44 mag 240 gr XTP load development part 1 velocity VS barrel length

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oh hello everybody can do a little video tonight I've been pretty excited about this one I wanted to bring you guys along what I'm doing tonight is doing some load testing with the 44 mag 240 grain 100 xtp so what got me interested in this I got a deer tag this year and uh my brother went down to Texas a few years ago and was doing some Whitetail hunting and he said the guides and those guys down there loved a 44 mag rifle with these 240 grain bullets you know a lot of close range shooting down there and they just really that's kind of been their go-to for that Whitetail deal so I got interested in it you know I I harvested the deer a couple years ago the video is almost two years old now but I harvested a deer with a 44 mag pistol and my Keith Home cast bullet that was kind of a bucket list item for me you know it's kind of like the fly fisherman that wants to tie their own flies and catch a fish on it so uh what I I was pretty underwhelmed by the performance of that it was a 250 grain bullet the original Keith bullet out of the Lyman mold going about 950 feet per second it just wasn't enough and just wasn't enough velocity Harvest of the game animal just fine you know as regular deer about 50 yard shot yeah I just was I just wasn't impressed with the performance so I decided to try a different route on this year's deal so uh what I'm going to do is you guys know I don't share load information I don't know why I'm weird about it but I just am but I'm using 2400 powder the old Elmer Keith load is 22 grains I would not recommend that it's just my my opinion I'll tell you I'm not using 17 grains of 2400 and I'm not using 21 grains of 1700 so that's as much information I'm going to give you other than with 2400 powder do not use a magnum primer I have proven that with my own with my own experience for whatever reason that 2400 powder is is sensitive to a magnum primer so this is my take on 44s if you are the guy that wants to squeeze every drop of velocity I out of your Magnum 44 loads 296 h110 is the powder to go with with a magnet primer I wanted just one step below that and that one h110 does not do well under Magnum philosophies and it'll tell you that right in the books so I want it to be one step below that I think 2400 is a good powder for that Alliant Blue Dot I think will kind of fit that um hs6 I think will kind of fit that the 2400 has been available you know we all know in the reloading world that the powders have just been craziness and I happen to get a uh I've probably got six or eight pounds of 2400 on my shelf right now those other powders are just I mean they're just almost non-existent so anyway that's the project we're doing today I'm actually going to do a three-part series on this 44 load development I'm gonna today we're just gonna do velocity tests um another day I don't know when that'll be tomorrow next weekend whatever will be accuracy test and then we're going to do some ballistic gel testing so hopefully you guys will uh if you're interested in this 44 load development you'll watch all three of those but today's part one I'll show you the guns we're going to be using today so you guys know I love my 44s so here's the Smith Wesson 629 I've done some some videos on that and uh that is a Dandy gun I carry that gun probably as much or more well no there's no question I carry this gun this is my go-to gun when I'm on the mountain on a horse normally in the summertime I'll carry a 45 ACP on time at times but um usually in the fall I'm carrying this and this is the holster um it's a whatever it is kind of a pancake style holster uh this this rig sets really good with me I've I've been on the mountain fencing all day I've been riding horses together and cows all day this is a pretty neat Mountain set up for me so this my seven inch Bisley you guys have seen some videos with this um this gun has a lot of sentimental value to me my wife bought me this gun man I don't even want to guess how many years ago 28 29 years ago for Christmas we was a young married couple had one or two small baby children she scraped up some money uh bought this for me for Christmas so have a lot of love for this gun and then it shoots super well built this holster myself I worked at a saddle shop in Wyoming for a few years uh carried this gun a ton on the horse and a pretty neat setup here this is my 10 inch uh Super Blackhawk with a busy grip frame on it of course they never made that gun stock so I at one time Brownells was offering a kit to convert a regular Super Blackhawk to a Bisley and I bought the kit and put this together um had great luck with this setup this gun is super accurate there again when I worked at the Saddle Shop in Wyoming built this holster for it I've actually carried this gun on a horse a little bit and it's not as awkward and cumbersome as a guy would think it would be you know I wouldn't want to go hiking all day on the mountains with it for sure it's just super heavy but sitting on a horse it's a cross draw setup so yeah this is a pretty neat rig I need to spend some more time with this so and then the Winchester model 94. it's the Trapper 16 inch barrel version got Skinner sights on it uh I haven't done a lot with this gun I I just I just love this gun what I find interesting is the x or the uh the side eject angle Jack that was the word I was looking for sorry about that but um it comes Factory drilled and tapped for these Skinner sites with my aging eyes I love the peep sights I really do this is a neat setup of course it's got the crossbow safety a lot of the original guys or haters on that you know what it's a Dandy little gun do I love this no not really I like the saddle ring just kind of more Nostalgia but this gun is a neat little gun so anyway so that's what we have four inch barrel seven and a half 10 16. so we'll do the chronograph and see how it goes okay so I'm gonna do this video just a little bit different this is such a long process I think it would bore you guys watching this to here so the way I'm gonna do this I'm just going to quickly shoot three shots with all four guns write it down and and do the averages and then what I'll do is I'll just take the camera show you show you the data on paper instead of you know like taking the camera walking up to the chronograph doing all that business uh so we're just gonna try to speed things up a little bit and and really get the facts to you guys so let's get started we're going to start with a four inch gun then the seven and a half ten and a half 16. so here we go all right guys I had an err on the chronograph so I'm going to shoot one more so I have three good uh readings foreign okay well pretty interesting result um before we go over I'm just going to take a minute and ask you guys to Please Subscribe if you haven't I had a funny comment the other day a guy says that he subscribed because I was begging made me laugh so anyway I don't think I'm Maggie I'm I'm gonna call it asking politely so to those who have thank you and those who think about it please do it so anyway let's go over the results um you know my goal on this whole deal was 1200 feet per second out of that seven inch gun and I hit it about dead on so the results are pretty interesting we'll go over them all right well these results are interesting it's kind of right what I was hoping for so here's the four inch gun um 11 40 12 56 11 49 there's a little bit of a spread there and I know that my instrumentation is not super accurate uh but but I think it's pretty close a little bit of the spread the accuracy will be real interesting on this gun but 1181 um that's about what I was hoping for is 1100 feet per second seven inch gun uh 12 46 12 17 12 24 a little closer on the spreads for sure I'm averaging about 12.29 this surprises me I would have expected honestly less velocity on that four inch it's only about 50 feet per second on average difference that surprised me the tangent again I wasn't sure where it was going to fall into the whole deal but you can see the velocity spreads are a little bit closer 13 10 52 and 27 um about 40 feet per second difference on the spreads 13.29 so exactly 100 feet per second difference between the seven inch gun and the 10 inch gun now the 16 inch guns really surprised me 1552 56 and 57 very very close on those uh 15.55 for the average that's about what I expected on that gun so uh I'm gonna show you kind of the next my next thought process on this so I got an old Hornady book and this is actually showing the jacketed hollow point in meters for whatever reason but for what we're going to talk about today it's going to be close enough so here we are at 1500 feet per second at the muzzle at 100 meters pretty close to 100 yards we're 11 34. so we're about 1100 feet per second with the four inch gun alrighty so what's significant about that is for our little testing on this uh 240 grain load I'm going to shoot all of these in the ballistic skeleton anyway I find this stuff fascinating I don't know why drive myself crazy sometimes with it but uh hope you guys like it too um so this is part one I think the next thing we're going to do is go for accuracy because I kind of wanted to get a feel for where I was at velocity and honestly this is right where I wanted to be um so when I shoot the four inch gun in the ballistics gelled on that bullets traveling around 1150 what the 16 inch again will be around 100 yards um that tells that'll tell me what that Bolt's going to behave like so if the bullet performance is good at that point I'm going to say I've got a solid 100 125 yard little pistol caliber carbine here with the 16 inch Trapper model 94. so anyway we're going to wrap it up for today uh please leave some comments uh thanks for watching have a good night
Channel: Badlands Ballistics
Views: 2,882
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Id: 08vQmwpUsTw
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Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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