4 speech therapy exercises to help babies start speaking.

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Hi today, I'm going to show you four exercises to help your child start seeing their first words My name is Patricia Ruiz, and I'm a bilingual speech-language pathologist here at Miami speech Institute And I wanted to show you four exercises that we do here in therapy to stimulate your child in order for them to start Learning more vocabulary words, so let's start if your child is 12 months 12 13 months They should be saying their first words already, which should be mama, Papa, Dada something along those lines After that your child will start acquiring more words So how can we stimulate this child in order to help them say the words a little bit quicker so? Here in therapy we do a few things so the first thing I recommend that you guys buy are these puzzles So these wooden puzzles are great because the child can manipulate them easily. They're wood they're easy to put they're easy to take away You can find several different puzzles. There's also these kinds of puzzles. I recommend personally anything that makes sounds so environmental sounds such as a bus a fire truck or An animal puzzle to start after that you can pick other things other objects that maybe don't make noise But I would like the puzzles at first for your baby to be able to make noise so they have puzzles that Actually make the noise for you such as this one but this one's not working or you can imitate the noise such as a cat goes meow a horse maybe or you can buy one if you feel too silly saying the noise and That comes with the sounds So let's begin. What do you do after you have the puzzle, which you can buy at Marshall's are at Ross or? On the internet wherever you'd like they sell them everywhere Melissa and Doug are usually my favorite ones, so what do you do first? You're gonna pick the most basic animals don't pick the fish Fish is difficult. You know pick the dog and the cat so You're gonna start with three so first. I would pick the dog the cat And maybe the horse, so I'm gonna take three, and I'm going to flash it at my child at my patient And I'm just gonna say the noise so I'm gonna go woof woof, and I'm gonna try for my patient to imitate the noise back I'm not gonna tell them. It's a dog. I'm just gonna label. This as wolf wolf. I'm gonna do the same with the cat and with the horse Now I'll go over this with my child a few times during the day, and I'll only use these three to begin I'm not gonna incorporate the rest I don't want to confuse them, so I'm gonna go over these once my child starts imitating the noise back to me It doesn't have to be perfect. It could be an approximation Once they start imitating it back to me. I will add another animal so I can add the bird The frog Etc so we want the child to be able to imitate it back once. They have it perfect and the noise is perfect It's not an approximation It's not kind of like a dog It's wolf wolf exactly how you taught it, then I would add the environmental noises so the environmental noises include Let me show you they include a choo-choo train so choo-choo a firetruck a bus a car a Police car a plane so you're gonna incorporate environmental noises after the animal noises First the animal then the environmental noises you could do either/or, but I like this Order better so once they imitate it perfectly then you can start adding the word so you're going to go back to the three animals you picked and You're going to tell them Wolf Wolf dog so you're gonna add the label to the sound You're gonna do the same with the cat the same with the horse? So then like that your child is gonna now start imitating the word it might be an approximation at first But eventually he or she will say it correctly So I would try this this would be my first exercise for a child That's not really speaking and they should add first words to their vocabulary. This is how we start This is how I would start here in therapy so that's one exercise Now we can do the second exercise that we do here in therapy our First word cards these cards you can also get at Marshalls at Ross On the internet wherever you want. I like these first word cards because I'm gonna show you So for example first they're big they're easy to manipulate they're easy to grab Second you can touch them. They're furry We like that kids like that. So this is a cat, and you could touch it You can show it so the first thing. I would do is obviously Do the sound If they imitate the sound I do the word and we're gonna flash these cards like I said I don't like to overwhelm my patients with a lot. I would not use all these cards. I would pick a few maybe five Cards, and I would put put pick things that I have at home so for example We can pick shoes if you have a cat, which I do Keys is something your child sees every day. They see you opening the door closing the door getting in the car Parents are always impressed by like the fact that their child knows. What keys are well Yeah, they've been watching you open doors for a really long time, so usually keys is a really good pick Apple and then you can pick another one if you know baby, so they can identify themselves wait So I would pick five of these cards to start with and I would have the child Point out what I want for example This is the way that it should be done or the way It's done here at the in therapy, so I would ask my child which one are shoes This one or this one so we don't want to put a Whole bunch of cards we want it to be a field of two cards So we want the child to reach for shoes So if he doesn't if he or she doesn't reach for the shoes we want to flash his shoes in front Cover the cut in the back. I would want to show him shoes This is the correct way to kind of get the child to understand that these are shoes. You would do the same Apple and baby, so which one's the baby, you know we want them to kind of reach for it and we want to Facilitate it We're not we don't need them exactly to come and grab it you know you want to facilitate it if they pick the wrong one You flush the correct one in the front and do it again, baby So I would do a combination of this a combination of the carts right this is for them to identify This is for him or her to label so Identify Label, so this is receptive language, and this is expressive language we want to kind of simulate the child in both expressive and Auditory so this would be my second activity that I would do So my third exercise that I'd like to do is My monkey you can pick a toy you can pick a baby whatever dog you want, so you want to show? your child three basic verbs verbs Come in at two years old, but we can still show him so he has the concept of what it is They're not gonna say the verb but at least they'll understand what the verb mean so we want to show him drink We don't want to say drinking drinking is difficult. It's progressive. It's in the future. It's what we're doing now We just want to say basic drink so monkey drinks, so we want to show the monkey drinks We want to show the monkey sleeps because it's something we do every day so the monkey sleeps And we also want to show the monkey eats So let's say the monkey eats bread So we want to show mmm the monkey eats we want I like to pig sleep eat and drink Because there's three verbs that we do all the time that kids the kids would know you know it's not something out of their routine So I would also show incorporate the three verbs I would incorporate the noises The cards and the three verbs and the last exercise I would do with my patient would be a set of food So these foods are fun They have soft foods, and they have heart food It's up to you your preference. You know the smarter the child softer. You know the older the child Harder, anyhow, so I have the soft pineapple pineapple would be really difficult I would not pick you know three or five items to show the child pineapple would not be one of them It's a difficult word to say it's long. It's not something we eat every day I mean, I don't but we want to pick something basic So I would definitely pick bread Because if you're Spanish you eat bread and Fung it's easy to same so I would pick I don't think this is bread actually. This is a potato Sorry, okay. This is red. So we would pick something basic such as bread I would also pick you can buy any of these fruits And I have a shopping cart you can buy any of these fruits at any store. I think these were bought at Target There's chicken There's cheese Banana is a good one and I'll explain why and I would take another one maybe something that your child eats eggs So the idea is for you to pick again three to five items don't overwhelm the child with so many options and so many things we just want to show them the basics, so let's see So I would still do the same thing that I did before I we show him banana We'd put it here and cheese, and then I would ask them to please pick the banana You know you want them to reach for the banana So you would ask the same thing as you did with the parts banana and cheese You would ask them to which one is the banana, but this is different than the cards And I'll explain why it seems to a lot of people that it's the same exercises, but it's not this is flat This is a card. It's flat. It's two-dimensional. This is something more concrete I mean It's not a real banana for real cheese But it's something more tangible that you can grab so it's not the same exercise even though it kind of looks like it is So you want to do the same thing you want to put it out And you want them to pick the banana versus the cheese or whatever it is that you asked for? Banana is a good For to pick because it starts with the letter B B words are easy so when it comes to a baby or a child That's between like twelve to fifteen sixteen months we want to pick words that are easy So anything that starts with a B, and M a P are easy words so banana would be one Bomb if you speak Spanish would be another one that would be easy You know cookie cookies another one that could be easy because the K sounds also easy cooking So this would be my fourth exercise I would go over with my child you know we would identify all of them, and then we would try imitating the word and then we would try labeling them if you do this kind of exercises I Don't know maybe once a day or so for a few weeks You will see the improvement and you would see that the child will start to get more Stimulated and wanted to speak more when I express himself or herself better Okay, now that I've shown you guys four easy steps that you can do to help your child at home If by any reason you still feel that you rather a professional do it or you rather get a professional to do it as well Or if you need any advice or any suggestions, you know you can give me a call my name is Patricia Ruiz I am the miami speech Institute and we'd be glad to help in whatever Questions you may have thank you. I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Patricia Ruiz
Views: 1,166,739
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Keywords: baby talk, speech therapy, speech delay, speech delivery techniques, speech delay 2 year old, speech delay tips, speech delay 3 year old, speech delay therapy, speech delay tips for parents, speech delay toddler, speech delay treatment, speech therapy in home, speech delay therapy at home, apraxia, apraxia of speech, apraxia definition, alveolar sounds, speech therapy cards
Id: rcuj9P4g81A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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