4 steps to teach gundog stop whistle

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so I'm going to show you how we teach the sit and what will then become your stop whistle with your dog for your gun dogs um so obviously we've recapped what that whistle sounds like I'm G to I've got a little microphone on today so I'm hoping um not going to deafen you with the whistle when I blow it um so Quinn knows his stop whistle so I'm going to show you how you teach it in a dog that doesn't so what you're going to start with is you're going to start in your heel work here quen um so you're going to warm them up with a bit of heel work get the focus on you qu here just got a car coming up the drive so he's a little bit distracted side so when they're tuned into you and they're focused doing a few little turns come here all you're going to do is for the ones that don't know the whistle you're going to stop you're going to blow the whistle and you're going to ask the dog to sit because your dog won't know that the whistle means sit yet so you're going to blow the whistle first and then you're going to ask the dog to the sit and then reward for the sit so I'll show you again qu here walking along blow my whistle sit yes I'm reward so then what you're going to do is one sure dog is Hein understanding the whistle um and they're starting to pattern the it then when you stop and blow it you can um start to blow [Music] it and walk away so that the dog remains in the sit so that's proof in your stop whistle um and he this is eventually they dog will understand it so well that when they hear that whistle they immediately sit whether they're next to you or across the field he Quinn here good boy yes here here Quinn Quinn thank you good boy you can see I'm just interacting with him a little bit keeping him focused on meanwhile there distractions yeah keep it him tuned in here sit so again I'm just giving him that little sit command reinforcing the whistle he doesn't need that at this point um but for the ones that haven't learned the whistle yet that's what you're going to do going to get the sit and then go back to him reward good boy so then the next stop to your stop and sit whistle and proofing that and building it up so you're then going to be able to stop the dog wherever it is is you just sort of want them to mooch about not so much that they're you know chasing anything or anything like that you want to set them up to succeed and not fail so I'm just going to have let him have a little mooch bout he's having a little look around when he's having a little walk just going to blow the whistle get that sit and reward okay cool let them have a little mooch so I'm trying to get him here where he's not right on top of me he's just got nothing oh having a little mooch around he's just wondering what on Earth I'm trying to do now oh was it was it come so I just want him to go and have a little sniff so that I can blow the start whistle um it's the sort of thing that like I say you don't want to do when the dog's too involved in something um good Quinn's obviously not going to go off sniffing today for the first time in history what's that what's that good boy yes so you can see there he just goes off and has a little sniff and then um I blow the stop whistle when he's not too involved and he immediately turns looks at me and sits so he's on a little sniff now and then you can see to him that whistle means stop what you're doing and sit down so that's the next step of your sit and stop whistle first of all you're just going to get a really solid sit at the side while you're doing your heel work and things like that come here so you can see then because sit means sit to quick to the whistle he then waits to be recalled out of it which is what you want so he's waiting for the next command from me sit Quin sit um so yes that's your second part of your stop whistle um first one's always going to be teaching at the side repetition repetition repetition until the dog is quite clear that the whistle means sit and you're not having to give the sit command to them all the time then you're going to let them have a little mooch around and start blowing it and see if you can get that stop if when they're having a little mooch you don't get it straight away step into them blow it again and ask them for the sit just to reinforce it and then reward and keep building up from there so then now we're going to go for the next step of your stop whistle so when you've got your dog mooching around and it's stopping consistently every time you Blow That Whistle and you're 100% sure that they know what that whistle means you can then start to progress to doing it while they're a little bit more animated so I'm going to do a stop on recall with Quinn um with him I have this trained on a voice command and a whist command um but the whistle obviously is from the sit whistle work that we've done so I'm going to leave him stay and then I'm going to walk you know a good distance away from him now because he does know these whistles so I'm going to walk a distance away from him I'm going to turn to face him I'm going to give him my three pip recall whistle and then when he's where I want him I'm going to ask him for that stop and see if I can get it so I'm just going to give him a recall one because the thing with Quinn is he knows the exercises now sit sit hello sit um so because he knows the exercises he's very good at pattering them to make sure he gets them right so we're just going to do a normal recall like I've just done then so he thinks he's going to come into me this time and then I'm going to repeat the exercise and then this time I'm going to try and stop it so I'm just going to try and get him a little bit more animated towards me by put my arms out encouraging him [Music] in good boy so you can see there I'm getting that stop off the whistle he creeps a little bit he's not the uh quickest on the reactions but I got a nice stop from him and at the moment when you teaching this here you're always going to return to your dog to reward them you're not not then going to recall them out the whistle CU you're reinforcing that stop Quinn's now at a stage where he can recall out the stop because he understands the stops pretty well so um that's your next stage of that when you're teaching that one again you've got to be pretty sure that you've got that whistle independently first with your side sits where you can blow it at the side you don't have to stop moving and the dog should stop then you're going to get the where the dog's mooching about a bit and you're consistently get in the stop and then you're going to stop teaching the recall side of it so when you're teaching the recall when you first start it you know you can you don't want to leave too big a distance between you and your dog so that you've got um the ability to correct the dog if you need to um you can also use things like putting your hand in the air to help it as you blow the whistle so blow the whistle put your hand up make it clear to the dog you want it to stop and then obviously like you've then seen with Quinn then eventually you can take all that out of the equation blow the whistle and sit so now I'm going to show you you a stop away so that's why your dogs traveling away from you and you've got to stop them I'm going to throw this out on a memory retrieve um just to make it a little bit harder for him a little bit more high energy he's going to be driving towards something and he's got to stop and listen to me so the stop whistle is great as well obviously we do it for the gun dogs so we can stop them in a field we can either then recall them back if somebody else has taken a bird maybe or if they've run slightly on the wrong line and you need to stop them and direct them to where the bird might be or the dummy you know whatever we're doing in training so but it's also good for if you're on a walk and your dog is running chasing something doesn't know a roads there maybe and you need to stop them it's that sort of emergency stop so um this is like the final stage of your stops um being able to do it when the dogs traveling away from you because obviously they're not coming towards you so you're not as in control of the situation so I'm going to walk him out on a memory retrieve so he's going to walk out with me here Quin um I'm going to stop him I'm going to stop him off the whistle and I want him to stop and sit and then I'm going to throw the dummy out in front of me sit just reinforcing that he's supposed to S been a little bit cheeky throw that dummy out pick him up to heal you can see he knows the exercise who's coming with me and then he'll see in a minute he'll start trying to Edge ahead of me so he can turn before me yeah so because it's a memory and he's taking his eyes off the dummy I'm just straightening him up next to my side I'm GNA line him out I don't want him to run until I give him my voice command I'm not going to move my hand it's just going to be Direction and voice I'm going to put my whistle in my mouth so I'm ready to blow it and then I'm going to send in for the dummy and try and stop him on the [Music] whistle good boy so I'm going to go out and reward just to reinforce that really pleased with that so you can see I'm not letting him get too close to the dummy so he's not overly tempted I'm not going to try and stop him a foot away from it I'm just going to put him back side Sit Stay and then I'm just going to push him back onto the Dummy from where he is I'm just going and reinforce it that stop with a little reward in between and then he gets retrieve as his reward for the exercise then come on encouraging him in okay good boy good boy and then I'm just going to give him a little throw get it little throw is a reward for bringing it back and sitting nicely sit good boy yes so that's your stop away whistle um and that's your final stage it's a little bit more difficult like I say because the dog's driving onto something you're not facing them and you're not going to be able to catch them if they don't stop so um that is the very final stage of that when you know that your other three sections are 100% bom prooof um so yeah just stop alwayss
Channel: Imperial Dog Training
Views: 4,071
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Id: 4EXnU1WRflo
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Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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