454 How to Build an Solar Battery Charger for eBike / Electric Bicycle

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Today I will show you a project with several  aspects. Even if you do not need to charge   batteries with voltages of 35 volts and above  using a solar panel, you will find learnings for   your projects. Or you enjoy that not only you  encounter some difficulties in your projects.   Grüezi YouTubers. Here is the guy with the Swiss  accent. With a new episode and fresh ideas around   sensors and microcontrollers. Remember: If you  subscribe, you will always sit in the first row.   My wife's sister asked me if I could build  her a solar charger for her bicycle batteries.   Without thinking and without having a concept in  mind, I said: Yes, I can. This should not be too   complicated. Right? Back then, I did not know  that this project would take more than a year.   First, I made a list of tasks: 1. I had to find the appropriate   plug for the battery 2. I had to hack the battery   interface. Because it did not charge when I  only applied a voltage to the two thick pins   3. I had to find a solar panel strong enough  to charge the 635Wh battery in less than a day   4. I had to boost the voltage of the solar panel  to the level needed to charge the 36V battery   The plug is from HiGo, and after a lot  of searching, I found their distributor   in Belgium. They sent me the “minimum” number  of 5 connectors, including short cables. I do   not want to tell you how much this costed,  including shipping. After all, it is for   my wife's sister and, therefore, essential.  Point one was solved in less than a month.   After doing some measurements, I found that the  battery started charging when I applied 5 volts   to this small control pin and that this pin is  connected to the green wire. And the maximum   voltage of the original charger is 42 volts.  Cool! Point two is solved. This was fast.   For the solar panel, I looked at these flexible  and portable panels. They are ok, but their   price/performance is not good. So I decided  on a standard panel with an aluminum frame.   The panel will be stationary, and its weight is  an advantage, as we will later see. So I went for   a 100W peak panel of eBay. It should be able to  charge a not fully flat battery in less than one   day, even if there is not always sun. 635Wh/100W  = 6-7 hours of solid sun. Point 3 is solved, too.   Then I came to point 4. How would you solve this  problem? First, I thought: Easy, I use a cheap   boost converter and boost the roughly 20 volts to  the 42 volts needed by the battery. As you see,   this works fine on the bench. I even added this  lovely volt and ampere meter. After adding a 5V   regulator to create the voltage required for the  control pin, I was ready for a test in the sun.   I connected this converter to the input because  its maximum input voltage is only 24 volts,   not the 42V of the converter's output. Unfortunately, it did not work at all if   connected to the solar panel. Do you know why?  Because the battery has a low internal resistance,   it acts like a short. And what does the boost  converter do if its output is nearly shorted?   It tries to draw the current from the solar  panel, of course. And the solar panel?   Unfortunately, solar panels have such a curve.  If the current is reasonable, they keep their   voltage. But if it is a bit higher, the voltage  drops rapidly till the booster switches off.   Then, the panel's voltage increases, and the whole  thing starts over. So, what to do? I exchanged the   boost converter with one where I could limit the  output current. Excellent! This works if we limit   the current to a level below this bend. But what  happens if the solar radiation is a bit smaller?   Then, the curve is reduced, and we are in the  wrong spot again till we adjust the potentiometer   to a new level. What we need is an MPP tracker. Because the project already was quite expensive, I   tried to go cheaply. And because I read some good  reviews, I ordered this Solar charge controller.   It sometimes is sold as MPPT but usually as a  PWM controller. At least it has “MCU control”.   I hoped it would produce “optimal” power at the  output for my boost converter. When it arrived, I   discovered that it does not work without a battery  to charge. Only connecting the boost converter   did not work. So I added the LiFePo4 battery I use  for my transmitters. Now it worked. The controller   charged the battery, and the boost converter  charged the bicycle battery. Exactly as planned!   I even was able to get good power. Do you see the  next problem? Yes, you are right. This battery is   much smaller than the bicycle battery. When there  is not enough sun, the small battery discharges   fast and switches off. Not exactly what I need.  Also, this controller is not very good. It seems   it only “chops” the current from the panel to  the battery. This is why they call it a “PMW”   or “pulse width modulated” controller. The effect:  The panel's voltage is way below its maximum power   point, and its power is only around 50W. I am  moving in the wrong direction! Only 50% of the   expected power, and because of the needed battery,  the price of this setup is relatively high.   So I need a better solution. But how  does it look like? And where to get it?   Before starting KiCAD to create my own design,  I again searched AliExpress. After some time,   I found this device: An MPPT controller  with a boost, not a buck converter.   These are pretty rare. After all my setbacks, I  was very skeptical. Nevertheless, I had a promise   out, and my wife asked from time to time about  the project's status. Of course, she did not want   to know the details, just a date when it would be  ready. So I hit the “order” button. Because of the   new “15 days delivery time”, the controller came  fast. And, because spring is here, also some sun   is available for testing. But one problem has to  be solved: I need 5V for the small pin. As before,   I wanted to use the buck converter connected  to the solar panel. But other than before,   the input and output ground of the boost converter  is not connected. On the PCB of the 5V converter,   however, ground on the input and ground on the  output is connected. So my small converter would   shorten the two grounds and probably draw  a high current. Not exactly what I want.   As mentioned before, the maximum input  voltage of this 5V converter is only 24v.   So I cannot solve the problem by connecting it  to the output. So, what to do? Again, not easy.   I needed some insulation between the grounds.  I remember buying very strange power supplies:   5V to 5V DC. I no longer remember why I bought  them, but fortunately, Aliexpress keeps all my   orders in its database, and I could verify that I  should have a few of them somewhere in my lab.   After searching a bit, I found them in one of my  many boxes. I connect its input to the 5v of the   converter and the output to the control pin  for the battery. Now I am sure the battery is   protected, and the converter is not shortened. After adding some heat-shrink tubes,   everything is ready for a test. I connect  the solar panel to the converter, and really,   it shows around 20 volts input voltage. The  display does not flicker in reality, BTW. It   is because of an interaction with the camera. I can adjust the output voltage to the needed   42 volts. We are on the right track! But  what happens now? The output voltage is 0V.   Only if I press the buttons, it is 42  volts again. But only for a few seconds.   Not what I expected. It seems I got a  defective device, and all my hopes are gone!   This is the hard life of an engineer. And the  even harder life of a husband who must tell his   wife that she has to tell her sister that the  man she married is not as helpful as expected.   But before I give up and file a dispute on  AliExpress, I connect the bicycle battery.   Look what happened! The voltage is around 40  volts, as expected from a half-empty battery.   And even better, currents are flowing.  So the battery is charged. Not too much,   but it is early in the morning. So maybe  my reputation is saved. And at least in low   sunlight, the converter behaves much  better than all my former designs.   So let’s wait till noon. Now we have nearly full sun. Look at that.   The voltage is almost 20 volts, and more than 5A  flows into the charger. Nearly 100 watts. And it   is only April. Cool! Like that, the battery will  be charged till the evening. Exactly as promised.   And really, after a few hours, the battery  switched off charging. Is it really full?   Let’s check with the bike. Yes, it reached  nearly 100%. The missing few percents are not   the responsibility of my charger; the battery does  it also when charged with the original charger.   After all the setbacks, I am happy with this  converter. It does what I expected. It varies   the input voltage all the time to find the  sweet spot for maximum power, as you see here.   With minimal sun, it regularly starts at around 15  volts and searches for the best point. The output   voltage is precisely what the battery needs,  but there is hardly any current flowing because   the panel cannot deliver. This is proof that it  is also stable at the lowest radiation levels.   But I must add two things to the to-do list:  The controller must be protected against rain.   And more important, against thieves. Frequent  viewers of this channel know precisely why.   But this is work for the partner of the  sister of my wife. He is a mechanic and   much better suited for such problems. And he  probably also wants to prove his usability…   So finally, this story has a happy ending.   My wife is happy, and I can  continue with my next project.   This was all for today. As always, you find  all the relevant links in the description.   I hope this video was useful or at  least interesting for you. If true,   please consider supporting the channel to  secure its future existence. Thank you! Bye
Channel: Andreas Spiess
Views: 66,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 76KzONEV5gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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