46 1 1 Through the Bible with Les Feldick Why Hebrews Was Written: Hebrews 1:1-10

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welcome to through the Bible with Les Feldick a 30 minute walk through the Scriptures teaching in depth Bible truths that change people's lives now here's your host les Feldick okay it's good to see everybody in again today and we always like to welcome our Oklahoma people from wherever they are I don't think we have anybody from out of state today that I'm aware of and for those of you out in television we just like to make you welcome as we feel that you're inviting us right into your living room or kitchen or wherever but for those of you who may be new to our program we are just totally independent nobody under writes this we do not hold to any one particular line and we keep it informal and we distrust that you'll search the scriptures with us and see what the Bible says you know I I don't claim to have all the answers I don't claim to be the only one that's right but hopefully we've been getting through to people that they're seeing things in their Bible they never saw before and we just give the Lord the credit for that so today we're going to be able to start finally in the book of Hebrews I just looked it up there today and it was six years ago that we started with Paul's letter to the Romans and over these last six years in we've been totally in Paul's epistles finishing up with Timothy and now we're going to go into which I think is also a an epistle of Paul although it is not directed to the Gentile or to the church but it is directed to Jewish believers Hebrews and there's of course always been a lot of controversy over this letter as to its authorship and as to its time of writing and so forth and again I'm not a theologian C so I don't have to get hung up on any of these big heavyweight arguments I just tell it what I think it is and that is that the Apostle Paul is definitely the author of the book of Hebrews and I'll show you in a minute why I am quite adamant about that secondly I've always felt that it was probably one of his earlier letters if not the earliest and then I read something this past week that confirmed that and that is that in some of the earliest more ancient manuscripts of our New Testament the book of Hebrews followed first and second Thessalonians now everyone has pretty much agreed that the Thessalonians were the first of Paul's writings and so if Hebrews in the ancient manuscripts followed second Thessalonians then that falls right in with what I've always thought that it is indeed one of his earliest letters and another thing I think we always have to realize now as we get into Hebrews there is absolutely nothing of church language in the book of Hebrews in other words you won't find a Roman road to salvation in Hebrews there is not a Hebrews road to salvation and so you say well then what's the theme of the book well the theme of the book of Hebrews is twofold number one we're showing a constant comparison of how this economy now under grace is so much better than anything that went before and we'll be looking for that over and over throughout the book of Hebrews that this is better yes the law was good but this is better and then secondly and more pre-eminently in the importance is that Hebrews is going to point out who Jesus Christ really is as God the Son and we'll be emphasizing that as we go through the book so those are some of the things that we want to use as an introduction to this tremendous letter to the Hebrews that it is not a book of church doctrine you won't find a single word in here about salvation based on Christ's death burial and resurrection you don't see any reference to the body of Christ you don't see any reference to faith + nothing as we see so often in Romans nor is it a book of correction and admonition like the book of Galatians and so it's just totally different in fact I'm going to compare this letter he brews with the Old Testament and I'm going to treat it much the same way and it is a book that just simply shows us even as you remember when I taught the tabernacle remember would always pointed out about the tabernacle that everything back there in Exodus that described the tabernacle the gold the silver the brass the wood the linen and the purple in the red and the white every jot and tiddle of the tabernacle was a picture of one way or another of Jesus Christ well the book of Hebrews is going to do the same thing it's going to just show us what a tremendous important personage Jesus Christ really is and you remember over the years I've referred to a gentleman who came up to my ranch house one day and asked the question who in the world is Jesus Christ well Hebrews is going to point it out very clearly all right now I said in the beginning of my remarks that I was quite confident that the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Hebrews and I use a comment from Peter 2nd Peter chapter 3 because we have to do everything as much according to the book as we possibly can now I had to tell someone on the phone again the other day that had a question about so many things you have to remember the Bible doesn't tell us everything we'd like to know but it does tell us everything that we need to know and so there are some areas where we just simply have to say well the Bible doesn't tell us and let it go at that but here I think we have ample proof from the pen of the Apostle Peter writing now just before he is martyred so at the end of yes Paul's days as well as Peters 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 15 and 16 I use them so often to emphasize Paul's Apostleship but now I'm going to use it to emphasize Paul's authorship of the letter to the Hebrews 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 50 or Paul ryouri to rights and a out that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you now I guess I should stop there a modem and let's qualify who are the you that Peter is addressing well come back to first Peter chapter 1 and there we see very plainly that Peter is writing to Jews not Gentiles not even a mix he is writing to Jews of the dispersion 1st Peter chapter 1 starting at verse 1 Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus Galatia so on and so forth so who is he addressing Jews of the dispersion who had already been scattered away from their home area of Jerusalem and Judea all right so now if you'll come back to second Peter 3 then Peter is letting them know that these people to whom he is writing had received a letter from the Apostle Paul and I read again the other day all the early church fathers never were aware of any other letter that Peter could have been alluding to this is the only one and so I think it just makes all the proof in the world all right they read it again account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you Jews see them then you go into the next verse if anyone is tempted and there are scads of them out there who do not feel that Paul's writings belong in our Bible I hear it constantly but here is proof even from the pen of the Apostle Peter inspired by the Holy Spirit like any other writer of Scripture that Paul's letters are all Scripture read next verse verse 16 has also in all his epistles see how plain this is that in all his epistles speaking in them of these things that is things pertaining to salvation in which are some things hard to be understood even Peter at his late date had a hard time comprehending some of these doctrines of grace that had come from the Apostle Paul but nevertheless he is still agreeing that Paul's writings now as you read on that they who are unlearned and unstable twists as they do also the other what scriptures now when you say the other scriptures after talking about Paul what does it make them all scripture and so Paul's letters by even the inspiration of Peters pen is still all Scripture so if anyone ever tries to tell you well I don't think much of Paul I don't think he belongs in our New Testament you just take them right to these verses this is as plain as it can get that Paul was just as much a writer of the Word of God as Moses or Isaiah or John or Peter or anyone else all right so back to Hebrews 1 we find then that this letter was most definitely written by the Apostle Paul probably early on in his ministry and the reason I say early on and we'll take you another one honey Romans 1:16 let's go to Romans 1:16 and then that'll I think confirm why I feel that this Hebrew letter had to be written even before many of his other epistles Romans 1:16 you all know what I'm sure but let's look at it and put it on the screen or Paul writes Romans 1 verse 16 I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it the gospel is the power now I'm not going to come back to this verse so remember the word power here and I'm going to be referring to it before the afternoon is over and so the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth and now what is the process Jew first and then the Greek now wouldn't it also make sense then that it would be the same order in his epistles that he's going to write an epistle to the Jews first and then to the Greeks alright so now when you come back to Hebrews chapter one we probably won't get further than the first word in this program and what is the first word gone God Tod gone just exactly like we start Genesis well let's go back to Genesis let's just compare Scripture with Scripture today we're going to take our time and this book of Hebrews may take us just about as long as the other epistles of Paul I don't know we'll we'll just have to see but we're not going to go through it fast but here in Genesis chapter 1 we have the same terminology in the beginning God Seetha alright now back here in Hebrews of course written in the Hebrew this term God and I think I'll put this on the board if I may this term is Elohim and Elohim in the Hebrew was a plural word when used with a small E it was translated gods with reference to the pagan gods and it was a plural term and so Elohim is not singular it's plural and so it gives rise of course to what we call the triune God now I'm not going to use the word Trinity because the first thing you know what people are going to write the word Trinity in in the mine well I know that it's a coin term and it's just one that everybody understands so I won't use it to satisfy those folks but whatever Elohim is a plural term for the triune God head God the Father God the Son and God the spirit all right now might as well put them over here on this side of the board then I'm going to put it horizontal because otherwise the danger if I put down like this they're going to say well the father is superior to the Sun the Sun is the period of the Spirit no they aren't they are all co-equal and so we have Father Son and Holy Spirit all equal in that term Elohim that triune Godhead now then this was all involved in creation absolutely it was but when we get to the New Testament we find that the second person of this triune Godhead God the Son steps out if I may use that kind of terminology and becomes then the creator and we've done this when we taught from Genesis and I guess I better do it even when I teach from Hebrews so here in Genesis 1:1 the triune God is reckoned as the Creator but now jump up to the New Testament and go to John's Gospel now I know I've covered all this in previous programs but we always have to be aware that we've got new listeners coming in every day and for others who only heard it once it never heard hurts to hear it again and so this triune God designated the work of creation to the communicator and then we see that now in John's Gospel chapter 1 John's Gospel chapter 1 in the beginning was the what word and what do you do with words you communicate that's the whole idea that in the beginning there was a person of the Godhead that would communicate he would express thought and things that happen all right read on the word was with god right up here in the triune Godhead the word was with god and the word was gone he was no less than the father no more than the spirit the three were co-equal in the Godhead and the word was gone now verse 3 all things everything was made by him now I'm a stickler for grammar and I'm always showing what modifies what well the verse here that all things were made by him is referring to the word up in verse 1 and so everything that was ever created was created by this person of the Godhead we call here the word now to again confirm that this is speaking of Christ or Jesus as we know him in the Gospel accounts drop down to verse 14 and the word the communicator this person of the Godhead was made flesh dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as the only begotten of the Father now later on if not this afternoon it'll be in our next taping we're going to look at this term the only begotten but right now I'm just going to let it set first so for the time being and so he has beheld as the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth that's the word oh now you come on over into Paul's writing then you come to Ephesians I guess would be the first one Ephesians chapter 3 and we can drop right down to verse 9 Ephesians chapter 3 verse 9 because I always like to have people see the scriptures all agree they all fit Ephesians 3 verse 9 where Paul writes to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God the triune again but the same God who created all things by Jesus Christ see how plain that is sure the Godhead was involved all three of them the Elohim of Genesis 1:1 but the son steps out and speaks the word and communicates to the nothing that was there and out came creation of the universe all right now let's go over to Colossians where Paul makes it even so much plainer Colossians chapter 1 and we'll drop down to oh I guess I better just take the time let's come in at verse 12 Colossians chapter 1 let's start at verse 12 so that we are sure that we know who we're talking about and Paul writes giving thanks unto the father who hath made us meet or as prepared us to be partakers of the inheritance now we'll be looking at that word when we get into Hebrews that we might be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light who speaking of God the Father has delivered us from the power of darkness and has past tense translated us into the kingdom of his dear what's the word son God lied now we're going to we're going to chase that word down all the way from Genesis through Scripture the word son after a while but we'll let that lay for the moment as well all right now then verse 14 in whom that is in the Sun we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sin now verse 15 here it comes to the part of creation who speaking of the son is the image of the in visible gone see the now was that mean this triune God of Father Son and Holy Spirit was never visible it was an invisible spirit and and it operated in the invisible but when the time came it was God the Son who stepped out and became then the visible manifestation of all three that's why in John 14 you remember when Phillips said show us the father and it suffice at us what did Jesus say if you've seen me you've seen the father why because Jesus was the manifestation of the invisible God hid all right read on so he is the image of the invisible God the Father the spirit and the whole and the son he is the firstborn of every creature in other words he was before anything was ever created he comes from eternity past and then verse 16 for by him by God the Son the one who became visible the one who was Jesus of Nazareth in his earthly ministry by him were all things created that are in heaven that are in earth whether they be visible or whether they're the invisible spirit world whether it's Thrones whether it's political power or whether it is ecclesiastical powers all the drones and dominions and principalities and powers you can't find anything in all of creation that was not created by the Sun everything was created by and for him see that now then verse 17 he is still the controlling power even after his work of the cross and having been risen from the dead he is the all-powerful God and by him then all things consist which means held together and so my the world today knows nothing of this for the average citizen of this world Jesus Christ is just a cuss word he's just somebody to be blaspheme he's someone to ridicule but all one day they're going to stand before him and they're going to drop to their immortal knees and they're gonna recognize that he was indeed the creator of everything everything never lose sight of that alright then you could on even go on and into the book of Revelation and I won't bother with that even Revelation says that Jesus Christ was the creator of everything and I can never emphasize that enough because so few people realize it my I've had people write and tell me they've been in church all their life I've had men who have been Sunday School teachers for twenty years and they never knew that these verses were in their Bible but here it is just as plain as day that he was the manifestation the visible image of the invisible God and when he appeared on earth he never gave away any of his deity except the glory and of course he picked that up again at resurrection but all listen this is what makes our gospel head and shoulders above any religion in the whole wide world there is not a religion on this planet that has the Creator gone as their Savior and Redeemer as we have see that's why we can we can express this with so much confidence we're not putting our faith in some dead gone we're not putting our faith in some idol we're not putting our faith in some far-flung philosophy we're putting our faith in the visible manifestation of the invisible God and one day we're going to see him face to face and we're going to be with him the scripture says for all eternity you know I've made reference this before in an amazing how the world will just gather by the millions to get just a glimpse of some famous world personality whether he be a politician or a religious leader or an athlete or whatever and they'll just about do anything just to get a little glimpse and then they use this person as an object of ridicule and they use the creator of everything as a cuss word and it is so disheartening but for those of us who believe and we can see from the scriptures from the Word of God that God the Son stepped out of the invisible god head and became then the communicator to whatever it took to bring all the things of the universe in to being and I guess in the half a second or so that we've got left we'll come back to Hebrews chapter 1 for just a few moments Hebrews 1 again and so this gone the same God of Genesis 1:1 the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit at sundry times and in different manners spoke in times passed on of the fathers by the what the prophets the Old Testament and so in our next program where we're going to take a look at why Paul admonishes us to study the Old Testament just like the book of Hebrews they're not a Roman Road in the Old Testament they're not a plan of salvation for us in the Old Testament there's nothing of the gospel of grace in the Old Testament but we study it and we rest on it because it's the building blocks that God has laid down just like a secular education my I've used the example over and over on this program how far would a young person get if all of a sudden without any previous education in grade school or high school you plunk him down in a calculus class at the university how long would he last not five minutes he wouldn't even be able to understand the opening remarks of the professor why because he has not had a building block of Education thank you for watching through the Bible with Les Feldick through the Bible is a partner supported ministry if this program has been a help to your study of the scriptures and you'd like to see others enjoy the teaching your support would be greatly appreciated write to us at les feldick ministries route 1 box 760 kinta Oklahoma seven four five five two or call one eight hundred three six nine seven eight five six remember all programs are available in printed form audiocassette and videotape be sure to tune in next time to through the Bible with Les Feldick you
Channel: Rome Gray
Views: 38,909
Rating: 4.7867804 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, bible study, Jesus, Les Feldick, book, to the Gentiles, Gods love, Holy Spirit, God, Jesus Christ As God, Resurrection Power, Paul Our Example, The Day Of Christ vs. The Day Of the Lord, The Day Of Christ, The Day Of the Lord, Hebrews, Jesus Christ (Deity), Through, Gospel, Truth
Id: UbpS8A7apbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2013
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