4 Tips For Setting Up TV, Receiver & Surround Sound

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what's up and welcome to the channel make sure to hit that subscribe button and turn your notifications on for more great videos today's topic is tips for setting up and connecting tvs stereos and surround sounds so let's get started tip number one organize your wiring first of all you'll need to connect your system this can be challenging obviously if you don't know how to do it the setup can be simplified by organizing the wiring and by even drawing a diagram on paper of what you intend to connect a list of the parts and so on so you can just keep everything organized so you obviously have a tv and you'll have a stereo or receiver of some type [Music] now you need to know if your tv's hdmi if it is it could be a smart tv there's two options then you'll need to know if your stereo is hdmi compatible or as in an older stereo that has no hdmi ports once you find out these we can continue the tv and stereo are hdmi we're going to need a cord to go between those an hdmi cord all right and you know your tv is not a smart tv so we're good so you obviously have another box a roku dvd player something receiver we're gonna run an hdmi from there to the stereo to the tv so that's pretty simple we do this if we have an hdmi stereo and now if we have a slightly different setup we have a smart tv we're gonna need to use hdmi arc because my tv has everything built in to watch netflix to watch amazon to watch disney it has all that stuff built in and i don't need anything that's when you use this setup the hdmi arc and you'd have just sound going through that hdmi and right on the back here you can see hdmi 3 arc so you'd use that one hdmi 3 to run that from the tv back to the receiver if you have an older receiver you might need something like this it's called an hdmi audio extractor or hdmi audio converter so this is how you're gonna set that up if you have an older stereo that does not have hdmi you're gonna have your tv you're gonna have your stereo you're gonna have your source dvd player roku satellite box um ps4 amazon chrome chromecast xbox whatever that is and then you're gonna have your converter so you're gonna run the hdmi from your source to the converter and then you're going to run hdmi to the tv assuming most people have an hdmi tv or you'd need one with this box then from the converter that's going to give your stereo a left and right rca [Music] and that's your sound that's perfect but it's not stereo this converter is also going to give you a digital sound optical cord this is true surround so if you want true surround you got to use the digital optical cord and if your stereo doesn't have a digital optical cord then you might be sol this thing costs thirty to fifty dollars and it works with an old stereo and now tip number two would be use hdmi or digital optical cables they provide true surround sound and also the best sound quality so if you can use these two either one just as good if you can use digital or hdmi that would be the preferred choice to get the best sound quality you can use the other options like left and right rca but they're not going to offer true surround sound and they're not the absolute best quality tip number three speaker placement speaker placement is extremely important because it sets your entire environment up to have the best sound possible in a typical room this is the generic setup for a surround sound system you're gonna have your front left speaker front right speaker your sub right in the middle right in the front you're going to have your left and right background surround sound speakers this is a typical setup for surround sound so this is just a generic setup with your five piece speakers and these speakers are gonna be six feet above the floor front speakers left and right are going to be about level with the viewer and the sub is going to be in the middle front and the center speaker either over or under the tv right in the center this is my ghetto uh surround sound setup i put the back speakers in the best spot i could for my room and then the center speaker is directly under the tv i have a little wood custom hanger there it works pretty good and my sub is in the front and my left and right speakers are facing me right in the front if you want to know how to set up some speakers check out my other video down in the description shows you how to set up speakers and tip number four make sure all your settings are correct a lot of these stereo systems have a lot of different settings and a lot of different options it's easy to have something on the wrong setting preventing everything from working so don't stress out go through normal troubleshooting operations we're just going to go through a quick installation here bd dvd i plugged my chromecast plugging in the power source right now so i just plug that power source in perfect now double check that okay bd dvd so now we need an out from the stereo to the tv hdmi 2 these are two separate connections and then now i make sure my stereo is on bd dvd it's going through that and i go to my tv i press source and i make sure my tv is on hdmi 2 because that's the one i plugged it in in the back and once that's all good your tv should be working make sure to let me know if you have any questions right in the comments we can try and get your setup working thanks for watching make sure to hit that subscribe button and check out some other related videos we've got a lot of good information on there and a lot of good stuff until next time this is the review king signing out
Channel: The Review King
Views: 25,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to connect stereo, how to connect surround sound, how to setup tv to reciever, how to connect old reviewer to new tv, how to setup surround sound, how to setup reciever, how to connect stereo to tv, how to hook up speakers, ho to connect tv to receiver, how to hook up hdmi, hdmi arc, how tp setup stereo, easy was to setup surround sound, proper spacing for surround sound soeaker, surrwound, souund, speeker, connect receever, how to new tv with old receiver, digital optical
Id: LmzJMZuD3Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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