40 Random Ridiculous Geography Facts

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there are many different aspects to geography with the two main branches Being Human and physical Human Geography revolves more around human demographics whereas physical is more to do with the forces of nature humans and our physical Planet are in some ways mesmerizing some of the facts in today's video might well blow your socks off so in this video we've got 40 completely random geography facts that are so ridiculous they're almost don't seem true starting off with number one although being middle aged is a rough term let's say about half of your country's average life expectancy this would mean that the Central African Republic who has the lowest life expectancy in the world would see their middle age at around 27 years number two you might have heard the swan in one of our recent videos but the Great Wall of China in you guessed it China stretches for a longer distance than the distance from London to Auckland and then across to Sydney it is also of a three times longer than the world's longest river the Nile number three if Siberia was to remove itself from Russia and become its own individual Nation it would become the world's largest country by land size number four the nordics which are considered to be a very wealthy highly developed region has a total GDP of less than that of half of California's number five the average resident in Monaco is the 37.7 years older than the average person from Niger the world's youngest country by average age 6. Switzerland a country of less than nine million people has an economy size larger than that of Nigeria Ethiopia and Algeria who together have a population of around 350 million wow number 7. Japan's most southern point is closer to the Equator than Dubai I mean this one is kind of clutching its straws as Japan's most southern point is an uninhabited Island located over a thousand kilometers away from the mainland number eight Jakarta Indonesia is closer to Perth than Western Australia than Sydney at three thousand and 3 300 kilometers respectively number nine quite a straightforward and simple one but it is pretty nuts 7.2 billion people live in the Northern Hemisphere number 10. by City proper measurements China is home to 15 of the 20 largest cities in the world by land area with Chongqing being the largest at 82 400 kilometers squared it is worth noting however that the way that China defines what a city's boundaries are is different to the rest of the world number 11. over 70 percent of Kuwait's entire population lives in just one city its capital kuwit city this is the highest in the world excluding city-states number 12. the lowest temperature ever recorded in the United States was minus 62 degrees Celsius the highest was 56.7 that's a 118 degrees Celsius difference number 13. nauru the world's smallest country is only six times larger than Central Park in New York City number 14. Africa as an entire continent has a GDP lower than that of the UK a country with less than 70 million people versus around 1.4 billion number 15. the Amazon rainforest is of course located in Brazil so that's a lot of trees right well it's got nothing on Russia who has more than double at an estimated 302 and 642 billion respectively Canada also has more trees than Brazil around 16 billion more number 16. at 1864 people per kilometer squared Bahrain is the world's most densely populated country this is excluding city-states and autonomous regions if we were to include those then Macau of China will become the most densely populated at a ridiculous 20 800 people per kilometer squared number 17. over a quarter of all humans on the planet right now are under the age of 15. that's around 2 billion people number 18 just 3 percent of the entire African population are over the age of 65 compared to 18 percent in Europe the lowest and highest for any continent respectively number 19. the greatest distance between any two points in the United States is in mind-blowing 9400 kilometers squared from cure atoll Hawaii to log Point Florida as the crow flies that's about the same distance from London to Bangkok number 20. the distance between the lowest line capital city by sea level in the world and the highest is 3668 meters that is Baku Azerbaijan and La Paz of Bolivia respectively for reference 3668 meters it's about 43 percent of the height of Mount Everest number 21. now this one is nice and simple but always surprises people when I tell them Rome Barcelona and Istanbul are all roughly the same latitude as New York City number 22 at 44.7 homicides per 100 000 people Jamaica has the highest murder rate in the world that was 1 323 murders in 2020 for reference their population is less than 3 million number 23 more people live in Hong Kong at 7.6 million people than in Western Australia and Mongolia combined a region of around 4 million kilometers squared number 24. Greenland is home to the world's largest national park it spans around 1 million kilometers squared if this region was a country it would be the 30th largest in the world number 25 the largest french-speaking city in the world in terms of population does not belong to France nor Canada but in fact is Central African country Kinshasa of the Dr Congo is a mega city of around 17 million people number 26 Luxembourg is filthy rich it boasts an estimated GDP per capita of around 127 000 US dollars for reference the USA the world's richest country by GDP has a GDP per capita of around 75 000. number 27. on the other hand Burundi ranks as the poorest country on Earth according to the World Bank on GDP per capita at just 293 dollars that's 433 times poorer than the people of Luxembourg number 28. kiribas located in the Central Pacific Ocean is the only country on Earth located in all four hemispheres number 29 there could be upwards of 2 million lakes in Canada this is more than the rest of the world combined number 30. speaking of Lex the world's largest lake is actually the Caspian Sea which is technically a lake even though its name doesn't suggest so the Caspian sea or lake spans 300 71 000 kilometers squared this is actually 4.5 times larger than the second largest lake Lake Superior which isn't Superior in this case which of course is found in Canada number 31. now which country do you think has the most islands it's got to be somewhere like Indonesia or the Philippines right well nope it is actually a country to the naked eye which looks like it has not many at all if any it is Sweden Sweden has over 221 000 Islands number 32 at just 2.1 percent of the adult population Vietnam is the least obese country in the world nauru on the other hand is the world's most obese country at a crazy 61 of the adult population number 33. now if you've ever been to Dubai you know just how ridiculously tall the Burj Khalifa is it is the world's tallest building I've been to the top and can confirm it is ridiculous how tall this thing is well put 10 Burj khalifas on top of each other and you have Mount Everest this really just puts it into perspective as to how hard it really is to climb the world's tallest mountain number 34. something really cool that I discovered recently is the term poll of inaccessibility this quite simply is a given point in a region that is the furthest away from the ocean Asia's poll of inaccessibility for example is located around here in Northwestern China near the Kazakhstan border number 35 China and Russia both set the record for sharing the most land borders this includes each other China however just takes the win as the total length of its land borders stretches around 2 000 kilometers more than Russia's number 36 excluding the countries which have no Forest whatsoever Oman is the world's least forested country at just 0.01 of its land number 37 the distance between Asia's most western and Eastern Point is over 8 000 kilometers that is Cape Bubba in turkey and big deal Mead in very Eastern Russia number 38 so I think we can all agree most of the world's highest ranking countries for the Peace Index are some of the richest most well-developed in the world right well not in the case of the USA they rank as the 129th most peaceful country in the world number 39 now I absolutely love this fact France's longest border is Brazil as French Guiana shares a 730 kilometer long border with South America's largest country for Mainland France it will be Spain at 623 kilometers and finally number 40. if you were to equally distribute the entire estimated economy of Earth that's 96 trillion US Dollars between the entire human address that's around 8 billion each person would be worth around 12 000 US dollars as Africa's current GDP per capita is around two thousand dollars this would instantly make the continent six times richer so there we have it 40 ridiculous geography facts did any of these catch you out or perhaps you have some of your own let us know below and as always thank you very much for watching and we will see you very soon in our next exciting video
Channel: The Geography Bible
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Id: f3EaUsEFsBA
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Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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