40 Minutes of LOS ANGELES Beautiful Aerial Drone Stock Video Footage [4K]
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Channel: 21Aerials Stock Video Footage
Views: 66,105
Rating: 4.9400001 out of 5
Keywords: los angeles drone footage, los angeles drone 2018, los angeles drone footage free, los angeles drone view, los angeles drone flight, downtown los angeles drone footage, drone over los angeles, los angeles skyline drone 4k, los angeles sunset drone, stock footage city, stock footage 4k, stock footage, los angeles stock footage, downtown drone footage, los angeles video, la drone footage, la drone 4k, los angeles drone video, hollywood stock footage, hollywood video
Id: Zv7xABrEOJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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