Is God Calling You to Be Single? 4 Signs to Tell

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Hey listen in this video I want to answer a question that I think many people in the context of the Christian faith are asking regularly and repeatedly and it's simply this is God calling me to be single how do I know in this video I'm going to answer that question for you stay tuned so listen there is a lot of conversation surrounding this subject of singleness specifically for followers of Jesus and um a lot of the conversation uh I think has increased as statistics are showing that there are people who are one making decisions not to get married in ways that are different than previous generations and also statistically what we're seeing is people are taking longer to make the decision to get married meaning they're marrying later in life and so there are people who are within the context of the Christian faith who are passionate about marriage and want to be married and then there are others who are indifferent about it and then there are others who might be opposed to it and no matter what category people find themselves in there's a question that a lot of them wrestle with and that that is is God calling me to be single and how do I know and so what I want to do in this video is kind of walk you through some questions to kind of ask yourself to discern the answer because one of the ways that we practice discernment is by asking questions now when I say discernment I'm not talking about the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about the god-given ability to recognize the true nature of a thing and to govern yourself accordingly I'm not talking about paranoia that comes from pain or cynicism that comes from scars I'm talking about the ability to assess a situation based on principles in Scripture and or promptings from the spirit that's it right because some people operate with paranoia and that comes from pain in their past and they call that discernment and it's like a just paranoid um and then there are some people that operate with cynicism from their suffering in their past and they call that hyp spiritual sensitivity and it's like no you're just kind of cynical you're you you've suffered and we get it but it's made you look at life with a glass half empty and not half full discernment isn't cynicism it isn't paranoia it is the god-given ability to recognize the true nature of a thing and to govern yourself accordingly and that recognition comes through um the pages of scripture that scripture becomes a filter that you put some of these things you're trying to decide through Andor promptings from the spirit all right so how do I know how do I discern if God's calling me to be single all right here are a few questions that I would encourage someone to um think through one do you sense that God's clearly spoken that to you that's where we start it's not where we end it's where we start because sometimes the answer to that question for some people is an emphatic yes then what I would say is okay your next step then is to ask God to give you the grace which is not just unmar favor it's unearned ability act says and the Lord added to his church daily and great grace was upon them all 2 Corinthians chapter 12 Paul says that God says to him my grace un earned ability is sufficient for you right like spiritual gifts one word for spiritual gifts kis mat is Grace gifts God giv us gifts abilities we we didn't earn okay so um so we need to ask for the the grace a person would need to ask for the grace now to deal with the inconveniences of singleness cuz remember marriage is not a right singleness is not a curse I want you to think about that as a matter of fact the Apostle Paul was single Jesus was single the Apostle Paul was single he wrote over two-thirds of the New Testament and the Apostle Paul told those disciples at least in his context he's like hey if you are called to this and if you're able to do this you're able to meaning live a single life he's like there's an impact that you're able to make or there is um a degree of impact you're able to make contribution you're able to make that will be different than someone who's married who has to split attention so Paul kind of walks through that so has God clearly told you that okay so the answer to that is an emphatic yes then that's where we start and you obey that right until God tells you different but let's say the answer to that is not an emphatic yes let's say the answer to that is I don't know or I hadn't heard anything then we we got to go to the next question which I believe is okay not has not just has has God told me that two is do I want that now I am not saying that everything we want is God's will I am saying that God biblically speaking does work through our wants does he work through all of our wants no does he work through some of our wants yes cuz there are some wants we have that he gave us uh Philippians 2 says it is God who works in us to Will and to do his good pleasure so God gives me and you some want to and he gives us some want to regarding things he wants for us I want you to think about that so I can take you through I can take you to biblical narratives that kind of point to this right I can take you to stories in the Old Testament like Hannah who wanted a child she just wanted a child she just wanted a child and and and she could not shake this Relentless incessant desire to give birth to a child and she made God a promise she said if you give me a child I going to give this child back to you I really I want you to think about that that was a want to now did God God used that want to 100% because who did she give birth to she gave birth to Samuel she wanted a baby Israel needed a judge a civil and spiritual leader that's who Samuel was think about that so God is at work sometimes through our wants I'm not saying he gives us everything we want and everything we want is God I know the heart's deceitful who can know it yet at the same time God doesn't always give me desires of my heart in terms of the thing my heart wants but he will give my heart what to want I want to impact people in Ministry I want to write books that change people's lives I I'm creating this content for you right now because I want to and you know what there are some people who don't want this they have no desire at all to be sitting in front of a camera talking the way that I'm talking because some these want to are what I call Unique desire see we got unique design we've been designed unique by God uniquely by God and we've got unique Destiny right there are unique there's unique contribution and impact that you and I supposed to make on the Earth but then we also have unique desires and those unique desires align with that unique design and it aligns with that unique Destiny so there are some things that I want that you don't want because they're my destiny and not yours and there are some things that you want that I don't want because it's your destiny and it's not mine this is why comparison is insanity i l want you to think about that is comparison is absolute Insanity because we got unique design and unique desires and a unique Destiny yet at the same time we want to have a uniform life and a uniform uh uniform life would have uniform experiences and uniform outcomes it doesn't work that way so this is why I want to unequivocally say okay do you want to and if you want a single life I think go for but if you don't if you say no I don't want that I don't desire it okay then we need to go to the next question not did God tell me not do I um not just do I want to here's the third one am I ready for a partner like when when I really think about like okay because if I'm not ready I may not be a person may not be called to singleness forever but they may be called to singleness in a season am I ready that that means am I when when I say am I ready are you emotionally and spiritually now that's not the only erors but primarily are you emotionally and spiritually at a place of Health that you can properly Steward relationship with another person can you handle them without injuring them would it be wise for God to send them to you now in other words I'm asking are you ready here's the way one leader put it are you the person that the person you are looking for is looking for and if not you may not be called to singleness forever you may be called to singleness in this season and then here's the last and final question I would encourage someone to ask is can I live a single life ethically so I say that very clearly because that is exactly that is that is an that is a very specific issue that Paul addresses when he's dealing with this issue of singleness in Corinthians he's like hey some of you you cannot you got desires you got urges the way you built the way you a wire the single life is not for you and he was like for you it is better for you to marry than to burn with passion that's what he means it's better Mar than to burn it's better to marry than to burn with passion he's not saying that is the only reason to get married right he's that's not what he's saying yet at the same time he is saying that's an indication that you might not be called to singleness and so what I encourage you to do is to walk yourself through that particular framework and uh this is what you need to know and I want to encourage you with this God's timing is God's kindness that the time that it happens is always the best time for it to happen even though it's taking a long time doesn't mean it won't be the right time so if you're going to be walking in the sing oness you can walk in it with Grace Joy favor and blessing and if you waiting on a Ruth or a Boaz then you can wait with Grace Joy Grace with Grace Joy blessing and favor cuz when it's God's time it'll be worth to wait all right hope this helped take care God bless
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
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Keywords: dharius daniels, dr dharius daniels, dr dharius daniels 2024, change church, change church worship, pastor dharius daniels, dharius daniels sermons, darius daniels, darius daniel, dr darius daniel, change church live streams, darius daniels sermons, darius daniels 2024, gift of singleness, called to singleness, bible gift of singleness
Id: L_NK-bPC4t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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