423 - Tagliatelle ai funghi porcini...e poi partono i violini! - IlBoccatv ft Cookaround (sub eng)

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Hello my friends! This time I had to travel up to the mountains Look how beautiful! There was one antenna Andrea decided to grab it! we came where there's plenty of chestnuts and great food to meet a really genuine person real and sincere, just like us raggiungerlo abbiamo percorso boschi we walked through enchanted woods and alleys that tell old stories obviously, in good company! around here, you can still smell chestnuts and "ciaccina" a fried focaccia with an intriguing flavour it feels like time has stopped in the village alleys, tools are just like they used to be but... who are we talking about? a pioneer in the cooking world one of the first to promote good food through the web his channel is super famous it is called "cookaround" he's Luca Pappagallo a real Tuscan guy, who welcomed us warmly into his kitchen so, after a wander in the woods, many roasted chestnuts and a wonderful dinner... we magically arrived in Luca's enchanted world, where food rules so, I'd say let's start with no further hesitations so you can all enjoy this extra strong dish and we are starving now! we loved this dish and we hope you will as well! Welcome back with me, Bocca, as you already know! I drove for 200 km to cook this recipe I went from Livorno to a friend's house to make tagliattele with local porcini that's why I moved, because there aren't many porcini in Livorno and there's a lot of people who pick them it's not as rich as here on mount Amiata where we've found some incredible porcini let's get straight to the ingredients today it's quite a lot uf us for 6 people you'll need about 600-700 gr homemade tagliatelle homemade tagliatelle, guys it's important to use gunuine good food otherwise, it's like buying premade stuff at the supermarket... you'll need about 600 gr local porcini, quite hard, for the sauce chilli, a garlic clove, salt parsley and good olive oil let's get on to our recipe that is very simple if you have all the ingredients ready first, we'll sauté the garlic you need a big clove to give flavour to 600 gr porcini I'd put even 2 Remove the inner part or it'll be hard to digest do like this and it should be fine but if garlic bothers you, it just does... so don't eat it, but we do let's chop it up finely our garlic has to melt in the oil let's turn the heat on, of course you can't cook with your breath! add about 6 spoonfuls of oil as you know, I do not measure you know me! And if you don't, subscribe to my channel :) let's add a little bit more and wait till it heats up as soon as we add the garlic, it'll have to release its flavour then turn the heat down immediately or it'll burn slowly put it in as you can see, it starts to fry straight away let's turn it down, otherwise it'll taste like burnt garlic and we don't want that! slowly add chilli depending on how much you like it we are folks who love drinking and eating including spicy food now turn it off as garlic and chilli finish releasing their flavour I'm going to slice our porcini that you'll have already cleaned with a damp rag I'll show you how to do it it's very important to clean mushrooms without washing them! take a rag and damp it then take a porcino and rub it slowly like you'd do to your girlfriend or boyfriend, husband... remove all the dirt that you'd otherwise eat and then you make humus like worms!! after repeating this with all your porcini get the rag out of the way as it's not nice looking slice porcini into quite thick slices max 0.5 cm no no no stop stop! these are for me too, you can't use all of them! And you're in my home Alright, I get it but I'm here for a reason! Let's say I'll give you 3, just because it's you should we give food to our host?? guys, let's say hi to the legendary Luca Pappagallo!!! it's an honour with the legendary Freddie Mercury from Livorno!! amazing Simone!! I was born again, like a phoenix! thank you Luca! see, I told you I would introduce him to you not that he needs to be introduced he is a wonderful person, I swear but let's keep cooking or it'll all get cold! I'm quickly slicing the rest of the porcini we're starving!! if the stem are too big, you can slice them or they'll never cook after slicing the porcini these ones are incredible, thank you again Luca! let's turn the heat back on let it heat up properly but careful guys, cause the garlic could burn I'm not saying you'd have to chuck everything but garlic, oil and chilli yes... on high heat now let's throw in our porcini, slowly add some salt so they'll release water that they'll cook in let's give it a good stir in this stage it is essential to prevent our porcini from sticking to the pan stir it often so that they'll soak all the oil as you'll know, mushrooms are like sponges they soak oil very well oil that will cook them and give them flavour they're flying away! Let me see if this one is good... it is, you're lucky or you'd be in trouble! they've started to stick to the pan turn the heat down a bit add some water and let it evaporate turn the heat down now and let it cook like this let's put a lid on it let it cook slowly slowly on low heat does it fit or not? ... it fits! leave it a tiny bit uncovered so it evaporates a bit and the sauce gets thicker meanwhile, I'll chop up some parsley very recommended! remove the stems if you prefer to keep them, do it I prefer to take them off once we're done chopping up - finely! - our parsley let's check on our mushrooms look how beautiful! they've started to create a creamy sauce I'm not going to add any wine at all cause I want to taste the Mount Amiata when I eat these tagliatelle our sauce is slowly drying the mushrooms are still a bit raw, so let's add another ladle of water to help them cook they need another 5-6 minutes mushrooms need to be soft, but at the same time slightly hard when you first bite into them or it'll feel like you're eating baby food!! turn the heat up a bit as by adding water, the temperature has dropped let's add a sprinkle of parsley a bit more... give it a stir I turned the heat up so it resumes boiling as soon as it starts boiling, turn the heat down to the minimum put a lid on like I did before leaving it partially uncovered to let the steam out, of course! leave it like this for another 5-6 minutes then check if there's enough salt, enough chilli... and if the mushrooms are solid it's been about 15 minutes since I put our mushrooms in the pan to cook I left them a little bit hard mushrooms shouldn't be mushy! what now? drop in fresh tagliatelle maybe they're too many someone will have to eat them just with butter! haha make sure you make a mess like me, or it's not fun... give it a good stir they must not stick together so, we've put the heat back on our mushrooms... let's add some cooking water from the pasta pot so they do not stick I'll strain it now make sure you save some cooking water that we'll use with our mushrooms here we go... ready to finish cooking super simple! give it a good stir so it blends with our mushroom sauce made with mount Amiata's porcini our friend Luca gave us so we'll thank him with this delicious dish!! super easy you only need 2 ingredients as good produce doesn't need much stuff add a sprinkle of parsley our tagliatelle are almost ready! another 30 secs for the water to evaporate I'll try one to check if it's ready and okay for salt mmm... still slightly undercooked salt is perfect we love to eat pasta al dente it's good for you look at this creamy sauce! let's turn the heat down, so we save money plating up now! make sure you add some mushrooms too!! or your guest will throw the whole plate to your face!! this plate is so white... let's add some parsley! now it's more colourful! what's left to do now? Just to taste it! today with have this honour... come here, dont play dumb! come come... where did you get this fork from?! The only one left! in complete silence... no, you're right, you're eating, yuck! and after the great Luca... the great Bocca! this is to you! See you soon!! Thank you and goodbye!!
Channel: IlBoccaTV - Italian and Tuscan recipes
Views: 324,273
Rating: 4.8710337 out of 5
Keywords: tagliatelle porcini, tagliatelle ai funghi porcini, tagliatelle con porcini, pasta ai porcini, tagliatelle, porcini ricette, recipe, ricette, cooking, ricette facili, primi, porcini, primi piatti, tipico, facile, veloce, primo veloce, primi facili, funghi, funghi porcini, vegan, vegetarian, pasta vegetariana, amiata, cookaround, luca pappagallo, penny bun, castagne, cucina, toscana, pasta fresca, fatto in casa, italian, pasta, sugo, risotto, boscaiola, trippa, carbonara, sformato, pappardelle, spaghetti, ok
Id: lBIYVrL1mf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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