4 Rotor Supra Moves Under it’s Own Power + Hits the Rollers!

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I'm usually a fan of obnoxious over the top cars but this thing needs a muffler bad lol

👍︎︎ 79 👤︎︎ u/Darin__20 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

“Sean’s gonna get slapped one of these days” I can’t wait for it hope they record it

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/Thin_Cry_6095 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

Shut the fuck up Sean

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/reasonforbeingjp 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

I can't wait to hear it at full-chat once everything is sorted. Straight up 1994 Ferrari V12 F1 sounds, I love it.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/thegregtastic 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

Jack's 3 rotor is still the best sounding rotary in the hgeu.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Yoghurt7213 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

This thing is gonna sound gnarly when it done.

Even with it on a really rough tune, it's sounds crazyy

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Randimcgee 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

Can't wait to hear this on the pipe

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/el_h0mbre 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2023 🗫︎ replies

Sounds like shit and using angel motorsports over rob dahm was the next biggest mistake From LZ and Oakes. Think about it. They’re rebuilding cleetus’ engine in the van cause it won’t start always down on compression but they use starting fluid and it comes back. Mike swears his engines don’t blow up why? Cause he runs them with 0 compression starting fluid gets it running then the turbo does the rest. They’re ghetto John is a crook still. Mike is smart but he’s hanging around his brother and is falling off doing to many half assed repairs on things that don’t deserve that

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Rx7FcKindaGuy 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2023 🗫︎ replies

I don’t get why they’re using an FC/RE style CAS, those are probably decent up to 8k-9k RPM but you’ll start experiencing trigger issues up top. With all the money they have in this build they could have gotten a proper mag/Hall effect sensor with trig wheel that can handle that kind of RPM.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/pxt3r 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2023 🗫︎ replies
full disclaimer I'm probably gonna be a zombie today it was a real late one last night the Vargas Brothers came by helped get some of the final sensor stuff diagnosed on the four rotor Supra to where it's in good shape and then I was up on Australia time with Scott from haltek AKA tuning fork helping set up a lot of the base map and complicated stuff with the car that way when Mike Vargas comes back today we could throw it on the dyno and hopefully all will be good one tiny little issue going on right now is just with the power to the coils they're acting a little funny past five grand so once we get that sorted we should be able to let this baby sink to 11 000 RPM I don't remember if we fully covered it but if you remember we were having some issues with oil filters where the sea was getting pushed out and it's kind of funny because in the very beginning when I reached out to pwr to buy some of their like shelf oil coolers for the Supra they told me that we were going to have some issues because I guess with the four rotor especially with the dry thumb and everything the cold oil pressure spikes are gnarly and I can't remember if I showed it but my theory was that this just didn't flow enough with the oil filter and it was just pushing the seal out because it didn't have like a big enough chamber to expand but now we've got a filter on the car called a clear view which is like a crazy aftermarket style filter and it hasn't had any issues we did burst our standard style oil coolers just from the pressure so it's looped right now so it's not going to be seeing any track time without oil coolers and we're going to need to get pretty gnarly on the cooler side it's uh it's been an interesting project because it's not like the Jay-Z stuff where we do where there's tens of thousands of people that have done the same thing and have data there's a very small community of people with similar engines like this so it's been a fun learning process and excited to take you guys along for the way a special message brought to you by lzmfg the r33 rb20 26 giveaway is going to be over in a little bit over a week go to lzmfg.com every five dollars you spend gets you entered for a chance to win great time to pick up a set of BC coilovers we can help you spec out a custom set or if you want something that's on the Shelf we've also got Bolt kits if you want some sick metric flange hardware and then we've got a ton of designs a lot of stock and we're shipping faster than ever before so go check it out get yourself some cool stuff and get entered for a chance to win this beauty before it's too late I'm really excited to see what this thing's gonna weigh we haven't weighed it yet and obviously it doesn't have all the body panels on it but I have no idea if this thing is going to be like mid 3000 like if it was under 3 000 pounds I'd be stoked it might be I don't know I only know s chassis stuff this is a super we got a job oh she's on the ground baby what let me guess because I'm in it his face told me that this car is probably around 2700 with you in it sorry it's it's not but it's under 3 000 pounds with you in it which is really good because like as an example that that S15 with me in it weighs 32 over 3 200 pounds so this thing will definitely be under 3000 pounds I think fully dressed with me in it you're 250 yeah that means like in its current state it's like 27.50 which is pretty damn good yeah and like it's still got like a factory hatch there's a lot of metal in it um it's got that it's faster oh the hatch that's aftermarket it's it's all em plastic it's so there's a special blend of plastic they use it's called em plastic that's what you're saying he's gonna kill me while you're eating homie what's up what are you eating leftover enchilada yeah I think it's about loose I enchilada boy we have 50 000 Wings in the traditions and I eat my leftover enchilada you're not wrong although some people don't like leftover chicken it's super easy to eat worms all right back to this actually that might be the first problem right there yeah the ground is sitting on top of powder coat it's got to take every wire off send it down so it's actually getting an actual ground contact and then we might not have after that it'll get rid of the ground issue for the coils I'll make sure my nails look good for the square one looking when I do this so I gotta make them straight really want to do is ground strap or he wants to do this don't scratch your body though nice new Johnstown I'll just sit back you just got updated to shop foreman I've been trotball man upgraded downgraded to shop for man well now you're like now you just supervise yeah I'm supervised I like that you know it quench your eyes it's like this you're setting the waiter you've got a long eyelashes all right let's go watch the windshield whoa I'm getting out of this we're looking for the top that Center on the rotor which will be um center of the face so we're gonna look at the spark plug hole top one spin the rotor so we have an apex seal there so go down right there Mark that here do you like split the difference between the Apex seals yeah so now we go to the bottom one and we're going to look for the the Apex seal from the bottom it's kind of how you find it on an engine with like splitting a difference right like a real engine okay how much power you think this is gonna make whatever the uh Johan's intake lets us doesn't it thanks and I gave you the links doesn't the the person that built the engine usually have the most say in the power that it makes no it just depends on intake length exhaust length and all that stuff on any engines which he tailed me sorry man it's been super spicy like the past couple days but like everyone's friendly but like sometimes she said and I like look around and like are they butterfly you don't know about when something's not about to pop yeah you know especially with Sean here this fishing was a lot of Puerto Ricans Sean's gonna get slapped one of these days it's not gonna be by me either don't be by John no I won't do that to him someone else but that's a nice Mark is that accurate you want me to give you a Sharpie a gray Sharpie yeah a silver one oh yellow paint marker [Laughter] [Music] slower [Music] foreign [Music] we've been borrowing more stuff from Club than ever we had borrowed timing light we borrowed a stock FC pulley and Mike verified that his timing mark was correct since he originally had it based on a stock saw pulling we're going to lock timing he's going to check timing and then uh verify that it revs and we're looking good [Music] thank you okay it's Prime all right can we turn it on yeah let's go on yeah thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] for a special message brought to you by drift HQ are you a shop do you have customers that want turbos on their car well I've got great news for you we have hundreds of Garrett turbos in stock and if you're a shop we can match pricing from anywhere else you get your turbos from so we can make money and you can make money too and what we'll do which isn't something that we currently do if you request it we'll even put candy in with your order of Turbo so when you're getting turbos for your customers you'll get candy for yourself or if you want to share it with a customer message Ryan he'll he'll talk with you and he'll get you deals on the Garrett turbos and anything else that you might need we got wastegates too and manifolds and pretty much every part Under the Sun so we're looking to expand our shop Network though so this is for you if you have a shop to message Ryan he'll get you sorted we've been trying a lot we're running out of time Mike's got a flight to catch and it's seeming like uh we're running into more trigger issues again um Scott's remoting in we're trying to swap around some wires but hoping to hear this thing sing past five grand soon [Music] all right foreign let us Rev because the dwell is not supposed to be that low on those coils straight the relay is wired straight to the battery right now so it's like the relays are basically jumped so the coil should have full battery power and then the ground's the same when it comes to like trigger stuff and ignition stuff I think my understanding is rather Elementary but it we have some pretty fancy coils on this thing they're IGN 1as is that how you say it uh we run them on the FD car and they require a lot of power and a lot of ground so it sounds like we're having an issue with them likely not having proper ground um because he was able to mess with the dwell chime drop it lower than it should be and it cleaned it up which is like pointing to something being wrong with the coils it sounds like it makes sense coming out of my mouth do I understand what I'm saying not entirely but so it's actually just a loose axle so we're gonna be able to run it it's getting on the later side though I don't like to run the dyno past 9 pm so it gives it about a half hour to play with it the goal is not to finally tune the car but the goal is to get some time with some load with the car with Scott from healthtech and try to see if any other issues present themselves that way while I'm gone for three weeks uh Johan can button up whatever might need to be buttoned up with the car or if wiring things need to be addressed we've been able to sort through as much as we could revving but other things will present themselves as we start to put some load into it so we're not going for numbers we're only going to be rubbing the engine to nine grand that's kind of its break-in RPM when the full end RPM will be like 11 000 so power wise I don't predict it to make anything crazy but we'll get to hear it we'll get to see what it does with some load and continue the process of dialing in the car it appears if we have some sort of like fuel uh pump issue going on the engine is running out of fuel pressure at like 250 horsepower so hopefully it's something dumb simple but just to confirm that that's an issue Sean has a can rigged up with a hose from the return so we can monitor see if it's not really putting anything into it that means the engine truly is consuming all the fuel flow but just a good way to verify [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes everything looks pretty good all right all right you ready let's do it foreign [Music] cars smoked up the entire shop and now it is all coming back it wasn't like nothing you can see the fuel pressure right here just tanking yeah I'm not sure maybe it's something voltage-related or maybe one of the pumps isn't working right but those two ponds should definitely make over 280 horsepower I think well I appreciate the help regardless at least now like we've got something to figure out to get it to the next stage got somewhere got to hear it on the dyno got to hear it at 9000 RPM but uh one of the unfortunate things is with a new build especially with as much variability as this there's a lot of diag we I feel like we've gotten kind of spoiled because we've rinsed and repeat the same like Sr and Jay-Z set up and we've gotten so good at it that we like got used to putting cars on dinos and not having to do this but this just reminds me like back in the early days building cars like this is normal the amount of times we would go to Titan not be able to tune the car go back at least we're in the comfort of our own backyard and um we're able to just Boop go through it on the dyno Chuck another pump in it oop back on the dyno Boop on the left is what I meant actually Boop put it in the parking lot do burnout Boop yeah yeah she does but thoughts on the rotary sound um I love insanely loud and I'm just so happy that you can no longer be annoyed at me when I start up my three rotor and move when it's dark it's really loud can you not turn it on my house yeah exactly Karma and all the times that you would get so annoyed when I would just drive my car through your shops it'd be Smoky forever well guess what this is your life now hahaha you know the unfortunate thing about it that we didn't realize all the stuff that we did with the doors shut all the cars in the shop are covered on oil now like there's oil on all of the cars yeah we learned our lesson there I bet the AC filters could use a change now huh probably welcome bro that's probably why the AC unit froze it's probably covered in oil welcome to the life sometimes it's not the easiest life it's a complex life hey hey hey hey hey it sounds cool it sounds insane I just can't wait to hear it like I can't even imagine this drifting like I can't imagine the noise I'm gonna get some Mufflers bro yeah and there's gonna be 2 000 more RPM that was only nine grand that's so crazy to me yeah that doesn't make sense but it already felt like it was like okay it's still going so it's still doing I guess it is kind of cool it made 250 horsepower at 9 000 RPM well actually it made 250 horsepower uh uh like 7 000 RPM at 50 throttle that's pretty good like think about it what is a what is the na13b make like 150 horsepower like it comes in NFC I don't know I've never what is the name of a route what does RX8 make oh hey hey hey run assist not their yeah so 180. so we're making not enough almost double that at 7000 RPM 50 throttle that's pretty good yeah yeah you'd have this be messed up with these fumes poor guy poor guy look at him Mike yeah Mike's editing you know how this bee feeling some type of way bro [Music] hey nobody don't steam me well it sounds cool you officially have the most rotors in a single car just what it weighed we waited today uh just like that oh super weighs like 3 500 I think 3 000 maybe 27.25 wow pretty good yeah for sure a few lines on yeah foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] but to get to at least have a itty bitty pull and start to feel it coming to its power band is uh I'm definitely a big moment knowing that I'm gonna be gone for three weeks it'll it'll be cool coming back in this car being a completely different uh shape it won't be you know in its trial run but the idea was to try to get as much stuff diag before the interior is all painted and everything's all polished nice and pretty it's easier to work on without worrying about scratching it and stuff so we got the fuel pump stuff to sort out we also still got a couple of minor like little grounding things to dial in but overall I think this thing's gonna be ready to make some power as soon as we get home and hurt to hear this thing sing I personally can't wait to have a muffler on it so I can actually hear without like your rough son because it's so loud this is the loudest car I've ever run ever heard in my life actually yo I just watched the clip back this thing sounds crazy from the front and that's why I can't wait enough to quiet down the rear the induction noise on this thing is crazy here in that clip of it coming down the building got me fired up this isn't going to be the best drift car it's not going to be the best time attack car I know people have wondered what the purpose of it is I bought this full rotor setup to go into my FD when I had it I had no idea what I was getting into and I slowly realized that four rotor cars a little better suited as a race car than a street car and then I was like I just want to put it in a cool chassis that looks cool that gets me excited to go drive I want whatever chassis the forwarder goes into to be like a host for the maximum fun the chassis is around the engine rather than the engine being around the chassis it could have been an E36 it could have an E46 the super just kind of fell into my lap and it was cool but uh it's literally a host to enjoy this engine to the maximum extent without worrying about having like some crazy nice car that I'm gonna smash up because I mean in reality I paid less for this car than I would have for like a half decent s13 which is kind of laughable and I'll get a cool looking Supra and the best engine ever that'll get to smile and have fun with very excited honestly I think the sound on D cell too is what gets me the most hyped something about like F1 cars like Rowdy cars like back when I had my GT3 RS with the crazy Dundon crackpipe on D cell when you get that sick just like just like the nice on the D cell I don't know how to explain it but any of you guys that have ever been to like like proper like race like 24 hours of Sebring or Daytona and here like the uh the rsrs on D cell like that's what I'm talking about that sick rasp B D cell tone Sweet Sound and uh I'm rambling big moment today big moment we're gonna wrap the video up here John pulled out the fuel assembly and there's definitely some weird stuff going on so there's hope that it will most likely be an easy fix I mentioned that I'm going away for three weeks Mike will be here and there will be a couple videos from the stuff going on in the shop I don't know if it will be mixed in with the stuff I'm doing out in Vegas or if it will be separate content I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with my life or what videos I'm going to be making in Vegas but the content will keep coming I just I I don't want to set expectations when I don't even know what's going to go on but uh Supra obviously still some progress to be made but it's at the exciting phase where now we can hear it feel it drive it yeah and thank you guys for watching the video and I'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 554,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam lz, Adam lz compound, the lz compound, lz compound, Adam lz s15, Adam lz sr20, Adam lz fd, formula drift, Adam lz drifting, Adam lz chaser, Adam lz e36, Adam lz formula drift, 4 rotor supra, Adam LZ 4 rotor supra, Rotary Supra, 3 rotor build, 4 rotor build, Mazda 4 rotor build, 4 rotor dyno, 4 rotor dyno pulls, 4 rotor tuning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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