#458 FOUND IT! Then Found More Problems, Culverts, Backhoe, Pond

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so welcome back everyone Mike here it is just a beautiful afternoon here in Pennsylvania last night though we did have a few more storms that pass through then again this morning kind of on and off again rain but things really cleared up here this afternoon and the temperature dropped a bunch probably 15 degrees colder right now than it was about three hours ago but it's a pretty nice evening right now we have had so much rain over the last week let me show you something so about a week and a half ago daughter Hanna was working on a little project and she was using this wheelbarrow right here and she left it sit here but that's not the point the point is it is completely filled with water from just a week and a half's worth of rainfall I mean imagine you know what has fallen on this hundred acres here in the last week and a half it's unbelievable I've had a really busy weekend yesterday I went to help a friend of mine out he lives about an hour and a half south of us and I've known him for years but we had to replace a culvert underneath his driveway now they didn't get the rains that we got last week but this culvert it was kind of rotting out in the bottom and plus it wasn't quite big enough he's had times where water went over top the driveway so this one was a 36 inch pipe and he wanted something a little bit bigger but he couldn't go too big because his water line and sewer line went right over top of the pipe so he ended up getting like a 38 inch high I think like 48 or 50 four-inch wide like an elliptical pipe 40 feet of it and we put that in yesterday kind of had to reroute some sewer lines we did a ton of work it took about eight or nine hours to get it all done back filled we rip wrapped all the ditches I didn't shoot any video of that he had two pieces of rental equipment and we were kind of pressed for time it was we were really moving there all day long but we got it all done yesterday worked out really well and by the way the excavator that he rented was a gill I guess that's how you pronounce it GE HL never ran one before pretty nice machine it was about ten thousand five hundred maybe eleven thousand pound excavator with a thumb on it really nice so I never ran one before I was pretty impressed with it so I did that yesterday and then I came home we went to a graduation party for my nephew kind of got home kind of late from that then this morning Hunter and I made a trip to Ohio to pick up some fireworks for the big party that'll be coming up in about a month you got to be careful opening this door I got the whole back seat full this is just part of what we'll have for our 4th July party yeah there's a bunch in there we went to phantom fireworks over in Ohio as of last year fireworks like that are finally legal here in Pennsylvania however I still go over to Ohio to buy them there's 12 percent tax on them here in Pennsylvania no tax over there plus our fuel tax I think is the highest in the country here so I just go to Ohio save some money on the fireworks fill up the truck this new f150 by the way the tanks like 35 gallons or something like that I love it but anyway hundred I went and did that came home had some people come over this afternoon just been really busy but this evening I'm gonna head down to the pond if you watch some of those videos the other day I got a big culvert down below the pond and it's all filled in washed in from the storms that we had it's kind of a real mess so I'm gonna go get that cleaned out well maybe getting into a few other things but we'll just see how it goes alright I'm down here below the pond you see this little stream that's running down through here well that shouldn't be there that wasn't there last week what happened was you know had this flash floods up in the woods up there all this silt and sediment rocks everything washed down here plugged up a culvert that I have right over there and it streams just kind of making its own way right now so what I want to do here this evening is try to find this culvert and you know I was thinking this past week I've dug out a lot of them just in this past week it would be a good idea when you install these things they like take a picture of them and just have a file or something with pictures of where all this stuff is because you drive by it all the time you walk by it all the time but in a matter of a few hours when you have a flood like that everything changes and you don't know exactly where it is I'm thinking somewhere right in here I'm not sure but I'm just going to start digging with the Sherman here and see if we can't find it at least get that water to go back in that pipe I know where it outlets that I'm just not sure where the end of it is there's little four-inch French drain there but down in there yeah it's either 18 or 24 inch yeah somewhere right in here Oh before I forget somebody's been asking how you flip the seat up and spin it around on the arcade 24 you know to run the backhoe it's real easy just grab it by the front in the back and you kind of lift up and back like that and then under the seat here there's a little lever see that lever you lift it up and turn the seat like this ready to go [Music] no luck yet I got a pretty big hole right there that's for sure I thought that's where it was that I'm gonna go down look at the end see putting it a better idea you probably can't see there's a little bit of water running through the pipe now and it's real dirty so it's telling me what I'm digging is getting into it I got to be close [Music] keep digging I guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I found it I didn't hurt the pipe at all that's good there was like a plastic Inlet that hooked onto the pipe I bent it up a little bit but no big deal just glad I found it I think what I'm gonna do now is pull ahead a little bit get set up on it again pull some of this stuff back it should be good to go I'll have to wait to all this dries out a little bit though before I clean all this up that'll work pretty good for now boy is it a nice afternoon I would have liked to been down here when this was all going on well not standing right here that's for sure but it is just amazing how much water must have been coming down through here the good news is I can clean out all that silt and rock over by the arcade 24 and use some of that to fill all this in a little bit but it's just that water is all the way through here came across the dam on the pond crazy you hear people talk about hundred-year rain events I don't know if this was 100-year rain event I'm pretty sure it was but I can say for sure it was a 52-year rain event because that's how old I am and I never saw anything like it just discovered another little problem that is the overflow pipe right there the stand pipe it's running about 1/8 full something like that the other day it was running wide open and I thought oh I maybe the water no the ponds down everything's good but it's almost over the dam again so the stand pipe is plugged and I know I know I need to change all that but it needs to dry up a little bit first and I need to find the time so I think I'll take this little boat out this is a 10-minute boat I call it that because you have about 10 minutes in it before it takes on enough water that it'll sink so you kind of got a hurry yeah somewhere on in there is a standpipe about a foot and a half below the water level I'll go out there in that boat I think all I got down here is a little rake or something see if I can't find it it's probably just plugged at the top my worst seen better days wish me luck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I got bad news it's not plugged at the top it's plugged down in the pipe I have the rake down into pipe I'm not touching anything there is water going through it not enough as long as it doesn't storming in the next couple days I'll get her figured out I'll show you something while I'm down here by the pond just a little piece of woods I'm not sure if you ever saw this before or not now I may have been up in here one other time in a video it's just a beautiful stand oaks right here really nice well like I said earlier I got water coming out of it as long as it doesn't storm in the next couple days I'll get her figured out anyway it's gonna get dark soon I'm going to head up to the house and I'm gonna go over a couple more things when we get up there [Applause] here's one spot where the big storm actually helped me out a little bit this is a stream crossing here and then I got a trail this all needs brush hog this is actually what I'm gonna be using that I took some heat for that that hedge trimmer that I got Melissa that was kind of a joke but all this stuff that grows in like this it works perfect for that but I'll get in here sometime clean all this up but this is what I'm talking about everything wants to grow in and I did see those Lane sharks a lot of people mention that before yeah they work really well I just can't justify something like that for you know a few sections of trail where I need it yeah it would be nice to have but I don't really need one but anyway I'm getting off-topic this section of stream back here you would come down here on a tractor with a brush hog and you'd make this turn and it was about a three foot drop down in and back up the other side it was real steep and all that rock and sediment it's all filled in change the stream completely it'll make it easier to drive across so that's one good thing I actually thought before about putting a big culvert pipe in here like a three footer if I would have done that it would have been gone probably a mile from here who knows but uh yeah this won't be a big deal now it's gonna cut that out of there clean up that little bit of debris and I love an ice crossing here for the tractor side-by-side whatever am I gonna head up to the house I'll tell you what I get sidetracked pretty easy out here it's so nice out you know I saw several deer got a little bit of work done pretty nice evening oh I've been wanting to mention someone or I guess you could say give him a shout-out for a long time now old dog dreaming D AWG old dog has been commenting our videos and been a subscriber for a long time always has something positive to say something uplifting always shares a nice story just a great guy and there's people out there like that that comment on these videos and we really appreciate it you know when you kind of set out to put a smile on somebody's face that's good people right there it really is but anyway I think that's about it we're just gonna kind of keep plugging away at things around here we have a very busy summer planned we really do got all kind of stuff going on Bantam Jeep Festival this Friday I got my high school reunion in about a month our fourth July party we're gonna go out west this fall Paul Bunyan show in October Boonville New York for a show there Plus like five other things something like that but we're just gonna keep plugging away we'll get all this storm stuff kind of cleaned up it kind of put me about a month behind it really did because I got another week or two just to get things opened up again get everything back the way it should be but I gotta get to work on that Tower blind I just it's not enough hours in the day but it is what it is you just keep moving forward that's all you can do but anyway like I always say if you enjoy these videos please hit the like button click subscribe and share them with your friends Thanks [Music] you
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 73,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backhoe, flood damage, rk tractors, firewood, land pride, plugged culvert, kubota bx, john deere 1025r
Id: T-fwocK2rEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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