45 minute Clean with Me! Full Time Camper Living 2021~

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i have big cleaning plans for today [Music] [Laughter] hi everybody so our home is really really messy right now and it's summertime we are busy every single weekend we have plans so since i own my own business and i can control my work schedule i am taking today to be a big big cleaning day i have really high motivation right now i hope that it sticks throughout the day and i want to get a lot done so uh it's really messy in here right now and i wanted to clean up and make it more presentable for you but i'm trying to resist the urge i'm just gonna show you real life what it can be like living in a camper it's such a small space we have a toddler we have four pets and you know it's hard to keep up sometimes we've been really busy and having fun outside but here i go i'm just gonna show you what's up okay here is what our camper is looking like right now it's a tuesday luna is hanging out inside because it's way too hot out there right now so we have dishes to do a lot of them and some dead flowers in the window i need to replace and lots of laundry and stuff thrown about the floor i have my gym bag hanging out there the diaper bag laundry some paper plates who knows like it's all just hanging out on the dinette this site is clean we usually sit on this side when we eat dinner uh there's just little pieces of laundry from this morning i will show you raymond's room it's generally like not as messy in rey's room we try to like just keep it to toys and stuff and i think it's normal for kids rooms to be a little bit messy his bed is here we have some floor space which is really nice got some dog toys some kid toys and i was laying here cuddling with him last night before bed so his room isn't too bad but it always is fun to organize his toys the bathroom i think probably needs organized and a good cleaning we'll get some good clorox wipes and lysol going on and the part i'm least excited to show you is my bedroom we always leave it to last it is always the most messy this is our nice front door um hey brimstone you sleeping it's too hot outside to be out there huh we're just lazy inside with mama okay our closets and our clothes okay how cute is that i mean come on they love it in here they find all sorts of fun places to sleep ah i need to do laundry i need to do a lot of laundry i'm gonna feel so much better when this is cleaned up don't you think buddy i'm gonna feel better yes it's gonna be a good day all right let's get to it [Music] well now [Music] that i love you so much [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] need you yeah much [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't fight [Music] down [Music] in my mind [Music] down [Music] bye [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] wondering [Music] thankful i'm [Music] is [Music] this [Music] is [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] i [Music] and your heart makes no sound i'll find valid in your eyes he'll always be my night sky [Music] you'll always be my nice guy [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you [Music] in your eyes [Music] be my night sky he'll always [Music] he'll always [Music] [Music] i get lost inside my thoughts and when i start to [Music] can we stop this gravity it keeps bringing me down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i forgive the pain you gave to me so long ago sleepless nights i laid awake just begging to let go i almost got to suicidal thoughts when you stepped in an angel sent from heaven [Music] and i can't see the ground can we stop this gravity it keeps bringing me down [Music] [Music] um [Music] gravity [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] gravity [Music] [Music] we [Music] hold on [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] it'll [Music] hold on [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] when it hurts like this [Music] that can never change it's [Music] when it amazing like this [Music] [Music] when it hurts like this [Applause] [Music] it's amazing it's uneasy [Music] [Music] when it hurts like this [Music] [Music] and i've been chilling watching the ocean with you baby up with a slow motion crew and we open our clowns when people change but not us and we just chilling kicking it kiss by the sun could be soaked to the skin [Music] and i don't need to speak [Music] tied up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] i know we got the good vibes [Music] [Music] or sing away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] play me like a bass guitar [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] people wow [Music] right [Music] good [Music] two [Music] yes [Music] well [Music] people [Music] [Music] if you don't [Music] if you don't wanna change i can help you out i can help you out i can help you out i can help you [Music] if [Music] if you don't [Music] [Music] i can help you out i can [Music] help you [Music] ain't no place do [Music] i can help you out i can help you out i can help you out i can help you out i just can't let you go lord knows that i've tried to you said i was the only one no one likes being like you [Music] you made this mess and left me with the pieces i've been working really hard in the camper and so i decided to do something fun i'm gonna go out to the pasture on the four-wheeler and pick some wildflowers for the vase on my table so giving myself a little bit of a break for something fun but it's really hot out here so it's a hot break but uh the daisies out there are beautiful so i'm gonna pick some daisies [Music] today can't focus [Music] lately [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] but we don't [Music] between us i can't focus [Music] lightly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i just [Music] i just [Music] i just [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] i just need [Music] all right i am really tired and i've gotten a lot of stuff done i haven't gotten everything done that i wanted to i haven't even got to the bathroom yet um i still have to go get the laundry from the laundry mat it's in the dryer right now um but i am really hot and starting to slow down i'm really happy with what i've done so far i'll show you guys my progress um hopefully we'll get some more stuff done but my husband and my son they will be home in about 30 minutes so i'll probably have to take a pause on cleaning which is okay and um we're gonna make some dinner together spend some fun time together and maybe after raymond is asleep me and zayn can fold the laundry and things like that [Music] music keeps [Music] me music [Music] [Applause] [Music] music he's been dancing [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] [Music] music keeps me [Music] dancing [Music] [Music] uh [Music] rain crashing down all around this empty town we're searching for the lost and found but you don't care you're unaware keep moving like the scars aren't [Music] that's why i gave you everything [Music] when you cried for me [Music] oh [Music] like [Music] [Music] away my fears [Music] hope for us because i believe the home was just [Music] me [Music] um [Music] [Applause] i'm gonna do this on my own no points in blaming you you did not know [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] i thought you were the one for me that's why i gave you everything how would you close by the stormy season you meant the [Music] okay we are just finishing at the end of a very long day we are making the bed and putting clean sheets on the bed for the night zane goes to bed before i do so he was getting ready here to go to sleep we had a lot of fun um having dinner and playing with raymond seemed like he had a good day at daycare and i'm really really glad that i took the day off of work so that i could prioritize our home and take this time to just clean up i love that rewarding feeling at the end of a long day when your home is clean and you can light a candle and just sit down and enjoy your space i wish that it would stay clean longer but with our living situation right now it is really hard for me to achieve this feeling so i'm so glad i took this time today i hope you do too thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Henely Homestead
Views: 76
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: clean with me, full time rv living, full time camper living, full time camper life, 1 hour clean with me, summer 2021
Id: Gjx0tbKoeeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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