4 Times Questionable Behaviors of Idols Caught on Livestreams

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despite being a great tool for fans to connect with idols live streams can cause some serious trouble since whatever idols do and say would be recorded immediately if there's anything problematic coming up there's no way of going back here are some situations where idols controversial behaviors were caught while streaming live number one got7s jb on may 13th jb logged into his instagram account and started a live stream to a small talk with fans at first things were completely normal jb laid comfortably on his bed thanking his supporters talking about his effort to adjust to the new environment and so on just normal things when idol usually shares with fans then he got up and thus moved his camera angle which revealed certain parts of his room including a wall full of very questionable photos some have naked women posing in sexual positions and some well so directly women's private parts [Music] and as any kpop stands would expect the situation blew up on every social media while some of the fandom thought this to be a funny accident many were mad as hell to the point they cancelled him deeming those photos to be smutty and absolutely disrespectful to women especially when most of his fans are female things started spiraling down when it reached the korean public just after one hour of this incident landing on the coup more than 1 000 comments were posted about how disgusting and creepy jb was after that international fans joined in to defend their idols by pointing out that one photo was just jb's side profile they even discovered that another photo was an artwork of a famous photographer yung wong yim they are just art and as a grown man jb has every right to enjoy any kind of art he likes and is inspired from also those photos do not violate any law so what's the problem as one fan put it but the other side wouldn't accept the explanation easily according to their point of view yes people are allowed to enjoy this kind of thing everyone does that no big deal but if you have to print ladies bits out and tape them onto your wall to come up with ideas then you have some serious problems both morally and mentally you are just a pervert and that was just one reason some people were also outraged because there could be a high chance that many underage viewers had watched the live stream and seen these inappropriate images things could have been eased off after a few hours if jb had turned off his live immediately and apologized but to many fans disappointment he went on instagram again and hit like to a meme photo of his controversial wall to those trying to stand up for him at first this behavior was considered extremely disrespectful before the whole fuss caused any further trouble both higher music and jb post apologies regarding the accident and promised to be extra careful next time however jb is still under fire as korean netizens did not think his apology on an instagram story that only lasts 24 hours was truly sincere [Music] number two exos chen in april 2018 chen once caused a major stir after his v live with cbx the livestream started off with all fun and laughter as chen fakhyun and xiumin play jenga what could possibly go wrong well after the game ended with chen losing the other members decided to apply ridiculous makeup on chen's face as punishment and this is when things swerved into the territory of blackface critics on social media slamming this 890 dollar black turtleneck with a red cutout for the mouth you mean to tell me no one saw the awful blackface resemblance everyone's favorite firework is taking heat for shoes from her life that some say are racist but they can't be that bad oh wow yeah they're that bad so she's got two pairs of shoes that appear to be black face so what exactly has chen done that led to this issue in the live stream vacuum applied a lot of lipstick on chen's lips making them unnaturally large what's problematic is chen's remark right after i look like mitchell for your information mitchell is a character from the korean cartoon show dually the little dinosaur in recent years this character has been heavily criticized by international fans as he is deemed to be a racist symbol for koreans to mock black people many korean celebrities have impersonated mitchell in the past for fun like apink's balmy on the skit of snl korea or crush on king of masked singer and all of them were called out after watching this be live many xols were extremely disappointed that their idol did not even learn the lesson and still use the character to crack a joke things got worse as chen even added another one this is kunta kinte right and the other members burst into laughter but then again it was not at all funny for the black community kunta kinte the main character of the miniseries root is a slave who is taken out of his country and forced to work in america now kunta kinte has become a symbol for black empowerment so mentioning his name to make fun is disrespecting the history and cultural significance of the black community as a whole some fans tried to shield chen saying that kunta kinte was just a korean slang term for large lips so he had no ill means nevertheless it was still used with a negative tone so many fans demanded an apology but so far all they got is nothing more than silence number three hinopia's yay bean speaking of racism the former member of pristine yay bean was also caught in a huge controversy when she went live on instagram last year during the live broadcast yay bean was rapping to the song super bass by nicki minaj and the n word just slipped right out of her mouth she realized her mistake right when the comments about the word flooded into her live stream and yay bean quickly responded to them yay being said that she was well aware many people found the word sensitive and she did try her best to censor but her attempt was not really successful after the livestream ended she went straight to apologize on her instagram story my intention really wasn't bad it came from my lack of education i will educate myself more about it there's no excuse for what i did i'm sorry again though many thought that the incident was just an honest mistake and her apology was extremely thoughtful some stans still were not totally pleased with that explanation many pointed out that yaiping herself knew the word was not right yet still said it at this point fans are just tired of some k-pop idols ignorance of black culture and use their lack of education as a cover the damage was done and it was too late to go back anyway one fan just went on expressing her vexation on twitter i don't want to hear any k-pop stands defending idols when they say it anymore by saying they're uneducated yay being said it was sensitive and knew she shouldn't be saying it this proves idols are more aware than you think they are and you shouldn't be cutting them slack number four wanna one the national boy group once received brutal backlash for the members behaviors on mnet star live in 2018. in this situation it seemed like wujin who was holding the camera at the time had absolutely no idea that the stream had already gone live so he moved it around capturing the members at some very unrefined moments kong daniel the center of the group shouted out loud why aren't we getting our earnings [Music] ingot responded enthusiastically by chihun yeah why are we only getting twenty percent then aung bu and chihun both complained about their lack of sleep and their heavy schedule even though a female staff had asked them to settle for the live stream the boys sure had a lot to vent before putting on the flawless idol filter daniel straight up revealed that he had just had a dump that morning well sung won declared that that was the best time to cuss and spilled out a whole f-bomb all over the place if you thought that was all some member in the background even yelled die delgak and got replied with only the pretty ones the problem is that in korean dai dalgak means a very sexual act well involving hands so now wanna one was also associated with lewd behavior as anyone can guess their rude manners were later slammed hard by korean netizens fans who followed them since the beginning and believed their perfect act were for sure cast down the pretty boy's image has then turned into dust leaving fans with some ill-mannered schoolboys that liked complaining and making sex jokes many even demanded these young idols to disband and retire but lots of fans still spoke up for 101 as they felt relatable to their idols their actions only made them more human and to be fair no one was harmed during the process even the staff laughed with them nonetheless wanna one ymc entertainment and even imnet had to post apologies regarding the situation before things blew out of proportion after all the incidents above fans need to learn not to always put their idols on a pedestal and understand that idols are normal humans and they can still make mistakes all the time [Music] so which case do you find unacceptable and which one is not that blameworthy do you know other idols caught in some problematic acts while streaming live comment down below to share your thoughts with us also don't forget to like share and subscribe to be boss tv for more great content thank you for watching you
Channel: BeBoss TV
Views: 335,733
Rating: 4.8954372 out of 5
Keywords: kpop news, beboss tv, kpop opinions, jb got7, got7, got7 jb, jb, vlive, got7 vlive, jb vlive, exo, chen, baekhyun, exo vlive, xiumin, exo racist, blackface, racism, kpop racism, kpop racist, hinapia, yaebin, idols, wanna one, kang daniel, kpop scandals, wanna one scandal, questionable behaviors, livestream, woojin, ong seong wu, park jihoon, dark side of kpop, kpop dark, kpop junkee
Id: HCaB0v7m5fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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