4 Ways To Screen Mirror an iPhone or iPad to Windows

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one of the most frustrating things for me as a developer and as a presenter is when I need to get my iOS device on to my screen and mirror it now I sometimes just want to see the app that I'm developing in real time or if I'm presenting I want to show the thing that I'm developing I just want to hold up my phone so today I'm going to break down four different ways for you to screen mirror your iOS device to your Windows machine so you have it whenever you are ready and all the way from free options to paid options and even some Hardware that will never fail on you so tune in [Music] foreign [Music] I'm James and I've been a long time IOS and Android and Windows developer and Mac developer and like I said one of the most frustrating things for me is when I'm doing a presentation or what I'm developing I just want to see my device on the screen well today I'm going to show you four different ways of actually breaking it all down some of them are software that you install on your Windows machine some of them are Hardware that you can use with different software that's out there and I've been using a variety of them for a long time so let's go ahead and get into it all right the first one is one of my favorite applications that I've used for I don't know a decade at this point probably which is visor visor is one of my favorite applications originally developed to screener Android devices but it now also does iOS devices too so I'm going to walk you through exactly how this works so one thing to know about visor is that there's two parts to it one is the desktop application that you need and if you're on iOS there is an iOS advisor app that you download on Android it'll automatically side loaded so this is nice if you are a developer especially using these devices you can just plug in your device and go this one works over USB so you do need to plug your device into your Windows machine and there are two different skus both normal and pro I have the pro which is nice has all sorts of options in here and the fee is pretty low so down here anywhere between 250 for a month ten dollars for a year or like me I have the lifetime available to me so the first thing that you want to do is download the software boom you're good to go and I'm going to bring it up here so visor gives you a lot of different options and you can see here that there's all sorts of different things outlined for iOS devices and then of course some different drivers that you may need to install like the Apple mobile device support in there so it kind of tells you everything you need so there are some things there like I said this one also does Android so you would also get Android on there as well all right the first thing you need to do is install the visor application so if you go into the App Store type for visor here it is right here and you'll see you can just download it and open it up now when you have visor installed here what you're going to do is plug in your iOS device to your Windows machine via USB cable and it will automatically show up inside of the visor app on Windows now this is going to of course need some permissions for camera and a bunch of other things that's going to prompt you but basically what it'll do is use the new broadcasting functionality built into iOS to screen mirror your device over now you can't be plugging your device in screen mirroring here which is the fourth option I'm going to show you later so I'm going to go ahead and unplug it now now what I'm going to go ahead and do is simply take my USB cable which is down here and I'm going to plug it into my device now what we see in the visor desktop app is that the iOS device is there and I'm going to go ahead and hit play now here this is going to say do I want to start visor there's an error broadcasting over here and that's because I need to actually start the broadcast on iOS there's a big button that you might have saw earlier which is a broadcast button that's going to bring up the broadcast screen I'm going to say start broadcast and it does a countdown now once it does that my iOS device is ready to broadcast so here it's going to go ahead and walk me through everything and there it is there's my iOS device right here actually doing a screen mirror of the visor application itself so here is that visor application now it's being screen mirrored and we can see this little red dot here and if I tap on that I can see that it's a it's actually is broadcasting so this is nice because it's own self-contained window and of course if I go ahead and swipe around we can see my iOS device coming in and it is really really fast so I'd give it props there in general there are some different settings that you have so you can see when it's a device is connected you can show a preview when the screenshot is taken you can pin the title bar navigation bar there's a mouse calibration on there to track a desktop movements and different image quality and you can even have an FLV output of the device as well the other cool part is that there's actually a record screen button and a take screenshot button as well so you can go ahead and get that in there so that's visor it's one of my favorite options because not only is it going to do iOS but it's also going to do Android as well so that is one really really cool option that you may want to take a look at and the nice thing is that it does work over USB so you don't have to worry about any Wi-Fi or any VPN or anything getting in your way as long as you have a USB cable you are good to go all right the next one on my list is one that works specifically over Wi-Fi this is the original way that I did screen mirroring before some of these newer Technologies came out specifically if you think about how you can broadcast your iOS device or your Mac machine via AirPlay to your Apple TV for example you can use that same technology to broadcast and send your iOS device to your Windows machine with an application called reflector now this is an application from Air squirrels it's been out for a long long time and it's in its fourth iteration now this again is a paid product there is a free trial so you can see here it's a 1999 and I've purchased it many times and this is an application that you download specifically onto your Windows or Mac machine now what's great is it does work with basically just about anything which is really cool but again it works over Wi-Fi so no cables or anything is involved there either so let's get into it so I have it installed and we can see it right here here is the reflector floor app and there's a lot of options so there's record all there's some settings here so I can go into preferences the nice thing here is that I can say oh it's going to show up as my system name uh I can see the connection so what do I want the resolution to be so if I'm on a slower like internet or something's going on there I can go ahead and do that there's some Security Options so you can have a password or a one-time screen code or just an on-screen code that displays there's some full screen options available there's recording options available too there's all sorts of network interface options available and there's a bunch of other things that are crazy in here too so you can see you can put on AirPlay Google Cast Miracast all that stuff as well so lots of nice options in here I'm just going to use the defaults so what I'm going to do over here is I'm going to bring up my iOS device again and what I'm going to go ahead and do is pull down from the top and I'm going to go ahead and hit this little screen mirror button now what we see on here is that there's two different devices that came up the first one that we see on the bottom is my Apple TV called living room and the second one is my desktop device so I'm going to go ahead and tap on that desktop device option there and what this will do is try to connect to the reflector 4 application now it's unable to connect because I'm screen mirroring so let me go ahead and unplug it and tap it one more time over there so I'm going to unplug this which again is my final option that I'm going to sneak in there and I'm going to go ahead and connect up automatically to my desktop device all right so since iOS has that restriction basically of being able to only mirror like one way at a time now that we have that we can see I'm connected automatically to the reflector 4 application and we can see it reflected right over here I can hide it I can show it I can go in I can bring it full screen I can toggle the sizes on it which is kind of nice uh there too I can also for example uh tap on the settings here there's all sorts of different options so it automatically detected that it's an iPhone 11 but I can change the different options I can look at the default sizes I can say it's always on top if it's full screen if I want to force rotation or not on there and again just like we would see earlier it's pretty smooth scrolling I'll also note down here there is a screenshot option and additionally a record button too but it is pretty buttery smooth as you can see there which is pretty nice all right so once you have that up and running that's all you need you're totally good to go and now you have your iOS device with no wires in between reflected onto your Windows machine all right second to last option here and actually the cheapest option currently available of free that's right absolutely 100 free is an option that I saw for David ort now use in several presentations and videos that he did it's something that you may not think of but it's actually really easy to get up and running and that clever technique is actually using a messaging application like teams or Zoom or Google meet or slack that gives you an option on the mobile device to actually share your device into a meeting this is pretty clever I didn't really think of it it's maybe not the end-all be all of ways of doing this but you can easily for example create a free account so here I have the just the browser view over here of teams and I've installed teams on my device so here it is and what's great about this is that I can go in and just simply join a call so create a call with yourself so I'm just going to go ahead and mute myself over here and then on my device I'm going to go ahead and join that as well I'm going to say join here now when you do this you're going to join and now we have a few options and that option here is to share and you'll specifically see share screen now when you do this this is going to use the same exact broadcast technology that visor used to actually do the screen mirroring over there now the difference is that a visor was going local right through the USB cable to get into that feed and output through the app now when you're using teams you're obviously going through the internet so there's going to be around you know a round that needs to go to go up and then down over so this is the same screen that basically wouldn't let me broadcast because I'm already broadcasting over here so I'm going to go ahead and unplug that now and we're going to go ahead and remove this from the screen I'm just going to hit start broadcast over here and this is going to do a countdown just like it did on visor and then just like that my device is now directly inside of the team's call I can go ahead and bring up things like visor again we can see it here I can go out and go around see here's my team's call that's going on here now this one is a little bit slower you can see a little bit here just because it is doing a screen mirror so in this instance you know you're not going to be showing off the performance and the screen and all the other stuff like that but you now have a window that you can drag and drop anywhere on your screen and you can get it available so this is something if you just need it in a pinch right and you don't have cables you don't have anything like that you don't have any software installed on your machine don't have time to do that you can easily hop into a teams call to get it going and of course it's going to work with anything that enables you to share your screen on your device like Zoom or slack or or meet or things like that and of course you can just easily go to teams.microsoft.com and then boom create your team's account and you're all set up and you're good to go and this works really really great foreign okay last but not least the way that I've actually been doing screen mirror for this entire video uh is something that you may not think of doing with your iOS device to actually get it on the screen uh however it does work really good in a pinch uh if you don't want to go through any Wireless any USB or anything like that well I guess you do need a USB but if you don't have those cables around uh there is a way of capturing the output of your iOS device via HDMI you'll need two pieces of Hardware first and foremost is the HDMI adapter for your iOS device that's a lightning then the other one is a capture card so for example the cam link like I have here from Elgato or any of the different capture devices that could be internal external or anything like this and there's a bunch of these on the internet I'll link to these official ones because I think they work super duper good but the gist of it is like this the first thing that you'll want to do is take your Elgato card and plug in an HDMI cable boom then what you'll want to do do is take the HDMI adapter plugin an HDMI over there and then what you're going to do is plug that into your device just like that now with this set up basically you plug via USB this adapter into your device automatically so if you're on a Windows machine plug it in if you're on a desktop like I am right here plug it in and you're good to go now I'm going to show you how to set this up in OBS but you can also use the Elgato software other capturing devices software that comes in to just use it as a as a webcam for example you can do that too so what I'm going to do now is head over and we're going to go ahead and capture that really quick all right so the very first thing that we're going to do is take that USB and plug it in to your machine so I'm just going to go ahead and do that all right we're good to go now on my iOS device it actually told me it was installing a device driver I guess from the actual little adapter so that may take a few seconds there so you're going to let that go ahead and then what you'll see is a little blue icon in the top left of your iOS device now what you're going to do is inside of OBS go into the new and say video capture device and here what I'm going to do is I'm going to say cam link iOS and then it's going to bring up a screen so we have a bunch of cameras a bunch of other things on here I'm going to select my cam link 4K now this is going to show me what my device looks like I'm going to hit OK but notice here that it has this black background on it and if I move this over you can see that I'm behind it so it's not super ideal but if you wanted to what you can do is hold down the alt button in here and actually trim that video down so here I'm just going to trim this Source down just like this there we go move that up and then move it over you can then resize it you can do anything you want and the cool part about using OBS in this scenario is that if you want to you can actually use this as a virtual camera so the whole thing would be a virtual camera here and the nice thing of course is that it is HDMI so it is pretty butter smooth which is really really nice at the end of the day so you get all of that built in and that capability you can capture the audio out from it as well so you can see here the audio so you might want to mute that if you're doing some screen capture but this is one of my favorite ways of just setting up scenes inside of OBS the windows always going to be there when I plug it in and I'm totally good to go so there you have it really really easy probably the easiest way the most minimal setup way of doing this but of course you're gonna have to have OBS open on a screen so again not the most ideal scenario here but you could you know set the resolution of OBS to be instead of 1920x1080 1080 by 1920 or the resolution of iOS and the other cool part is that you you could take this and then you could say preview scaling or windowed projector and you can actually take this into a little window too so that's something that you could do at the same time so you can use some different powers and just have that floating around so that's one of my favorite features you can do that and again you can set it up to be a different scale there anyways there you go using HDMI via the adapter and everything that you need alright and there you have it what's your favorite way of screen mirroring your iOS device to Windows or to any of your other devices that are out there did I miss something I think there's a lot of great software Solutions out there today that help you get there and the cool part is many of these Solutions also work for Android too I think Android's a little bit easier because you've been able to do it forever but for iOS the options have come a long way let me know in the comments below if one of these four are the option that you're going to use are already using or if you're using something else and of course you made it this far in the video don't forget to like because that goes into the YouTube algorithm of goodness to recommend it to other folks and of course hit that subscribe button if you haven't yet on this channel but all sorts of development tips and tricks tech reviews and all sorts of other things right here on the channel I really appreciate your time and I hope that you enjoy this video so until next time thanks for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: James Montemagno
Views: 166,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screen mirror, screen mirroring, screen mirroring iphone, how to screen mirror, screen mirroring iphone to tv, screen mirroring app, iphone screen mirroring, how to wirelessly screen mirror android phone for free, how to screen mirror iphone to mac, screen mirror tutorial, how to, cast screen, vysor, reflectorapp, refrlector app, airplay, mirror device, microsof teams device mirror, how to mirror iphone, how to screen mirroring iphone, how to mirror iphone to pc
Id: 0h9xBBOUJoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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