4 Steps to Getting Hired by a VC Firm

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I think there are four primary ways to make yourself attractive to a venture capital firm and if you you know if you look at their tasks they're trying to deploy capital in the best deals and they need help figuring out which deals are the best deals and that's why it's a tough industry so from my point of view I think the the four key ways are one have deep domain expertise and operating experience in a market that is of interest to them so crosscut invest in primarily Southern California technology companies we look at commerce and mobile and social and publishing you know if we were looking to hire an associate or a venture partner it would be great for someone have deep operating experience within those domains the second way is to have extremely broad expertise across a lot of markets and that often comes from being a consultant that worked on a lot of interesting projects maybe it's multiple entrepreneur background where you've worked in a couple different fields but being broad is also appealing because then you can be a jack-of-all-trades on behalf of the fund and then the third way is a huge rolodex if you are the ultimate networker that has built relationships at all of the strategic partners that our portfolio companies want to penetrate you would be extremely valuable to a venture capital firm by being able to open up that role in X and make introductions on behalf of the portfolio company and then the last way and the best way truthfully is that you should probably go out and raise money from that fund with an idea as an entrepreneur and and have a success with it and make them gobs of money and then they're more than likely to bring you in as a partner and make you part of it because venture is all about taking care of those that took care of you so four primary ways deep domain expertise broad set of skills huge rolodex and make them some money and they'll don't love you forever you
Channel: docstocTV
Views: 18,484
Rating: 4.8685446 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Garrett, CrossCut Ventures, Small business, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, How to start a business, Starting a business, Startups, Startup business, Financial, Success, DIY, Docstoc Videos, Docstoc
Id: f-nSySa0CvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 22sec (142 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2012
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