#401 Fixing an Exhaust Leak on the International & Delivering a Cord of Firewood

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[Music] what's going on everybody welcome back to Dude Ranch DIY my name is Jake and behind me today we have the international hook lift truck um now if you watched a couple videos back I mentioned an exhaust leak in the flex pipe of this thing um so today we're going to try and fix that exhaust leak and hopefully uh load up some firewood and go for a little delivery I have a customer that reached out pretty early and they want last year they got three totes of firewood and this year they want three totes um so trying to get that done today uh I just started to feel a little bit of drizzle coming down so hopefully we can get this all squared away and the firewood delivered so this is this is the exhaust leak that I was talking about in the flex pipe there uh it looks like it's cracked a couple spots pretty much all the way around um hopefully not too big of a deal it looks like pretty small section there maybe some four inch flex pipe so I'm going to try and go ahead and get those clamps off and the piece a flex pipe off that way I can bring with me to try and match it up at uh the old NAPA Auto Parts store all right looks like the old 5 8 so do it so hopefully the oogadoga can power these clamps off oh yeah no problem foreign this one yeah oil filters and in the way foreign are you serious this one won't fit on either there we go good thing for my Heatwave visual safety glasses just got a face full of rust foreign [Music] ER I can get wiggle this around a little bit more this stuff is not coming off does not want to come off at all foreign [Music] oh we got a ways left to go might have to cut this [Applause] [Music] thank you okay there's half It Off [Applause] foreign now now while I'm under here I'm just trying to check this other section of flex pipe here and that one that one feels solid I don't feel any uh any holes in that one so we're just gonna leave we're gonna leave that one for now and uh let's head over to Napa and we'll get the uh the new section of flexplate okay so roughly speaking here we are like two and three quarter inch diameter roughly again and uh we were roughly foot long um so I am probably going to get two of these pieces because that's what it is on the other side as well so that way when that side goes out I already have you know the flex pipe for it so let's get in the truck all right we've got the flex pipe two and a half inch ID good boys at Napa always help me out let's get it installed now obviously this isn't exact but that's pretty close [Music] thank you Okay so let's put this on like so and like so oh yeah there we go that's that's good that's gonna be that's gonna be perfect so now that that's on I want to get the exhaust clamp or mount not clamp back on and then we can tighten down the exhaust clamps so that's gonna hold itself there like that looks like it was right here okay foreign it's not going anywhere this is basically up to that line and that's up to that line so line meaning where they were before now I'm going to suits brackner clamp was because if you remember before it's a little tough to get to so I'm gonna get this lined up where it needs to be right about there now I'm gonna move these something like that that way next time I'll be able to get the impact right to it there's one all right that so it's on and as long as I have room which I do I'm gonna flip this clamp up like that that way you know this truck doesn't have the most ground clearance in the world and sometimes I do drive it over Lawns so if I flip it up that's just one less thing to get caught up [Music] foreign all right I'm gonna start her up and we'll see how she sounds should be a lot quieter [Music] oh yeah guys we are all good let's go load up some firewood excuse me foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you okay guys so the order is for three totes large totes of wood and we got three totes right here this one says Ash that was split back in March of 2023 so that stuff should be well and dry by now and this stuff was all split before because it's uh going down this way um it looks like this tote over here is all Beach and this stuff was all standing dead and uh it's looking pretty good nice and checked and dry so all three of those totes should be easy to load up into the can here we go to notice that that I'm actually using my older uh shorter Forks the Kubota forks and that's because these Forks have they're much shorter than the other black ones and the shortness of the forks actually comes in handy when dumping the totes into the back of the dumpster can because when you go to flip it over and then lift up you don't have to lift up the forks quite as high because they're not as long the other ones are 48 I think these are like 36. um so these I actually prefer to use when I'm dumping the totes into the back of the can and if you've never seen this before you're in for a treat because it's pretty cool and it works pretty well [Music] [Applause] oh foreign [Music] [Music] thank you okay [Music] well I've been doing this my buddy just grabbed a 20 rack and a uh and a five dollar bundle dropped a 50 in there and said he'd be back for some more later at another date so I guess it's his kid's birthday kid wanted to have a fire let's get this third one loaded up [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just like that three totes loaded up under 10 minutes Gotta Throw a couple more pieces back in and then uh let's do a moisture test okay here's a piece of beach we got the top test moisture meter here I love this thing linked down in the description uh here we go we got a piece of beach here at 17 percent got a I don't know what this is it looks like a piece of Ash 17 percent got another piece of Ash saying at 18 percent piece of Ash 15 16 percent piece of Beach 17 percent so I think all this stuff is one last piece for good luck here's a piece of Ash 16 on the dot so let's get this wood delivered [Music] [Music] got her all loaded up let's head on out [Music] foreign [Music] guys there's the dump another happy customer top back in the truck and head home [Music]
Channel: Dude Ranch DIY
Views: 3,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubota, firewood, wood, log, chipper, woodmaxx, diy, tractor, l3901, wicked grapple, everything attachments, chainsaw, stihl, dump trailer, outdoors, firewood storage, firewood processor, IBC tote, kubota tractor, log splitter, kubota l3901, splitting firewood, firewood conveyor, eastonmade wood splitter, box wedge log splitter, 22-28 attached conveyor, eastonmade 22-28 with conveyor, exhaust leak, fixing exhaust leak, international 4700, hooklift truck, dumpster truck
Id: EjdRP7X-QuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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