4 Ways to Immediately INCREASE Autophagy When Fasting

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today's video is about four ways that you can increase autophagy during your fasting okay autophagy is widely known as one of the largest benefits of caloric restriction and fasting now in case you didn't know quickly autophagy is where your body breaks down components of cells that it does not need anymore in an effort to use them as fuel now in order to understand how to drive autophagy up we need to learn what kick-starts it in the first place and with that we look at some interesting fasting research okay so what we do know is that being a little bit hungry activates autophagy we also know that exercise activates autophagy but when it comes down to being hungry it epicenters around something known as ghrelin which is a hunger hormone and when you start looking at the research it's fascinating we've seen in studies with rodents that when they cannot produce a hunger hormone when they cannot produce ghrelin because they've been basically modified to not when they fast they go hypoglycemic their blood sugar goes so low that they might even die now this doesn't happen to humans why doesn't this happen to humans well it doesn't happen to humans because ghrelin when we get hungry it signals for autophagy to activate and when autophagy activates it breaks down components of cell cells we don't need anymore and turns it into blood sugar so when we don't have ghrelin our blood sugar would drop drop drop drop like it did with these mice but since we produce the skrelin what happens is we can go through autophagy so understanding this it leads us to our first one okay being able to drive up more autophagy when fasting you want to be moving around and exercising During the period in which you are the most hungry with your fast so if you wake up in the morning and you're hungry and you normally kind of grit your way through it doing a little bit it doesn't need to be crazy a little bit of moderate exercise is going to amplify that autophagy response because the ghrelin is signaling for you to be hungry and that ghrelin is also signaling for maximal autophagy I shouldn't say maximal but increased autophagy if you exercise it's widely known that exercise drives autophagy even more than fasting I have to be candid here so how do we get the best of both worlds when you're a little bit hungry do a little bit of exercise it's also when you are protected the most from muscle breakdown so exercising is the first one while you are a little bit hungry it's very very simple but it can definitely improve that autophagy response number two this is going to come as a shocker we might think that we need to get adapted to fasting and that when we're no longer hungry with a fast it means that we're good at fasting now that's true okay that's a perfect adaptation example you're fasting so much that fasting isn't difficult you don't get hungry anymore the problem is that that means your metabolism has adjusted to that and that you might not be getting the same benefit as you were in the beginning but it's okay because it's very easy to fix the way that you course correct this is when you start recognizing that you're no longer hungry when you're fasting you need to take a little bit of time off maybe to few days maybe it's a week maybe it's two weeks maybe it's a month it doesn't matter everybody's different and then go back to fasting and at first if you think about it incorrectly you'll think oh man I lost my ability to fast I'm hungry again wrong that hunger response is doing amazing things for you that hunger response is activating autophagy that hunger response is helping you burn fat more okay so it's very very important so one of the best ways the second way that you can increase autophagy while fasting is to take the occasional break from fasting so that you actually get hungry when you do fast that's kind of wild right but it makes a huge difference fasting shouldn't always be comfortable sometimes you want it to be uncomfortable and that discomfort is what triggers the adaptation including autophagy I also popped the link down below for Thrive Market who's a sponsor on my channel the reason it's relevant with this video is I have specific foods that I like to eat when I'm fasting and I've created like fasting bundles and low carb bundles and everything through Thrive so you can kind of see what I eat and things like that so I thought it was practical and it made sense with this because maybe you're taking some time off from fasting you don't know how to eat I would typically recommend eating relatively low carb if you're adjusted to fasting may not be a good idea to go back to the well and have you know 600 grams of carbs unless you're very active right so I pop that link down below because you can sort by diet type by low carb by keto by sugar-free by gluten-free very very easy unless you get a 50 free gift so check that link out it's the top line of the description just below this video no pressure you totally don't have to they're a big supporter of this Channel and it helps this channel out if you help out the sponsors that make all this content possible but hopefully it gives you more benefit than just helping me hopefully you get something out of it too which is going to be good price groceries delivered to your doorstep plus a massive discount it's that link down below the next way that you can get maximal autophagy out of your fast is by doing one of two things actually three things I'll give you three options because there's different varying levels of sort of expense that can go with it you can sit in a sauna if you have one in your gym or if you have one at home now the idea behind a sauna just to give you the context here is you increase what are called chaperoning proteins this means that when you're going through the folding and unfolding of proteins and the remodeling of organelles and all this stuff that happens even with autophagy saunas and fasting go hand in hand with that autophagic flux with that whole process so they work very very well together so when I'm fasting I almost invariably like to sit in a sauna because I feel like I'm getting more metabolic benefit and more autophagy benefit now that's a given we have research to back that up but not everyone can afford to sauna and not everyone can just have the space for one I understand that the interesting research suggests that if you're sitting in a hot bath you can get a similar benefit and everyone can sit in a hot bath right I do it all the time like if I don't feel like going out into the sauna or it's night time I go sit in the bath I take a bath and I fill it up to my chest or whatever and I get it pretty hot not scalding and then typically I meditate in there and I kind of suffer through it and I try to make it like a sauna so that's a nice way to be able to get the benefit if you do this at the end of a fast you'll also find that you're not as hungry anyway it just kind of like gets your mind occupied in the right way but rest assured you're getting a nice autophagy benefit another thing you can do is use what's called a sauna blanket okay now those are things that you can get on Amazon they range from a couple hundred bucks to a couple thousand dollars depending on what you're doing but a sauna blanket is just a more space effective way to be able to get those benefits they're typically infrared so it's a little different from a dry heat sauna as far as heat shock proteins go but still they get up to you know 170 180 degrees and you're close to the heat so source and the light source so you're getting that benefit there so that's just a more cost effective space effective way if you don't want to sit in a hot bath and you can't build a big old sauna or don't have it at the gym that leads me to the fourth way that you can increase autophagy and this is very very cool if you allow yourself even one day to go low carb prior to your fast that will lessen sort of the obstruction to autophagy in some ways I'm not saying that carbs are going to block autophagy not at all but when insulin is elevated you do impede autophagy during that time period so if you eat a bunch of carbs on Saturday all day and then Sunday you start a fast well you have to work through lower those insulin levels and you have to kind of burn through those carbs before you start getting the benefits of the fast so if you're going to fast I do recommend the day before it might not be a bad idea to go low carb maybe keto maybe close to keto but you're not doing a keto diet you're just going lower carb for a day so that your autophagy response has kind of already kick-started you're already kind of starting a little bit of this so that when you go into the faster insulin levels are already low and you start maximizing and capitalizing on the benefits of a fast that much quicker this is another reason why I don't recommend fasting every single day because you adapt to it and you don't get that autopsy energy response I recommend fasting like two or three days a week so you can still have periods of elevated insulin elevated mtor for growth and repair and periods of suppressed insulin lower mtor higher autophagy what that simply means is you're balancing that yin and yang of repair that comes from growth and carbs and Insulin but you're also balancing it with Rejuvenation and recycling that comes from low insulin low mtor and higher autophagy and fasting so with this just to recap okay you want to try to exercise and move around when you are most hungry number two you want to be hungry when you fast and if you're not hungry when you fast you need to take some breaks from fasting so you do get hungry number three high heat exposure during your fast the later in the fast the better hot bath hot sauna infrared sauna blanket and number four try to go low carb the day before going into a fast to maximize the benefit as always keep it locked here in my channel and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 385,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j-EOvX4e6rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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