4 Ways To Make Your Song Sound Pro...On Phone Speakers

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let's see if you can hear the difference between a mix that isn't optimized for phone speakers and one that is as music producers we gotta accept the fact that 99 of people are going to be listening to our music on phone speakers or small Bluetooth speakers or earbuds so I'm going to show you four ways to make sure your mix sounds good on one of these the last tip is about how to play music directly from your Daw to your phone that way you can literally mix your track while listing off your phone speakers but first I want to show you what your phone speakers actually sound like so I'm going to take a sine wave that rises in Pitch over the whole frequency spectrum foreign notice how the peak volume stays the exact same level the whole time now I'll play that sound from my phone speakers into my microphone [Music] when I play that recording back we can see the frequency response that the phone is generating [Music] so if you focus on the volume of the sine wave you can trace a line of where it's at at each frequency when you do that you end up with a shape like this so the first trick is to put an EQ shaped like this on your master bus now listen to how your mix sounds [Music] that's replicating how it's going to sound on phone speakers and what you can do is save this EQ setting so every time I want to listen to how my mix might sound on phone speakers I just go down to my iPhone 11 preset and it comes up right away now using that we can move on to the second trick which is to use multi-band saturation to help the bass come through so here's the bass sound in this track now on phone speakers you can probably barely hear that that's because the space is all concentrated and the sub frequencies [Music] fix this by using a multi-band saturation plug-in like Fab filter Saturn so I'm going to add an extra band in here and make it start above like 120 something Hertz and then I'll add some saturation here and then I'll boost the level up a good amount [Music] if you're watching this video on a phone you should hear a big difference [Music] foreign make it sound like the mix has more low end without actually making those sub frequencies any muddier you can test this by opening an EQ after the saturation plug-in for the base to come through on phones you want these frequencies around like 150 to 400 Hertz to be just as loud as the sub frequencies that way the mix sounds more full on your phone but it still sounds balanced on big speakers too [Music] foreign saturation plug-in you could just use an EQ for this [Music] but saturation does add some nice harmonics that help the sound come through the mix even more let's talk about the third trick now you got to accept the fact that most people will never appreciate all the little details and effort you put into your mix so you need to think about what they are going to hear when they listen to your track with this song they'll mainly just hear the drums and piano now I do have all these other layers [Music] and those are great to fill out the track and make it sound more professional but they're meant to be more felt than her so what you can do is focus the mix on one or two important things in each section I want to focus on the drums and piano so I'm going to take all these other synths here and just turn them down a bit [Music] but I shouldn't just turn them down I should make sure they're not taking up any of the super low or high frequencies that you can't hear that well on a phone [Music] now I have more room to make the piano come through so I'm going to add an EQ to the piano and boost the frequencies that really translate well on a phone [Music] and I'll also make sure the drums are nice and up front in the mix [Music] now let's do a before and after of all the changes [Music] now I do have one last trick for you which is to send what's playing in your Daw straight to your phone that way you can make mixed changes while listening on your phone speakers all I have to do is add this plugin called listen to to my master bus then I'll select the lowest latency and the highest quality audio settings here and then I'll just hit start stream slash copy link now my phone I'll open up the corresponding app also called listen to and I'll just hit paste link and connect now when I hit play and Logic the audio is going to come out of my phone there is a good amount of latency like even though I selected 0.1 seconds here there's still probably like a second of latency but being able to actively mix my track like moving these volume faders around while listening straight on my phone is crazy I've been doing it with every mix now just to double check how everything is sounding on my phone and make adjustments while listening on my phone if I need to thank you guys for watching peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Big Z
Views: 35,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixing music, how to mix music, mixing for phone speakers, mixing and mastering, make mix for phone speakers, big z, music production, tutorial, edm, electronic music, mixing, mastering, sound design, how to, make music, producer, DJ, serum, vital, synth, bass, Logic Pro, Ableton, FL Studio, masterclass, remake
Id: CegidF6esME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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