45 - Even Shelaima - Shechita & Shiluach Hakahn - Inyanei Teffilah (Harav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

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yes so today's sh will beas Sim maraam uh who still okay you still in your okay we're in the peric test and uh almost almost almost finished with the peric yes so the last thing we had mentioned we had looked at cimo uh just to review the very last thing we had mentioned that even though we say tilila takes the place of Corban but were only brought byan only could do the so maybe only kohanim should why why do we takes place of so a so he says like this he says the on all of Israel but allows the to be and it's a it's a where only the is allowed to do the I'm not allowed to in fact if aor aor is a non does the there's a uh which is something I'm allowed to do now you can't ask theha oh I'm not in a Corban therefore why do I have to D the answer is I am the so on I don't need I got to do it myself so I think I had mentioned as a just to go over this again that this L that theim is actually a sh in the gor itself the gor has a shilan meaning the is on us and they're acting as our or a simply gets his power from AES it's a and the gar Mas actually is are not because you can't make a sh on something that you cannot do yourself because sh means I give you whatever I want to be Mish my wife so I have a actually I shouldn't say it that way but say it a third party a person wants to be mish's wife so he has a of G so he gives to the sh is I want to be kind of something so I give to you theay to be kind for me but something I can't do myself I have no K to give over to you so the gamar says it's not this is not St the itself says it's not for a to be a is because how can is make a sh on something that the Israel himself cannot do so because of this the is the other way are simply of the they are not of the Israel so it's interesting that the G is using here uh a a a that thear itself rejects the here is the co is doing in the which is why we are in because really we but the is we sayah it's a bigger mitzvah for you than your so that's a bit of a and I see that the um well it's interesting how these things are alluded to meaning the source of the gant's explanation is the Von's commentary on tun and then it just says check out so you know we would pass over that I don't I don't check every reference itself I I just happened to know the D is exactly the where thear says the opposite of what the Von says so sometimes the word is a very powerful word it's that everything you just read is a from from from another from another Gar so so the M um the ma of these teachings the EV his father on it put in just to be moram to the fact that the is actually very difficult based on the gor in okay um so bottom line basically is that we DAV because the is on us therefore the is on us and on we say better to yourself because so it's interesting what is the uh if um I can't see is very very unique we have a special Tak called K right the repeat so why does the repeat the or well there's the original reason then there's the Contemporary reason the original reason was because there were people who didn't know how to D remember they didn't have sedor in those days right so he didn't he didn't know the words they didn't know the words so the would be Mighty Inon those people who were not able to DAV on their on their own so let's ask a few questions here so question number one is so if I'm I don't know how to read I don't know the ding so I I can be say with now that does require I stand up and it also requires that my legs be together in other words I have to beate the same way I would be standing in Shimon so you can't use if I missed right I'm supposed to repeat right so can I say okay well I'll just wait when the says I'll have to be would say no it has to be an all or nothing meaning you can only be if you're being the whole you can't be the part that you missed you missed something right Etc now it could very well be like this it could be that if you missed y so instead of ding over again you could be to be the whole that's different than what I said what I said you can't do is you can't just say I'll have but if you'll have for the whole and you stand up with your feet together of course what do you that's going to take you as long as as just saying the but you could use karat for that particular particular Rion now what about if a person person is a Bucky like most of us you know we know at a doer we have a sitter so can I just decide hey I'd like to have do it for me words can I just Skip and say I'll so the answer is no because was only a for an for a buy we go back to the old idea you can do it yourself you don't need a but you would be even works for a Bucky now one could ask interesting questions because LEL by KES we have a different rule by KES the rule is that somebody can be might and KES even if I'm a Bucky L right we don't say oh you could be Mighty me and kidish only if I don't know how to how to say it we say you could be Mighty and according to the gr by the way it is preferable for the balabas to be Mighty people than for each person to do it by himself because heas that's called by one person being mighty it's ran so you already see that Shon is different than other things by we only allow a buy is not allowed to rely on even though the ID it would be good by ofes number one for sure an ano Bucky can rely on it and the vill go says that's even better than doing it himself now here's another nuda you can only sayar if there's a minion if again does that mean you have to have no the counts for one for sure does that mean you have to have nine people who AR answering or just nine people in the room and you can only have six people who are answering right that's Aus how do you count Dominion for there are different sheas if you P should need nine people who are answering or just six people who are answering but you need a minion if you don't have a minion you cannot do Kar well what does that mean let's assume I'm a guy who doesn't know how to read and I want you to be might me in unless it's you can't do that so you see another idea that the principle of sh that that works by KES it works by abdalah it works by benching you could bench for me it actually doesn't work by is a special only when there's a minion it's to be Mighty so thei says the idea is that because it can't be done through because every person has to do his own ra they were make so the idea of sh does not really apply to the same way it applies to other Mitzvah because sh only works when you are in the gter of it wouldn't work without a meaning I cannot DAV you unless I'm a in a minion so what does that mean so let's say a person cannot D and he needs someone so really the only AA is he has to rep repat mil in other words I cannot DAV for him I say the words he repeats the words after me that's different than Kish when I say Kish for him he doesn't have to say the words right I say the words for him and we have the principle sh if you listen with kavana you're y but fora it has to be Mila mil which actually means so the question is let's say somebody cannot talk let's say somebody's mouth is shut so there's not really a Tak that I could DAV for him because I cannot be might uh he would have to be Mighty himself so the only thing he do he'd be he's an so his thinking of the words would be considered to be so I could say the words and his thinking so he's not say because of my am he's say because of his her I know semantically that's the same thing basically but it is a different process it's not because my it's because with his where it's not for him for him to say it so by the way we have the same story even in where when you have a minion I can be but you'll notice right there's when the reaches so we say a paragraph of also thanking Hashem so why do we say so the bring down the idea that when it comes to gratitude you can't be with somebody else even if he's Ming me and everything else when I say thank you to Hashem it has to come from me therefore we have a separate that says okay all righty so that's uh the that and again it is contradicted by the garor I don't have a terit but the one thing I'll tell you for sure is that the G would would have a ter or did have a if he did have a ter would have a ter I don't think that oh we got the vard in aasha you know he forgot the garar I assure you that uh that is not that is not what happen Okay uh we're up to uh says yeah this is very interesting right we we often doen for people usually because they're sick but they could be for any reason they could be in prison they could be in trouble right so I DAV for a person and I right and I say for a person and then I say either so the is if a person is sick or a so that's when in the name of the mother so it'll be you know somebody B the mother uh if it's for parnasa or for reasons that are not connected to sickness or physical danger so Asam have the Min that they use the father and so we use the mother for sickness or danger and we use the father for other things many use the mother in all because the mother is therefore you're you use the mother's name uh and the like but thear but the big problem people often has is I don't know the person's name I don't know his name or or even more so I don't know the mother's name I don't know the father's name or the like or the person uh is uh only uses an English name right I know his name is George I don't know if he has a Hebrew name or whatever it is so what do you do so said there is a gamar that says when you're M on somebody you don't need to use their name at least if you don't know it the says it because hasem knows who you're talking about meaning to say it's not to use the name so that's fine but here the gr says something very very sure and and I don't understand this either the gr seems to say the gumar L is you don't have to mention his name which could very easily mean if you know the name you should mention it if you don't know the name you don't you know it's still a but the gives us why it's better not to mention the name and he says hatu a without a name might be more Mak than a with a name why is that this way are not going to check his records the concept is when you're Miss pel for a specific person and you mention the name right let's say whatever it is yov or yov the mother so the go to the file cabinet and they take out all the files about yov Ben and they look through it to see what what are the AAS what are the mitzvas and you have Prosecuting attorneys called M Who present the negative side of the case you also have but you got the whole picture and I don't want the whole file to come out I'd rather the file not come out so the gr says apparently when you D without a name Hashem knows who you're talking about but the Angels don't know who you're talking about so they don't go to the file cabinet if they don't go go to the file cabinet you're totally at the mercy of God so God will be Ian God knows the whole file but without the m is and therefore there's a certain mil in without a name because that prevents going deep into his because the don't take out the file so you don't have the MRI this is a actually very very fascinating s but I mean I I don't get it I mean if this is the S it shouldn't just say you don't have to mention the name it should say you shouldn't mention the name now it's a that you mention the name I mean that's we we look for the name so I I don't I don't see how this matches up with the that we use in according to this we would tell the person don't use a name and that way there's not going to be what's called an so we'll leave that as a question but but it is a a little bit of a on on on the grow once again um I have no problems that the grow would have no problem answering this but at least here no ter is presented to that and yeah what mention the name for for sure everybody does I mean I mean when we pray for a we ask for the name I mean every do that them do that so I'm just asking according to thisor would be better not to ask for a name you know mentioned to me yeah what do they the gr I didn't know where it was until today yeah not to mention the name oh oh oh oh so you're saying maybe the okay right one Alo maybe that's I'm going to check in the my so that's the terorist the gr hold you don't mention okay that would fit if that's what the grow holds then that fits beautifully this explanation laa we don't POS me like that at all we gotas to mention the name um in fact uh different gum at different times is very interesting they Hades are a very extraordinary sensitivity that when they would get a they would get a piece of paper that says please because of this they would look at it and say are you sure this is the right name because they felt that they needed the right name to have a a better channel to Shay and if they could sense that theira was not was being blocked in some way it could be they had the wrong the wrong address the wrong uh the wrong name uh and and and the like and uh unfortunately you know there are uh you'd be surprised how many people don't really know their name or we don't know their name correctly because uh they were named one thing at Birth and then later through life they go through two things uh the Cuba is one thing and something else is another thing and uh all right spelling is less important spelling is very important in to get an in as long as you pronounce the name you know it doesn't make a difference if you spelled it with a or a sin uh but uh names are a big issue people often often don't have the right names don't know your name yeah I don't remember exactly but wasn't there a certain nation that disguised thems as another nation in front of clol so they ra for the wrong yep that that that's correct uh that that's Thea with amalik it says that um when aren died and the scattered so it says the cananim attacked us and mosu prayed May hasem deliver this nation into our hands so Rashi is Mas from Kaz these were not cananim these were amim this is the second time amalik attacked us but amalik knew that when they attacked us the first time Anda was was pil again so they disguised themselves as so that would pray for victory from Canan and it wouldn't be a valid F against them M apparently didn't know they are malim but he knew they weren't Canan he knew they were someone they were disguising themselves so he was mispel to Hashem deliver the nation to us whoever it is so you're right and I think that's consistent with the grah meaning even if you don't have to mention the name if you mention a wrong name maybe it's worse uh so that that could explain the idea of a to a to in the in the name explain what he was saying before about um certain certain no to say the father's name is the mother's name yeah so so the concept is that uh since the mother normally I mean there are exceptions individually but normally the mother is the more compassionate feeling parent uh even though we say in the in the that God's Mercy is like the father's Mercy but the mother is associated with ra so therefore when someone is in physical danger they are ill they are sick or they're in prison or or you know there's their life is in danger so we want to be M the maximum raim so uh we invoke the mother's name right so that's why we we look for the mother's name uh and even if it's a g for example his mother would be Bas baso however when it comes to parasa so even though that's important you it's not that it's important you also need ra but it's not as urgent so the normal we go with the normal D of father but many hold hey if you need R you need ra what's the difference if it's Sakana or it's parasa so they use the mother's name uh in virtually all FAS not all but many F used a mother's name uh what is your you use a mother's name yeah yeah so that's only use the mother's name in fact they never use the mother's name after the person is nifter once the person is nifter so even if you know when you were praying while they were alive you use the mother's name once the person is NI you go back to the father's name again many many use the mother's name for a a as well so these are these are truth is you're allowed to use both parents' names uh uh yes it's not so much the minute but uh well in the modern Orthodox World they always want to use both names because they always have to be equal but but but but but the EMS is even among even in the more traditional communities some had the Min Ana for example to use father and mother it's and other if one were to do that it wouldn't be an accusation of modernity it there is a mck in Mina to use the father and mother's name in a in a m okay um yeah so this is the idea of Sheamus we could talk a lot about names I don't want to digress into names generally you know everyone knows Rim ky's famous famous sh that he was against like virtually all the modern names he say names have to have to be m in clel you don't invent new names that are not based on tanak or whatever so even things like Shir Shir is a common name I think a relatively common name he was absolutely against Shir uh zahava like any any modern name he says you don't do those things uh and he even told people they had to change their name so a person named his daughter a famous story who knows if it's true but it may be true it sounds like it might be true that he named his daughter Shira because she was born the week of shabas sh so he told her you know because my daughter Shir he says why are you using Shir what type of name is Shir he says well she was born shabir so he said she would born born Paras par you would call her par he yeah I I my guess is that probably is a true story that had a a bit of a biting biting sense of humor again all po agree with him about no no no no no no no nobody nobody agrees with him uh what I'm saying is he was he was extraordinarily M on Sheamus now as G often said they said if R told you something you better listen to it meaning like this they didn't say every everybody has to follow but the always said if he said it to you you better follow it uh so another example would be growing a beard he was extraordinarily M that even a single person has to have a a beard so there was a m about a guy a family a from family he was not like he came from Gus of religious Jews but their Min was that they didn't have beards so he got married uh apparently he and his wife were struggling with fertility problems and um he went to R for and rim says if you grow a beard you'll have children so apparently this was a very big issue for him this was not the Messi's parents would hate it whatever it is he said I'll do anything I learn sh anything but that anything with that said no he says you're not going to have children unless you have a beer so the guy started crying so the the children's children of's family were saying you know he's a man B like why is T why is you know so cruel so he says a I said he has a beard he'll have children says what's says what's he bothering me what he says I'm not I'm not holding him back from anything you know he they'll have a beard he'll have children but I don't know you know I don't know the end of the story I I don't know is it the he didn't have he didn't have a beard didn't have children or he had a beard had children I don't know but the guy was crying and the guy was begging and this was a front person he was it wasn't like keep shabas and he'll have children I mean have a beard and but was very Mo so he had he had um certain hes and as Rin said to somebody listen you hear a m that said you have to have a beard that that's not M of you to do that but if he told said it to you he says it would be very dangerous not to listen so you have to be and that's why the M says this is a HRA that people said don't ask shilas of gim unless you're ready to live with whatever they tell you okay meaning if you're mlet that you won't be able to do a certain thing if you're told then don't ask if you don't ask you're you're relatively safe so to speak you don't have a direct pck on you once you have a direct pack on you you're kind of stuck right so if you don't know uh if you if if you're mopic what he'll tell you and uh one of the STM that you wouldn't be able to live with then it's actually better not to ask not to ask the Shila in such I mean this is already the realm ofes and go so so he was into we had certain hakas about names hakas beards these were things that he was very very strict now L it's interesting that the makalum of Italy you know Italy had uh many many great makalum right after the in fact Italy was the first country after the the cabala of the AR got to Europe via Italy and then it spread to other to other countries so one of the very famous famous famous mualan of Italy uh uh was not a direct tet of the but two generations removed was Rao poano is the city in Italy he's called the ramao you may have heard of a very very he was a big p also but a very very famous M ra he wrote the many many other other and ramano happened to also be very very wealthy uh he was a friend of r K and in fact he financed he paid for the first printing of the K of mishna and I I believe maybe even the B so he was a g as well he had but uh later there were other Italian mual the ramal was an Italian M although he lived in Anam then came to AR Israel but the ramal is from Italy also luto is an Italian Italian name so what's interesting is the Italian makalum had a M that you didn't grow a beard was only it was like that when you're not in you're supposed to be and therefore the Italian didn't have a beardo he said didn't have a beard I think they say the ra until he came toel the last years of did not have a beard and this was the inion of the mum so since this does not fit the modern cons perception of how a is supposed to look so they have paintings of RA uh in which the beard was added on you can see it was added it was PR added on because the picture was without a beard but what you have a guttle without a beard what what so they just they just added the beard you know different different things sometimes they have um old Haas that were used to be Illustrated with pictures of women the women were not 100% s whatever it is so they they had you know added different things to them uh and the like uh sometimes there were even who took the position that when they were not learning Tyra they didn't have to cover their head again in Haka there were such sheas so they added yamus to the to the pictures later later and the like H in his um in his school say yes which had SEC they had secular studies too says the students the boys did not cover their did not wear yamas for the secular studies in the in in the ISA goofa he only only had to have reason for that I'm not I'm not sure unless they were yeah what's the big deal I mean you know you're in you're in your own Yesa you're not you're not going among the go um I'm not sure it doesn't make sense to me because the the T already brings that it's a that do not go it is a right I mean if Y is a it's a only because of meaning the only is to cover your head when you're fact even learning TR is not so P that you have to cover your head daving when that's covered but so why do we wear keep all the time so the T brings down not to go without a to remind yourself you know in fact even they say is a bit of a garbled version to have reference for the m so why ref first to make a point of not wearing a y I don't know unless there was anti-Semitism in the streets but even then so inside what what's the issue I don't know but it was interesting that uh that there was such a Han so when they have pictures of of the kids who aren't wearing keos they the modern pictures or the modern artists Photoshop it they they put in uh the key right so these are like L of forgery with with photographs and the like and with women I can go on with that too uh now there are pictures of the a famous picture is sitting outside of his house vas is with him and there are women like in the group who are you know there and so when in some places when they reprint the picture they they take out the women push it they just they just take it out I mean they're there anymore because it's not considered sias ah it was considered okay you know so things uh change in some ways for the better not for the better whatever uh but there were things that were considered to be M at one time that BisMan has people are more more m m about uh the idea of separate doorways for men and women for stores you know there was no I mean there was no such thing but okay s it could be again in defense of things it could be like this it could very well be that when society as a whole gets more degenerate and more preas stic so we have to go the other extreme meaning you didn't need to go to certain extremes when society as a whole was more decent although I don't know I mean the the the drunken people Ukraine I mean it's not the that Society was so decent in those times either but at least in SAS matters there was higher there were higher levels of SAS there for example um a married woman a GU AA married woman would generally not go out without her hair covered in a in a hat so there was such a mus among to cover if you look at look at pictures of the American Pioneers whatever uh the women always wore a a bonnet or or or whatever so it could be that on one hand people criticize the fanaticism of getting rid of women and all of that on the other hand uh to be it could be in a generation of Greater prus we sometimes have to go to the Other Extreme which we wouldn't have to go if society would be normal and I'll give you a mush to this um in the 1950s they did a survey of what were the biggest problems in public schools public schools in America so it was like kids chew gum in class uh they have spitballs they make paper airplanes no they're Mafia now you go back to the 1980s 1990s and afterwards it says oh guns in school you know bombs no cocaine you know you see the difference there was a time the biggest problem was a spitball and and chewing gum and now it's you know people bring in guns you know and the six-year-olds a six-year-old brings in a gun first grade to show and tell you know Show and Tell here's a gun with you know a loaded gun with bullets I mean this is this is the the mishas of of society okay so this could explain as I because because I know sometimes people are critical I'm sometimes critical of all of theas that people take on but but there are soras why why it may be more necessary than it was at an earlier time okay now we have uh tesv the last if in the per there are two aspects in he calls it and taka slaughtering the corbon and sacrificing the so actually let me a little bit more because itself is broken down the wayal typically describe it in every corbon there are four avodas that are done the first avod is right the second is a CO takes a bowl clar a Sanctified bowl and as the blood spurts out of the animal the Coen is Mel the in a then the third stage it could e either be done by the same Coen or a different Coen you can hand it is h h means the blood is carried to the remember typically let's imagine this safer is the so the let's say of a carbona is to the north of the M which is here so there's shita there's cabala then there's H the blood is brought in the direction of the m and then there is zura the blood is sprinkled on the M depending on the Corbin it's sprinkled in different ways so the four a are shita cabala zura now after zura we then take aurm we take parts of the cor well in the case of anola we take all of the basar and we burn it on the m in the case of other carbos we take the internal organs and fats burn them on the m and the meat is then eaten either byan or isim depending on the corbon now of these four a of the blood the first one shita can be done even by a nonco shita is K even for aor however everything else cabala haa Zara can only be done by a Cain if Israel does it the whole Corban is pule now in the case of you could fix it a little bit meaning like this if is is ma the blood p is is the blood P if the isra was the blood there is an of just going backwards meaning if Israel took the bow and walk towards the m so what you could do is he should go back to where he started give the bowl to the Coen and the Coen can walk so is a the other one's not is was M foren uh you can't reverse that now the gr calls those stages the the last three stages the cabala he calls that H so in the word hakra he's subsuming the last three stages and is a stage presumably although he doesn't say beish but presumably because is unique because is B is the only one of the in theik that can be done by a non cohain huh even okay so the says therefore in a we divide the into two categories we have and so here's what he says the where I put the blood on the altar we don't have a m today that's the where I kind of give my life and my heart and my blood and my soul toes and he already explained earlier that even though bikash that wasan but today we all do it that he already said earlier so what is this is very interesting the corresponds to the hakra of a Corbin but what corresponds to the shita of a Corbin the shita of a carbon are all of the sufferings that we go through in life as a kapara like we're Sheed right is gives pain to the animal right it kills the animal so therefore the notion is that just as a full Corbin need so we need in our lives the yurin to purify us to be M on us right say that yurin are a great great kapara now yurin of course can be anything yurin can be God forbid the most severe things severe illness destruction poverty Devastation or you Surin could be your your you know your coffee spills a little bit or you missed your bus or you went into your pocket to pull out a five shekele thing and instead you pulled out two shle thing you're frustrated whatever it will be so in fact that's one of the aces how a person shouldn't get upset uh you know uh we live a life where we constantly have small yurin let's say know it's always missing the bus it's hot you know there's always things to to be grouchy about can I speak for my own uh own experience you know I want to get a soda and 100 soda machine's broken again you know so you know you get upset right I shouldn't be so revealing get but what's the you realize that for every one of these things is a kapar from hasem for our Aus and if hem in his ra says my kapar is I don't get change from the soda machine instead of something that could be a lot lot worse a person can actually cultivate the attitude that called doesn't mean I Rejoice you know suffering but I Rejoice because I'm mock here that this is a k from the so the says that's part of your Corban that's the part the is thein the is the now granted it doesn't always fit the chronological sequence because normally shita precedes I mean here you know you're daving you get your Sur in other words it's not always going to be in the order of shita but he's making the point that in human existence there are going to be these two Each of which is part of the Corb idea thein are the and the I bring my heart and soul to hasem is the hraa I'm sacrificing myself to and therefore the are part of they tell Thea I believe it's a Misa from the Aral I'm not sure a person I'm not sure it may be of the rash no there are two rasas you need to know about maybe sardam are more familiar with one ashaz are more familiar with one so I'm be sure everyone knows the two rashes one rash is familiar to people from the back of the gorra in the VMAs we have ruon who lived at the time he lived in the middle of the 1800s uh he was a very wealthy very wealthy family and there were also great and because he was in vilna so he got the basically the of the gave a lot of priority to to get their K in so that's why there are so many we just look at actually in the modern chass you don't appreciate so much uh because what oah did is actually it's very useful instead of keeping all the mforum separate they mix them all together but if you look at an older you see you have well the RAS actually the r they do keep separate but you see that each parish is separate now that's harder to use because you got to look here and look here and look here and look here but bibliographically it's more fascinating because you get to see where everybody's from so if you look at a vas and all chassin today are offsets of the vas uh you'll see disproportionately that so many of the are people of villa because once again they had an in with the printers they got their in so of course I'm not saying of course they're deserving but but this is why you know they all got in so the rashash is RA and he has on every and somebody made a I didn't do this myself but I read that there's only four D in all of where he doesn't have a every D of he has something to say four doam somehow he didn't have anything anything to add I don't know why I don't even know which four Dam but somebody went through it and they said they're four okay so that's the ashkanazi rash but there's an earlier rashash raom Shi and he's also called rash and he was a great great great Mak so you might find Sid he has sidim with kavos Al cabala every word has pages and pages of cavanos this is the C of rashash rashash is one of the great great makal uh and don't confuse him with the ashkanazi rashash now the cabal so the mice I'm going to tell you is either from the Aral himself or it might be the I I I don't remember the cabalistic rash but the story goes that a man was suffering tremendous tremendous all sorts of things were happening so he wanted to go to the AR or the rash for a for a t for some way to take these things away and there was a big line of people waiting to see so we had to wait in the in the hallway so he's sitting on a bench and he falls asleep and all of a sudden he has a dream that he's in a room and he's surrounded by figures in white and figures in Black fearsome fearsome uh figures these are angels he doesn't know what it is and what it what's going on and he asks one of them what's going on he says oh well you're being judged this is after your death and you're being judged and the white are all the Mitzvah that you did per says you do a Mitzvah you create a defense attorney sanar you do an a you have batr so all of your people on both sides are not people of your angels they're gathering together so now the person got pretty more interested and there's a gigantic scale a Balan scale where the the the white ones get on one side of the scale and the black ones get on the other side of the scale so for whatever reason the black ones are going on first so he's very scared because he sees us going down down down on the side of the bad but then the calry arrives and the white ones come and they add you know the Torah the things are getting better the black was know so heavy it was weigh up it's getting higher and higher which is good right it's getting good but not quite still the black is heavier and then the final group that comes are the aurin that he suffered other words the first group of white were the mitzvos and the second group of white were the yurin and that's even better so the black is getting higher and higher and higher the yurin and then what happens was it's not high enough so he shouts in his dream more yurin more yurin I need more yurin I have to get it up there get the black up there and you know he's saying it out loud and at that point the shamish comes to him and says the re is ready to see you now he says I don't need to see him I have my answer I have my answer I shouldn't I shouldn't ask you take it away I see they showed me the of what this was again it's either a with the AR or the r I'll try to check exactly right this is the notion of so now the gr says a beautiful wow wow wow is even Biz even by a non the ultimat are are the go that persecute us so he says you know you're you'rein can come from the gim they can come from all of these things it's still ker it's still a valid yurin your yurin don't have to come from your rashash giving you mus the assuran can come from the street gangs they can come from the Arabs they can come from the terrorists they do and that's the can only be done by a so for that that means for us it can only be done by the Israel that comes to hasem with a pure heart so the everything else requires a CO who is dedicated to serf hasem which includes a isra that purifies his heart right so again this is from the gra pish and tun z uh let me digress for a little bit I spoke about this to the center but let me just mention just a little bit of the structure of Z tun just just so you know just so you know what it is um the Z as a whole and again we it's from some say some things were added later that's not so NOA to us but I just want to talk about the zo as it is so the uh starts off the main body of the Z is like a medish albeit cabalistic on the Paras there's a on on the par right and and the Sur of the Z is like a medish and indeed interestingly enough around 60 or 70% of the Z can be understood on the level of medish now medish is hard also not everything in z is SED in fact FR a great M who was the M of the parish and the called midash you may have seen it actually put out 11 volumes called in which he takes out from the Z those parts that are nigla that are non- cabalistic you could read like a medish and he explains so it's 11 volumes that's around half half of the Zer maybe 60% of the Zer now however interspersed in the Z are like separate meas right the Z is like a which hasus so the meus have their own names the RNA the faithful Shepherd about Safra these are like separate that are in the middle of the Z and what's a little even more confusing is that we don't know exactly who organized the that's not from the actual s of the things that these cont are are are split up so for example ra Mna is not in all one place you could be reading the Z on one para and there'll be then a paragraph that's called Ray Mna and then maybe five paros later there'll be another paragraph called Ry men which means these were originally part of one Countess but different editors we assumed they were gim split it up to connect it to the main Z on the par okay so when you see R Safra yanuka and the like these are like separate or in the Z some of which are printed and some of which are actually cut up and interspersed throughout the Z now all of that is in the body that's called the Zar but then in addition to the Z we have something called Z so what's a new in other words somebody wrote a new so the EM is like you have to understand zash is the same as zash it's the same thing as the old Z but it's it's only called kadash because it was not it was not circulated in manuscript until later meaning the Z first got circulated in the 1200s and then then a few decades later more Z came out but we believe where mael it's also from the same Z is only called kadash simply because it didn't come out until it was not circulated it was not mforum until later but it would still be from the rash it would still be of SH now there was one attempt to actually write a new Z and this was the ram the ramal actually wanted to write a new Z based on his G ofi uh but I believe he burnt it I believe he burnt it he wrote some of it he destroyed it whatever it is but that would be quite quite daring essentially not to replace the old Z but to supplement the I mean it's like somebody saying I'm going to write a new gamarra you know to be a little unusual and ra got in trouble he was threatened with ex communication threatened with all sorts of uh and actually there was a He was ordered he was not allowed to teach cabala uh which was a tragic thing but on the other hand you see Howes works because he was not allowed to teach cabala he was forced to do things that were not officially cabalistic that is why we have the the derem and the Das the Ra's writing was very heavy cabala we have many spala it's precisely because he wasn't allowed to do it that we have the SPM that are in hisus it's amazing thing in other words the of course ultimately he has the last word because in the are totally cabalistic although they're not written in cabalistic language so essentially he had the genius of taking cabala and being able to write it non- cabalistic that's a big Talent he didn't use the cabalistic vocabulary for sure he does not use cabalistic terminology a little bit more more than that but still they are written in non cabalistic to make it accessible to to people okay uh so that's the Z now then there's a third part of the Z called tun Z tun Z is also part of the Z but it's it goes by a separate name and this is 70 explanations on the word bous you have one word of the first word of the T and all of them involve ways to rectify the sh that is somehow negatively impacted by Aus and by Tuma and therefore the t is devoted to of the now the reason I'm bringing this out is you you'll see in all of the that and even the Eva in in fact the gr did not write a parish on the whole of the Z the gr wrote a parish on tun Z Plus the sa that tun especially is a very very major source for how I should behave my Chua my because since it's about Tik it's about the rectification of P it focuses on what I can do to be M the of sin in the world and that's why in muser when they draw from Z you will find disproportionately that they're using tun because tun is above all about tikon and tikon is the opposite of sh Shira comes from sin Tik comes from Chua Anda and perfecting yourself in various in various ways that's a little you know the difference between and and then within the main part of the Z the they're around 20 or 30 quite quite a lot of these little in the middle of the Z par you learn par in the middle that'll be r or something you know whatever it would be okay I wish you all a again obviously everybody knows that um we suffered Thea suffered a tremendous tremendous loss with r i don't know how many of you had a Shas with him but uh those of you that had the Shas certainly lost a tremendous reab and those who didn't have lost even more didn't have the chance uh to be nishba by him but you know the concept is when a great person leaves the world there is a there is emptiness there's a vacuum there was something that he was putting into this world that is not in the world anymore emptiness so what do you got to do every person has to resolve to try to fill up a little bit the emptiness that was created so none of us as individuals maybe could be mamala everything that he did but we take on a little bit care about each other more greater abas Israel and aaras uh for uh for caring about people for growing in Tyra for looking for the EMS and in that way we'll give him a and we'll also you know learn from him and fill the emptiness that his P created them
Channel: Ohr Somayach
Views: 230
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Id: iLV5Ow-_aTQ
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Length: 61min 43sec (3703 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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