.410 Turkey Gun??? Patterning Federal TSS

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hello guys and gals Buffalo here I've been hearing more and more lately about people going to the little 410 bore for turkey hunting and I gotta admit that kind of intrigues me back when I got into turkey hunting back in the early nineties 410 bore and turkey hunting wasn't really something you heard in the same sentence most people used magnum 12-gauge loads you did have a few old timers that used the 20 aged in the 16 gauge and some people even use the 10 gauge but most people that I knew hunted with 12-gauge Magnum loads so 14 wasn't really in the equation but you know that's been a while back mail ammunition has come a long way and especially in shot shells the materials used and all the different powders they've got now and the different style of wads and things that it's really really advanced forward since I first got into turkey hunting so I wanted to pattern some turkey loads out of my Tristar G to my semi-auto 410 so I'll pick this up some federal TSS turkey loads TSS just means tungsten super shot supposed to be 56% denser than lead and I think 22% denser than standard tungsten loads so very dense shot and what that allows you to do is allows you to go to a smaller shot so you can get more in your payload or go to a smaller gauge or bore like the 410 here the these are number nine says 410 bore three inches 1100 feet per second 13 16 7 ounce number nine shots and I'll show you that I'm not totally so looking at it upside down no don't I'm not totally sold on the number nine shot but that's one of the reasons I'm doing this video today I want to see how it looks on the patterning board the advantage of course if you're going with a number nine shot versus say it's equivalent in lead let's say the number six shot you've got a smaller diameter with the equivalent density you're going to get your velocity is going to carry better you've got less resistance less tissue resistance you're going to penetrate deeper so there's a lot of advantages to going with the smaller shot but nine shot in turkey hunting just kind of I don't know they're just like a red flag goes up when I see that but this this video might change my mind we'll see how it patterns first so I'll pick this up a choke tube for this Tristar Viper g2 this is a Carlson's choke it's a Beretta Vanilli mobile choke style and that's what the Viper g2 accepts these are new I actually found this at OpticsPlanet the shotgun the action is open the shotguns clear we'll go ahead and install this I found that at OpticsPlanet you know I bought this all this stuff in today's video was bought with patreon money none of it was given to me so appreciate you guys over on patreon I think the choke tube was 40 or 45 bucks I can't remember I got that ammo I got us some targets this is the packaging for the choke tube now it doesn't give us an exact inside diameter of the tube or a constriction number just says turkey choke made for the TSS but it does say on the back here each choke has been pattern tested and has thrown the best patterns with number seven and number nine TSS shot we're working with number nine here so this should be perfect says if you wish to use larger shot use a more open choke tube for more optimal pattern so I think that choke tube should give us optimum results Carlson's chokes they've been around a long time they know what they're doing if they say they tested this and it's good with the number seven a number nine shot I'm gonna tend to believe them I also picked this up these targets these are life-size turkey targets and they're supposed to change colors kind of like a Dirty Bird target or something when they're hit so hopefully that'll let us see what we're hitting it and how many we're getting into the bottle zone so I figure I figure we'll shoot these at 10 20 30 and 40 yards and that should give us a good idea of what we're looking at here now these I didn't want to mention these 14 version of the federal TSS loads don't have the flight-control wad the I know the 20 gauge and the 12 gauge do they've got that flight control flex water or something that's cold but this doesn't have the flight control why but it does have a full-length shot cup and wad to keep the TSS from coming into contact with the board but I don't really know how they're going to shoot never shot one before until now before we start shooting here I'll give you guys to look at one of these shells these run about 5 bucks each you can see it's got a roll crimp with a card over shot white on it I know that price is probably gonna you know some of you guys are going well I'm not paying that I get it that's okay but it's end of the day you got to realize after all the scouting all the hours of scouting the fuel the cost of your camo your shotgun your licenses your permits and on and on or no one at the end of the day your shot shell is the only thing that's going to come in contact with that Turkey I do recommend a premium shot shell even if it's not one of these I don't even know how these are going to shoot yet but go ahead and spend a little extra money on the thing that's actually going to count you're not going to shoot I know in Kentucky you're only allowed to gobblers each spring so it's not like you're going out and shooting hundred rounds you're not shooting does so but being say it let's get started I got one set up at 10 yards now I know this range like the back of my hand but just to be for sure I'm using my laser rangefinder to set that target up at each stage because I don't want to leave any doubt I want to know exactly the yardage so we're at 10 yards let's hit it with one of these take a look alright so I don't think there's a shadow of a doubt that would be a dead bird nice little tight pattern here but you know what 10 yards you know who wouldn't expect to be able to kill the turkey at 10 yards we're gonna have to get farther back before I make my mind up on it let's set it up at 20 yards and shoot it again alright so I've got the target set up at exactly 20 paces according to the laser rangefinder see what it does here let's go have a look at Oh mr. Tom alright we've still got a swarm of pellets inside this kill zone and I am aiming this is my point of aim I know most people probably aim at the head I always aim at the neck that way you get some pillows go through the head and neck area you got one right in the eyeball there but that's still that's definitely a 20-yard turkey gun just move it on back to 30 that's exactly 30 yards now this is where actually most of the turkeys that I've killed over the years and I've killed several most of them have been between 25 and 35 yards probably 30 yards that's probably about my average shot I'm not one of these guys that try to push the limits and see how far I can take a turkey for me the name of the game is to get that turkey to get inside of 40 yards that's where I like to shoot my turkeys out I don't care what kind of load of got and I've got some 12-gauge stuff that we're going to be testing too I don't care if the load good 270 yards the game for me is getting the turkey inside of 40 yards and that's probably about my every shot so you can actually you know the turkey gets too close you can miss him a lot easier than if he's farther out anyway you don't give your your pattern time to open up so let's see if we've got a 30-yard turkey in here honestly can't tell from here so we'll have to go down and take a look oh yeah yes yes look at this that's a nice pattern at 30 yards plenty of pellets in the neck bones a couple right in the eyeball a few in the brain or two in the brain so definitely a 30-yard turkey gun there out of the 410 I wasn't real surprised at the 10-yard pattern you know any any shells gonna pattern before he gets a chance to open up its gonna pattern okay but this looks good 30 yards looks really good so let's move on back to 40 all right here we go at 40 yards let's see how you do this let's go find out all right so the pattern starting to come apart a little more but that is still a turkey killing pattern at 40 yards out of a 410 shotgun I am impressed lots of shot in the head and neck area mostly in the neck remember my point of aimless right here and that little Tristar Viper g2 just it puts that pattern exactly where I hold it that's been a nice little shotgun for me all right I've still got that big piece of roofing metal that we shot with the 22 shot shells in a previous video what I'm going to do is I'm going to shoot it on the right side with the federal TSS load and on the left side with a lid number 9 shot load now this lid number 9 shot is a double-a it's only two and a half inch but it's rated at 1,200 feet per second so it's starting out a hundred feet per second faster than the TSS load and we're going to see if either one of them will penetrate that that metal roofing do the TSS load first right side in the middle and the double-a number nine lead shot on the left side [Music] I don't know if you can tell them the camera but I could definitely see that that big piece of metal moved more from the TSS load than the double-a load but let's go have a look and see what we see if we done anything okay federal TSS now you have my attention this is what I wanted to know we know what a pattern okay but look at this this is the side that I shot with the lead shot it was rated at 1,200 feet per second none of the lead went through and the pattern is so spread out you can't even tell by looking on the middle where all of them hit on the federal TSS site look at this dense pattern this is at 40 yards and they all went through you can't tell from this side but if we go around to the backside look at this those are holes all the way through the middle now if we go down here this is the lead side again nothing we've got some little lumps here where the coating was knocked off but those aren't holes those are just bumps where the number-9 lead shot hit and knocked this coating off these are actually holes might be a few of them that that aren't holes but most of these are all the way through the middle so it's definitely even though it started out at a lower velocity it's definitely packing more energy downrange with it definitely going to penetrate deeper all right guys it's getting late on me I'm gonna have to wrap this video up from my testing today looking at those patterns and looking at that penetration on that piece of metal I shot I have no doubts that the 410 is a viable choice for a 40 yard turkey gun I wouldn't want to take it much past that but at 40 yards I think you'll be fine with it and the rig rundown today is the this is Tristar of Viper g2 and these are available in camouflage if you wanted to camouflage turkey gun most people do turkeys have very keen eyesight so a lot of people go with the camouflage on on all their turkey gear Carlson's choke tube Carlin's TSS 410 choke tube and federal TSS ammunition like I still got that box there there's one more look at it and that rounds out everything from today's video except those targets I think those are se ome Walker's SME targets and I got those at OpticsPlanet I got the choke tube it OpticsPlanet got the ammo think that came from Target Sports USA I'm not a hundred percent certain I think that's where I ordered it from but all that stuff none of it was sponsored to the channel and it was given to the channel it's because of my patreon my patreon money paid for this entire video so I thank you guys for that really appreciate it and I guess I guess this is it I'll talk to you guys again soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Buffalo's Outdoors
Views: 88,319
Rating: 4.9356222 out of 5
Keywords: Buffalo's Outdoors, is a .410 good for turkey hunting, turkey hunting, .410 bore, .410 turkey gun, Federal TSS, turkey loads, tungsten, tungsten super shot, heavy shot, small bore, turkey gun, best turkey gun
Id: gGGOn-T3alw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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