47 Meals for $25 | EXTREME Emergency Grocery Budget Challenge | Easy Affordable Recipes | Save Money

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foreign [Music] hey everyone in this video I'm going to be doing another emergency grocery budget this is going to be a 25 emergency grocery budget challenge hopefully I can feed me and my family of six for about 25 I think this is only going to be about three to four days worth but for 25 I feel like that's really good we're trying to stretch out our dollar as most as we can in this video I am assuming that you have regular seasonings that you have salt and pepper maybe paprika um some type of butter or fat all olive oil something like that to help make these dishes so I think most people have those type of items in their Pantry so that's what I'm using in this video so let's go ahead and get started cooking okay here's all my groceries for this haul this came out to be really close to 25 is like 24 and some change so um I think this will get us about three days for a family of six so um let me just say I have some chicken I did get this half off um got some cheese got a discount on that this was half off so I think I have about three pounds here at I got them for like 70 80 cents a pound some tortillas these are 1.98 these were 3 12. this I got on sale for 50 cents these three I got these were 32 cents each so I have three of those for my three kids uh a dozen of eggs were 208 these I got for 50 cents these two were 72 cents I'm sorry 50 cents 50 cents and 72 cents um these are just some leftover potatoes that I had but I put this in the price um I think these were about two and some change for um all the potatoes that I have here I'm not sure that I'm going to use all these potatoes so we'll see how many potatoes I end up using for these meals um this was a dollar fifty a WinCo this was 41 cents at when yeah WinCo as well so I'm gonna try to do three breakfasts two lunch three dinner one of the dinners can be used for lunch breakfast number one is just this muffin mix um I kind of got crazy and the box like literally slipped out of my hands super fun and then I use egg and a tiny bit of milk there and these made about six muffins so I had three kids so fed them fine two muffins per and they don't eat a whole lot they look beautiful all right breakfast number one is on the table this should be enough for him but we'll see is that gonna be enough two I hope so so this is something that I really don't have a name for we just always call it chicken over rice because that's usually what we serve it over um I've made this in another video before too but this time I'm going to kind of make it Universal we're going to do it a couple different ways so this is the main course here so it's basically just two to three chicken breasts and then I do an ounce of dry ranch seasoning and then an ounce of taco seasoning a block of cream cheese and then I'm gonna put in a can of rinsed black beans a can of diced tomatoes or you can use rotels and then I'm going to use a can of corn and you don't have to drain it I like for my mixture here to be a little runny um and then it's gonna cook on high for about five hours and then I'm just using a meat Masher a meat Chopper whatever you want to call it and I am just shredding my chicken here and if you have the budget you can add more cheese I usually like to add more cheese to this but it's whatever you have the budget for and you can see it it is really creamy and cheesy so this the first the first meal that I'm going to have here I'm just putting this over rice so this made about 10 to 12 servings I believe of this chicken over rice and we had plenty more still left after that so we have this two different days I believe so we had dinner and then I think we had like a lunch that me and the kids had [Music] for the second breakfast I'm using the remainder 11 eggs that I have and I'm going to prep this for the rest of the week for well I guess for the rest of the couple days I'm gonna be doing this video for so I'm gonna use all these eggs and we're going to cook them up we're going to cook up some potatoes and this day I had burritos so all me and the kids had some burritos and then the other the next morning they had taquitos and they had that two days I believe as well so I didn't want to keep making the same thing for two other days as well so I just wanted to do it this day and get it done and over with I don't want to make extra work and extra dishes for myself so I'm just mixing this up and if you have the budget you can go ahead and add in some milk or some water to spread out your egg mixture to make your dollar go further and here is me I'm just dicing up my potatoes I used about four potatoes for this meal um and I'm just going to cook them up on my cast iron skillet you can use butter you can use grease you can use oil whatever you have on hand just go ahead and use it I like to use my bacon grease I like to use that up it is so flavorful so if you have bacon grease on hand definitely use it and I that's all that I have left kind of sad I need more bacon grease but I'm gonna go ahead and transfer my potatoes to my cast iron skillet and cook these uh these probably take about 15 minutes to cook up to get nice and crispy I like it when they're like extra crispy potatoes so and then I'm gonna season these with some salt and pepper and some seasoned salt and some paprika as well I love love love paprika so good so flavorful and then I'm going to go ahead and put the lid on I leave the lid on maybe about five or ten minutes and then I leave the lid off for like the last five minutes or so just so they get extra crispy and then while that is almost done I am gonna go ahead and get started on my eggs so I use about one to two tablespoons of butter I'm just gonna melt the butter on the pan and then just pour in my egg mixture I like to season it up with some salt and pepper sometimes I do paprika it just kind of depends what I'm making that day I guess I already have Paprika in my potatoes so I'm not going to add any paprika to to these eggs and I do not like extra hard extra fried eggs that's that's just gross so I just kind of cook it until they're kind of glossy on top and then I take them off and here's my burritos for my kids so I'm just plating them with some eggs and some potatoes I don't have the video for the potatoes because my son was videoing this really kids they're crazy and he's five so what do you expect when you give a camera to a five-year-old okay so the next meal we're just gonna do some taquitos I served this up for me and the kids about two lunches worth and um I'm just using the tortillas that I have and rolling them up and then I'm gonna spray them with some olive oil spray and I'm gonna put these in the oven at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes just until they're nice and crispy on top and I like to serve it with like some sour cream if you have sour cream or if you have salsa even like maybe some queso sauce anything like that I like to dip it in something but these turned out really well and the kids really enjoy them and they've never had these taquitas before so they I'm always in interested to see if they're gonna like what I give them but all three of them like them and it was a win for them [Music] what do you think of it bud it's really good you like it good deal what about you do you like it yeah is it the best good are you dipping it in your sour cream no no how is it yeah good and you like your tortilla he's not a bread person so weird I have some we had some chips in the pantry so I'll have a side yeah a little bit just a little bit of chips there okay now I'm gonna be making this chicken and potato bake um I just put this on a cookie sheet so like a sheet pan meal I guess is what you could call it but I'm just going to prep these potatoes get them all diced and cut and then I'm going to flavor it with some olive oil some salt some pepper some paprika just to give it a bunch of extra flavor I think I use garlic powder as well whatever type of seasonings that you have in your pantry that can season them just use what you have on hand um and I'm going to cook these potatoes first so I'm going to put these on my cookie sheet first and I'm gonna cook these for about 10 to 15 minutes so it kind of gets a head start um and then while that's cooking I'm gonna get my chicken ready and start marinating the longer that you marinate the better your chicken the better your meat is going to taste you're going to get a better flavor so um I'm just dicing this up and then I'm gonna basically do the same thing that I did to the potatoes and and then I will get it on that cookie sheet um that I have my potatoes on [Music] and then I'm just gonna season this just like I did with the potatoes garlic powder salt pepper paprika anything that would give it some extra flavor that you have on hand [Music] so now that my potatoes have been cooking for about 10 minutes I went ahead and just stirred up the chicken with the potatoes and we're gonna cook this for probably another eight to ten minutes and then we will put some cheese on top of that when that's done [Music] all right everything is cooked through the potatoes are nice and tender but we're just going to add some cheese basically just to melt it and then everything will be done and ready for dinner [Music] okay and here's what it looked like when it was all done we've never had this meal before but it was really really good I love that it's budget friendly the kids liked it my husband liked it it was a winner for sure if you have peppers I would definitely suggest putting some peppers in that meal as well to make it extra flavorful okay now I'm just going to make some breakfast taquitos oh so good so so so good I love breakfast taquitas and I love quesadillas I couldn't decide I was going to make quesadillas or taquitos but I went ahead with taquitos they are so delicious just use my leftover egg and and potato mixture that I had and made the kids some taquitos they all enjoyed them I like how these are really good for if you're like in a hurry you can just grab these and go and it makes the perfect breakfast for if you're in a hurry and I just sprayed it with some olive oil put in the oven 400 degrees for maybe 10 minutes maybe eight to ten minutes and they were nice and cheesy and delicious is it good is it good and for lunch that day we're just having some nachos with that leftover mixture that we still have and the kids I think like this the most they love nachos I mean what kid doesn't like nachos so I still have this leftover mixture and here I'm just plating this for them and I end up putting just a little bit of cheese on top of this as well and they all ate this so well and um I mean it was so delicious [Music] thank you for this last meal I'm just doing a chicken thigh and rice bake so super simple but I'm just going to add some flavorings I'm just going to add in some paprika some garlic powder and pepper along with some olive oil I'm going to mix this up it did take a little a little while to mix this up to get it all evenly mixed through um but after it was done mixed through I went ahead and put this in the refrigerator and I let it marinate overnight and oh my word it was so flavorful this amped this chicken up so much and we just had this with some rice and if you have in the budget to have like with a salad or some green beans some type of vegetable that would be so good thanks so much for watching and I hope you found some new recipes for you and your family subscribe so you don't miss the next video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Cookies & Bacon
Views: 6,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 47 Meals for $25, Extreme emergency grocery budget challenge, Budget, Challenge, Frugal, What’s for Dinner, Cook with me, Grocery haul, Shop with me, Grocery budget, Saving money, Grocery budgeting, Extreme budget, Meal planning on a budget, Eat for $10a week, Aldi grocery haul, Cooking recipes, Cooking videos, Budget 2022, Grocery haul 2022, Meals, Cheap, Food, Cooking
Id: NOctew8ITBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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