40% Silver Kennedy Half Dollars - Value, Years, Information, Silver Stacking

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what's up YouTube silver dragons here and in this video I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know about the 40% silver Kennedy half dollars so let's do it thank you so much for watching my video I sincerely appreciate it if you want to learn more about investing in precious metals or if you just want to watch awesome videos about gold and silver then subscribe to my channel in this video I'm talking about 40% silver Kennedy half dollars I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know about these and also I'm gonna give you the top three reasons why these are a great option for silver stacking so let's get into this I actually have had lots of requests to make a video on 40% silver Kennedy half dollars I've made videos on war nickels and junk silver you know silver dimes quarters etc but I haven't made a video exclusively on 40% Kennedy halves so that's what this one's gonna cover I'm gonna give you some general information about them and then we're gonna talk about why they're great for stacking so I did bring out some of the other half dollars here just to show you the videos not about them but I do have a really old one it's a barber half dollar get that out of there we have some walking liberties these are the walkers and then I've got some Benji's those are pretty sweet this one preceded these Kennedy's and then so as we all know JFK was assassinated in on November 22nd to 1963 and then shortly after that they came out with the Kennedy half dollars so the first Kennedy half dollars came out in 1964 now they were actually gonna put Kennedy on the quarter but JFK's widowed wife Jacqueline didn't want to replace George Washington so I guess she thought it would be okay to replace Benjamin Franklin so that's I guess interesting but either way they went ahead and put him on the half dollar so 1964 was the first year of the kennedy half dollars these not 40% silver these are 90% silver all the half dollars quarters and dimes in 1964 were made of 90% silver but then with the rising spot price of silver they actually stopped making 90 percent errs the quarters and dimes went to clad in 1965 so it's a copper nickel mixture but the half dollars they still kept some silver content they moved to a 40 percent silver 60 percent copper mixture so from 1965 all the way until 1970 they made the Kennedy half dollars out of 40 percent silver which makes this the melt value of this coin well more than the face value so the face value is 50 cents however if you were to melt this down and refine out the silver it's actually worth about $2 and 66 cents right now which we're gonna talk about that a little bit later but anyway so I have the 1965 I do have in 1966 I got a couple will just show you all the years here 1967 1968 I guess I don't have one of them 1969 was 40% and 1970 was as well however I don't have any from 1970 because that's the key date that was the lowest mintage in fact there was a little over two million made that year and I believe they were just in sets but all the other years they were made and just available to the public like normal and there was like a hundred million to two hundred million every year so there's quite a few of these and then in 1970 there was still 40 percent silver but there was only a little over 2 million made so those are pretty rare and if you find those mixed in with other 40% then they actually are worth a little bit more for their semi numismatic value to a collector so if you have any 1970 40 percent halves pull them out because they're worth a little bit more okay so what is the weight on the 40 percent silver Kennedy half dollars so the whole coin we will weigh it to ingrain and see how much it is so we got one here we're set to grams we're at 11.5 one so it's a little heavy they're supposed to weigh 11.5 grams but that's okay it's okay to be a little bit over so it's eleven point five grams total weight now to figure out the weight in silver all you got to do is do 40% at eleven point five so let me get my handy dandy dollar tree calculator out here we will turn it on and you do eleven point five times point four equals four point six so there's four point six grams of silver in every single one of these coins now how many of these coins does it take to make an ounce of silver that's a really important thing to know and actually the closest you can get it to is by timesing this by seven so times that by seven and we get 32 point two grams now an ounce of silver is thirty one point one grams so this is just a hair over an ounce of silver for seven of these coins so if you were just buying these and you were trying to figure out well how much should these costs I know what the spot price is for an ounce of silver the closest way you could do it is just take seven of them one two three four five six seven and this is a little over an ounce of silver it's actually one point zero three five ounces okay so that's how you figure that out and a better way to figure out the price of the individual coins is what I always suggest just go to coin flashing calm that's my favorite website to look up the silver price on coins and you'll see the spot price right now is around 1804 and they've got the silver price for each one of these coins at two dollars and 66 cents okay so that's a bunch of information on 40% silver Kennedy half dollars I think that's pretty much covers them enough so you know about them you know what they are etc now let's talk about stacking these things because I'm sure a lot of people are watching this video because they're thinking silver dragons why would these be a great thing stack so here are the top three reasons for stacking the 40% silver Kennedy half dollars let's kick it off with number three it's that these are great for bartering because they're fractional silver so when you're stacking silver you have to understand that there might be a point in time when you'd actually have to use your silver to barter with like sh t f et cetera now each one of these is about 1/7 of an ounce of silver which makes them able to be broken up much more than an ounce of silver right so if the price of silver goes up dramatically in the future then it's really hard to break up an ounce it's nice to have fractional silver for buying bartering etc because these are seventh of an ounce that makes them a great option for that so I think that's a great reason to be stacking these I probably wouldn't have my whole stack obviously in the 40% erse but I do think you should have some on hand for that reason and I put that as reason number three now reason number two is that these are extremely trusted they're very recognizable and they're essentially never ever faked because they're only 40 percent silver it doesn't really make any sense for someone to make counterfeits of these because there's not much money to be made and so these are extremely trusted if you're buying these you can pretty much be guaranteed they're real legitimate and authentic I think the only ones that would ever be faked would maybe be like error variety from the 90 percenter or maybe the 1970s because there's a lower mintage something like that but the 1965 to 1969 if it's got that date on there you can pretty much be guaranteed that it's 40% silver it's not a fake coin so and you know this is backed by the US government this is legal tender here as currency and so super super trusted all the bullion dealers all the coin shops know about these forty percent ours they're not some you know weird foreign coin that they're like oh what is that like 72% or you know I'm not sure how much that's worth everyone knows about these and so they're really really trusted and easily recognized so I think that's a great reason to be stacking these as well but beyond a shadow of a doubt the number one reason to be stacking these is because they are so freakin cheap oh my goodness if you want to get a good deal on silver 40% silver Kennedy half Tsar probably one of the best deals you can get now almost all of the coin shops that I go to if they have these they will sell them to me at spot or even cheaper so if you're trying to stack silver on the cheap this is a great great option you there's no reason you should ever have to pay more than spot for these and for that matter these can still be found by coin roll hunting so if you buy boxes of the half dollars from the bank and you look through them you can still find these in there and pull them out so you're basically getting these for face value if you do that which means you're getting a little over a $2 profit right now on every single one you find so that's super cool I don't personally do coin rule hunting but I know that a lot of people do and this is one of the things that they find the most often as far as looking for silver so I actually did recently go to my coin shop and I purchased $60 worth of silver now I had 58 dollars on the table worth of silver and I was like you know I need 2 more bucks to get to 60 how about you throw in a 40% or for me and the guy was like yeah okay I know you I'll do it no worries so I actually picked up a 40% for only 2 bucks which is really cool because that's like I don't know less than 80% of spot doing math right here so either way I know I got a killer deal on it so you can definitely pick these up super cheap so if you're just wanting to stack for weight stack a lot of silver stack it on the cheap then these are an excellent excellent option so I'm curious do you have any thoughts and opinions on the 40% ORS I know that in the silver stacking community sometimes these will get a bad rap people say you know oh if it's not 90 percent silver or if it's not three 9s fine silver I don't want it but honestly I think these are a great thing to be stacking and I do plan on stacking many more of these in the future so those are my thoughts and that was a lot of information on these coins I hope I could have taught you something in the video I want to say a massive thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one silver dragons out
Channel: Silver Dragons
Views: 45,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40% Silver Kennedy Half Dollars, 40% silver half dollars, 40 percent silver half dollars value, 40 percent silver half dollars years, 40 percent silver kennedy, 40 percent silver kennedys, silver stacking, 40 percent silver coins, kennedy half dollars, silver coins, silver, 40 percent silver kennedy half dollar, 40% silver, 40% silver half dollar, 40 percent silver coin, silver half dollar, silver dragons, kennedy half, kennedy silver, 40 percent silver kennedy half dollars
Id: cjXdKgW0XLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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