4 Things A Beginner Piano Player Should Practice

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hello friends i am hanging out here with caitlin caitlyn works in shout out support so if you've ever emailed us with a question she's very likely been the one to answer it um and caitlyn has very recently like a week ago yep started go learning to play the piano so we're here to show you four things that an absolute complete beginner can practice on the piano right now and the reason that caitlyn's showing you and not me is because this will help you to get a really clear idea of how it actually looks when a beginner is trying this i can point out some of the common things that you know beginners tend to do when they're playing um so it doesn't look like oh look she's so fancy she can do that right away you're gonna see somebody who's at the beginning of their journey and then you know that'll feel good not nervous not nervous at all no okay so number one a complete beginner should practice getting comfortable with the geography of the keyboard so first things first play all the groups of two black keys yep and notice how she's playing them with her p signed fingers you can keep going and then place them with this hand same fingers and then the next thing she can do is play all the groups of three so you can use four three and two fingers yeah [Music] this just helps you like how is that weird helps you get used to the layout of the keyboard the geography of the keyboard so now we know that a group of two if we look at the bottom of the group or two it leads us to c so yeah place your hand in c position good okay so notice how she's got one finger sort of gently resting over each note i'm gonna have her practice the second thing that a total beginner should be practicing is the five tone scale or the five finger scale so go for it good so she's playing so what happened there is if you're a beginner going to happen to you too probably a little bit of tension in the hand oh the fingers aren't doing what i want them to do so the first thing i have to point out let me steal your hand is that caitlyn needs to cut her fingernails your fingernails should be completely flush but that's okay we're gonna work with what we have today yep so back to c position so when you're practicing this five tone skill you wanna go up and down and up and down seamlessly so first thing i want you to do is just take a deep breath i want you to play slowly think of a count of two for each note one two one two good one two one two one two watch your body positioning relax and keep going up [Music] every player will want to repeat that bottom note at the beginning you want to work seamlessly up down and up again so let's pretend we just come down go here here and here and then back up two whoa so one two one two one two there you go okay so you can stop it there so every beginner player should play that five-tone skill with the right hand then with their left hand you don't have to right now and then hands together sweet five times five times five times so if you're new find c by locating the group of two black keys your left hand which finger should you use to play c with uh the thumb no the pinky yes yes this is good so that's different than your right hand your right hand because you want to be able to move up right your thumb can allow you to go up your five finger is what allows you to move up and we need to play slow so please slowly work on that five note scale two one two one [Music] so the next thing is something i fondly call the claw so basically what you do is you start on c you can begin with your right hand and you're going to play a chord so you're going to play your one your three and your five fingers like this it's tricky at the beginning right caitlyn put them all together and then everybody moves up and you play it again again and look at the positioning of your body it needs to be relaxed relax your body breathe this is not stressful this is super fun good good let the weight happen here it's just like a sinking in like move your hand yes and then move to next position and then bomb and then walk there you go so that oh you can stop there because that's c right the end try it with your left hand which you'll begin with your pinky on see yes okay keep it relaxed just pushing down this hand's way harder also normal left hand is tricky good this will be easier when your nails are shorter good job yes yes you're so close good job one more mean two two more yep final one [Music] so if you're new you should be playing that right hand left hand and even trying hands together and if you really want a super challenge try playing the notes one at a time like that you don't have to do that yet it's okay so that's a fun thing and it makes it look easy i do that's why caitlin's showing you you're a guinea pig yeah and then the final thing is keyboard familiarity so this kind of requires two people unless you want to like feel a little nuts and call random letter names out for yourself but i'm going to say a find me a just play it with any finger uh this one oh that was good that was a chord just play a like this good ah d f [Music] so basically calling random letter names out and getting comfortable finding those notes on the keyboard is huge for beginners you're you're winning half the battle by just being confident in knowing where all the keys are and what their names are so those are four things that every beginner piano player could and should be practicing um so you start to just get confident at the piano and with limb bring their hands up and moving around now all that to say that was four things i'm gonna throw in one final thing because i think that this makes everything worth it okay chords so just get comfortable playing chord and this is really simple to do caitlyn can you play me a c good now just like you did the claw play a full chord now move your hand all the way up to g and do the same thing good move your hand all just one step up to a same thing good just pick and sit down there you go and then f well that's c i'm gonna find f right there good repeat c [Music] good job you're doing awesome a too far nice and then f and then c so if you can get confident in playing between those chords you can actually do some really cool stuff but it takes some practice to get there right it takes a lot of practice yes so given that this is like i don't know your first week at the piano do you have anything to say um how have you found it so far has it been easier or harder than you thought harder it's been harder because my fingers don't want to cooperate with my brain so totally normal you're not alone if you're looking at this going oh why is it so hard because it's supposed to be it's the beginning so we're going to be tracking caitlyn's progress so you can kind of see how she learns and progresses and moves through her practices if you're new i hope you enjoy this go have some fun we've got so much more just like this inside the members area at piano so make sure you come check us out there and happy playing [Music] you
Channel: Pianote
Views: 991,325
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Keywords: beginner piano lessons, beginner piano exercises, begginer piano exercises, beginner piano tips, begginer piano lesson, beginner piano lesson 1, free beginner piano lessons - lesson 1, how to play piano beginners, pianote, beginner piano first lesson, things a beginner piano player should do, tips for beginner pianists, how to play piano, 4 Things A Beginner Piano Player Should Practice, piano tutorial, piano exercises, piano lessons, piano for beginners, piano practice
Id: ulq7HkupBSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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