(4) Village Boy Becomes A Warrior, Kills His Enemies And Gains The Power Of God Manhwa Recap

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the hero has had a good night's sleep but is surprised to find that he doesn't realize where he is the hero hears a voice asking if anyone in the palace was involved in the murder a memory pops up in the hero's mind in which the emperor greets the hero victoriously and asks him to bring him new clothes and underwear suddenly the hero has an epiphany that he's in jantai Palace the submitter reports that chinu Yang could not bear the torture but it was learned that yanan planned the murder and the bribed Palace Unix were apprehended and executed Emperor declares its time to talk about the sins of those who have failed ironhawk the servant admits that hibben failed and their spies didn't see the catch in yand Don's plans and is willing to suffer the punishment wanon jumps over the wall for which he is fully prepared to be punished on a fire lion and demands not to block his path the submitter agrees that the hero broke into the city but he did so solely for safety's sake the hero's assumptions about not being punished are Justified but that man in Black is probably from high and probably knows about the spies his majesty is informed that his offspring have been on their knees for 4 hours waiting for him to receive them a crowd of concerned young men burst into the room they obligingly inquire whether the rumors that a certain scoundrel has made an attempt on the life of The Sovereign are true and declare their Readiness to give the life of the emperor does the emperor realize that his children were waiting for him to fall victim to the assassination attempt in the first place and wonders how chunu Yu's classes are going the son son being utterly confused does not know what to say to his father in response to this associations pop up in his mind as people say that xiaoi is insane since he decided that such grave crimes would go unpunished the guy states that although the hero is a criminal he saved everyone including the emperor which certainly overrides all of his sins the emperor replies that one should not blindly follow a man like the protagonist so great just because he has talent the hero through the screen hears the emperor let his visitors go with understanding for they had waited 4 hours for him the hero is thrown into trepidation by the sudden intrusion of the emperor and questioned about the sincerity of the word spoken by his sons the hero puzzled asks the emperor how he knew he was already awake and the emperor in turn first asks him to answer the question he asked the character notes that huai cried as soon as the doors opened making a scene unlike Fu who showed sparkling emotion most likely having time to grieve to during the waiting time when asked by the ruler why the hero speak so posit positively of Fu even though the latter is politically opposed to him the ruler replies that this is no reason for hatred the emperor suggest that the hero take fusu as his Apprentice which may signify Ying jang's attempt to draw the other into the political struggle the hero is greatly puzzled by such requests as his ambitious plans in no way included the education of his younger brothers the hero asks an unexpected question about whether the emperor wants him dead to which the emperor responds with extreme incomprehension the hero explains that he and fusu have different visions of the country's future so his mentoring will only intensify the feud and when his brother ascends the throne he will get rid of him the hero Marvels at how quickly the emperor determined to keep the conversation quiet agrees with him and assumes that he is testing him the emperor orders a servant to bring a gift to Juan Jun in the Box are two gift blades that are definitely not as good as the JNL sword but they too are filled with spiritual energy on top of that the emperor asks the hero to accept also a map of the Yan Kingdom which will be useful to the hero in the war the hero announces that he is going to take the daggers but declares that there is no map as it is false from which the ruler is astonished he pulls out an authentic map and places it on the table at first glance the maps are similar but the details are very different including the location of fortresses and outposts focusing on a map that is not valid would have resulted in heavy casualties in the war the emperor wonders how in a kingdom as small and perfectly protected as Yan he couldn't get his hands on this card even with hibben's help the hero puzzled by the sudden hints of the ruler denies any secret intentions because the card got him completely by accident the king allows the hero to go to rest but tomorrow they have another important thing to discuss the emperor is sure that the hero is hiding something and he gave himself Away by the fact that At The Mention Of the secret organization hibben he did not even ask if he should have known about it he is glad that his son has the foresight to try to protect himself from him very soon they will have to reunite but first the hero should prepare well for important state affairs the hero realizes that he was extremely careless but wonders why Ying Jong didn't do anything about it being completely immersed in his own thoughts he doesn't notice the girl walking towards him and confronts her ying-ying man the emperor's daughter apologizes to the hero for not noticing Juan Jun himself the girl says that she knows the protagonist and that she saw him enter the palace so she decided to wait for him here to give the gift to chiir the hero notes that the toy is beautiful and wonders if the princess made it herself the princess explains that tier and chier often come to the Palace to play with me so the girl decided to make a toy for them the hero thanks for the gift and says he'll be sure to give it to chier the girl embarrassedly apologizes and immediately runs away unexpectedly in the evening someone's voice comes out politely asking the unknown person to return home for the reason that Wan Jun has not returned yet the man replies that he understands that wanjun does not accept gifts but declares that the wagon contains concubines that he will be able to keep at will the hero has explained that such a number of gifts is quite expected because he has liberated Three Kingdoms and since no riches are worth his Fame they try to attract his attention with the help of women when asked by the hero why Han gongzi has been away from the palace for so long he replies that the king ordered him and mung wo to go on state business the hero congratulates Han Fe that he is now one of the highest Palace officials and wonders what common business he might have with the general the hero's question puts Han in an awkward position and he can't find the right words for the situation he can't actually tell the hero right now that he and the general were trying to convince M AO that xiaoqi was worthy of taking the throne Han explains that General mung knows that he used to be the hero's Aid so he invited him to the military Camp to give the man some sound advice about commanding troops the hero removes himself and says says it's no problem and Han can tell the general anything he wants to know the servant Falls at the hero's feet and declares that he has made a monstrous mistake and the latter convinces him that if he was simply following the orders of the Sovereign he has nothing to justify himself for but Han rejects this version and says he did a terrible thing by telling the general about martial arts the official claims that he had too much alcohol in addition he thought that the protagonist and general mang's family are close enough so they serve him general mang's family never participated in the power struggle but Han managed to convince the general otherwise so now with his support xiaoi has a good chance of regaining the throne Han reports that he is only loyal to the chin Kingdom because he is loyal to jao Chi for helping him a lot by passing on the martial arts and is now working hard for the good of the Kingdom he wonders when the mung family became loyal to Mr jiai and how his martial arts background is now the general stares at Han Fe uncomprehendingly not understanding what martial arts he is talking about then his hand bursts into flames with those words he subdues the fire causing the Flames to grow larger and larger the General in amazement at the never-before scen stares at what's going on Han ends his story by summarizing that everything was as he said it was and that he was fully prepared to be punished the hero confirms that M's family is loyal to him and remarks that since M knows about martial arts the emperor is aware of them so there's no need to hide from from now on the hero is now definitely leaving saying and parting that ordinary people can't comprehend martial arts anyway when he needs to he'll let Han Fe know zi doesn't want to waste time chatting with the people at the entrance so he decides to cheat and get home through the wall the hero discovers a crowd of charming maidens in his Courtyard happily greeting xiaoi the girls explain that his wife had ordered them to wait for their lord here because she knew that he would decide to bypass the main passage the girls remarked that his wife was very attentive to him and also report that they will help the hero relax after A Hard Day's Work Z xiaoi realizes that at this time it is perfectly normal to have concubines so he has nothing to hide he can take advantage of all the benefits the next morning the door to the room swings open and the main character stands on its doorstep the hero gently pulls back the canopy and the bed Reveals His Wife Awakening from her sleep the girl finds herself in the arms of the hero who says he missed her very much the spouse asks whether the hero returned because he did not like those girls to which he replies that he decided to return of his own accord the wife declares that those girls were princesses of vassel Kingdoms granted to the hero to maintain diplomatic relations and says she has no right to take them away the hero assures Yan ER that no matter how caring those concubines may seem but only with her he feels cozy and comfortable the couple exchanges a tender kiss the son of the hero childishly naively wondering why he still sleeps with his mother if he's already an adult Z and Yan ER were so engrossed that they even forgot about the children who were in the same bed with them the hero shows off the toy he brought for the kids while he himself thinks that family relationships are so tiring that war is so much easier for him to wage in comparison Ying Ying man weaves a wreath of flowers while the main character's children happily play together the emperor notes that it is quite rare for a hero to come to the Palace by himself and even with his children the hero asks the emperor to take the children away for the time being but the emperor declares that xiaoi would then have to stay in the palace as well the emperor's daughter looks at the protagonist with embarrassment and the protagonist notices this non- pushy feeling the hero makes a delicate request to the emperor saying that the granted concubines are not enough for him and he wants to get a princess which the emperor asks him not to even dream about the emperor places some Scrolls on the table One By One The Sovereign pointing to the table with the Scrolls asks that all the reports be read and then approved even though the hero has no power the emperor still allows them to read them the ruler plans to soon unite the celestial Empire and take over the kingdom of yan after which xiaoi will assume his duties the emperor's son objects to his teacher who asks the impatient young man to be quiet the teacher explains that the fact that the emperor has long been privy to jai's Affairs and his own Affairs while not even allowing his children to read the reports is perfectly normal Mentor argues that the prince should have no objections to his father's will especially considering the fact he himself wanted to pull jao Chi to his side grasping quickly the air realizes that it's best to leave the criticism to fusu and chunu Yu and he on the other hand will stay by jao's side and wait for them to decide to oust him the first thing the protagonist considers necessary is to establish the tax laws of the Three Kingdoms as well as to repair the effects of the flood and establish a supply of Provisions zi thinks raising taxes would be a foolish decision and suggests leaving the tax policy unchanged for all three kingdoms after all they are part of the chin Kingdom the emperor notices that the protagonist thinks exactly like him so he should be the one to inherit the throne the hero believes that the people of the Three Kingdoms will be grateful to The Sovereign suddenly his majesty is informed that there is a problem with the food supply as fu is going to privately Aid the victims Fu orders the soldiers to hurry up or else the people of the Three Kingdoms will starve for a longer period of time immediately the Wayward Offspring arrives with an enraged Emperor and the main protagonist Fu explains that such disobedience is due to the fact that he can no longer bear the suffering of the people so he takes all the spending for the grain the hero cuts off that even if Fu decides to empty the storage facilities of the provinces that are the largest grain producers he still won't be able to save everyone Fu declares that if the protagonist hadn't caused the flood he wouldn't have had to save anyone and now he not only does nothing but tries to stop it as well xiaoi explains that the Three Kingdoms would not have been part of the chin Kingdom if the hero had not tripled the floods the method of fighting hunger that Fu proposed is absolutely inappropriate for this situation because the rich officials will steal the provisions and it will not reach them the emperor is curious as to what the protagonist intends to do with all the grain xiaoi orders to mix all the grain with sand and send it to the affected people the soldiers pour sand into the grain sacks and Fu unable to find the right words watches the scene self-consciously the emperor's subordinates are loading sacks onto a wag Fu exclaims that no one will eat grain mixed with sand the hero explains that officials will definitely not eat such grain because they do not know what hunger is but for the peasants it is a real treasure the emperor fully agrees with the hero's plan remarking that during the famine no one will care about sand so the grain will definitely reach the peasants xiaoi adds that if they want to help the victims the rest of the provisions must be done the same way The Sovereign gives fuss an important lesson that he needs to be more r Ral and Rule with his heart as well as his mind Fu and his mentor are forced to admit that although the hero is overstepping his bounds his way may actually solve the problem of hunger especially since the emperor has given the go-ahead fu repents that he wanted to get his father's attention but only ended up embarrassing himself He suggests that xiaoqi should not interfere with the government as he really cares about the chin Kingdom the teacher does not agree with the lad at all that a man who reads the reports of The Sovereign thereby committing a serious crime can be invited to the Palace at all the attendant brings a huge stack of scrolls with reports and wonders if one June should be called in the emperor asks to start by letting him look at the reports coming to be horrified by what he sees a servant asks the enraged ruler what could have made him so angry with a disdainful look he once again examines the contents of the scroll in a fit of anger the emperor throws all the Scrolls off the table resenting what has happened hearing the screams the protagonist swings open the door to the room and asks the ruler what happened here the emperor recalls that the hero often complains about keeping him in the palace so today decides to give him a day off and a chance to spend time with janner and the children the inscription on the scroll states that onean Jun is the perpetrator of a serious crime the hero guesses why the emperor did not show him the report probably because it contains accusations of official misconduct xiaoi believes that the ruler craves the death of the hero so much that he is barely able to suppress the murder Aura which demands that action be taken as soon as possible The Sovereign is certain that the sensor is trying to get to xiaoi and there is no way he can let that happen a crowd of officials regaled the emperor's reception room to see if the rumors about him allowing Wan jun's reports to be viewed were true the man threatens to file a complaint against the protagonist and the emperor himself today he states that one Jun was well aware that he was breaking the law because since ancient times Only The Sovereign or the acting Sovereign had the right to review and evalue reports the emperor explains that wanjun was not breaking the law as he was merely following orders and carrying out important tasks that had been assigned to him the official declares that although the hero understood the order he still obeyed it and now he must pay for it with death he must be torn apart by chariots the man informs him that as a sensor he has every right to make a claim and if the emperor does not stop insisting he will have the right to bleed right in the palace for the peace and prosperity of the Yan Kingdom the generals intervene perplexed as to what kind of school teaches you to disobey the orders of the Sovereign and gives you the right to demand the execution of one June General Ming explains that by reading those reports one Jun had only benefited for thanks to him Not only was the tax policy established but also the situation of the supply of Provisions was improved the Furious Emperor wonders rhetorically if the sensors are so stupid as to believe they have any power over him 20 years ago they drove epen out and let her die in a foreign land and now the Scoundrels want to take chier away from The Sovereign but he is no longer that inexperienced boy the Scandal is getting bigger and bigger and the judge could keep this flame of enmity alive thus getting xiaoi executed the judge still decides to say something but the emperor interrupts him believing that he is also going to press charges against Wan Jun and execute him however the man reminds him that the most important task at the moment is to take over the Yan Kingdom so even though Wan Jun has made a mistake killing him now is by no means acceptable meanwhile on the roof of the same building the protagonist takes a bite out of an apple xiaoqi remarks that despite his perid leisi is sincerely loyal to the chin Kingdom so maybe if Fu learned from him he wouldn't become as tedious as Chun Yu Yu the protagonist assumes that the emperor sent him home because he didn't want him to get involved in this Scandal however how it will end is still unknown the emperor reminds us that the battle with the Yan kingdom is soon to be fought so judging the most important leaders for our nation right now is completely absurd officials are puzzled why the unification of the celestial Empire is attributed only to the hero because the unification of the Three Kingdoms was possible thanks to the Army and a huge amount of supplies The Sovereign says the sensor has just erased all of Wan jun's great achievements and devalued the century-long plan to unify the celestial Empire xiaoi realizes that the emperor intends to kill the censor even though they are not supposed to be killed since ancient times even by the king the emperor loses his temper believing that even if he has a reputation as a tyrant he will at least cleanse the Palace of all rot for jao Chi's sake only the emperor is about to give everyone orders when suddenly Z xiaoi himself walks into the palace apologizing for the sudden intrusion the hero explains that he overheard The Sovereign talking to the sensors so he decided to join in the protagonist states that he is not guilty as he has always followed the emperor's orders but says that he liked the words that the taking of the Three Kingdoms is not the credit of one man xiaoi explains that he started serving when he was very young and he always had loyalty and patriotism in his heart he was lucky that the Sovereign noticed him but anyone could have been in his place the hero observes that the sensor is willing to die for his own even in the audience which means that the latter loves his homeland even more than the hero does jai proposes a bold move transfer the sensor and other officials to hondan Camp to kill enemies in the name of the great Kingdom of chin the protagonist assumes that in a military camp the gentleman officials would be able to fully show everyone their talents and loyalty the desire to expand and develop territories is the highest measure of loyalty for the Ching Kingdom since the censor admits that he is no match for jao Chi if he wants him executed he does not want peace and prosperity for the chin as well General mung and lei recognize that Wan jun's words make sense so they agree with him all the other officials and sensors also agree with the emperor's words the emperor remarks that the decision was well made and now orders the sensors to be sent to the military Camp the sensor begs his Majesty's pardon for life in a military Camp is worse than death puset is perplexed as to how he can help since the sensor has just committed a crime and asks to be kept out of it the emperor now asks everyone to leave the palace at last an unknown man asks Wan Jun to stay and wait for him in the inner Palace zi realizes that just now there was quite a dangerous situation for him however there was no way he could let the treacherous people harm the sovereign the man agrees and wonders if the hero knows that Prince Fu was behind everything that happened because of their recent conflict the official explains that Prince fusu wishes to take his father's place so things could happen again but if Prince Hui were in his place nothing like this would happen xiaoi states that the man seems to have misunderstood him for he is loyal Only The Sovereign can decide who takes the throne and the hero is loyal to the emperor and the great Kingdom of chin the formidable Emperor becomes an unwilling listener to the conversation that develops between the protagonist and the official with a veneration the hero panting runs up to the chambers of the emperor in which he catches directly The Sovereign himself who gives orders to the soldier xiaoi assumes that the man he saw dressed in a black uniform belongs to the hiban unit the emperor asks the heroes to pass and ignore the soldier as he is just an iron hawk from the hibbin unit the protagonist assumes that since the ruler has summoned a man from hbin it means he has some important business to attend to and the EMP Emperor confirms the hero's hunch by saying that an iron hawk has just brought news from the kingdom of yan taking a look at the map of Celestia the hero notices that at the moment their soldiers are guarding the main roads but they are in no hurry to attack as their soldiers are too weak and there is nothing else for them to do the emperor notes that their assassination plan has failed so the advantage is still on the side of the chin Kingdom and wonders if the hero is ready to take over the Yan Kingdom xiaoi immediately hastily declares his intention to return to H to gather and prepare an army The Sovereign asks the impatient protagonist to settle down because he wasn't going to let him go anywhere yet the emperor in order to find out how hard the hero has worked on state affairs requires him to write out the basic principles of State Administration the ruler declares that unless the hero can handle the work allotted to him he will go nowhere like a mantra the hero repeats that he is completely loyal to The Sovereign and the great Kingdom of chin suddenly The Sovereign places the glass firmly on the table and addresses the protagonist the emperor asks the hero what he would choose loyalty to the king or loyalty to the kingdom of chin xiaoi replies without hesitation that the kingdom and its ruler are one and the same the character suggests that without Ying Jang as Emperor the kingdom of chin cannot exist enemies of the state want to tear apart the kingdom of chin and the entire Celestial Empire and then the hero will have to act the protagonist is sure that if he betrays he will have to kill everyone but how to explain it to Ying Jong doesn't know know yet the emperor believes that Chi is indeed the most similar to him a member of the hibben squad informs the emperor that all the defenses of the Yan Kingdom have been discovered in addition there was some commotion in the palace Prince hookai deliberately told Prince Fu and chunu Yu that Chi gongzi was looking at the reports the emperor informs him that he didn't want xiaoi to have to get his hands dirty so he saves him from unnecessary trouble the protagonist wonders what kind of turmoil is going on in the palace but the emperor assures that everything is fine and asks not to worry Prince Fu wonders how the soldiers dare to treat him in such a manner but they reply that the emperor has ordered him out of the palace so he had better obey them fuzu wonders how his father could kick him out of the palace since he is a prince is it really because of jai Mr Chun didn't know that things would turn out like this and The Sovereign would decide to treat his own son like this Mr Chun is perplexed that the emperor acts so ruthlessly towards his own son because of xiaoi as if he were his son even though he has never heard of The Emperor's other children in his Decades of working in the palace the man manages to learn from a soldier that in addition to Fu Prince huai and janlu have been kicked out of the palace Lord Chun gets the idea that The Sovereign has decided to remove Pretenders to the throne before unifying the celestial Empire something he has yet to figure out General mung reports that the emperor's order forbids certain officials from being in the palace without the proper directive General mung declares that even though though The Sovereign sons have not violated anything the latter is only carrying out the order given by the emperor The Sovereign Sons wonder how their father could be so callous to them for they are his offspring through the closed front door of the gate come the cries of the sovereign's children asking to be heard General mang wonders if this is exactly what the Sovereign meant when he gave the order to which member hbin assures him that he would not have had the courage to follow orders willy-nilly General mang remarks that the actions of the sovereign's Sons had displeased the emperor so they should not have threatened xiaoi and used him for their own purposes the man from hiban explains that long ago fan wuji persuaded Prince Chang Xiao to rebel against The Sovereign as a result Ying Jang had to kill his closest relative and The Sovereign doesn't want jai's hands stained with blood from the carriage comes the voice of the protagonist indignant that the emperor promised to let him go and now is taking him to an unknown destination the man reports that they have arrived at their destination the hero pulls back the curtain and immediately determines that he is in chuu's Residence xiaoi is trying to figure out who with the surname Liu could be involved with the emperor only if that person is not dead the emperor realizes who the hero might be thinking of and says that he does intend to introduce xiaoi to him the ruler greets an elderly man whom he calls uncle and the latter remarks that he has not met the Sovereign here for a long time in front of the protagonist appears a former Chancellor of the kingdom of chin Leu buay who wonders what kind of young man with the emperor The Sovereign introduces xiaoi as Wan Jun of the kingdom of chin an elderly man announces that he has heard that a true hero has been born in the kingdom and invites the guests to the table the emperor reminds his uncle that alcohol is contraindicated but the latter says he is in a good mood today so the inhibitions can be disregarded the character assumes that Lu buay faked his death so that Ying Jang could consolidate his power because if the ladder is alive Ying Jang cannot be considered the rightful ruler the emperor explains that he came because he is worried about his uncle's health so he wants him to become jai's Mentor The Sovereign declares that xiaoi is not only excellent in military Affairs but also well-versed in public affairs so only his uncle can entrust the hero's training to him the emperor shows a scroll in which the protagonists described the basic principles of government and his views were very much in line with those described by his uncle in his book The Chancellor recognizes that Juan Jun does indeed possess great talent so due to the fact that the Sovereign already rarely entrusts him with important matters the man cannot refuse the hero agrees to be the Chancellor's apprentice and the emperor gives permission for the hero to go to rest as The Sovereign still has much to discuss with his uncle Z xiaoi does not realize that Leu is still alive and will become his mentor nor why the emperor's sons are not in his place on the other hand the hero manages to gain valuable Knowledge from lubu the chancellor asks the the emperor if he is hiding something from him but the Sovereign pretends not to understand what he is talking about the elderly man asks the ruler not to play dumb because when he saw Wan Jun he immediately realized that he is the son of epen the chancellor remarks that when he saw xiaoqi he immediately thought of aan because they were so similar to each other he refused to give up his power but there was nothing he could do about it and could not hold on to it the emperor does not blame his uncle for what happened and thinks that duner would not want to see him so depressed the emperor asks his uncle to take care of himself as he has been in a state of despondency for the past few years and his health is getting worse the chancellor admits he is getting older but says he is still bound to see the Middle Kingdom United The Sovereign informs him that he has one more thing for the hero to do and with these words pulls a small bottle out of his kimono the emperor insists that the chancellor take the elixir of immortality Uncle declares that everyone has their own destiny and immortality is just a fantasy not worth dwelling on so Alchemists can't be trusted The Sovereign reports that he got rid of the Alchemists in the palace a long time ago and that the elixir of immortality is the realest and was given to him by chair without thinking long the uncle pops a red pill into his mouth suddenly a warm Aura began to stream out of the elderly caner some time passed and night fell there are several Spirit Stones on the floor the protagonist spends the evening meditating and practicing the system notifies the hero that he has reached the seventh step of the pre Celestial stage zi remarks that although it won't happen soon he will reach the level of a great Master after three levels despite the fact that the hero hasn't fought in a long time the spiritual Stones help him improve albeit very slowly the protagonist plans to immediately discuss the plan to take over the Yan Kingdom with the emperor when he returns to xiangyang jai notes that the level of this world is too low and wonders if he will become a God by the time he surp passes that level suddenly the door to the room opens and the chancellor appears on the doorstep wondering if Juan Jun has rested well enough the hero greets the older man and confirms that he is well rested glowing with joy the sovereign's Uncle informs him that the hero is not obliged to call him Chancellor for he no longer holds that position based on the fact that Li buay could not have recovered overnight Jai concludes that the emperor had given the latter an elixir of immortality Liu reminded him that yesterday they had agreed that he should teach the hero how to conduct the Affairs of state so it would be better if he called him teacher the former Chancellor recognizes that the hero is very talented but there are some points that he should pay attention to so Jai will have to do a thorough job of it the mentor grabs the hero by the hand and pulls him into the building and the hero has the impression that he got into the school despite the fact that he is one June himself the teacher insists that even though the hero is a soldier he needs to know how the country is ruled by The Sovereign because xiaoi has great potential that cannot be wasted the emperor remembers that he too once learned from his uncle and now realizes that Liu buay is the best teacher he can find The Sovereign has visions of the chancellor threatening to never allow the first to see epan again unless Ying Jong learns the essentials by heart after a few days the emperor and the protagonist are about to temporarily leave Liu's domain but soon promised to visit the chancellor opening the curtain of the carriage the emperor discovers on its seat a lifeless weary Chancellor the protagon who is weary of his instructions xiaoi states without any doubt that learning from Chancellor lii is much more tiring than fighting in a war the hero says he now understands why the emperor didn't send his sons here as they wouldn't have endured all the teacher punishments however jiai has to admit that he understood a lot and learned a lot from his teacher no wonder such a person was able to write spring and Autumn for he possesses the experience of a hundred teachings the emperor explains that he could not allow his sons to become a es to Mr Chancellor not because they lacked talent but because he could not spread rumors that his uncle had faked his death otherwise he would be in Mortal danger xiaoi believes that since the emperor hid luu's death even from his own Sons Ying Jang trusts him unconditionally so the hero can't betray his trust in any way the hero slips his hand into the pocket of his kimono and is about to pull out some kind of bottle from there xiaoi brings to the emperor's attention a bottle similar to the one he gave to the chancellor the hero explains that this is an elixir of great appeal which The Sovereign should not hand out left and right unnecessarily or he will have none left at all xiaoi says that guessing that the emperor used The Elixir given to him was the easiest thing to do as The Sovereign is quite close to the chancellor and his uncle's illness is cured by The Elixir of small circulation among other things the protagonist declares that the king must regardless of whether Leo buay and the hero or not unite the entire Celestial Empire and become chin shuang the emperor for all time the ruler remarks that if he succeeds in uniting the celestial Empire and the people of yandi and hangi he will become emperor and eclipse the glory of his predecessors a royal Carriage with the protagonist and The Sovereign arrives at the palace entering Beyond The Palace walls the hero notices soldiers rushing a Shackled criminal in a hurry the emperor informs the hero that during his absence he has begun to put the inner Palace in order the Sovereign declares that there are too many eyes and ears around him to whom he usually pays no attention but now he cannot allow them to remain here and wishes to expel them the man asked to Pardon him because he served The Sovereign for more than 20 years and wonders what he could have done wrong the emperor asks the traitor if he recognizes that he colluded with huai and told about Juan Jun reading the reports the official cannot justify what he has done being able to utter only pleas for salvation The Sovereign gives his word not to kill the traitor for he has served in the palace for many years but from now on he has no place here the guards carry him away the protagonist can finally breathe a sigh of relief because next to the emperor is not this bastard Jaa which Jai himself wanted to get rid of but did not expect the Sovereign to do it himself the princess greets the arriving Emperor and the protagonist the hero is surprised to see the royal princess yinon in front of him the girl explains that chier and Shier found out that their father had to return to the Palace so she brought them here the princess greets the protagonist xiaoi asks the princess where his children are as he was just about to take them home the main character's children come running in saying they didn't make it in time for Mrs man apparently because she missed grandpa so much the princess explains that she was beginning to worry about the emperor because he hadn't been in the palace for several days the hero bids his majesty ADW as tomorrow he will need to travel to handan to prepare an army to take over the kingdom of yan xiaoi grabs the children in his arms and leaves the Royal Palace it's obvious that yinan is part IAL to the protagonist but it's a good thing he doesn't do anything about it the emperor wants the hero to find out sooner and this is over and he returned to his family otherwise the palace will fall into chaos the hero orders the shadow guards disguised as ordinary soldiers to travel to the dands to deliver a message to Liu as it will take over a month to dispatch the troops Z xiaoi reports that at this moment the Yan Kingdom has too few forces only General ching ching can fight back so it is is necessary to act quickly and decisively so as not to waste time the soldier assures the protagonist that he will not let him down the letter will be delivered to General Liu within 3 days half a month later in the city of G the capital of the kingdom of yan the old man shouts at the young man kneeling at his feet indicating that the country will perish because of the lad's misdeeds an elderly man declares that because of the assassination attempt on the chin King the kingdom of yan is disgraced and neither the kingdom of chi nor the kingdom of CH are willing to send their troops to help the young man parries this by saying that the assassination attempt on the King has nothing to do with it as it's all about the other kingdoms not wanting to send their troops because they chickened out the guy declares that he is not guilty of anything and has already prepared a 300,000 Army of soldiers and placed them in the capital and the map that he sent to Emperor chin was a fake the son of the Yen King objects to how his elderly father can rule the country when he acts so cowardly and indecisive suddenly the king stopped and a horrified Grimace appeared on his face suddenly the ruler falls to the bench behind him with horrible screams the young man asks his father to wake up but he is unconscious the son orders the doctors it seems The Sovereign has had a relapse the doctors carry the elderly ruler away while his son watches in Silence the heir notices the timely return of his father's old illness Heaven seems to be helping the young man so the power is now in his hands the lad's musings are interrupted by reports that the kingdom of chin has started a war the young man warns that The Sovereign is not well so he is temporarily performing his duties from now on he must be informed about military Affairs personally even though it is against the rules the soldier reports that the troops are not commanded by jao Chi but by General Liu of the dands and they have decided to linger On the Border the man explains that by moving all the troops to the capital the King has weakened the Border areas so Liu has already captured several cities the air starts laughing loudly with full confidence the young man declares that this Xiao Chief failed to surprise him this time because he had already figured out the plan of the chin Invader the king explains that Limu is just a decoy to distract the Yan Kingdom's troops if you send the troops to the Border xiaoi will immediately attack the Kingdom's Capital Jiang the soldier wanted to object but the governor said that his orders were not to be questioned and gave orders to defend the capital city a huge wooden pole pushes through the gate soldiers of the kingdom of chin begin an attack on another Border Town of the kingdom of yan orders are given to hold the city's defenses and find the strongest fighters to defend the gates the soldiers are puzzled as to where the reinforcements are and why the Sovereign has not yet sent troops the forces of the Yan Kingdom fail to hold back the enemy's Onslaught and the city's defenses collapse a crowd of chin soldiers destroy the gate to the city and Rush headlong into battle General Liu is surprised at how brilliant a plan one June has come up with the general has never captured cities so easily after all he has guarded Ed by only a thousand men the general notes that while his army is taking over the Yan Kingdom the dands continue to be attacked by Barbarians from the north and hopes that Wan Jun has prepared well the soldier asks the general not to worry for in a letter delivered to wanjun he wrote that the capture of the kingdom of yan should take a little over a month the general then decides to capture a few more cities before one June takes action a bird flies quickly over the Soldier's head the bird lands on the Soldier's hand and the soldier ties a small paper with a message for one June to its paw the carrier pigeon Soares upward eager to deliver the letter to the recipient the protagonist reads in a letter lieu has captured 15 border towns the Yan Kingdom never sent reinforcements the foreigners are not taking action zi believes that this is the perfect moment to attack the Yan realm He commands the entire Army to launch an attack on the Yan Kingdom and All Is One support the chief with a battlecry half a month later the protagonist's Army approaches the capital of the Yan Kingdom Jang thousands of soldiers raise their Spears with the flags of the chin Kingdom on them and Shout victoriously ruler Yan is puzzled why the general is so concerned that Wan jun's 300,000 troops have surrounded the city after all the capital has an equally powerful Army standing in the capital the general explains that even if the city can be defended Liu has already taken over most of the country anyway moreover they are commanded by xiaoqi the god of assassination who needs no introduction the the general doesn't think he's lost all his manners from Fear of the enemy State he just thinks the Homeland is in danger so going for broke wouldn't be the best tactic The Sovereign declares that these are all just excuses he orders him to go to the front line and accept and if he disobeys the order or loses he will regard it as treason the general wonders why the country is still intact with such a foolish air in the end the general swears allegiance to the Yan Kingdom and decides to prove it by dying on the battlefield in order to arouse the fighting Spirit of the soldiers the senior general of the great Kingdom of yan declares that he will not allow the kingdom of chin to take even half of the capital city the ruler of the Yan Kingdom orders to stop talking to the soldiers of the chin Army and instead show the full military might of the Yan Kingdom the senior General is forced to admit even though the soldiers have no attitude that they have no choice so the only thing left is to follow orders with Readiness to fulfill the order the Yan Kingdom's Army confidently rushed into battle two huge Columns of troops from both kingdoms rushing towards each other a soldier of the chin Army laughing suggests that their opponents are willing to die for he has never yet seen anyone attack in the open the protagonist concludes that yandan is none other than a child in an adult's body and the hero is only too happy about it because a quick outcome is just what he needs xiaoi orders the soldiers to adopt an attacking battle formation and begin to charge forward two opposing forces are about to collide a chin Soldier cuts through several opponents of of the Yang army with his sword at once the hero orders the Tiger Army into battle the enemy soldiers are terrified that the god of assassination jao Chi has managed to tame tigers and use them for military purposes a subordinate of the protagonist faces off in direct combat with a soldier of the enemy Army an opponent tries to spear a chin Soldier but his attempts are feudal the hero's servant successfully counterattacks knocking the weapon out of the enemy's hands a subordinate of the protagonist declares that although senior General ching is very loyal but still stupid so his efforts are in vain the general replies that being served always means being betrayed so he doesn't care Yan's General goes into a rage a general of the Yan Kingdom's Army cannot afford to just die as a senior General she must become famous and die honorably suddenly the general rushes toward his Target the commander of the chin Army jao chi ching chin jumps right off his horse at the protagonist bringing his sword over his head as he goes the protagonist pierces his Target with with a fiery bow one Jun is forced to admit that the General's loyalty is commendable but notes that he was ruined by stupidity the stricken General falls to the ground unable to emit even a death cry xiaoi suggests that the king of yan yandan surrender otherwise the hero will have to make him himself yandan is perplexed as to how this could have happened after all he had 300,000 soldiers just less than an hour ago the protagonist explains that it was all the fault of the Yan ruler that this all happened however the prince trying to justify himself makes Ching chin a general of the army to blame for everything although he was only following the orders of the ruler The Sovereign is confused as to how he could have lost to the kingdom of chin after all he was chosen by the heavens from despair the ruler of yan goes to Desperate Measures he offers to obey him and become loyal to the kingdom of yan to unite the celestial Empire because xiaoi is so talented and he has no reason to serve the Tyrant Ying Jang to the soldiers of the protagonist Army it seems that yand Don has gone mad ruler Yan offers the hero everything money women and land and moreover 10 times more than Emperor Ying Jung would offer him the hero puts his hand to his mouth and whistles loudly dozens of black crows respond to his cry one of which lands on jai's arm and he orders the birds to deal with the Enemy a whole flock of Angry Birds flies at the Yan King causing him to shriek the birds are grabbing The Prince and throw him off the defensive wall when seconds remain before for collision with the ground a sudden downward flow of air like a cushion stopped the ruler from certain death the hero explains that Yang Dan is in his hands and the Yan Army has been completely defeated xiaoi orders to surrender without a fight and open the gate then all who obey will remain alive the prince declares that the army of the kingdom of chin are barbarians and the hero assures him that he is now not a prince but only a prisoner a soldier grabs the Yang Prince by the head and he orders the gates to the city to be opened the soldier tries to resist the ruler's decision but the ruler does not allow him to disobey orders the gates to the city are opening after all the prince states that he was forced to do this in order to save the civilians of the capital city of jiing it was because of ching ching that such Extreme Measures had to be taken the character states that he has never seen such irresponsible and hypocritical people who even in such a situation try to justify themselves because of the fear of death wanjun orders to take control of Jiang and announce to everyone inside that he is not going to kill all those who surrender without a fight there are Cries From The Palace that the chin Army has entered the palace and the prince has surrendered and the kingdom of yan has fallen a subordinate reports that the prince has been defeated and general ching ching B has been killed so the ruler must leave the palace before the Ching Army arrives the hero enters the palace noting that although There is almost nothing left of the kingdom of yan The Sovereign is the only one who has not fled at the sight of the chin Army The Sovereign servant is horrified that zi has already reached the king's domain wanun suggests that if not for the king's worthless son it would have taken at least 6 months for the army of the chin Kingdom to capture Yan if at all there would have been any such chance at all the old man recognizes that his useless son is a disaster for the Yan Kingdom but he doesn't believe that all of Ying jang's sons are much better so he is convinced that the chin Kingdom won't exist for much longer the hero agrees with the ruler that perhaps the kingdom of chin as he said will not rule the celestial Empire forever but declares that only his Sovereign can bring Tranquility the elderly Sovereign Rises slightly from the bed and in a swift motion he pulls out a gun from under the pillow the ruler of the kingdom of yan wonders how Emperor chin is going to unite the celestial Empire if the hero is going to die here now xiaoi deafly Dodges the attempt on his life without even wagging an eyebrow the hero makes a swift swing of his sword the protagonist strikes the elderly ruler of the kingdom of yan with his Blade the old man Wills that Ying Jung will have the same ending as him and they will both watch from Heaven as the world crumbles in the hands of his descendants and after his death the six kingdoms will once again burn with bright Flames the hero declares that even if Ying Jong is gone as long as the hero is alive this will never happen he will not let what he has worked so hard for fall apart grasping his chest the old man wants to say something else but he is interrupted by the hero the hero without letting the Yan Kingdom's Sovereign speak slits his throat with a dagger Jai commands that the deceased be buried as befittingly as he is not going to break tradition as the hero descends the stairs from the palace he notices that the king is dead and the kingdom of yan has fallen xiaoi is already making plans to take over the other two kingdoms Chi and Chu the soldier informs the hero that the capital and Palace are under the control of the chin Kingdom in addition all 32 cities on the border of the Yan Kingdom and the dands have been captured the hero wonders if yandan is going to commit SU suicide but the soldier reports that although he is strong on the outside but weak inside so he does not have the courage to commit suicide for the sake of the country yandan is sitting in a cage apparently losing his mind he thinks he is the ruler of the celestial Empire and not Ying Jang not Jai is not an obstacle for him the protagonist orders yandan to be taken into custody and brought to senyang with the news of the Victory and not to disturb him for the time being for he has important business to attend to meanwhile it was late night in the capital city of the Yan Kingdom the hero requests the system to count his rewards and the system begins processing the request the system alerts the hero that he has killed about 300,000 soldiers a general and the ruler of the kingdom of yan for which he gets a lot of experience and useful items Z xiaoi remarks that it was quite easy for him to take over the kingdom but he had no idea that he would get such good rewards he also sees the beginning reinforcement pill for the first time and wonders what it is beginning enhancement pill is a black rank pill of medium quality each pill taken increases the experience value by 5,000 if the level is below 21st and by 3,000 if the level is above 21st but below 31st the hero asks the system to show his characteristics looking at which he decides that in a short period of time he will reach the eighth step of the pre- celestial stage xiaoi pops both red pills into his mouth wanting to raise his level when starting to meditate the hero is enveloped in an aura and begins the process of raising his levels Z xiaoi is sure that now it will be easy to capture Chi and chu but what to do after the unification of the celestial Empire the hero does not know yet the kingdom of Immortals is just his assumption the hero recognizes that there is not enough spiritual energy in this world but he is unwilling to stop there the system solemnly congratulates that the hero has reached the 18th level the eighth step of the pre- celestial stage the protagonist himself notices how strong he's become zi is not going to give up he doesn't want to stop becoming a the hero vows if there is no way to become stronger in this world to create it himself from the palace come cheers of joy that the great Juan Jun was able to defeat the Yan King and gain victory for the kingdom of chin the emperor wonders if the officials had not had enough of what happened to the censor and were up to no good again the servants start making excuses in fear that they are up to No Such Thing Ying Xing is perplexed that the officials don't want him to reward Juan Jun for taking over the Yan Kingdom his majesty believes that the unification of the celestial Empire is inevitable so why then does he not have the right to reward gentu the counselor asks his majesty not to be angry for they are not trying to thwart his will but feels it necessary to delay awarding the hero with the title of Chu Chu's title is second only to the royalty which may not be to the liking of the current Generals in addition the emperor banished all the princes a month ago which jao Chi can take advantage of the emperor inquires directly from the generals themselves what they think of it all three generals are convinced of Juan jun's abilities and do not mind if he has given the title of Chu they would not hesitate to follow the hero's orders if he became the commander of the army the official originally plan to use the generals to oppose one June but for some reason they are willing to serve a boy who likes to overstep his authority the ruler concludes that the generals are not at all against his decision he asks chunin if he has anything to add but he dares not the emperor then orders xiaoi to be awarded the title of Chu thus giving him the right to command the entire Army Ying Jang orders all but the three generals to leave the room now jao Chi is not only under the patronage of the king and has the right to interfere in state affairs but also has power over the entire Army if he is not restrained one day he will take over all the power over chin himself Mr Justice denies that he had openly supported Fu and criticized xiaoi before moreover he is disgusted by the power struggle and assures that he agrees with the sovereign's decision Mr Chun has learned over his many years at court that a wise man only protects himself the official declares that The Sovereign is too kind to WAN Jun so if the latter suspects something he should check it out Mr judge reports that he is loyal to The Sovereign and even more loyal to Chin so if the official proves that Juan Jun is plotting something wrong he will not let it go unheeded General mung wonders what the Sovereign is talking about with Wang Jan and hangi the interlocutor explains that The Sovereign is going to give jao Chi the right to command the entire Army so naturally he must explain his decision to the generals that's why he invited them to the capital the man says that the unification of the celestial Empire is inevitable because the Sovereign has banished the princes and some officials so jao Chi will have to return to the royal family very soon General Ming judging by the appearance of just released generals concludes that everything the official told him about the hero's family line is the purest truth the generals have long been worried about xiao's fate and are perplexed by the fact that General mang didn't say earlier that the protagonist is the heir to the throne Mr M replies with a smile on his face that the issue of the main character's heredity was only a matter of time the other generals say that although they have always tried to stay away from Power struggles they will definitely support xiaoi even at the cost of their lives the official states that the throne will not be easy for the protagonist to regain as the conflicts that occurred will have to be resolved first the man states that Prince key has already become a Target even though he hasn't even had time to reveal his identity yet and it will only become more difficult in the future all of the prince's supporters including various officials and Elites would be pitted against xiaoi the massacre will not be avoided however the massacre does not scare the generals at all on the contrary they are ready even with the value of their lives to pave the bloody way for the sake of Prince jao Chi the official remarks that military people are always very passionate and strong willed but when the Middle Kingdom unites a way out is sure to be found the hero slowly but surely ascends to the throne being literally one step away from the throne great things await him a month later at the Royal Palace the hero is told of good news from the front all the cities of the kingdom of yan have been captured and their troops have been reorganized a soldier reports that a messenger from shangyang has already arrived with the Royal Decree xiao's assumption is confirmed Ying xang couldn't help but reward the protagonist for destroying the Yan Kingdom but it took longer this time around the judge reads the Royal Decree wanjun xiaoi fulfilled the will of The Sovereign he successfully conquered the Yan lands for which he is entitled to a noble title of the highest category Chu and with it the power of the Supreme commander-in chief of the kingdom of chin xiaoi Ponders that The Sovereign not only granted him the highest title of nobility but also allowed him to command the entire Army this seems to the hero to be an abuse of his authority the judge asks to accept his congratulations and is about to deliver a few words from The Sovereign the emperor has given the hero an entire army with which to conquer the kingdoms of chi and Chu and a handsome reward will await him on his return to senyang the hero realizes that Ying Jang allowed him to reach such Heights so he vows to be sure to return all of China to him by uniting all six kingdoms Xiao he stands in front of the map pondering the battle strategy in this war after all he has the entire Army at his disposal and can send troops at any moment the hero wonders what the reward for uniting all the kingdoms could be if he already received an incredible reward today however no matter how high it is ying Jong will never give him the entire Celestial Empire the protagonist is asked to calculate the system's reward for killing enemies and promotion the system congratulates the hero for achieving the Noble title of Chu and being honored as the commanderin-chief of the army for which he receives extremely valuable rewards among the rewards was a treasure chest which the hero immediately wishes to open from the chest the protagonist receives the Earth rank pill or otherwise life extension pill which can extend Life by 10 years any living creature can only take five of these pills in a lifetime in addition Jai had commandeered a Heavenly ranked award class expansion the hero wants to know more about this award class expansion will allow the hero to master several professions at once and if he already possesses immortality demonic or Divine enhancement he can choose another class The Immortal TOA is above all Mania and Witchcraft the spiritual tow hardens the spirit the Demonic TOA is cruelty and anger the Divine TOA is based on faith and belief the martial Dao or martial arts is about bravery and courage each Doctrine has its advantages and disadvantages but if you choose two classes whose disadvantages and advantages offset and complement each other there is no equal for a hero in this world the hero notices that he is getting closer and closer to reaching the Grand Master stage Jai feels like he is now able to pass on the black rank skill he obtained when he was given the title of Yung the hero notices that his subject soldiers have come rather quickly they agree for they cannot keep his majesty waiting xoi announces that now that their level of refinement has approached the pre Celestial stage it is time to hand over the cruel Warrior Canon to them the hero explains that the first stage of this technique will allow the soldiers to successfully reach the pre- sky stage a sudden fiery Force began to envelop the subordinates of the protagonists subordinates one Jun explains that the true meaning of the pre Celestial stage is to transform Inner Strength into Chi the energy of Heaven and Earth so they must open danan the Breakthrough is successfully accomplished and the soldiers reach the first level of the pre Celestial state AG through meditation the subordinates can't believe that their Inner Strength has become more powerful they wonder how the true Chi that his majesty spoke of could be so strong the hero explains that the violent Warrior Cannon is not suitable for shadow guards and ren sha needs to perfect his inner strength so the hero only has Spirit Stones for the two of them renel cordially thanks his ruler xiaoi reveals that today he was ordered to command the entire Army however the greater the power the easier it is to lose it so the Army needs those who are eager to conquer Chi and Chu and unite the celestial Empire since these three generals are skilled at commanding an Army in the future xiaoi will make the whole world shudder if the new king decides to kill him the hero suggests that he may one day have to use the sharp sword that yingjun gave him but the hero would like to avoid conflict with the king's descendants xiaoi orders everyone except Dan ruo to leave the room so the hero needs to entrust him with an important matter the hero realizes that the unification of the celestial Empire ire is inevitable and shadows are everywhere so he asks the head of hibben's squad to find out something for him xiaoi holds out to his subordinate and emerald pendant left to him by his own father the hero wants the man to know something about this item as he would like to know what kind of person left his mother behind the soldier determines at a glance that this item belongs to the royal family the head of hin is not sure which kingdom or Kingdom this item belongs to but is certain of its Royal origin for it contains elements characteristic of chin Chu and Xiao the hero recalls that his mother is from Xiao however if this pendant belonged to their royal family then Xiao Chi's mother would not be wandering the world this leaves only the chu Kingdom the hero is glad he found out before he decided to attack them otherwise he might have killed his own father the man wonders why the hero is so sure that his mother's pendant belongs to the chu Kingdom and not the chin Kingdom the hero recalls that 20 years ago chin and Xiao were feuding with each other except for Ying Jen the entire Royal Family stayed away from Xiao but the hero doesn't think he can be Ying jang's son yiai orders the soldier to go back to sneen and find out everything there but he doesn't understand why the hero should be engaged in reconnaissance while the Army will be left without a leader the hero explains that the Army needs training so it will be best if he takes care of it now and without anyone else's help that way after the war the hero will need to return to xiangyang if he survives member haben comes to the emperor and the emperor wonders if there is any news from chier about his return to shangyang the man explains that while the hero took the kingdom of yan he caught a cold and now feels unwell so now it is better for him to refrain from longdistance traveling the ruler is horrified at the unpleasant news but a soldier quickly calms him down by informing him that according to his information xiaoi is about to travel to the kingdom of Chu since the hero isn't sick why hasn't he returned and why would he head to the chu realm Ying Jong wondered The Sovereign suggests that the hero may have gone to the kingdom of Chu for reconnaissance because it is about to be captured but does not understand why he would do it personally when he has spies throughout the celestial Empire a subordinate explains that before he set out on his journey the prince had instructed his shadow guard to investigate something on the side of xiangyang the emperor assumes that the hero has decided to find out something about him meanwhile in the night Palace of shangyang the hero's spy hides from passing guards behind a wall and intelligence knows everything about the main members of the family except the King which means that if he can find the Jade pendant sample here his majesty is Xiao Chi's father Spyro carefully searches for something in the mountain of Scrolls on the Shelf the Scout opens the Scrolls one by one It seems impossible for him to count the number of times The Sovereign has shown kindness to jai suddenly the lights in the room come on and a voice reaches the guy suggesting that the man is here to find information about the Jade pendant the shadow guard wonders how he could have failed to notice the emperor with his power he asks if the chin King knew he was being watched the sovereign states that although chair's Shadow guards are strong but the spies from hin are not weak either and he guessed chair's intentions on his own the Spy wonders if his majesty is the protagonist's father he confirms this and is curious about how much the protagonist knows and the purpose of the trip to the kingdom of Chu the guy doesn't understand why he has to tell him anything because there is no way he would betray his majesty even if he had to Die the ruler is glad that the hero has surrounded himself with loyal people and asks not to worry as he does not intend to kill him but only wants him to keep everything a secret the king explains that the situation in the celestial Empire is unstable and a powerful official with immense power is very soon to become a prince the Scout wonders if his majesty plans to hand over the throne to the protagonist the ruler explains that there is no one else besides xiaoi who can take on such a huge responsibility the king hopes for understanding the agent agrees for his Majesty's sake to keep everything secret for the time being hoping that he will hand over Jai and not some other prince otherwise he threatens to kill him personally the emperor laughs and promises that he will keep his word pushing back the front door and stepping outside the ruler orders the weapons to be laid down as he still has much to discuss with this gentleman archers hold their weapons at the ready The Sovereign orders the weapons to be lowered and the soldiers listen to the ruler orders fyro concludes that hibben is doing a really great job so he needs to practice more so he doesn't let his majesty down meanwhile in the Kingdom of Chu border soldiers announce a routine check at the entrance to the city the soldiers inquire about the purpose of the visit to indu and whether the visitors have a pass and the visitors reply that they are new here and have not heard of any pass the main character Peaks out of the carriage and declares that they have a pass after all xiaoi holds out a small bag of money to the soldier and he is satisfied with the reward the hero explains that he and his servant are simple Merchants who are fleeing Jiang and want to visit relatives the soldier allows the hero to pass into the City and offers to use his Services if he has difficulties because the people in indu are kind and helpful at xiao's residence the protagonist wonders why his majesty decided to visit him in person if he came here seeking protection The Sovereign explains that since the hero has come to the great Kingdom of Chu he is henceforth its citizen so it is his Majesty's duty to personally recognize the the hero hopes for further cooperation so he has prepared tea and wine as a presentation for the ruler the ruler remarks that the hero knows how business is done the ruler and the protagonist enter the room and the door closes suddenly his majesty falls on his knees in front of the hero and begins to apologize to the hero for the fact that the Shadow Guardian overstepped the bounds of permissible and informs him that he is ready to accept punishment the hero asks the Zar to rise from his knees because he understands him perfectly well since the Sovereign acted in such a way as not to attract undue attention the king begins to explain that although on the surface the kingdom of Chu is a strong and prosperous country its internal politics have been in chaos ever since Lee Wan seized power after the death of King Cay after which rumors spread that the current ruler is not a member of the royal family Z XI wandered if he correctly understood that fuchu was going to do something about it the Sovereign confirms the protagonist's speculation by reporting that three major Clans are trying to lure Prince fuchu to their side but their intentions are as yet unknown according to the story Lee Yuan gave his younger sister Lee yanyan in marriage to Chun Shen Jun hang when he found out his sister was pregnant he killed hangi and gave her in marriage to King cha then they had an heir and the current ruler of Yu after the death of King sa lieu took control of the government and became the secret ruler of the chu Kingdom he desecrated the Royal lineage and suppressed its family members in addition he made enemies during his Reign which led to chaos in the chw kingdom in the end the three major Clans teamed up with Prince fuchu to kill Lee Yuen and bring order to the chu Kingdom to oppose the chin Kingdom the hero declares that it is impossible for such a brave general of the great Kingdom of chin to Die the protagonist orders that a meeting with lieen be arranged for him immediately soldiers order people to get out of the way so they don't get hit by the oncoming Chancellor's Carriage a soldier threatens a fallen man to get rid of him if he doesn't hurry up the man asks to be spared a middle-aged man grabs the sickle beside him with a sharp swing of his sickle the man strikes the soldier with his weapon the other members of the Chancellor's guard are horrified to realize that they are facing a squad of assassins from whom the chancellor must be protected the aim of the criminals is to assassinate the troublemaker and traitor who desecrated the royal family the chancellor of The Killers kill soldiers one by one and nothing can stop them the hero remarks that at this rate the thugs might actually kill the chancellor as the soldiers of The Chew kingdom are too weak the chancellor trembling with fear is perplexed that he could have sent assassins in broad daylight and asks for help as if out of nowhere an assassin appears in front of the chancellor he takes a swing of his weapon and practically catches up with the chancellor the Lord out of desperation manages to utter only pleas for help suddenly the protagonist flies into the Assassin out of nowhere with two feet in the air the hero declares that as long as he's here the Assassins won't dare lay a finger on the chancellor Bandits threaten the hero with retribution and he has no problem dealing with them one by one a squad of thugs having been completely defeated rushed from the scene of the crime with all their legs the protagonist convinces the chancellor that the brigin have escaped and he can be completely calm the chancellor wonders who xiaoqi is the character introduces himself as xiaan a simple man who is very happy to meet the chancellor a short time later at the Lee residence the protagonist subordinates bring huge chests into the palace Jai says that he has long admired the Chancellor's work so he only wanted to visit him to present him with a modest gift but on the way he was caught up in a battle with Bandits so he was unable to pay his respects properly the Chancellor's subordinate explains that the hero is a rather rich and famous Merchant of the Yan Kingdom and is now here seeking Refuge the hero explains that he chose the kingdom of Chu as a refuge because he did not like defeated States and he could not go to the kingdom of chin with his wealth xiaoi states that the chancellor is feared by all six kingdoms and Chu is powerful xiaoi reminds us that liuu once gave up everything he gained to support Ying Jang and now the hero declares his willingness to do the same for the chancellor and serve him Faithfully the chancellor observes that the hero is eloquent and well aware of the current circumstances he believes that there is no need to interrogate him because the hero saved his life so the chancellor believes him xiaoi says that he has been trading for many years so he has made a lot of useful connections as soon as he arrived in the chu Kingdom he learned that there are unflattering rumors about the chancellor so he wants to talk to him face to face the chancellor orders the servants to prepare the table and give the new guest a warm welcome the protagonist looks at the subordinate Chancellor with a smile during the feast the chancellor asks the hero to tell what rumors about him but declares that if he lies he can expect no mercy xiaoi after arriving in the chu Kingdom learned that the three major Clans were trying to pull the prince to their side to overthrow the chancellor he didn't believe it at first but when he saw the assassination attempt in person there was no doubt left in his mind the chancellor explains that the rumors are 100% true the killers were screaming for justice the chancellor knew from the start that the Clans would never stop Mr Chancellor orders the hero to give out a secret government plot if he does it properly he promises to reward xiaoi generously the protagonist declared that he will never lead the chancellor and will expose anyone involved in the conspiracy the false brigands complain that if the hero was a bit stronger they wouldn't have survived however even if some would have died it wouldn't have mattered since their lives belonged to his majesty the protagonist subordinate enters the Barrack saying that the performance the soldiers put on was excellent and that his majesty requested that the medicine be given to them the soldiers asked to convey their gratitude to his majesty they wonder if he knows about the hero's further plans and why his Majesty has come to chew in the first place the chief replies that his majesty wants to think things over carefully and they are only required to be loyal today the hero has ordered the three Clans and Prince fuchu to be tracked down the shadow guards declare their Readiness to fulfill his Majesty's orders not to let the protagonist down and to find out everything about the plans of the three Clans and Prince fuchu a strange man wonders how such a large brothel has not found a single girl the owner apologizes to him but remarks that it is not their fault as all the girls were taken by the main character the proprietor assumes that the hero is a very wealthy Merchant otherwise where did he get such riches he has come here to select a new servant for Chancellor Lee the guest is furious that the traitor Lee Yan has allowed some petty Merchant here to waste his time he's going to report this to Prince fuu the hero watching from the sidelines and sipping tea concludes that it's not enough to just report it to fuu the whole city must be alerted to the fact that the Clans are in open in conflict with Lee Yuen it seems to the hero that the sooner the traitors act the sooner the chew Kingdom will fall the brothel owner asks the hero to look at the girls and determine which ones the hero is most attracted to the protagonist points his finger to which girls will go to LY jun's residence and which ones will stay here in the brothel but the hostess interrupts Jai informing him that the other girls will stay with the hero bring him drinks and to dance with him the protagonist explains that he is now performing public duties so he cannot relax and the girls believe that just a drop of alcohol will not hurt xiaoi and will lift his spirits xiaoi walks out of the building and asks the girls to wait for him at the gate suddenly some object flies at the hero's feet and shatters the protagonist wonders what the Mr Chancellor walking towards him is so angry about the chancellor demands the hero not pretend like he doesn't know anything the hero is confused by these circumstances he assumes that since the chancellor still calls him Jawan it means that the latter has not had time to reveal him the chancellor vehement complains that it was fuu who once again sent the Assassin and indeed colluded with several clan members the chancellor praises the protagonist for providing information that enabled him to take his enemies by surprise the chancellor states that he has questioned several assassins and they have stated that I am engaged in wastefulness and festivities at court he thinks his enemies think this because they Envy the chancellor the hero informs him that as long as he's around the chancellor can count on his help and enjoy all benefits Charming girls surround the chancellor and are going to take care of and entertain the chancellor properly the hero states that he is very upset that the three Clans have Dishonored the chancellor and wonders if he can teach them a lesson the Lord agrees as he has no intention of tolerating it any longer the protagonist reports that he is ready to assume his duties the three main clans of the chu Kingdom and the royal family have always been responsible for the defense of the state but now their attention is occupied by Lee Yuan because of the disunity of the chu Kingdom it becomes an easy target for enemies the protagonist explains that the future plans are to continue to add oil to the fire making leuan look even more greedy and lustful in the eyes of the three Clans as the next task the hero orders to find the participants of today's assassination attempt and kill them not forgetting to leave traces so that everything points to Lee archers hidden in the night's Gloom in a tree preparing to make an attack an arrow strikes a man near the carriage right in the chest the ser cry out in horror that Mr Xiao has been assassinated and is now dead a shadow guard rushes forward killing a man most likely a member of the royal family in the process a royal pendant with the pattern of the royal family falls out of the sleeve of the murdered body's robes in front of the palace the embittered people demand that the chancellor come out to them and explain how he dared to kill a member of the royal Clan the Chancellor's subordinate wonders how the common people had the courage to call the chancellor by his name he can't understand how they dared to be the first to start and then to barge in here as well two opposing forces rushing at each other like a wall the chancellor climbs the steps leading up to the Palace screaming that the hero has framed him he breaks into the hero's Chambers and accuses Jai of leaving too many traces after which all the Clans come after the chancellor and the city stands on its ear the hero apologizes to the chancellor arguing that he was busy searching for his relatives so he assigned the task to his subordinates but xiaoi declares that he is ready ready to be held accountable for his misconduct xiaoi reassures the chancellor that he has no reason to Value his relationship with the other clans after all they started first if the Lord kept everything secret they would think he was afraid of them the ruler declares that he must show to whom the great Kingdom of Chu belongs comparing his strength to that of a tiger and his missed opportunity to that of a sick cat the chancellor wonders what the hero said about finding relatives and xiaoi explains that he came to the chu Kingdom because his father who passed away many years ago left him this pendant which most likely belongs to the Royal Chu family The Sovereign snatches the pendant from the hero's hands and examines it scrupulously finally the chancellor states that the pendant has chin and chew features but despite this it could not have been made in the Kingdom of Chu Mr Chancellor reports that he himself is from Xiao and has been serving at court in the chu Kingdom for several decades so he can tell the difference between the Royal items of the chu Kingdom and Xiao Kingdom the chancellor concludes that the man who received this pendant must be rich and Noble and if he hasn't contacted the hero in so many years he didn't want to the hero believes that he has nothing to fear since this thing does not belong to either the chu Kingdom or Jiao Kingdom because leuan could not be mistaken the hero writes a letter ordering him to prepare his troops and start acting according to plan as unrest has already begun in the Kingdom of Chu xiaoi sends his Ravens to deliver the message after much conflict the kingdom of Chu Falls and the capital is racked by battles under the banner of supporting the royal family the three main Clans Xiao Chu and Jing gathered troops and marched on the indis The Defenders of leuan the head of the royal Capital were outnumbered but surprisingly the three clans were defeated rumors began to circulate that Lee Yuan had received Divine assistance and that King Yu named xong Han was a ruler sent by the heavens the chancellor is in no mood for Joy at the fact that the three major Clans turned out to be nothing but dirt from under his fingernails the Lord declares that the protagonist was indeed given to him by Heaven thanks to him the rebels were crushed in one blow the hero says that in fact he was able to achieve such success only thanks to the patronage of the chancellor the ruler likes jai's modest character so the chancellor decides to reward him with a prize at the same time the chingi kingdom launched an active offensive on the chu border the soldiers of the kingdom of Chu understand the need to call for reinforcements from the indis as the entire Army is concentrated just in the capital which the Rival took advantage of a messenger on a horse rushes at full speed from the blazing fire of the defensive wall to inform the chancellor of the approaching danger suddenly an arrow pierces an unsuspecting soldier of the chu Army the breathless body of the enemy Falls before the Assassin's feet the Shadow Guardian of the chin Kingdom remarks that there is no need to inform anyone of what is happening on the border for it won't be long before their Cavalry destroys the indate and the ruler of Chu will find out about everything personally half a month later in the chu Kingdom in the Lee residence a subordinate Soldier reports to the chancellor that something very terrible has happened Mr Chancellor wonders if the Clans are having another Power struggle however the soldier denies this version stating that the army of the kingdom of chin is on its way to the capital city the chancellor believes that the chin Kingdom has no reason to attack Chu and it's just the three Clans spreading rumors to distract attention the messenger reports that the chin Army attacked right after the three Clans withdrew so there was no way to report earlier the chancellor almost faints from such dizzying news the hero advises the chancellor to take care of himself and his health the ruler is perplexed as to what to do now in this stalemate in which not only the Clans have surrounded the kingdom of chu but also the chin Army the protagonist asks the chancellor to calm down he points out that the fact that the Clans have United can a positive thing in that it will be possible to repel an attack by United forces the chancellor agrees to take control of the situation and orders to inform the princes to suspend their quarrels and unite to fight a common enemy the hero states that even if the Clans are up to no good the capital's Army should not surrender the chancellor says that they will negotiate with the hero and he will put chener in command of the army the protagonist hypocritically notes that the chancellor is a very wise ruler and thinks to himself that he himself himself handed him the kingdom of Chu sometime later at a military Camp the chancellor enters the tent with the protagonist and the ruler greets the princes whom he has not seen in years the princes remark that the same Jawan who gives advice to Lee yuan is so young and unfortunately doesn't know what loyalty and betrayal means xiaoi explains that the princes have misunderstood him for the hero is not the purpose of today's meeting the hero is here to present the strategy he has developed against the chin Army one of the princes brazenly snatches the scroll out of the protagonist's hands hoping that he's not going to do anything rash princes hurriedly unrolled the scroll and on their faces froze discouraged grimaces the scroll has the word surrender written on it in big letters the hero declares that this message can only have one meaning and with those words he pulls out his sword zi cuts the chancellor in half those princes who are still alive are asking for someone to come to the rescue soldiers respond to the cries for help and two Kingdom soldiers break into the tent the princes are horrified to find that they cannot get out of the tent the hero takes down the traitorous rulers one by one the chancellor is perplexed by what is happening silently observing unable to find the right words the protagonist expresses his gratitude that the chancellor helped him gather all the most capable commanders of the three Clans otherwise he would have had to kill them one by one the hero explains that he is from the chin Kingdom and jaen is not his real name if the chancellor had been more careful he would have been able to find out the hero's true identity finally the chancellor recognizes the protagonist W Jun as Jai the god of assassination with a shriek the chancellor runs out of the tent asking for help for Jai has come for him the hero leaves the tent and orders the soldiers to catch up with the traitor Lee Yuen who killed the three princes and prevent him from escaping the soldiers block the Chancellor's retreat by pressing him to the ground and encasing his head between their Spears a soldier swings his spear and declares that Chancellor Lee Yuen will pay with his life for killing the princes a messenger reports that things are bad as the chin Army is advancing so the commander-in-chief and the princes must be informed there is an atmosphere of panic among the soldiers as all the commanders are dead the commander of the army of the great Kingdom of chin orders the Warriors to launch a vigorous offensive as the military Camp of the kingdom of Chu is now in confusion the hero notices that his battle tiger Sho has arrived just in time General Wong and general hang remark that the hero has done a good job and praise him for his accomplishments the generals note that the chu Kingdom has no commander-in Chief or good Commander left it seems as if they are not fighting but harvesting crops the generals are shocked by the fact that they managed to create chaos in the Kingdom of Chu and keep the offens of a secret and asked to be sure to tell at the feast how the hero pulled it off the hero asks the generals what they think about having a feast right in the Palace of the chw Kingdom they agree without hesit itation xiaoi raises his sword up and declares that today his army will take over the kingdom of Chu a huge Army is rushing at full speed to the gates of the capital city the troops of the chin kingdom are ready to invade the chi Kingdom the soldiers are perplexed as to what to do with the looming chin Army the Chancellor's subordinate was given full Authority so he orders no one to disperse listen to his orders and open the city Gates the soldiers are in disarray not knowing whether they should follow such treasonous orders the commander suddenly pulls a blade out of its sheath putting his sword to The Soldier's throat the man orders him to open the gate and the man is left with no choice the gates to the city open and the army of the kingdom of chin breaks into the capital city the protagonist riding a battle tiger scatters opponents by the dozens shiai is going to kill King Chu with full confidence and even some degree of obsession the hero breaks into the palace by opening the door with his foot the protagonist discovers the dead body of a man dressed in Royal Garb on the floor xiaoi wanders who the man lying on the floor is and the terrified officials inform him that it is the king and ask to be spared the hero realizes that if what the official was telling him was true and the King was dead the system should have alerted him to it so he demands to tell the truth the officials explain that that person is indeed the real King according to them as soon as the chin Army took the city Prince fuchu entered the palace and together with shangyan killed the king and took the Royal seal the officials are terribly frightened and ask the hero to believe them and spare the King's life Z xiaoi had no idea that fuchu would realize the protagonist plan so quickly the hero's subordinate reports that the Army has successfully taken the palace the hero explains that fuu escaped with the seal which will buy the chu Kingdom sometime so Jai demands 5,000 cavalrymen to chase down the traiter even though fuu managed to get past the shadow guards the protagonist still knows the place where he can find him Haan according to the story when there was unrest in the Kingdom of Chu and the chin Army went on the attack fuu killed Le Yuen and the king and then fled to huan and after some time became king and continued to oppose chin The Wheel of Time continues to spin so the hero is firmly convinced that fuchu has escaped to Haan soldiers report to the general that the chin Army is pursuing Prince fuu fuchu is puzzled as to how the chin Army managed to discover him so quickly he assumes that there are spies among his subordinate the general orders The Sovereign to head to huan as soon as possible where he is to restore the greatness of the chu Kingdom and he will stay here for the time being to hold off the chin Army the hero and his army without wasting a second managed to get in the back of the army of the chu Kingdom the general wonders if his majesty wishes to arrange a negotiation the hero declares that there is no need for negotiations instead he orders the chase to continue to prevent foch from escaping the general commands the Army to launch an offensive two huge Columns of soldiers collide with each other a hero on a tiger jumps over an enemy Army a hail of arrows flies swiftly at the protagonist Z xiao's Tiger bites through enemy projectiles without hindrance the protagonist wonders if General xang Yan is in front of him the general confirms and suggests that the hero judging by his skills and blood tiger is Chang Jun since shangyan has realized who the hero is Jai immediately offers the general to surrender and then he will keep him alive otherwise the two Army Commander will be defeated the general is perplexed that the hero dares to suggest that he might be defeated a swift kick from a tiger's paw halts the General's Advance the hero strikes the general with his blade perplexed unable to move the general falls to the ground the soldiers Rejoice that the great Kingdom of chin will soon be victorious the general is convinced that even if only three Clans remain from the chu Kingdom the chu Kingdom will still destroy the chin Kingdom the general of the chu kingdom is becoming Furious the protagonist observes that the prophecy has come true however after his appearance xoi is no longer so confident that Liang Yu will live to see that day choose soldiers order the carriage with the ruler to hurry as they need to get to hinan as quickly as possible suddenly an arrow strikes one of the soldiers of the sovereign's personal guard a hail of arrows strikes the entire Army of the chw Kingdom who are trying to flee for their lives the arrows also hit the horses leading the Royal Carriage as well in the end unfortunately Ely the sovereign's Carriage overturns Mr fuu wonders why his stage coach is shaking so much Mr fuchu perplexingly falls out of the carriage and ends up under the feet of the protagonist the hero unmistakably identifies the person before him as belonging to the Royal lineage for he possesses the Seal of thee not allowing the prince to utter the last words xiaoi slits the traitor's throat the hero victoriously States the victory of the kingdom of chin and the defeat of Chu with which he is congratulated by the soldiers xiaoi orders that a messenger be sent to senyang to deliver the seal and that troops be gathered at the borders of the chi Kingdom and chenu will be in charge of indu the commander wonders if his majesty is going to launch an offensive without returning to senyang because that might draw criticism at the palace the protagonist states that he has never cared about the opinions of others besides considering his worries Jai believes that now is the right time to take over the chi Kingdom the messenger rushes to the Palace to inform the king that Wan Jun killed the king of Chu on the border of Haan and that the kingdom of Chu now belongs to Chin all officials without exception Rejoice at the victory of the great Kingdom of chin proclaiming Wan Jun a brilliant General the emperor fully believes that the chu kingdom is second only to the chin Kingdom in strength the emperor expected that the war would initially last 3 years but the hero needed only a year to fight it his majesty wonders when Wan Jun will return to the palace and why there is no news from Wang Jan and hang Yi to which the soldier replies that the the hero will lead an army to the kingdom of Chu and is not going to return to the palace for the time being the officials state that even if the Sovereign has empowered the hero he still has no right to act so recklessly as attacking two kingdoms in a row is completely absurd the chancellor of chin Wang Wan asks that Wan Jun be recalled as the troops are exhausted and lack enough Provisions to survive another attack officials believe that the protagonist has traded his homeland for greatness and Glory which is why he made the hasty decision if the Army fails it will lose its fighting ability the general is puzzled as to what the protagonist who has never been known for such impulsiveness is thinking General mung hurries Han to take action the judge recognizes that the moment is indeed not the best time for an offensive but the hero would not act so recklessly he must have his own reasons that they cannot yet understand General mung worries that if the officials manage to turn his majesty against xiaoi the hero will immediately be stripped of his military power but that right still rests with the King all officials are asked to recall one Jun for the good of the chin Kingdom the general demands to immediately come up with a reason why Juan Jun can't go back but the judge states that he can't tell his fictions and can only rely on the sovereign's judgment the emperor remarks that the officials words do make sense for although the country is strong even they are not able to fight everyone whenever they please the judge doubts that The Sovereign will not call off the troops because the fate of his son cannot be more expensive than than the fate of the whole country but how to change his Majesty's mind is not clear yet his majesty inquires how long it will be possible to supply the front but the officials report that even with the forces all the provisions will be enough for barely a couple of years the emperor deems it necessary to do so provide the army with provisions and support the advance of Chong Jun officials say that if wanjun is defeated or the country is suddenly hit by a natural disaster it will cause tremendous damage to the country his majesty reminds him that Juan Jun took the chu Kingdom for a go what to speak of the tiny Chi Kingdom moreover The Sovereign is confident in the hero's decision and believes that the great Kingdom of chin has been blessed by the heavens the official wonders how his majesty can have so much faith in onean Jun that he is willing to risk the state for a man who has no idea what is on his mind The Sovereign remarks that Minister Chun has always been loyal to the state and used to talk about etiquette all the time but now he dares to be impertinent the minister reports that he is also loyal to the state but if the Sovereign ignores the advice of the ministers he will put the country in danger and with that risks losing the confidence of the masses as well one of the officials interrupts The Minister's speech saying that he misspoke and that the ruler could actually be charged with treason the emperor assumes that the Shameless chunu Yu is trying to force his majesty to resign with these words as well as make him look foolish and declare him a nepotist his majesty ascends the steps to the throne he places his headdress on the throne rone confirms that everything the ministers have said is absolutely true and wonders what they have to say about it his majesty declares that he is putting the country on the line he is absolutely convinced that Juan Jun will be able to take over the kingdom of chi The Sovereign explains that if his decision hurts the country he will resign and a more capable ruler will take his place the emperor orders Wang wan to immediately engage in supplying the Army and general M to send reinforcements his majesty asks the official if they have any objections all the officials as one agree with the will of the ruler and His Majesty allows everyone to disperse Mr Chun falls to the floor and the officials near him immediately wonder if he is feeling well the officials are curious if it was worth it to sacrifice his health like that because even if Mr Chun wanted to speak out against it he shouldn't have angered the king Mr Chun is convinced that when xiaoi attacks the chi Kingdom and runs out of supplies his majesty will leave the throne then the chin Kingdom will be his the officials along with Mr Chun Rejoice that they will finally succeed in gaining supreme power over the kingdom of chin General mung couldn't even imagine that The Sovereign could go that far for Jai the Chief Justice remarks that his majesty believes in the hero's abilities as much as anyone else and wonders if the general believes that the king will seed the throne to others the judge recalls that The Sovereign once said that only the able-bodied will live it is necessary to wait for jao Chi's return to decide the fate of the state because even if his campaign against Chi is unsuccessful there is still no one else to oppose the hero meanwhile at the chin military camp on the border with the chi Kingdom the soldiers declare that the protagonist has gone mad since even assuming that the soldiers don't need rest the amount of Provisions still won't allow them to go toqi immediately after capturing the chu Kingdom the protagonist states that he is well aware that there are only 10 days of Provisions left so because of the fatigue of the soldiers he ordered them to position themselves near the border but not to advance the commander demands the hero to explain what is going on because with its presence near the border the chin Army only provokes the kingdom of chi and there are not enough supplies for the offensive the hero declares that he knows what he's doing because according to history the chi kingdom was the only Kingdom that surrendered to the chin Kingdom without a fight because they didn't have the strength to stand up to the chin Army xiaoi is only going to help the Sovereign of the chi Kingdom to to assess the situation sensibly of course the hero can't tell anyone about this plan so the others will have to wait patiently for the results according to the hero's calculations the kingdom should surrender within 7 days a man on Horseback rapidly approaches The Fortress wall the soldier shouts that he is a messenger of the kingdom of chin and needs to see the king of chi a soldier arrives at the palace and introduces himself as a messenger of the kingdom of chin named changan the officials of the chi kingdom are perplexed as to how the chin Kingdom had the audacity to send a military General as a messenger they believe that invading the hall wearing battle armor shows the highest degree of disrespect the envoy greets his majesty and The Sovereign once again notices the UN ceremoniousness of what is happening and asks why the chin messenger has come to him the messenger asks his majesty not to pretend because he is well aware that Juan Jun of the kingdom of chin has just captured the kingdom of Chu so in the whole Celestial Empire there are only two kingdoms chin and Chi so the future actions of the kingdom of chin are obvious his majesty states that this matter concerns the entire Celestial Empire but he has a suggestion that The Sovereign asks to be passed on to everyone else opening the scroll the soldier suggests that his majesty is so sensible that he is about to declare surrender according to the sovereign's proposal the celestial Empire would be divided into two parts the kingdom of chin would belong to the Western Emperor and the kingdom of chi to the Eastern emperor there will be no Wars or conflicts between them the chancellor of the chin Kingdom reminds him that even to this day the chin and shei kingdoms are still friendly not to mention that the chi Kingdom has never helped the armies of other kingdoms during an offensive and The Sovereign sister is Prince huai's birthmother in general the general calls the aspiration of the tiny Kingdom of chi to align itself with the great Kingdom of chin ridiculous and the chancellor wonders how he can ridicule the emperor's proposal the general tears open the scroll and wonders if the officials of the chi kingdom are pursuing to insult the name of sovereign chin with this nonsense the general states that the fact that the chi Kingdom has not helped anyone is due to the cowardice and fear of the chin Cavalry the soldier wonders if the chi King thinks Wan Jun will stop his troops near the border just because of huai's mother when the unification of the Middle Kingdom is already so close the general states that Wan Jun is leading the entire Army so Victory is a matter of time he informs that he has only come to deliver a hero's message as the chin Kingdom has always been on good terms with the chi Kingdom the sovereign's mind conjures up an image of the protagonist who promises to go on the offensive in 7 days if the chi Kingdom capitulates the ruler asks the messenger to stop and wonders if there is another way to solve this problem the general only wishes his majesty to take care of himself after a while wagons with Provisions from senyang arrive at the chin camp and the soldiers cheerfully greet General Shin the hero states that he did not ask the Sovereign for provisions the general says that his majesty has learned that xiaoqi is going to attack Chi so he ordered to collect food from all over the country and asked him to tell the hero to continue to command the troops and not to worry about anything the protagonist asks General Shin shing how his majesty managed to persuade the court since this is such a serious order in addition he does not meet the Court's requirements at all the general reports that his majesty has put the whole country on the line so if the campaign fails The Sovereign has vowed to see seed the throne to someone more capable the hero had never imagined that The Sovereign would trust him so much xiaoi is sure that he will never be able to repay his majesty for this favor the protagonist thanks general shinen for doing a great job but informs him that he has to go to come up with an offensive plan the general understands everything perfectly well so he leaves the protagonist xiaoi wanders if anything strange has been going on in senyang lately especially something involving hoi the Shadow Guardian reports that there has been no information about it recently the hero explains that his majesty has mobilized the entire country in supplying Provisions but the enemies can guess that there is a shortage on top of the fact that the Army is exhausted if rumors reach the chi Kingdom they will be interested in resisting them the shadow guard asks if the hero feels it necessary to keep an eye on huai as he may be colluding with the chi Kingdom according to history who High usurped the throne but never colluded with the chi Kingdom however things are different now so his plans may be different the hero declares that there is no need for surveillance for now but he should consider how to get to the chi King the protagonist finishes writing and places his brush on the table handing over a scroll informing him that it is a gift Xiao Chi wishes to present to the ruler of chi the protagonist sends a request to the system to calculate experience points the system notifies the hero when he has accumulated enough experience to level up xiaoi confirms that that he wants to level up and Begins the meditation process the hero declares that the most difficult to open is the Reni and dumai meridians but by breaking through he will be able to reach the peak of the pre Celestial stage the 19th level with inhuman efforts one Jun manages to break through to the ninth level of the pre Celestial stage the system congratulates the hero for reaching the 19th level and the ninth level of the pre- celestial stage to achieve the hero needs to get about 50,000 experience points which can only be achieved by capturing one country but if the kingdom of chi surrenders the hero will get much less experience so he will have to kill the king the system notifies the protagonist that he managed to kill the chu Kingdom Chancellor Lee Yen for which jao Chi receives 800 experience points and one vial of chi enhancement pill for killing king Chu the hero is rewarded with experience and a black rank medium quality technique the art of accumulating CHI with fingers which allows you to focus true chi on the desired Target instantly release and kill the enemy the hero notices that this skill has fallen to him very timely because he needs to eliminate the king of chi unnoticed Z xiaoi requires the system to learn this skill and raise it to the maximum level with the help of promotion points xiaoi concentrates spiritual energy and a clot of energy forms at the tip of his finger the art of chi accumulation any item in the user's hands is capable of causing damage to living creatures because it contains the spiritual power of its owner's Chi the player can release the accumulated Chi to stealthily kill enemies within a 100 John radius the hero unleashes a powerful jet of flame shattering the spear rack to test a new spell the protagonist suggests that His Majesty of the chi kingdom is now in danger as the hero has gained the ability to kill people without even seeing them the chancellor has heard shouting in the palace trying to persuade his majesty to surrender but he reminds him that if he does not capitulate the kingdom will have to deal with the chin Cavalry his majesty states that if the chi Kingdom had helped the Yan and Chu allies they would be much stronger now but the chancellor has constantly discouraged the king from this decision and now there is simply no other way out the chancellor remarks that if the chi Kingdom had helped the Allies the chin Kingdom would have had an excuse to attack them but instead they negotiate the chancellor pairs the opinion of the senior General and the latter noting that the kingdom of chin has just captured the kingdom of Chu and has moved to attack the lack of provisions and rest could severely affect their fighting ability so they are now standing at the border but not attacking his majesty wonders if he understood correctly that if they fight to the death they have a chance the general finds it difficult to say for the chin Army is led by one Jun Jai The Sovereign is furious that the general is telling what he himself is not completely sure of a messenger delivers a sudden alert that the chin Army has begun to move in his majesty wonders how this can be true if the chin Army had no provisions and their soldiers were exhausted the Scout reports that Provisions were delivered to the chin camp today and they are now preparing to attack the city suddenly a voice comes from an unknown Direction and addresses the ruler of the kingdom of chi informing him that he wishes to deliver a gift from chenjun suddenly a black stuffed bag flies in from the window the so-called gift Falls right on the table in front of his majesty The Sovereign is horrified because the bag contained someone's head The Voice says it is the head of the commander of the Border Army Juan Jun asked to be told that he would send the Commander's head every day as he got closer to the capital until eventually time ran out and the hero would come for the head of the king himself the ruler becomes terrified and starts yelling that he's giving up the shadow guard sitting outside is perplexed as to how such a man can even be king for he is so pathetic and fearful the generals complain that the seven days are long gone so the troops need to move out the emperor has already sent Provisions so if the Army does not start the offensive soon there will be nothing left of the morale of the soldiers the hero declares that it is necessary to be patient and wait at least half a day more and see that the kingdom of chi will send a messenger because if you can defeat the enemy without fighting then why fight a war the generals are perplexed to learn the answer just half a day later a general enters the tent and declares that he has fulfilled his Majesty's orders by acting as Messenger to the the capital city of Lindsay upon his return he is ready to resume his powers a messenger had just arrived that the mission had been accomplished successfully king chi is a completely worthless man who was scared of that gift head as soon as he saw it and immediately decided to give up the generals are puzzled as to which gift head they are talking about the hero laughing informs them that it's a long story but now they need to prepare their troops to take over the chi territories the protagonist orders the provisions to be brought back to senyang and with it comes the good news of the chin Kingdom's Victory from now on Chi is the territory of the chin Kingdom the commander orders the city gates to be opened and the chin Army solemnly enters the capital city the protagonist riding his tiger leads his army behind him the soldiers bow their heads to the chin Army and declare that the 300,000 soldiers of mochen according to the decree surrender to WAN Jun and ask them to accept the surrender the hero declares that he accepts the surrender and remarks that this is the first city of the chi Kingdom to surrender once jao Chi enters Lindsay he plans to unite the celestial Empire the entire Army of the chi Kingdom repeatedly thanked Juan Jun for his Mercy meanwhile at the senyang palace officials ask his majesty to recall one Jun as he will cause irreparable damage to the country The Sovereign remarks that it's been a little over a month and the officials are already impatient the ruler reminds them that he promised to support Wan Jun in the offensive against Chi No Matter What so he is ready to Bear the responsibility the officials realize that his majesty is determined to conquer the celestial Empire but the treasury is empty and it will not be possible to organize another supply of Provisions soon the officials demand that the attack be delayed for the granaries are already empty and raising taxes will only lead to an uprising of the people the Chief Justice calls chunu Yu an impudent man he wonders if his majesty has done wrong and what rebellion and tax hikes are even in question the official says he is only talking about precautionary measures his majesty is puzzled why the official proposes to deliberately plunge the country into turmoil and yet calls it a precautionary measure the Sovereign assumes that chunu acts so radically because he wants to use this opportunity to put Fu on the throne so he should have been killed because he doesn't prioritize the state first suddenly a messenger interrupts his Majesty's train of thought by reporting the victory of the great Kingdom of chin the messenger reports a great Victory Juan Jun did not lose a single soldier but forc the king of chi to surrender in 7 Days in addition wanjun sent all the provisions back to senyang officials are very happy and yet puzzled by what is happening his majesty can't believe his eyes and he can't wait to tell the others everything as soon as possible in his letter the hero writes your majesty I congratulate you on the unification of the celestial Empire Today the king of chi has signed the document of surrender and very soon I will go to Lind for the ceremony the chi kingdom was frightened by the greatness of our army so they surrendered we actually launched a false attack which was the last straw his majesty informs the ministers that the kingdom of chi has been destroyed the celestial Empire is United the people of yandi and hangi are also United officials Rejoice that the wishes of the ancestors of the great Kingdom of chin have finally been fulfilled and the disintegrated kingdoms of the celestial Empire are finally United together his majesty rejoices that the celestial Empire has finally managed to unite the celestial empire together The Sovereign notes that Juan Jun managed to force the chi Kingdom to surrender without Bloodshed and thus unite the entire Middle Kingdom in addition he returned all Provisions to senyang which eliminated Chin's internal problems the ruler declares that there will be no meeting for today and all are dismissed his majesty called out to minister Chun who was immersed in his own thoughts the official interrogates The Sovereign about what he want wanted the emperor holds on to the crown and declares that it's pretty firmly on his head so no one but his majesty can take it off the minister falls to the ground in total Terror his majesty laughs and walks away the official cannot believe that the Sovereign knew of his plan from the beginning the minister assumes that he has brought great Misfortune upon Prince Fu which he must now solve meanwhile in the chi Capital Lindsay in the palace officials thank the chin ruler and Juan Jun for their mercy and for freeing the chi territory iies from the Flames of War on that day king tianan of chi gathered all the officials 400,000 soldiers and a million people to surrender to the kingdom of chin and become its vassel king chi walked up the steps carrying a tray with a sword and a stone statuette on it from his mouth The Sovereign spits out a thin Emerald disc the chi ruler bows at onean jun's feet and asks the protagonist to accept the surrender from King tianan for the sake of all the people the protagonist declares that as a representative of the great Kingdom of chin he accepts the surrender of chi with tears in his eyes the former ruler of the chi Kingdom thanks wuan Jun for his great kindness and generosity the hero solemnly proclaims the end of the chi Kingdom in the celestial Empire because from now on there is only the great Kingdom of chin and the chi lands in its composition judging by the expression on the officials faces they had only just realized that the chi Kingdom had ceased to exist zqi reports that the ceremony of accepting the surrender has been completed and now the king and servants can go upstairs the king wonders if he can stay in Lindsay the hero explains that his majesty cannot stay in the capital because then chin would not be able to control these territories but the King has already been granted excellent lands the hero declares that he will take into account the fact that king chi has decided to capitulate on his own but he must first hand him the account books a named List of soldiers and a map and then he can set out on his journey the king is happy that not only is he allowed to live but he is also entitled to some nice land the ruler informs him that he will go right away to get everything he needs only asking the hero to wait for him the hero meanwhile puts his hands behind his back and begins to concentrate spiritual energy chi on his fingertip with a nonchalant face Jai shot out a clot of spiritual energy from his finger the magical projectile hits right on his Majesty's death point the king groans in pain and the officials next to him immediately inquire if he is feeling well the ruler states that everything is fine he just has something stabbing him in the back the ruler says that he can't go so he asks to bring things and not to be left alone with the hero the hero believes that the chi has reached the lethal point so the king will die in a few days the true Chi will decompose and death will come as if from a severe disease most importantly xiaoi has taken his life but no one will connect the sovereign's death to him or the chin Kingdom chunu asks the emperor to listen to him for the sake of the great king of chin the fate of the celestial Empire is decided but the question of the heir to the throne hangs in the air the minister nominates the best in his opinion candidate for this position Prince Fu because he is generous and fair in addition to being the eldest son of The Sovereign the minister declares that if the Sovereign decides to hide from everyone for one day he will be here on his knees for one day if a month the official will stand here for a month he only hopes that chin will be be ruled by only talented sovereigns Lei is puzzled how a minister can be interested in who the heir will be when the Middle Kingdom has just United the official states that the kingdom of chin has always been known for its talented and highly moral rulers so if one were to choose Prince huai his mind and qualities are more similar to those of the Kings even though fusu has already suffered many punishments because chunu insulted The Sovereign and lost the opportunity to gain the throne the minister still believes that Prince fu is famous throughout the celestial Empire for his humanity and obedience and doesn't understand how huai can be compared to him leei wonders what the difference between obedience and weakness is the judge states that the chin Kingdom has just unified the Middle Kingdom he believes that fu is not strong enough to secure the whole country General Ming says that the officials realize that the Sovereign is not paying any attention to them but they continue to argue anyway the judge explains that they want to get their hands on the great Kingdom of chin as soon as possible but they don't even realize that they are betting on the wrong thing General mung wonders how long the judge thinks the Sovereign is going to hide and whether he is going to let them continue to argue the judge states that the Sovereign is not just hiding for while the officials are arguing Prince Chi is safe the judge explains that until Prince Kei returns The Sovereign has decided to take control of the situation this way it's a balancing tactic so All That Remains is to wait quietly a shadowy guard sneaking looking up from behind wonders why his majesty is resting now since his Palace is in complete disarray and The Sovereign is here feeding the fish trying to stall for time his majesty asks the soldier to pay attention to exactly how he feeds the fish the shadow guard wonders if his majesty remembers what he promised him the soldier reminds him that The Sovereign promised that as soon as the celestial Empire is United he will make Mr key The Heir but now the ruler does not want to announce everything now and is delaying for some reason The Sovereign explains that he is waiting for his son's return and is pondering a decision he notices that the shadow guard has arrived just in time and wonders if chier sent him the Scout informs him that the protagonist has known for a long time that a dispute would start in the palace so he decided not to get into trouble The Sovereign wonders if xiaoqi has guessed anything meanwhile the hero is sipping tea the generals wonder why the protagonist doesn't return to the Palace when the kingdoms of chi and Chu are captured Jai explains that it's because now huai and fusu will fight for the crown Prince's seat and he doesn't want to get involved in that the general is curious as to why the hero is afraid of Fu or huai if due to all of Juan jun's military merits he should be allowed to rise to power the hero is reminded that he already holds the title of chahu and he can't dream of anything more in addition the era of the Marshal Merit transfer system established since ancient times has come to an end so there is no benefit for the hero to return to the the court wanun explains that if the Sovereign were to control the entire Celestial Empire the first thing he would do would be to create a county region system Chu's title of hero only speaks of Fame and reputation which means that fusu and huai will fight over the vote which will only be annoying the sovereign states that since xiaoi was able to guess that he was going to change the system then the hero is indeed a soulmate and favorite son to him the shadow guard reports that Mr Chi has thought it over and decided not to return to xiangyang the soldier says that if his majesty is going to entrust the country to jao Chi he should be declared the heir as soon as possible The Sovereign says that he needs to think it over again but he can already be absolutely sure that the country will go to chiru some sense of regret can be seen on the shadow guardian's face the hero recognizes that although the celestial Empire is now United he still needs to continue to expand his shadow power Jai informs him that when the situ uation in the capital stabilizes he will ask to be sent to guard the Borderlands although the hero doesn't need the power of a sovereign it doesn't mean that he represents Chin's interests the Shadow Guardian hypothesizes that wanun doesn't want Power because he doesn't know who he is the soldier hopes that his majesty will keep his promise otherwise the Chin Dynasty will be ruined the hero playing with his fighting tiger notices how quiet the days without battles are and sincerely does not remember the last time he rested like that Z xiaoi assumes that since tienan was taken to Yun Chung then he must surely be dead by now suddenly the hero receives a notification that using the technique of accumulating CHI with his fingers the hero was injured by the king of the chi Kingdom tianan who was currently dead the hero asks the system to calculate points in such a case the system notifies the protagonist that for killing the King of chi he receives a th experience points and a blueprint for an improved weapon weapon for cultivating the land also for helping the kingdom of chin by capturing all six kingdoms the hero is rewarded with a black rank Treasure Chest the hero declares that he knew he would receive a special reward for killing all six Kings and capturing the six kingdoms he immediately orders the system to open all the chests from the first black rank Treasure Chest the hero gets a detailed world map of the current ERA as well as a thousand medium quality spiritual stones from the other chest Jai gets a chance to enter a random dungeon world as well as a high yielding yam and potato crop wanan realizes that he has hit the jackpot and asks for a detailed map of the world to be revealed the hero faces a global map of the world on which all countries and tribes are available to the hero the hero comes to Marvel at how many other nations exist outside of the six kingdoms that he can conquer the assassination God system is just coming into effect xiaoi plans when he takes takes control of the central plane to first of all train his battle experienced Army and then begin to conquer the rest of the world full of countless experiences the hero also notes that high yielding crops such as yams and potatoes will be useful to him on his TS and that mid-grade spiritual Stones contain dozens of times more spiritual energy than low-grade Stones however what the protagonist is most interested in is the mysterious key that gives him a chance to enter a random dungeon world just as xiaoqi had guessed the hero assumes that there are others Beyond this world and most likely higher in level perhaps onean Jun will truly become a God by killing enemies for now though the hero believes that it will be too early to discover a new world shaia is going to open it through for it should be enough to reach the peak of the 20th level of the preh heaven stage by then the hero plans to return to the capital and ask his majesty to send himself to the froner under the pretext of defense against hostile peoples the hero realizes that the Border areas are of great concern to his majesty otherwise he would not force the whole country to build the Great Wall of China zi plans to do all of the above and then show his true power the protagonist's children run joyfully to their father and along with them his majesty slowly walks towards jao Chi the children got excited and thought that they would never see their father again because grandpa had sent him so many letters but he didn't even answer them his majesty informs him that he has sent fun chuji and funji to help help the hero for the kingdoms of Chu and Chi are now overrun his majesty warns the hero that he is aware of his intention not to return to the Palace the ruler is outraged that the hero didn't even write anything when he announced to everyone that he was sick Jai recalls that he gave his majesty The Elixir so he still didn't believe that he was sick besides if the situation was urgent The Sovereign wouldn't have written letters but would have issued a whole decree instead the hero imagines his majesty declaring that he won't go back to work until Wan Jun comes back The Sovereign asks him to write a letter to WAN Jun to see how many excuses he can come up with xiaoi had never imagined that the great chin Shandi would turn out to be so capricious and willful The Sovereign declares that he does not wish to restrain the protagonist but he does have a serious matter to attend to his majesty believes it is necessary to introduce a county oblast system but the presence of a large number of unreliable people at court May prevent this the sovereign states that he would not want to deal with such rotten people but he does not want to use harsh measures either the governor reports that he has heard that the hero approves of the implementation of the county county system so he gives orders to teach the officials a lesson and help create the new policy The Sovereign wonders what the hero thinks about it Juan Jun reports with full confidence that he is ready to execute the order ziai wanders if Ying Jang wants the hero to lead the reform besides how does the latter know that the hero even approves of the county region system he assumes that he might be under surveillance however under feudalism the most powerful people are those who already have military Merit and xiaoi is currently in the role of such a person Ying Jang only wants to use the hero's influence to eradicate feudalism and what he said is just an excuse and approval has nothing to do with it however since the hero and the sovereign's intentions are the same the former is ready to forcefully shake the crap out of the palace officials his majesty would like the protagonist himself to open a new page in the history of the great Kingdom of chin the officials congratulate his majesty on his recovery and wish him good health and long life the emperor asks what important things he has missed during his long absence one official recalls that the governor had recently proposed replacing the county oblast system with a county oblast system and expresses his personal disagreement the officials claim that the feudal system is the basis of the state moreover it was at the origin of the chin law System created by shangyang so if it is abolished then the Merit system issue remains unresolved the official recalls that at the beginning of the times of unification the feudal system helped to give the people incentive so it cannot be abolished otherwise the hearts of the soldiers will go cold the protagonist protests he declares that if everyone wants peace tranquility and prosperity for the country then the county system should be implemented which should be the basis of the state the officials are perplexed as to how they can just go ahead and abolish the system they inherited from their ancestors they assume that the hero doubts the talent of shangyang himself officials whisper that the state system is a living organism Wan Jun although he is notable for his Marshal achievements has no knowledge of state affairs they think that a warrior has no business being in the palace because the hero according to the officials is just provoking them the protagonist becomes enraged by the gossip spread by officials he orders them all to shut up emitting an aura so strong that those fall to the floor the hero wonders when the Royal Court of the great Kingdom of chin turned into a bizaar jao chi wonders where all the ministers manners have disappeared to Sovereign recognizes the strength of the protagonist that is inherent in a true ruler the hero explains that the feudal system came from ancient times however it has long since become obsolete besides the feudal system was the the reason for the collapse of huaxia xiaoi tells us that the Joe Dynasty ruled the state with a feudal system and local princes divided the land among themselves in the end there was nothing left of the former country the hero declares that the officials are just a bunch of Blind Men He declares that each of the officials reads clever books but in reality they see neither merits nor demerits they only care about personal gain and they do not care about the fate of chin at all Fu explains that the feudal system also has its flaws but it underpins the laws and the Merit system is an incentive for soldiers and ministers so change in his opinion is impossible the prince wonders what if not her who would have fought for his father he wonders if the protagonist wants to wreak havoc in the Army suddenly the hero grabs Fu's hand and he starts squealing in pain begging xiaoi to let go of his hand the officials are perplexed by what is happening and demand that the hero let go of Prince Fu's hand the hero pushes the prince away calling him a lwi he declares that the king is definitely unlucky to have sons and so is the Chin Dynasty the officials state that the protagonist deserves to be punished for daring to insult the prince so he deserves a terrible punishment Prince fusu even threatens to kill xiaoqi the hero genuinely doesn't understand how fu is going to kill onean Jun who holds the power over the entire chin Army xiaoi wonders what fu is other than being his Majesty's son zi explains that the implementation of the new system is his Majesty's wish and the officials being privileged subjects are showing treachery to The Sovereign by imposing A system that will only lead to disorder the hero declares that he has been killing his kin to unite chin the hero recalls that Fu said that the hearts of ministers and soldiers would grow cold if the current system was abolished one Jun wonders who has contributed more to the current chin Kingdom Chang Jun asked the prince a question according to the laws of the judicial system what rank can the protagonist obtain Prince Fu finds it difficult to answer the hero's question General Ming explains that under the feudal system Juan jun's exploits could make him King the military man wonders if the officials will continue to argue with a man who is willing to give up the highest rank for the sake of the whole country the protagonist declares that he is abandoning the feudal system and asks the generals if they support his decision the generals fully support the protagonist's decision xiaoi observes that the senior generals of the great Kingdom of chin are willing to give up the feudal system and the protagonist decides to give up the title of King for the sake of his country officials accus the protagonist of being Cavalier and ignorant the hero grabs the minister by the chest and declares that unlike the etiquette of officials one jun's sword has managed to unite the celestial Empire the protagonist declares that if common sense is nothing to officials he refuses to talk to them to prove his point he literally throws the official out of the palace Juan Jun informs him that he is loyal to his majesty and devoted to the Chin Dynasty if anyone has any objections the hero asks to speak them to his sword the hero declares that in his opinion the feudal system is outdated and for the sake of the future of the Chin Dynasty it will have to be abandoned all officials without exception support the protagonist's decision fu is defeated now he sits silently on the floor unable to find a single word to counteract the protagonist in any way the emperor notes that since everyone is in favor of abolishing the feudal system he will naturally listen to the opinions of others the emperor solemnly orders to introduce the county region system in the territories of the great Kingdom of chin from today onwards his majesty informs us that all may be free officials are supporting Mr Chun as best they can and wondering if he's okay the official does not understand why his majesty is so favorable to this heartless Soldier he doesn't understand where his majesty thinks Prince Fu belongs the officials dejected are leaving the palace the general states that this has raised his spirit so much and he has long wanted to mess with these sissies because from the outside they all look like the top of virtue and morality but in the soul those even more Scoundrels the hero notices that because of him the generals had to give up the highest titles and now Jai is all already beginning to doubt the decision made the generals asked not to be looked down upon after all if the hero was able to give up titles easily why should it be difficult for them first of all they are loyal to the kingdom of chin so they always went into battle to help the Sovereign unite the celestial Empire not to get any titles General Ming admits that he really admires the hero and is willing to follow him anywhere but this time they really supported the new policy an official informs him that The Sovereign is waiting for the protagonist in the inner Palace the generals watch in silence as the protagonist walks away the general states that he can't believe this is really happening and general mung doesn't know what the man is talking about the general reminds him that after the unification of the celestial Empire his majesty promised to do something for the protagonist and then it comes to Mr Ming's attention although General mung and his friend understood everything perfectly however one of the generals still does not understand what they were talking about but assumes that The Sovereign is up to something his majesty is under a lot of psychological pressure and emotional strain the servant reports that Juan Jun has already arrived so The Sovereign allows the protagonist to enter the hero wonders why the ruler has summoned him to his house the emperor asks Jai to look at the map of the Seven Kingdoms he remembers the first time he showed it to the hero when he arrived in the capital so many years have passed but it seems as if it was yesterday his majesty remembers that the hero made a promise that day and today the celestial Empire is United the people of yindi and hangi are now United and the aage system that led to division will soon be eradicated the emperor declares that now that the hero has eliminated the source of all troubles he can definitely say that Juan Jun is his sharpest sword the hero declares that The Sovereign overestimates him his majesty states that after today's heated discussion he would like to hear the hero's true wishes this is very important to the Sovereign for the hero is a distinguished General xiaoi says that he is embarrassed to hear such praise from The Sovereign the hero is only a military man and in peace time he has nowhere to display his talent but he would like to continue to defend the chin Kingdom with his flesh and blood the ruler does not understand what the hero is talking about as there are no wars in the Middle Kingdom now however one Jun says that there is still a threat so the hero hopes that the ruler will allow him to go to the northern border the emperor can't believe the protagonist wants to attack the foreigners The Sovereign assumes that the protagonist thinks the protagonist wants to get rid of him so jao Chi wants to avoid that and go to the border the hero declares that his majesty is right and he does want to protect himself but not from him but from the turmoil in the palace wanun states that things have changed now and the hero cannot prove himself however he does not wish to stay at court fighting these Court scum in addition the hero states that the hero does not want to keep the sword Jean which The Sovereign gave to the protagonist in its Scabbard the hero states that with all due respect whichever son The Sovereign chooses as his Heir xiaoi is not going to obey him then why should he stay here his majesty declares that now the hero will not have to obey anyone because in fact the emperor invited xiaoi to tell the whole truth about his father his Majesty's words shock the protagonist the hero declares an overwhelming desire to know everything about his father the ruler places the protag agon ist's hand on his own and before telling everything asks xiaoi to answer if the protagonist hates his father zi reports that he hated his father when he was younger the hero states that this is inevitable as if his father had at least given a reason for leaving him and his mom the hero would have stopped hating him even sooner the emperor declares that he is very fond of the protagonist and his mother and he doesn't know if xiaoi can forgive him but the Sovereign is willing to tell everything right now The Sovereign explains that Xiao dong ER is not his mother's real name it is a nickname given to her by the protagonist's father when they were together her real name is Shu yupon and she is the daughter of the Court healer Shia wui the ruler tells us that the hero's parents knew each other since childhood they lived in poverty but cared for each other until the family of the hero's father decided to return him to his homeland then everything changed the emperor explains that the hero's father returned after going through a series of hardships and was told that he would be the heir to to the throne he wanted to protect the hero's mother but his family members rejected his decision the family of the protagonist's father thought that the hero's mother was not worthy to become his wife because of her position although the chances of winning were small the hero's father decided to fight for the throne but the hero's mother was afraid that his father would lose this opportunity because of her so she left the Sovereign is tearfully about to say that the protagonist is his son however joui interrupts him puzzled as to how The Sovereign despite being a king couldn't find her since she was in Lee Village So Close by the hero grasps the hilt of his sword apparently about to bear his blade but his father stops him the hero's father recognizes that he was worthless for when he got his way it was too late he sent men to search for his wife but could find no clue whatsoever The Sovereign declares that he is very sorry he repents to the hero for looking for his mother but when he found her it was too late zi concludes that his majesty has long known who the protagonist is and decided to tell him everything only when he unites the celestial Empire The Sovereign was tormented by guilt and he forced the hero to fight for him and his heirs the emperor declares that this country belongs to the protagonist so he has no else to give it to Juan Jun can't believe it suddenly his majesty draws a sword from the protagonist sheath The Sovereign gently places the blade on his shoulder his majesty declares that he has issued a secret decree if he does not announce an heir before his death the protagonist will become the eldest son of the royal family and take his place The Sovereign explains that he didn't want to openly announce everything and take the hero to the ancestral Temple because he was afraid he would hate him Ying Jong asks him to take his life and send him to the other world to beg dong A's forgiveness since the hero is not recognized as the son of The Sovereign this would not be considered patricide xiaoi doesn't understand if his majesty really wants the hero to do this meanwhile outside the capital a messenger is staying at the barracks of Juan jun's personal guard at all hours of the day the soldier declares that he has no time to explain what is going on as it is necessary to gather the Army because the Sovereign has invited the Lord to the inner Palace even though this is a common occurrence and there is nothing special about it the messenger still senses something is not right here the commander asks the soldiers what must be done if the gentleman is in danger and they answer with one voice that it is necessary to protect the protagonist the commander states that considering how dangerous a place the inner Palace can be even though the Lord possesses Inner Strength it's still better to be reassured than regretted later on T Su states that in addition his majesty may want to get rid of the protagonist because of his merits xiaoi unified the celestial Empire and then gave way to Ying Jang if the Sovereign has bad intentions why doesn't the army take the celestial Empire itself the official immediately noticed something strange in General 2's facial expression luckily he was in time otherwise it would have been a disaster General 2 declares that he didn't make up anything his majesty with the help of the protagonist humiliated his officials to implement the county region system and then invited him to the inner Palace there is something suspicious about this the official notes that General 2 has been by his Lord's Side all these years and has become much more Savvy he declares that his majesty does have a plan plan but that he has no intention of harming the hero the official explains that at first glance it may seem that The Sovereign has decided to cover for the protagonist but in fact he has helped him establish his authority in the palace now none of the officials will dare to disobey him and the generals will follow him no matter what the official informs that in the future The Sovereign is going to entrust the protagonist with the management of the state as he is his Heir and eldest son the generals are shocked by what the official said the general cannot believe that the protagonist is his majesty son the official asks to notice that he is not just a son but an heir and this is no longer a secret the official informs him that this is already known to the four generals as well as to the gentleman's wife The Sovereign decides to personally invite the hero to the inner Palace to tell him the secret the commander is happy that the hero is now a member of the royal family so there's nothing to worry about however Commander T Sue doesn't understand why if the protagonist is now the heir he hasn't been taken to the ancestral Temple to announce it to everyone in addition according to Commander T Su even if that was the case it was still unclear what the hero himself wanted in view of the recent events the princes in xiangyang would not sit idly by idly the official recognizes the problem and notes that it is necessary to be alert although the commander says sensible things it is not wise to act rashly meanwhile in the inner Palace of shangyang the protagonist drops his sword on the floor xiaoi Stoops back and asks if his majesty is in his right mind if he thinks the hero would dare to kill his own father the hero is perplexed as to who will deal with the consequences of patricide in addition he is shocked that chin shiwangi said those words xiaoi literally runs away his majesty falls to his knees in tears he only wanted to atone for his own and also for his own son to understand him Juan Jun is about to leave the inner Palace as he cannot believe that the Sovereign is his father the protagonist's plans are interrupted by his wife and children who are very happy to see him the children shout that Grandpa didn't trick them after all they remind that his majesty was supposed to prepare a present for the hero and wonder if he received it the protagonist claims that the kids are being too Cavalier in their treatment of their grandfather but the kids claim that they can't treat the protagonist's father any other way Z xiaoi can't believe that even his wife was aware of everything Yan ER states that she is very sorry for what happened but his majest ordered her to do so in order to keep everything secret and protect the hero the hero feels depressed he feels as if everyone around him knew about it except for him and he trusted everyone else Yan ER asks the protagonist not to be angry because his father was only trying for his sake remembering everything that happened before the hero does not understand how he could not have guessed that his majesty is his father The Sovereign has done so much for the hero that he must have felt that he was his father long ago otherwise he would not have conquered the celestial Empire for him however the protagonist's mind is not clear on how he can accept the fact that the father who was not with him while he was growing up and who has been taking care of him for the past years is the same person iiai doesn't understand how he can now consider himself Invincible when he has such a Fragile Heart the kids ask their daddy not to be sad not to pout they ask him the former Chancellor states that it was no easier for his majesty than Aon as the latter had to overcome so much to find the hero's mother the Elder does not even hope that the protagonist will be able to forgive his father but he hopes that the latter will at least not hate him buou declares that the fate of the country depends too much on the Sovereign but he is too weak right now the protagonist wonders if the elderly chancellor has been able to forgive his majesty buou declares that epen loved the Sovereign with all her heart which is why the Elder was never in a grudge against Ying Jang in the first place the hero takes his children in his arms Xiao declares that he would drop everything right now and start living with his family away from everyone the hero wonders if his wife would follow him yanir declares that she doesn't care where she lives as long as she lives with the hero suddenly his majesty falls to his knees the emperor declares that he now knows what to do at this point the protagonist enters the room and Witnesses The Sovereign on his knees crawling towards the sword the ruler turns around abruptly and is surprised to see jao Chi standing at the entrance as the hero enters the room he EXP explains that he is no fool and will not forget what his father has done over the years he only needed to realize that he had covered it all up to protect his son the hero believes that he should not accept the country because with the help of the celestial Empire The Sovereign only wanted to buy his forgiveness Jai declares that if he decides to forgive someone he will do it sincerely and independently his majesty mouth openen listens to his son in silence holding out the precious pendant the hero informs him that his mother has loved his majesty all his life life and everyone else has also stood up for him he wonders how he could not have realized this before zi states that he is no longer a child however so he knows the best way to act the protagonist holds out a precious Emerald pendant in his hands the hero kneels bowing his head and addresses his father his majesty tearfully reaches out for the pendant The Sovereign places his hands on the protagonist's shoulders starting to cry his majesty finally recognizes his son the ruler declares that tomorrow he will open an ancestral Temple for the protagonist to honor the traditions of his ancestors the ruler is pleased that he will finally be able to make epon a queen the court servant reports the sovereign's new order that tomorrow the ancestral Temple will be opened and tomorrow the Crown Prince will be announced lisai suggests that the implementation of the county region system is cancelled because the Sovereign has decided to support Prince Fu another official isn't sure if Fu or huai will be the next Prince so he has to be ready for or anything a report arrives at the camp of the protagonist's personal guard that tomorrow The Sovereign will open the ancestral Temple and announce the next Crown Prince the soldiers Rejoice that the long- awaited moment will soon come and the protagonist will finally become a prince the official says it is too early to Rejoice because the decisive moment has arrived it may soon be necessary to act according to General 2's plan meanwhile in the inner Palace his majesty asks the hero for the third time to tell another funny story from the Army me the hero refuses and His Majesty asks him once again to call him Father the Hero can't believe that the incredible chin sha hangi turned out to be an ordinary silly daddy his majesty wonders if the hero is thinking about something interesting the hero replies that he was just reflecting on the past he recalls that when he was a kid he used to watch his friends being taken care of by their fathers and always imagined what would have happened if his father had been around too xiaoi states that he has now realized that all fathers are the same while the protagonist's father is a king he is not at all different from the fathers in the village The Sovereign explains that he is not a king to the hero but a father he states that he has been waiting for this day for a very long time and wishes that the hero's mother would be here too the soldier behind the screen reports to The Sovereign that hiin and the personal guards are ready for tomorrow's ceremony it should go off flawlessly Prince kei's personal guards are now outside the city and and also awaiting orders at any moment Ying Jang orders that tomorrow if anyone even the prince does not bow down to Prince key then kill him on the spot The Sovereign declares that the hero thinks alike with him for the other has also prepared himself the hero states that he was in the palace the whole time and did not give any orders so tusu must have figured it all out by now The Sovereign explains that the hero is a very skillful leader the protagonist wonders if his father realizes how many people will be discussing the ceremony tomorrow they will be willing to do anything to get the throne xiaoi asks if the Sovereign will be willing to commit a bloodbath in spite of this his majesty declares that if everyone wants to challenge his son let them try The Sovereign pouring liquid into a glass declares that today all they can do is dream the ruler informs them that people's lives will depend on their choices and he will only help them sometime later at night there are Men In Black cloak standing in front of of the building the door to Prince Fu's residence building opens the hooded man in front of the front door turns out to be Mr lasso the officials are jubilant that tomorrow will finally be the day when The Sovereign will announce the heir they congratulate the prince that the day has come after all the officials state that now that the wars have come to an end the chin Kingdom will no longer need such a large army which means that the Royal Court will belong to them completely they believe that xiaoi has allowed himself too much today however when the Prince becomes the heir Everything Will Change Mr lasai asks the prince not to worry about tomorrow's ceremony because once he becomes the heir everything else will no longer matter Prince Fu recognizes that jao Chi said some reasonable things as the appanage system has so many disadvantages for the country he must have been wrong the prince is not sure he is worthy of the throne the officials assure the prince that if the appage system had major flaws how would it have survived to this day they recommend that he stop listening to xiaoi for tomorrow Fu will definitely become Heir and then get rid of him the officials ask the prince not to fall for the hero's words as the foundations of the state are Paramount they want Fu to leave the customs and traditions of his ancestors alone and then they will help him to ascend the throne now the prince is completely confused he doesn't know what is right and what is wrong jai's thoughts are completely contrary to his worldview the man in the Shadows of the room addresses Fu saying that if he doesn't know what to do he should look at his father although he United the celestial Empire The Sovereign has turned the courtyard into something incomprehensible the ruler's brother declares that The Sovereign has trampled on the ancestral Temple and banished everyone from the court so now the INF family no longer has a secure foothold an elderly man gets up off the floor the brother of The Sovereign declares that he has waited so many years for this moment and has finally reached this day the old man informs him that that Prince fusu is the hope of their great Kingdom of chin yingshi states that it is wrong to change the Ancient Order because if the ancestral Temple is destroyed the Ying family will no longer be able to rule the celestial Empire his uncle's words Inspire confidence in Prince Fu and he recognizes that all the family and people believe in him Prince Fu declares that if he becomes Crown Prince he will fulfill his duties properly he will Revitalize the great Kingdom of chin and will not fail in any way the elderly man thinks that the power of the Sovereign will will not help him as people grow old and die when Fu takes the throne then the whole Ying family will return to court again meanwhile in the building of Prince hui's residence the official reminds us that The Sovereign will announce the heir tomorrow at the ancestral Temple there are only two candidates Prince Fu and Prince huai the purpose of today's meeting is to discuss how we can help Prince huai become the heir at tomorrow's ceremony Mr judge reports that The Sovereign is in conflict with Fu despite his Meek character and chunu UA's admonishments so huhai has a good chance of becoming Heir tomorrow another official states that the one is right and besides wisdom is a quality that has been prized among the rulers of the great Kingdom of chin since ancient times he is sure that yesterday when the court was reformed they didn't say a word so following these tactics will help who High become the here apparent Prince huhai states that with the support of the officials he is confident that tomorrow's ceremony will will be Flawless he reports that if tomorrow's ceremony is Flawless he will be gracious to everyone the next day at the ancestral Temple people beat huge drums others blow the horn in front of the steps to the entrance to the ancestral Temple there are rows of officials on both sides of the steps it seems that tonight's main contenders will be Prince Fu and Prince hu High the sovereign's elderly brother is convinced that things will change very soon when Prince Fu becomes the Crown Prince his majesty will no longer be needed by the state then a slow acting poison will take his life in a matter of months it is reported that his majesty has arrived and the elderly gentleman turns around sharply a royal Carriage is placed in front of the entrance to the ancestral Temple all officials greet the Sovereign the chancellor wonders where Wan Jun is and how he could have missed such an important day the official replies that yesterday Wan Jun was summoned to the inner Palace by The Sovereign himself the chancellor states that there is nothing special about it the official suggests that the sovereign used him as a shield to bring about the county ablast reform he probably played his last role so he is no longer needed Le C makes the Bold assumption that jao Chi May no longer be alive so today is the day when officials will rule the Middle Kingdom the chancellor declares that The Sovereign has acted very decisively in getting rid of jao Chi for the sake of the future of the whole country and of the air the officials can't believe their eyes because xiaoi is alive in front of them officials find it outrageous that the protagonist is in the same carriage as The Sovereign they recognized that he was formerly entitled to sit in the same Carriage with the Sovereign for his military services but on the day of the announcement of the heir his presence there is not permissible licio wonders why he has such a bad feeling about it his majesty descends the stairs leisurely the sovereign's older brother reports that everything is ready for the ceremony and asks to be informed when he is ready to announce the air The Sovereign declares that he is sure his uncle can handle everything himself since he is the head of of the family the hero concludes that this old man is none other than yingi who fought for the throne with Ying xichu the officials greet the Sovereign and he allows them to rise from their knees the sovereign's uncle is certain that xiaoi is committing a terrible crime he is perplexed at how he can stand next to the Sovereign without even bowing to him this man must be eliminated first when Fu takes the throne the protagonist decides that he should be on guard because judging by the look of the the sovereign's Uncle he is up to something wrong yingshi wishes to express his wishes in his opinion the eldest son fusu is a model of virtue and righteousness he is a leader for the rest of your sons enjoys the trust of all officials and has every right to inherit the throne according to all laws and traditions the judge does not agree with the Chancellor's words for although Prince fu is the eldest of the sons he wants to destroy the foundations of the state a few days ago he was in favor of the page system but despite all the other arguments he doesn't understand how Fu can take on the role of ruler everyone has the right to express their opinion during court disputes so the official wonders how it is possible to claim that Prince Fu has violated the foundations of the state the judge states that the current opinion shows that he is a more worthy Heir than Prince Fu the official does not approve of such methods of struggle the other officials on hui's side support that if Prince huai becomes the heir he will lead the kingdom of chin into a bright future the protagonist thinks it doesn't matter Fu or huai as neither of them is the best candidate no wonder shiang was hesitant to hand over the throne to Prince Fu until his death his majesty orders to leave the arguments behind for he has already chosen a worthy candidate for the role of Heir but before that something important must be done since the question of his marriage has been hanging in the air for many years he has decided to appoint the Sovereign lady officials come to Marvel at such an unexpected statement officials are wondering whom his majesty is going to make Sovereign because from ancient times the glory of the son was magnified by his mother so the heir's own mother should be appointed to this role he declares that he wishes to appoint shaan the daughter of the Court physician sha wui to the role although she is no longer alive he decides to give her this honor finally doing what he had promised so long ago officials are puzzled how a commoner like xup Pang who was kicked out of the Jang Tang Palace could have earned such an honor The Sovereign declares that xia yuan is the love of his life and if he hears such unflattering words in her direction again he will order her execution on the spot the chancellor hesitating about to voice his objections to the choice of an ays the emperor wonders if he has any objections because in those years the official was on the right side but now he doubts it realizing the absurdity of his words the chancellor declares that he has no objection to them the ruler orders that shuup pan be given the title of sovereign of the Kingdom of chin poisly and that she be given a royal seal he also wishes to transfer her tomb to the Royal tomb so that he can one day be buried next to her not daring to cross the Sovereign the officials recognize the ruler's decision as very wise the chancellor recalls that The Sovereign was once forced to break off his relationship with his lover and when he became a full-fledged ruler he banished his family from the court the chancellor was only able to maintain his status because he did not oppose sh Yuan if the official had said one more word The Sovereign would have executed him despite his long years of service sha yuan is still a sore subject for The Sovereign fortunately she is dead and cannot influence Prince Fu's fate his majesty asks to see what's going on everything is the same but the facial expressions of the officials are completely different the hero declares that when things are about real power there is no need to go along to get along with anyone the sovereign states that he did not realized this truth in time so he allowed the hero's mother to leave the hero says that he has remembered this and will use power wisely in the future and also thanks his father for the fact that his mother was awarded the title The ruler finally announces his intention to declare an heir he declares that the Crown Prince will be his eldest son with sha yup pan officials wonder how xup pan managed to give birth to a son to his majesty in addition it is not clear how an illegitimate son can become the heir to the family after all it violates all the traditions of the royal family Fu wonders how his majesty could not make him the heir but favored an illegitimate son furthermore appointing a sovereign for his sake taking away his right to be the eldest son the officials concede that cupan may be Sovereign and their illegitimate son is now the heir but they remind them that the latter never grew up in the palace and made no contribution to the kingdom of chin therefore not worthy of the title of Crown Prince the officials wonder why Mr Chun is silent for his silence may cause Prince Fu to lose everything Mr Chun says he needs time to think about it Mr Chun recalls that when he noticed that the Sovereign was already too merciful to xiaoi he decided to find out more about him and went to the Village of Lee where he found one grave which apparently belonged to shipan the officials words made his majesty laugh a lot The Sovereign wonders how the officials can say that the protagonist has achieved nothing Jai remarks that compared to his father he has really achieved nothing officials begin to speculate that his majesty is about to declare the man who stands next to the sovereign's Throne as the new Crown Prince the ruler asks the officials if they really think his son has accomplished nothing and will not be trusted the ruler states that his son has conquered six kingdoms and unified the Middle Kingdom and has been trained by Liu buay himself The Sovereign wonders if the others including Fu can boast of such accomplishments officials realize that they can't wait any longer as it is the right time to implement the plan they have in mind Mr Lei states that no matter how great jai's contribution is but xup Pang his mother is dead which means The Sovereign cannot prove that the hero is their son the protagonist is perplexed as to how the insolent officials dared to challenge his Majesty's decision the sovereign's brother reports that there should be no confusion in the royal family and any evidence may turn out to be fake so it should not be blindly trusted his Majesty's brother's insolence is starting to piss off the protagonist Mr leier states that he conducted a private investigation which revealed that jai's birth mother's name is Jong ER even if it's not her real name in 20 years she might have met someone else he doesn't understand how such an heir can rule chin the hero is enraged by the fact that the official dares to speak of his mother in such a manner he is about to take his blade out of its sheath but his father stops him explaining that he should not kill in front of the ancestral Temple because it would damage his reputation suddenly the protagonist's violent actions are interrupted by a hail of arrows the arrows stabbed into the ground right in front of Mr lei's feet inexplicably fired shells nearly hit his Majesty's brother officials who almost became victims of an assassination attempt are perplexed as to who dared to shoot arrows in their Direction General Ming states that if jao Chi didn't have a ceremony today he would shoot the officials right in the head but Bloodshed in front of the ancestral Temple could lead to disaster The Sovereign w ERS if they will now be able to talk normally he asks the officials if they really think he is so stupid that he can't recognize his own children the officials immediately justify that not xiaoqi is a very talented young man the ruler explains that from today the hero will be called yingchi he is now the Crown Prince of the great Kingdom of chin General Ming and his subordinates rejoice as if alone that wanun has become the Crown Prince they declare that this is good fortune for the great Kingdom of chin in the camp of the protagonist's personal guard comes a report that he has finally become the Crown Prince of the great Kingdom of chin the soldiers Rejoice that the protagonist has finally become the Crown Prince the chancellor along with the others rejoices that the hero has become the heir for now the celestial Empire will finally be blessed Mr lisai looks back and sees the soldiers of the chin Army celebrating the hero becoming Crown Prince and realizes that it's all over and Prince Fu now doesn't stand a chance the protagonist stares at intently at Mr Lei suppressing him with his gaze and terrifying him instilling the strongest fear in him the Lord realizes that Jai will inherit the throne today but he will never leave it alone now so for Prince Fu's sake or his own he can't let this happen Mr Lei states that although the protagonist has returned to the family there is no way he can become The Heir Apparent the official explains that Juan Jun has performed well in the war but he has no justification to stay at court so in Le's opinion ion the hero is best suited for the role of assistant ruler Prince Fu notes that his teacher allows himself to do too much for his sake but this can only make his father more Angry an elderly figure behind Mr lisai states that he can find justifications for Prince Ki to be The Heir Apparent the official's face shows genuine surprise at what he has seen Lio bu and mang a Ying jang's Uncle who holds the title of w Shinu and the head of the mang family a former senior General respectively appear in front of the gentleman Mr a states that the only reason he is still alive is because of the people from Shu Mr Munga reports that he and Liu buay are supporting Prince Chi as the heir to the throne they want to put an end to all objections so they assure The Sovereign that Prince Ki has great talent so he is the only worthy candidate the officials declare that Prince Kei was indeed Heaven Sent since M AO and Liu buay are fully on the hero's side he has every reason to become the heir besides there's no denying his power and influence all officials are unanimously in favor of the protagonist becoming the Crown Prince of the great Kingdom of chin his majesty declares that today a right will be held to postumus confer the title of sovereign The Sovereign informs that it is a great honor to appoint a Crown Prince who will continue the traditions of the Chin Dynasty the protagonist realizes that since Leu buay and mangao are here it means that his father has already planned everything long ago the ruler declares that chunu Yu has worked in complete bad faith so he will be impr prisoned the ruler thinks that the judge and the chancellor in turn deserve to stay at the ceremony yingi thinks to himself that Mr chunu UA was acting very frivolously however fortunately he has a backup plan as he ascends the stairs the protagonist suddenly turns and stares intently at the sovereign's brother Mr Ying finds himself only able to give out an artificial smile which obviously gives away the old man's unkind plans the protagonist is convinced that iny is up to something wrong so he can't stay here suddenly the horn blared across the neighborhood the ruler appeals to the great ancestors stating that he is a descendant of the ziao family asking for a sacrifice to poly confer the title of sovereign and to bestow the surname Ying continuing the lineage and to make yingqi the heir and Regent of the Chin Dynasty his majesty asks the protagonist to come closer to the Altar and pay his respects to his ancestors yingi obediently obeys his father's order the protect an Agonist sweeps up that he is about to become a member of the Ying Dynasty and King of the great Kingdom of chin however when he first got into this era he was confused with only his mother by his side however the hero's mother passed away and then Yan ER gave the hero a sense of kinship as well as marital happiness then more and more people close to him appeared around the hero and he became more and more attached to this era today he finally returned to his roots his ancestors and became one of them the hero declares that he is a DE descendant of yingi who wishes to pay his respects he wishes that his lineage will always protect the country and that the day will never come when the yandi and hangi people will be divided again as he bows his head in the ground the hero realizes that henceforth his name is yingqi he is the son of the first emperor and Crown Prince of the Chin Dynasty The Sovereign declares that the ceremony to announce the heir is finally complete the subordinate reads that the eldest son of The Sovereign and Sovereign lady Prince key has paid homage to his ancestors and reclaimed the surname in previously the prince had conquered six kingdoms obtained the title of Chu gained military power and won the love and respect of the soldiers and all the people of the celestial Empire Today the protagonist has become the Crown Prince of the Chin Dynasty and as such he receives his own Palace the Seal of the Crown Prince a ceremonial robe and Golden Crown and a sash in addition the prince is given the the right to manage the civil and Military Affairs of his Palace the sovereign's brother carries a tray of vessels with a liquid in which a red stain is visible the brother of The Sovereign remarks that now that the titling ceremony is complete then the ruler and Crown Prince should pay their respects to Heaven and Earth by drinking blood wine the hero's father is about to take a glass of wine however yingchi stops The Sovereign suggesting that with this wine they will not be able to pay their respects to Heaven and Earth the protagonist states that the Chin Dynasty has been at War for the past 200 years but managed to end the troubled times and unite the six kingdoms yingqi offers to honor the Warriors who fought for the Chin Dynasty without knowing fear the soldiers of the chin Army silently listened to the protagonist's speech letting down a stingy male tear the hero declares that since the brave warriors have left their blood and flesh in the ground on which he now stands he yingqi dares to rest their souls with this wine The Sovereign supports his son's decision and also splashes the glass of liquid with a swift swish the soldiers loudly chant the name of the protagonist the ruler's brother is unhappy with the fact that the assassination attempt on his majesty failed but notes that he will still have time to make things right the hero accumulates spiritual energy chi on his fingertips then yingchi releases a powerful discharge striking the brother's Sovereign directly into the Fatal point that is located on his back the servant asks if the gentleman is all right and he replies that he feels fine but but his legs have suddenly gone weak the protagonist thinks to himself that the Elder is to blame for what happened so now he only has to wait for his death the hero receives a notification that he has returned to the ancestors and activated the hidden reward Heaven's blessing yingchi receives a random reward corresponding to his status that will demonstrate a miracle the hero is attracted to a mysterious reward that the system says is supposed to show him a miracle and he decides to get it right away there is a bright flash of light in the sky and officials pop their heads up and watch mesmerized by what is happening his majesty is amazed at the Thunder and colorful clouds in the clear sky his majesty cannot believe that the ancestors of the kin Dynasty are making themselves known suddenly out of nowhere a phoenix bird and a golden dragon appear in the air officials remark that the Golden Phoenix and golden dragon are lucky Omens which means that heaven has sent a wise ruler Prince yingi suddenly a golden statuette with a dragon's head is formed in the air forged by the dragon with its Flames the statue slowly descends into the hands of the protagonist the protagonist declares that today he the Crown Prince of the Chin Dynasty has been granted a seal and thus Power by heaven so he vows to lead the country to a bright future the hero observes that before some were not ready to bow down before him but the demonstration of Miracles has proven to be quite an effective method for this era as he looks at the crouching officials yingchi remarks that great things things are in store for the hero in the future after a time his majesty and the Crown Prince arrive at the Eastern Palace several officials and his Majesty's daughter greet the arrivals the emperor asks them to rise the ruler declares that he has secretly prepared a palace for him and yanir long ago and Yin man also helped the hero expresses his gratitude to his father the protagonist also thanks his sister Yin man but the latter declares that it's all just a trifle in addition she got along with the hero's wife a long time ago and was happy to help with the children the princess can't believe that the man she fell in love with turned out to be her own brother yet all she had to do was simply see him The Sovereign informs him that he already has an audience chamber since the protagonist is now acting Regent he will have his own chamber the ruler notices that although the protagonist Has Talent he is still young and inexperienced in public affairs but M AO and Leu buay are very interested in teaching him all about it the hero believes that his father wants to bring him closer to two very powerful officials who can frighten the entire Royal Court with their mere presence it seems to him that Ying Jong is not afraid of him at all Ying jong's relationship to the protagonist can only be compared to Juan jang's relationship to juo juu Yan Jang gathered influential people around juia who could stage a coup in the celestial Empire but even if the latter rebelled the latter would not resist him all because jubo was the son of juu yan Jang and his wife Ma and the other children were only sons of the emperor so the main character is the son of Ying Jen and xoong a not the son of the chin King liuu wonders what the Crown Prince was thinking about and the protagonist replies that he wasn't thinking about anything but wants to apologize for his tactlessness the hero declares that he will be an extremely mediocre student so he will cause a lot of problems in the future the elderly mentors ask the hero to be less modest saying that they will teach him everything he needs to know after a while the hero happy that it's finally over but has to admit that this day was more tiring than all his battles his wife offers to rub shoulders with the hero Yanna reports that the six kingdoms are now United and the protagonist is finally reunited with his father which means their family will live a peaceful life the hero explains that not everything is so simple because right now the tribes of UA are attacking the borders and sewing chaos so sooner or later we'll have to send troops and yingqi as Crown Prince will have to solve the internal affairs of the state yanner wonders if she and the protagonist will have to break up again yingchi remarks that he too would like to stay with her forever but the hero still has reasons to fight further the hero states that uniting the celestial Empire is just a way to become stronger but his true goal is the resurrection of his mother the wife of the main character states that she is unable to let him go but if he has already made a decision she will definitely support him y informs him that she will probably take the children to bed now and then return to the hero's house yingi feels guilty but recognizes that he will love her for life and will never let her down the protagonist is lying on his bed noticing that he still has some business to complete he asks the system to show the characteristics of the royal Seal Seal of subduing is a black ranked Talisman that guides fate and grants the owner the ability to subdue the ruling Dynasty increase the power and influence of the ruler in whose hands it is held the hero declares that the Chin Dynasty is already prosperous now and with the powers this seal has granted him he will be able to rule it forever the system notifies the hero that he has received the title of Crown Prince for which he is rewarded with a black rank Treasure Chest the protagonist orders the system to get the reward and open the chest the system congratulates the protagonist that he has received the title of Crown Prince of the Chin Dynasty activation of the title will allow the hero to always be awake when solving political and Military Affairs the speed of solving state affairs will increase by three times and the rate of improvement by two times the hero activates the title he received noting that this title is much stronger than one jun's title yingchi will now be able to solve state affairs much faster the hero notes that he won't be able to fight anytime soon but fortunately with the help of Spirit Stones and the title bonus he won't be standing still yingi begins to meditate after all it won't be long before he reaches the 21st level so he can't relax meanwhile in the Chin Dynasty ancestral Temple loud shouts are heard the sovereign's brother is openly delirious and I demand that everyone move away from him the servants think the old man is communicating with Spirits the ghosts of the Dead Emperors of the Chin Dynasty appear before the guise of an elderly man the ruler's brother remarks that he only wanted to get a worthy ruler for the Chin Dynasty for he also cares for the state the suddenly appearing Golden Dragon claims that yingchi was destined by the Heavens to become the ruler of the Chin Dynasty and he was only acting to achieve his own desires the dragon declares that the old man is not worthy to Bear the surname Ying streams of thick black energy burst out of his mouth the hero's brother becomes convinced that he really has no right to bear the surname Ying he recognizes that the hero was right about the appanage system the old man put the power of the chi family in line with the fate of the whole country the master declares that he does not have long to live so he asks that future Generations do not make his mistakes the Elder asks to be loyal to the reigning house even though the Ying family is Noble however they will not be able to LEAP above the royalty The Sovereign and the state must come first yingchi was destined to be the heir so he could not be hindered the elderly man rises suddenly and rushes to the exit declaring that he has made a terrible mistake but is ready to admit his loyalty the elderly head at all speed rushes to the main entrance of the Eastern Palace but the guards ask not to disturb the protagonist because he is now resting the sovereign's brother declares that the soldiers won't be able to stop him so he needs to see the Crown Prince urgently the protagonist meanwhile performs a cultivation ritual to increase his level and practice his Marshall skills yingchi is perplexed as to what the sovereign's brother is doing at such a late hour in the Eastern Palace but orders the guards to leave him alone the Elder states that he made a mistake but only realized it on his deathbed when the spirits of his ancestors came to him he admits that he has committed many sins and the ancestors will not tolerate it but the hero managed to forgive the old man the hero notices that he has hit the illusion point with his attack if this point is hit the man will die in his own Illusions he doesn't understand what the old man saw what the old man is saying that he is now talking to the hero about such things the Lord's brother shows the hero The Jasper pendant of the Ying family from now on the Lord puts the entire Ying family at the disposal of yingchi he asks the hero to preserve the dynasty that his ancestors founded and to forgive him the Elder realizes that he has neglected the fate of the Chin Dynasty and is therefore not worthy to Bear the surname Ying he declares that he has been held hostage to his selfish desires all his life but before his death he finally has an epiphany suddenly a black liquid comes out of the elderly man's mouth then the sovereign's brother Falls face down the hero states that if the the elderly gentleman had realized everything earlier it wouldn't have come to this it is a Pity that fate rules everyone if the old man had not entered the realm of Illusion and would have lived only his desires until the end the protagonist closes the eyes of the late brother of The Sovereign and declares that he will take the Ying Clan under his wing as long as the hero lives the Chin Dynasty will live too the shadow guard reports that trouble has broken out in senyang chunu yu has gathered 5,000 followers and is now planning to overthrow The Sovereign Mr chunu Yu laments that the heavens have treated him unfairly as Prince fu is the true ruler of the Chin Dynasty but yingi has interfered now Fu has lost his status as Crown Prince the official says that all his life he has been taught to follow wise rulers he is puzzled that he must Now obey some Warrior other officials self-consciously watch the speech of Mister officials say there are rumors that yingqi has decided not to even follow the traditions of his ancestors if the hero does in fact inherit the throne the celestial Empire will fall into chaos which is unacceptable Mr chunu Yu declares that tomorrow he is going to organize a strike outside the palace gate in the name of preserving the Chin Dynasty and Prince fusu the officials declare that they will follow Mr Chun for the fate of their people they need a virtuous Sovereign so they will overthrow yingchi meanwhile in the inner Palace his majesty is surprised that the hero is is going to divide chin into 36 regions The Sovereign wonders if the idea belongs to the protagonist and the protagonist replies that he only suggested it and the teachers did the rest the hero wonders what his father thinks about it lubu states that the protagonist is exaggerating as his mentors only briefly discussed everything with him and otherwise it is entirely the protagonist's fault his majesty declares that so far the county oblast reform has encountered difficulties but in this way it will be realized in less than a year and feudalism will be pulled from the route The Sovereign asks that this document be sent out to all the people in the field and Lio buay obediently agrees to the ruler's order suddenly the system alerts the hero that he has successfully implemented the county regional system and completed a hidden task of global scale for which he receives a reward the technique of book printing with type setting the hero states that he would like the county oblast system to become the basis of his State he believes that not only high rank officials should benefit but also ordinary citizens so the whole nation should learn about the reform The Sovereign approves of the protagonist decision and instructs him to take on the task his conversation with the hero is interrupted by a soldier's report that chunu UA has gathered 5,000 confusions and is on his way to the Palace of Tu Jan Tha His Highness is perplexed as to how that old bastard chunu U dared to do this His Highness decided not to punish him just because he had trained Fu for so many years a soldier reports that protesters are demanding the resignation of his majesty and the Crown Prince everyone including his majesty Leu bu and M AO are shocked by the news only the protagonist remains calm and collected The Sovereign draws his sword from its sheath and declares that he will tear the rebel Chun yuua to Pieces but the elderly mentors try to reason with his majesty because he has 5,000 confusions with him and his death will not solve anything the protagonist asked asks his father to give him the case The Sovereign allows his son to take on this case because by subduing the officials he will only strengthen his position the protagonist admits that Mr chunu Yu didn't disappoint him so it's not for nothing that yingi made plans for him a huge column of officials and other officials move down a corridor flanked by armed soldiers lined up in a line of arms the soldier wonders if they will stop the officials the comrade replies that they were ordered to let the protesters into the city since even the sovereign had to show them some mercy the soldiers can't do anything about it the soldiers are perplexed they can't recall such a rebellion when Crown Prince Chi took over all six kingdoms in front of the entrance to the Royal Palace were 5,000 protesting confucians who had come to voice their grievances Chun Yu declares that 5,000 confucians are here with him concerned about the future fate of the state they hope that his majesty is able to distinguish loyalty and Fidelity from mediocrity and giftedness His Majesty demand demands the return of etiquette customs and traditions and the expulsion of yingqi the officials declare that if they return the ancestral Customs etiquette and manner system they will not leave the palace even half a step they are prepared to stand here until the very end and if necessary to Die the hero states that Chun yuua gathered all these confusions thus violating chin laws manipulating the opinion of the people to oppose the Royal Authority yingi remarks that the official is indeed not afraid of death but this does not mean that the lives of others are worthless the master declares that yingchi is a treacherous bastard while he and the other protesters are loyal to the Chin Dynasty and each of them is willing to lay down their lives for the country the hero notices that chunu UA still hasn't realized his delusions he wonders if everyone else feels the same way or if they just blindly follow what others say yingi asks him not to ruin his life because of a moment's confusion the officials are are curious as to why the protagonist is leading everyone around by the nose they declare that the Crown Prince has violated The ancestral foundations and put the kingdom of chin in danger if they continue to remain silent then they have read the books in vain the hero assumes that chunu UA is only manipulating the facts but in fact he still doesn't know what the county region system is however the hero is going to be sure to Enlighten all the people of the celestial Empire yingi explains that the Shang and Xiao dynasties died because they adhered to their ancestral ways this caused the princes to strengthen their influence but they dug their own Graves the hero reminds us that it took the Chin Dynasty more than 200 years to unify the Middle Kingdom right from the sky the protagonist hand Ravens deliver Scrolls to all the inhabitants of the capital which contain information about the decree of the new reform and they pick them up once the Chin Dynasty continued to develop the appanage system but now how juny and kings are everywhere perhaps peace will reign in the near future but what will happen in 10 or 100 years remains a mystery the hero explains that when feudalism begins to wear itself out there will be another troubled time yingqi warns that a fratricidal war is about to break out judging from what is written in the document the residents conclude that the county region system advocated by Prince Ki is the only way out in addition only officials benefit from the county system and ordinary citizens are left out of the loop residents claim that there is almost nothing left of their families because of the war if anyone is sent to fight again they will Riot they have heard that chunu Yu and his men are in favor of opposing the prince of chi and want to preserve the county system so they must be stopped The Peasants believe that Prince Ki really cares about them so they decide to protect the protagonist and rebel against chunu Yu and his men meanwhile the hero tries to explain that the aage system produced ambitious and spoiled princes which led to chaos Ying he wonders if the officials want to serve the chin Kingdom in this way one of the officials is about to say something but chunu Yu immediately interrupts him saying that the county region system can't be so perfect because then the ancestors would use it the hero declares that peace has now come and he only seeks to preserve it he does not wish to kill any more of his fellow men when the county regional system becomes the basis of the state they will follow the path of humanism then the people will be protected the hero remarks that all the officials are talented and educated people and those will be able to run the country competently yingqi reminds him that this is not the end so those who want nothing to do with chunu Yu can leave now one of the officials rolls up a scroll that contained information regarding the decree on the new County and Regional system the official Ducks his head to the ground he is forced to admit that the protesters behave terribly and apologizes he declares that they will support the protagonist and his reforms Mr uua is perplexed as to what the other officials are doing he can't believe that they have been persuaded by a gooi and demands to go back in the hero assumes that people as unworthy as chunu Yu are left in front of the palace he thinks they are of no use to the kingdom of chin the Mr official can't believe that the hero is going to kill them all yingi orders the commander to give the guard troops orders when he gives the signal suddenly a crowd of peasants burst into the palace grounds wanting to protect the Crown Prince and kill the traitor Chun U Mr chunu U doesn't understand what a rustic redneck can know about politics there are shouts from behind demanding that no one be Left Alive suddenly the official is surrounded by several men with guns in their hands a confused expression forms on the gentleman's face the man elbows Mr chunu Yu calling him a freak who wants to send the entire nation to the battlefield The Peasants wield what they have at their disposal for example one of the citizens chases an official and beatss him on the back with a whip the commander wonders if he should hold off on involving the troops after all the hero confirms and remarks that it's more interesting to watch than just chunu yui's death now the protagonist is convinced that chunyu Yu will finally realize what the people really think of him and his minions the villagers label the officials as traitors and threaten to kill them if the prince does not do so the officials in turn ask to be spared the protagonist wonders and the citizens of the kingdom of chin whether they really believe that civil servants deserve to die the people claimed that the officials want to destroy the state so they deserve to die they claim they are ready to get rid of them if only the prince would give the order and they would save the kingdom of chin from trouble the hero declares that since chunu Yu wanted to overthrow the ruler and decide the fate of the dynasty the rebels should be punished not only according to the law but also according to the will of the people someone's footsteps are rapidly approaching the strike site the suddenly arrived Prince Fu begs the protagonist to Pardon Mr chunu Yu the hero declares that chunu Yu has plotted a coup with the confucians which is absolutely inexcusable so he decides to order the officials killed the protagonist gives an unexpectedly cruel but fair order bury every Rebel alive on the faces of the officials there are grimaces of horror and confusion because they cannot yet come to terms with the fact that they will suffer such a cruel punishment Mr chunu U states that the hero is a tyrant but asks him to show Mercy he declares that he is willing to be held accountable asking him to kill him and let the others go the protagonist explains that this is what all citizens want and furthermore the law requires it Prince Fu begs the protagonist on his knees to show Mercy to the culprits Mr chunu asks the young Master not to forget the teachings of Confucius he declares that he will watch him from heaven and wait for this Tyrant to Bow his head before the hero Prince Fu declares that his teacher is too stubborn because he cares for him he asks his highness the protagonist to show him Mercy yingi slaps his younger brother in the face the hero grabs FU by the sternum declaring that his teacher only wants to put Confucian principles into practice and the prince is only a pawn in his hands he explains that the official took advantage of Fu's ability to Rally the protesters the hero explains that if chunu Yu were to get his way today feudalism would be preserved in the country and royal power would be based on Confucianism even if Fu became king he would only be a puppet in the hands of his teacher and if chaos broke out in the country he would be a scapegoat yingchi informs us that he says all this because it concerns him and the protagonist He suggests that his younger brother should have the intelligence to realize whether he is right or wrong and to find the answer to the question of whether chunu Yu and the others should die or not Prince fu is forced to recognize that his teacher and his followers must die he thanks his brother for giving him the insight to realize this the protagonist declares that today he will bury the rebels alive staining the capital with blood from now on no one will dare to challenge the Royal Authority yingi tells us that in the future he will follow a Humane path reduce taxes on land provide warmth and food for everyone everyone will find their place in life together everyone will achieve peace and prosperity for all future Generations the hero notes that he is the one who buried the confucians alive and perhaps in the future he will be the one to burn their books the hero holds a thousand years of History in his hands which he creates himself soldiers continue to throw Earth over the officials burying them deeper and deeper the free Spectators who are citizens chant the name of the hero Fu said that chunu Yu had always said that he should become a gracious Sovereign but today the prince realized that in order to build a strong state it was necessary to resort to harsh measures the prince admits that he has bathed in luxury all his life but has never taken responsibility so he asks the hero to send send himself to the north to gain experience and later help the state fu is full of humanity and reverence but he has always lacked courage this time the prince asked to be sent to the cold lands so he will become a capable official in the future the ruler remarks that the hero takes good care of his brothers and he as a father is very pleased with that yingqi declares that dad thinks too highly of him since if Fu didn't have potential he wouldn't waste his time on him The Sovereign notices that the hero has involuntarily called him Pope yingi says he misspoke and wonders if it would be better if he called his majesty father the protagonist thinks to himself that Dad sounds much better while father sounds too formal yingqi notes that The Sovereign quickly adapts to the new name the hero explains that Fu has potential if a person is content with their fate they will help but if a person does something stupid yingqi won't mess around with them the ruler notes that the fate of Prince Fu remains to be seen the ruler states that if a hero wants to put in a good word for someone it must be done in advance and does not rely on his kindness the hero wonders if today's execution of the riers has led to changes in the Royal Palace the official reports that the execution of the officials shocked everyone although the officials had objections to Confucianism they expressed much more admiration than the others the hero explains that harsh methods of fighting have always been effective when the government is in disarray yingi w ERS how things are going with Fu and huai the shadow guard reports that Prince fu is ready to head north and huai is not at all happy with his situation the soldier wonders if any action needs to be taken the protagonist asks the shadow guards to ensure Fu's safety on the road as for huai although yingi is not friends with him he is still his own brother so no surveillance is required for now the shadow guard informs His Highness that unfortunately the agents were unable to locate the main headquarters of hientai the soldier notices that although The Sovereign has been reunited with the protagonist there is still a very powerful force somewhere in the secret which he's extremely concerned about the hero is forced to admit that if his father's secret organization was easy to detect nothing good would come of it the protagonist finds it interesting that although he has reached such a high position the ruler still has something that is admirable and something that he is willing to surpass suddenly the guards are heard from behind the door greeting his majesty the emperor states that he has come to visit the Crown Prince the hero orders the shadow guards to leave the room immediately because His Highness is about to appear and they follow the order the protagonist's father enters his Chambers and wonders why his son is still attending to matters of State at such a late hour yingi in turn asks why his father decided to visit him at such a late hour the ruler declares that after a bit of thinking he has finally decided that the hero needs to be shown something the ruler asks the protagonist to follow him the protagonist is genuinely discouraged by his father's unexpected proposal walking down a long Corridor lit only by candles the hero confesses to his father that he never thought there was such a place in the palace yingi wonders where it leads to and the King replies that he will soon find out the ruler grabs one of the lights and pulls it down followed by a distinctive clicking sound suddenly part of the wall is pushed aside and a black void forms in its place it comes to the hero's attention that The Sovereign has just discovered a secret passage yingchi tells him that during the time of the six kingdoms takeover there was a passage in each Royal Palace to save the royal family His Highness wonders if the protagonist would use such a passage to escape the protagonist replies without a second thought that he would never use it the hero remembers that when the Han King escaped thanks to the secret passage he beheaded him the hero remarks that this was a pathetic act for while The Sovereign was cowardly fleeing the Han Kingdom had already been destroyed the protagonist declares that he firmly believes that a ruler should defend his land to the very end yingchi declares that if there is a coup he will definitely not lose his dignity The Sovereign recognizes that the protagonist was indeed chosen by the heavens he explains that in the Kingdom of chin there was never a secret passage for escape so the ancestors believe that the state is alive as long as the king lives and if it dies the ruler dies as well the ruler informs them that the place they are going to can only be reached by true rulers now the hero's father is about to introduce him to The Greatest Secret of the Chin Dynasty the hero comes genuinely surprised at what his father has said he cannot believe that in a moment he will be able to see The Greatest Secret of the Chin Dynasty Sovereign tells us that the previous rulers of the Chin Dynasty wanted to rule the Middle Kingdom so each of them tried to build up their forces to lay the foundation for the state but they did not only do it openly the protagonist's father declares that the real life force of the Chin Dynasty is in this place The Sovereign declares that this is why he was sure he would conquer the celestial Empire the hero cannot believe that the depths of the secret passage lead to such a great place its Majesty refers to a special recess in the wall protruding to the quality of the button another Secret Door begins to gradually open creating a passage into an Uncharted room with the protagonist and his father standing on its threshold making a broad gesture with his hand his majesty points to the considerable reserves of gold and silver which according to the Sovereign statement should be enough for a hundred years to come another door opens with a creek a huge number of various weapons appear in front of the protagonist The Sovereign explains that behind this door are copper and iron weapons left by his descendants for without a sharp blade in your hands you cannot rule the country the ruler declares that what is next door is particularly important being the king the protagonist must Swear to protect this place His Highness presents the hero with a huge number of sh shelves with Scrolls and explains that various ancient books Landscapes of the celestial Empire weapons from different kingdoms and a lot of information about them are stored here as well the protagonist's father summarizes that he has just shown his son the true Celestial Empire with all its secrets and Mysteries the hero notes that ideas and aspirations are the inner core of the ruler it turns out that since ancient times the rulers of the Chin Dynasty have figured this out yingi assumes that if not for him Prince Fu would have been here by now but he was too weak willed to take advantage of these riches at the right time therefore the secret of the dungeon of the Royal Palace stayed with him underground and brought II wangi to power and then caused the demise of the Chin Dynasty The Sovereign notes that in the history of the Chin Dynasty there was not a single stupid and Idol ruler which helped to unite the celestial Empire now all this rightfully belongs to the protagonist His Highness reports that now though he is not ashamed of his ancestors yet the state treasury is and the people are sadly suffering the ruler declares that in the future the protagonist will take care of the prosperity of the kingdom of chin and the gold reserves presented will be the hero's Capital yingi declares that he will take care of the prosperity of the state but tries to persuade his father that he is in the dawn of life and still has a lot to do the seemingly quite serious words of the protagonist made his majesty laugh a lot The Sovereign cannot believe that the hero thought that his father was preparing for a funeral realizing the comical nature of the situation the protagonist declares that he did not mean anything of the sort and does not understand why his father scares him so much the emperor remarks that it is the son who has misunderstood him his majesty tells us that from time immemorial there has been a Fier struggle in the royal family family members constantly feuding each crowned Prince always wished that his father died the next day but the hero is not at all eager to take the throne the hero reports that his majesty thinks too highly of him he states that if there were another person sitting on the throne yingchi would have killed him long ago yingi explains that he used to admire the ruler so he was loyal but now the latter is no longer a sovereign to him but a father he states that there is no reason for a son to fight his father his majesty is forced to admit that he has a wonderful son after all the Sovereign thinks he should be grateful to heaven for if the hero had not returned he would not have known the bond between Father and Son for the rest of his life The Sovereign wonders how the protagonist is going to dispose of all these riches yingi says that he seems to have realized that his father gave him all these things because he was too lazy to work in response to his father's question the hero states that he has no plans to use these riches now in peace and Tranquility the people can rest and gain strength and when the Chin Dynasty is again on the rise and starts fighting again that's when the riches will come in handy The Sovereign wonders if the protagonist is going to conquer the tribes of Yu or the northmen yingchi in turn wonders if his father ever thought that the world consists of more than just the six kingdoms and small tribes the ruler cannot imagine that there is another world outside the celestial Empire after all the ancestors only tried to conquer six kingdoms and there could always be something else Beyond them in this Dimension there is a whole world beyond the celestial Empire and Beyond this world the world of Immortals can be found the hero assumes that there are still heavens above the heavens the history of the chin kingdom is just beginning but the current forces are not enough to conquer the world his majesty fell silent as if pondering something very important suddenly The Sovereign declares that he did the right thing when he gave the hero those Treasures if everything his son says is true he must look behind the fourth door his majesty opens the door and declares that they are at the headquarters of the chin King's special spy organization hientai The Sovereign is greeted by a huge Army of secret agent members of the organization the ruler greets them in return and asks them to step up the protagonist is puzzled that such a huge organization could be underground now it becomes clear why duno was unable to find the organization his majesty addresses the soldiers of the hientai he reminds them that for centuries this organization has been under the control of the king but today everything is about to change the ruler declared that from today the members of the organization will be loyal not only to his majesty but also to the Crown Prince yingqi all soldiers without exception swear to be loyal to The Sovereign and Crown Prince until death the hero notes that although duno doubted that the hero's father would not use hentai to harm him he never imagined that the most mysterious organization in the celestial Empire would fall into his hands the father has so little doubt in his son that he gave all the protective talismans to him his majesty asks teing to initiate the protagonist into the current circumstances in hientai the soldier holds out a tray containing Scrolls to the protagonist Sovereign explains that hientai was still Chin's sha gong Ying chuang now the organization in addition to intelligence and contract killings is now collecting all kinds of information the head explains that the organization is developing its own weapons in addition hientai has its own bank branch which is involved in trading and replenishing the State Treasury the man says that the hientai lured many weapons Masters to the chin Dynasty's side the mo family the gongu family now they all serve the Chin Dynasty and are listed among the members of the organization the protagonist picks up a large bow and draws the bow string he fires an arrow and it promptly hits the wall the hero is so strong that the arrow he fired once lodged in the wall still shakes for a while creating cracks in the place of hit spreading along the wall the soldiers are surprised at how strong the protagonist is and realize that he is not famous for his strength for nothing they are convinced that if they serve such a ruler they will die without regret the hero declares that although this bow can't compare to his heavy bow but it is still the strongest weapon in the celestial Empire T Ying reports that everyone everywhere is talking about the Valor and bravery of the Crown Prince but today he was able to see it for himself the hero states that it would not be a bad thing if such sophisticated weapons were made for the entire kin Army a member of the organization intends to ask the protagonist for a favor the hero allows him to tell the soldier says that he has engaged in battle with the shadow guard several times but has never been able to see their true power so he would like to know how wide the gulf is between hientai and the hero's spies the protagonist starts pretending as if he doesn't know about any spies his majesty asks the hero to stop hiding the truth and since he has revealed his secrets to share the hero's own the hero declares that he will show him so be it he realizes that dun ruo has heard everything so he asks him to show the members of the hianat organization what he can do T in doesn't realize who the protagonist is talking to he can't believe that there is someone else hiding in the cave the soldier thinks it's impossible since not even a fly can get past hientai suddenly some mysterious Aura begins to envelop a member of the hiban organization a magical Violet Force like a blade passed through Mr Tang's throat like a blade suddenly the head of the organization grabs his throat and Falls against a nearby wall not realizing what is happening the magical streaks affect all the soldiers of the organization that are in the cave their necks are also wrapped around by strange invisible ropes that strangle the soldiers the soldiers realize they are being attacked so they need to defend themselves but they can't even see their enemy his majesty is completely unaware of what is going on here the hero orders the shadow guard to stop the protagonist's servant appears out of nowhere and does the protagonist's bidding the protagonist asks the head of the hibat organization what he thinks about what he saw teing is trying to catch his breath so he is unable to utter a single word in addition The Soldier's attention is drawn to a red stain on the fingers of his hand apparently this stain is called Vermilion which Shadow guards use as markings teing remarks that the shadow guards not only sneaked into hienti base but also displayed a strength that could kill dozens of Warriors including him the head of the hiban not is forced to admit that the shadow guard's abilities are many times greater than his Majesty's organization teing claims that he didn't even have time to strike back His Highness of course with a smile but states that he did not expect at all that the day would ever come when the head of hientai would be defeated the sovereign states that the hientai have been around for several hundred years but the protagonist managed to defeat them today the hero explains that they didn't lose at all in addition his spies are superior to the hentan strength but not in matters of organization his majesty declares that dwan R's movements are perfect this is something The Sovereign has never seen before he wonders if it was the power of the martial arts that Mong wo spoke of and if the protagonist will be able to fight back against the shadow guards the ruler words put dun ruo in an awkward position as he is surprised that the Sovereign knows about martial arts and is not sure if it is okay to divulge such secret information the protagonist nods to the shadow guard as a sign of approval and he immediately realizes that he's letting him tell it the Shadow Guardian confirms that it was the power of martial arts but notes that he was taught all of this by the protagonist plus his strength far surpasses that of dun ruo's dun ruo claims that the protagonist strength is simply unfathomable he is able to escape unscathed from any trap even if he is surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers on the battlefield Tay Ying recalls that the Crown Prince is known as the second god of assassination which is completely deserved since he was able to train dun ruo in such techniques He suggests that if hientai serves the Crown Prince the chin Kingdom will be even stronger suddenly the head of the hianat declares that he has a proposal his majesty shows interest in the soldiers words Tay Ying admits that he is really weak compared to Mr dun ruo his proposal is to give up the head of hientai and work under the leadership of Mr dun ruo his majesty declares that this is a very good idea and and wonders what the protagonist thinks about it yingqi informs him that it is a very wise decision according to the story dun ruo was the head of hientai after traveling his new path he has returned to his roots but now he has become loyal to the protagonist the protagonist declares that on the orders of his father dun ruo is henceforth to become the leader of hentai now he will have to teach his new subordinates everything that the hero taught him his majesty declares that it's been a very long time time so the hero should go to the meeting with his father yingi protests saying that he should have gone through the main entrance like the rest of the officials the protagonist's father jokingly states that this is an order that he must obey all officials salute The Sovereign and praise His name His Highness allows everyone to stand and wonders if there is any important news that the officials have brought for him today the officials whisper indignantly that although the prince is the heir to the throne he has no reason at all to stand next to the Sovereign during the meeting one of the officials says that they have all gathered today to discuss his Majesty's new title but he has something else to say first he asked if it was appropriate for the prince who was acting as Regent to stand next to the Sovereign the hero is perplexed for he has repeatedly explained to his majesty that this cannot be done as it will irritate the officials and cause them to resent him yingchi was about to leave the Sovereign but suddenly his father decided to stop the protagonist grabbed him by the sleeve of his robes The Sovereign reminds him that Minister Ching has just said himself that the protagonist is acting Regent and is therefore the future ruler Ying Jang declares that the crown Prince's presence in the audience Hall is equivalent to that of a king the officials are perplexed as to how they can treat the Crown Prince the same as a ruler for then the difference between a prince and a sovereign becomes incomprehensible The Confident Aura of the protagonist and His Majesty asserts their rightness in the matter and forces the officials to temper their displeasure His Highness is still curious if what he just said is understood by everyone the officials unmistakably believe that the Sovereign is now Beyond doubt Furious but fortunately the Crown Prince is worthy of such treatment and thus there is no need to argue in vain the officials obey his Majesty's orders and swear that from now on they will treat the Crown Prince as if he were the ruler himself the emperor remarks that he is much more satisfied with the State of Affairs and proposes to finally discuss the new title he asked asks what proposals the official explains that the celestial Empire has suffered from turmoil for several hundred years the kingdom of chin was blessed by heaven to assume the role of Patron the unification of the celestial Empire was an important event of all time so The Sovereign should become the first and only King dawang the general expresses his opinion that The Sovereign became the son of heaven tianzi when he unified the celestial Empire throughout the centuries there there have been a great number of kings and tian's title in turn demonstrates his superiority over them the officials and The Sovereign think that General M's proposal is quite worthy but his majesty still wonders what the protagonist thinks about it yingchi declares that all of the above options are not suitable the hero explains that The Sovereign unified the celestial Empire so that his merits exceed those of yandi and hangi the merits of kings and even tian's title does not reflect his merits the protagonist declares that as the ruler who first unified the Middle Kingdom in its history he should be named the first emperor of Chin Chin shiwang D the officials come to Marvel at the protagonist's proposal and agree that the title of emperor of the great Kingdom of chin sounds Majestic the hero already imagines his majesty the first emperor of chin conducting a special initiation ritual in front of the altar the protagonist declares that in honor of such an event a sacrifice should be arranged on the top of Mount taan and this this ceremony would be a kind of symbol of the new title the officials come to a state of genuine surprise at the protagonists proposal for the sacrifice on Mount taan will mean the worship of Heaven and Earth in honor of the emperor officials report that they fully support the crown Prince's proposal The Sovereign rules the entire Celestial Empire so those are obliged to immortalize his merits only taan Mountain which touches the heavens can become a symbol of The Emperor's Destiny the ruler that the title of shiwangi the first first emperor of chin suits him very well so he willingly accepts the title The Sovereign declares that a new day will then have to be chosen for the ceremony but for now he allows everyone to leave the Assembly Hall his majesty remarks that the title of first emperor is very much to his liking Ying xang declares that if he is the first emperor the protagonist will become the second II hangi but all the merits will be reserved for him the hero thinks to himself that even though the latter is from the historical second Emperor the title is still slightly derogatory to him his majesty explains that mount taan is swayed by the heavens and the sacrifice in this case will provide the Chin Dynasty with the blessing of Heaven as well as protection for future Generations but much preparation is still needed for the ceremony the protagonist states that he would like to return to yunchang and move his mother's grave to senyang
Channel: Itachi Manhwa
Views: 3,662
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Keywords: manhwa recap, anime recap, manhwa, anime, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, manga capped, manhwa summary, anime recaps, recap, recap manhwa, recap manga, Manga, Manhua, manhua recap, manhua recapped, manhua recaps, manga recap, manga recaps, manhwa capped, manhua, manga
Id: HppHINtt1W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 10sec (12370 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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