoffs for fighter jets and vertical Landings for helicopters and vtols it was such a significant event that President Sergio matella was in attendance Italian ship maker fincantieri began working on The Trieste 15 months before launch they and everyone else involved were eager to watch her finally set sail Al [Applause] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] the giant clumps you see dragging behind the ship are called drag chains they're like brakes that slow and stop a launching vessel as it moves into the water shipyards use drag chains during a slipway launch when the Waterway is too narrow for the ship to stop on its own the chains prevent the ship from running ground on the other side looking at the slipway on Google Maps you can see how little room they have to play with at the fincantieri shipyard The Trieste can sleep over 1,000 crew members and features a 750 ft helicopter Flight Deck it also has a floodable dock that's roughly 160 ft long by 50 ft wide this allows the ship to deploy amphibious vehicles and equipment to EU and NATO allies Washington State doesn't get that many tornadoes there have only been 134 confirmed storms since 1954 that's about two tornadoes each year but just because they don't happen often doesn't mean they're any less scary on September 8th of 2022 one of those rare Washington tornadoes touched down near this man's home lucky for him the storm was far away and didn't put his family in any danger so he did what any curious dad would do he pulled out his phone and began recording pison you better go downstairs babe just in case I don't care you never know which way it's going to go just go go I you got it on video go oh my God this is awesome finally something around here the meteorologists get right oh my God BR John I hope you guys are okay Jesus damn it come on it's hard to find information about about this storm but that's likely a good thing it means the storm didn't cause much damage or hurt anybody it likely tracked over open land before moving back into the clouds but our cameraman was right to send his family into the basement the storm could have changed Direction at any time maybe he should have followed his own advice then again this was a once- in a-lifetime Opportunity he didn't want to miss his rebellious teenage daughter can watch the video later say Dano Venezuela is a large municipality in the Central State of bolar it's home to about 67,000 people most of whom make their living farming and raising livestock and while there's good money in agriculture the real cash comes from the mines along the guamo river in 2012 the Venezuelan government sponsored a new mining project and began hauling hundreds of heavy machines toward the dig site including this 400 ton crane Unfortunately they could only access the area via a short incline it was just too much for the tow truck to handle [Music] the worker in Orange heard something go wrong with the tow truck the wheels locked up and no matter how hard the driver pumped the brakes they just wouldn't work he was doomed from the moment he started going downhill you can even see the driver behind the crane bail out at the last second he's lucky his truck didn't keep going or they would have had a bigger mess on their hands thankfully nobody was hurt during this accident it's unclear if the brakes failed due to human error or or mechanical failure Lakewood is a small City just outside of Denver Colorado it's home to about 155,000 people including one man who learned a valuable lesson about Karma next time he'll think twice before flipping off other drivers it was September 6th of 2021 a biker on a small motorcycle was caught on camera doing tricks on the road and driving rather recklessly at one point he got into a road rage fit with a driver of a white Chevy he flipped the Chevy off hopped onto the sidewalk and paid the price now he the sidewalk is he flipping somebody off or is that he's turning left no he's just I think he's just flipping Lake off oh jeez thankfully our biker appeared okay just embarrassed our cameraman's wife opened her door and asked if he was all right he said he was fine and then disappeared back the way he came watching the crash back again you can see where his tires start to wobble when he hits The Grass he would have been better off staying on the sidewalk until the next intersection instead he flipped Head Over Heels scraping his knees and elbows along the way but hey at least he was wearing his helmet grout jongin fontine is a small Coastal Village in the Western Cape province of South Africa it's about 217 Mi east of cap town and is one of the country's southernmost points in mid-september of 2023 a powerful low press system formed in the Atlantic Ocean it brought heavy rain and monster waves to the southern tip of Africa the wind blew between 50 mph and 68 mph leading to scenes like this one near the shoreline this poor person's car never stood a chance it looks like the car had already taken a beating before this video started it may have been closer to the water but was slowly pushed back as the tide came in once it ran out of space the waves carried it out like a bath toy according to reports 30ft waves were spotted crashing into the shores around Cape Town and jungin fony and it wasn't just the wind that made them grow so big the spring tide and new moon phase combined to create The Perfect Storm one wave was so massive that it struck and flooded a coastal restaurant imagine sitting for a Seaside lunch and the next thing you know you're underwater the Chena Glacier is a 12m wall of ice in Alaska you'll find it in the Prince Williams Sound located on the Kenai Peninsula it was named in 1905 after the nearby native Village of Chena Bay today it's a popular tourist attraction drawing kayakers and sightseers from around the world even though the water was freezing these two kayakers wanted to get as close as possible to the Chena Glacier they were hoping for a cing event which is when massive chunks of ice fall from the glacier and and into the water after waiting a few minutes they got exactly what they wanted perhaps even more than they bargained for woohoo at B cool for [Music] forward woohoo luckily our kayakers were smart enough to take the waves head on if they were sideways the water would have easily tipped them over they estimate that the largest wave was at least 10 ft tall it's not uncommon for cing glaciers to create tsunami waves all that ice falling in at once displaces the water turning Prince Williams Sound into a giant wave pool riding Glacier waves like this is extremely rare as there's no way of predicting a cing event if you're trying to ride one Pati patience is your only friend Giza Egypt is the third largest city in the country behind Cairo and Alexandria it's home to nearly 5 million people who get to Marvel at the world's greatest architectural Feats we are of course talking about the Great Pyramids and the Great Sphinx but not everything in Giza was built so gracefully on May 14th of 2020 a demolition crew arrived to tear down a dilapidated apartment building but then they had gutted most of the building the only thing left to do was hammer down the last wall unfortunately our excavator driver was too close when the building came down spee thankfully the excavator's cab kept him safe from any large debris everyone else was Far Away including the guy you see running as the building falls we're not too sure what their plan was it looks like the building fell in the intended direction if anything it was a little skewed to the right the tool you see him use is a hydraulic Jackhammer attached to the excavator's arm it's used in demolitions when explosives are deemed unsafe that said using a jackhammer means the driver has to be close enough to the building but far enough away not to be crushed it's a delicate and dangerous dance that demolition crews like this work with every day since humans learned to fly all we've ever wanted to do was push the limits instead of flying in the planes why not jump out of them better yet why don't we catch wind ourselves and go flying with a giant parachute welcome to the wonderful world of paragliding on June 26th of 2022 an Estonian paraglider learned that it's not always so wonderful something went wrong while he was flying through the air he lost control of his rig and gravity took over from there [Music] [Music] thankfully the wind carried our paraglider toward the trees the pine branches broke his fall and he settled between 10 and 20 ft off the ground it wasn't the ideal situation but it could have been much worse the pilot experienced a lockout event which is when the glider Falls to one side or the other and plummets toward the ground it's like when you're flying a kite and the kite suddenly jerks down and crashes like a brick if it weren't for those trees there's no telling how bad this lockout could have been every August Italians celebrate the Feast of St Rocco the patron saint of dogs invalids and falsely accused people he is famous for helping cure people during the black plague only to die of the plague himself in the 14th century the celebration typically entails a massive fireworks display in this rare clip from REO Italy we get to go behind the scenes of the 2017 show watch how professionals come within feat of these fireworks all in the name of entertainment this man's about to run out of fuel thankfully his buddy is waiting up ahead one more handoff and this crew is officially halfway done with the show the last man in line brings everything home eventually the finale gets too intense and he has to back off the official first day of St Rocco is August 16th his statue in New York is unique because it depicts him pointing to an open soar on his leg very few images of Catholic saints show any kind of Affliction or handicap which is why St Rocco is special to so many today his body is enclosed in a glass Tomb at the church of San Roco in Venice Italy back on July 10th of 2017 a tractor at a fair in New Brunswick Canada experienced quite the fail when its engine blew up up during a pulling event when the video begins you see the tractor rolling coal as it pulls the weight behind it a few moments later the engine explodes from the beating it was taking tractor PS are a fun spectacle you can find at fairs All Over America local farmers will bring out their strongest tractor to compete and see who can pull the heaviest load the farthest sometimes things go wrong but it's not usually as bad as this [Music] [Music] man this took place back in July of 2017 at a fair in Canada things were going fine at first but when things turned bad they really turned bad not only did the engine fail but the entire tractor snapped in half from it the driver was fine but the tractor certainly will be out of commission for some time I'm sure for those watching however this was the best show they've ever seen the Portuguese capital of Lisbon is among the oldest cities in the world it's actually the second oldest European Capital after Athens dating back to the the age of Julius Caesar and the ancient Romans they've seen centuries of technological innovation in that time from Donkey powered push carts to Modern aerodynamics on November 18th of 2007 a skilled pilot got behind the controls of an Airbus A310 the massive commercial jet took its first flight in April of 1982 25 years later it was maneuvering through the air like it was fresh off the assembly line watch how it makes a stunning low pass over this Air Show crowd in lisb [Applause] been oh [Applause] the Airbus A310 is 153 ft long and over 50 ft tall it weighs over 176,000 lb without people and cargo they're not built to perform stunts this pilot wanted to prove they could but a commercial airliner is one thing a fighter jet is a whole other experience in July of 2013 a Euro Fighter typhoon flew toward eager plane spotters at the annual wadington air show in Lincolnshire UK this pilot may have come in a little too low as he sent Spectators rushing for cover now we believe he landed safely on the the other side of that fence according to reports hot air from the ground may have caused the jet to descend quicker than anticipated the pilot was lucky he made it over the fence rather than crashing into it and we're not sure if this was a perfectly executed stunt or a dangerous close call longe be in Norway is the northernmost settlement in the world with a population greater than a thousand people it should come as no surprise then that the area is quite cold all year round here you'll find everything from massive glaciers to polar bears and everything in between back on June 9th of 2014 Travelers came to the small town to check out some of the sites for themselves they made their way to a spot to film a glacier and spotted a polar bear just hanging out with her cub as they filmed they noticed the glacier behind them was loose and moments later it broke free now it's safe to assume that polar bear is probably used to this by now but she still turned turned her head and eventually stood up to watch the collapse for herself she probably just wanted to make sure it wasn't coming near her in her cup if you ever find yourself in Norway make your way up North and make sure you bring a camera you never know what you might see air shows are an incredible time for all walks of life there's nothing quite like seeing the most Cutting Edge Aviation machines flying past you and hearing the roar their engines make but air shows are also known to have access from time to time back in 2011 a man was filming the f-16s at an air show in Wisconsin the first one landed without issue and when he looked over the second was coming in as well he panned back and caught this unbelievable moment on camera [Music] [Music] thought was taxing an awful didn't you huh huh the F-16 overran the runway and slid off into the grass as you just saw the pilot walked away uninjured but you can sure bet he's not in a good mood according to reports the damage from this mishap was a w in $5.4 million if you enjoyed this video and want to see another just like it then be sure to click the link on screen now as always thanks for watching and be sure to tune in next time
Channel: Underworld
Views: 2,694,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Underworld, Underworld channel, Top 10, Top 5, Facts, viral, recent discoveries, mystery, scary, 2024, unbelievable moments, storm moments, weather, caught on camera, incredible moments, best of 2024, ships, tornado, volcano, aviation
Id: JdctF0lHqS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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