4 Retro Motion Graphic Techniques in After Effects (80s Style)

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there's nothing like creating a project completely from scratch where you design animate and just put everything together yourself and that's what we're doing in the tutorial and what we've been doing recently is we're gonna put together a full cool creative scene right here in after effects completely from scratch hey what's going on internet this is josh noel from sun duck film welcome to our channel if you're new here be sure to hit that subscribe button please be sure to destroy that like button because it helps out this channel tremendously just destroy that like button one second of your time so this video is gonna be more focused on creating retro av style motion graphics right here in after effects uh we're gonna put together a cool full scene with a really cool you know animated background using the grid effect along with an awesome title so we're jumping to our tutorial when it breaks up into four different parts and we're gonna get started all right and download our project files they're free and you can follow along you can use this as a template i mean i don't care what you use it for but you can download it for free so here we are in our tutorial composition we're starting completely blank so the first thing we'll do is we'll set up the background scene you can see the grids here and these cool lines very easy to do so we'll come here to the top and we'll go ahead and create a new solid we'll call it grid and we'll click okay and then we're going to effect generate and we'll grab the groot effect now i've used this a lot recently because i love this effect now and we'll come here to the corner point we'll change this to width and height sliders and we'll come here to the width we'll set this up to 150 and we'll set the height to 150 as well so we'll get these squares in here and we'll come here to color and we can change this to a really cool maybe purplish type color here you can do whatever color you want and then what we're going to do is we're going to turn this into a 3d layer all right and we'll hit our keyboard rotation and we'll come here to the y rotation and we'll set this to 90 degrees and then we'll hit p on keyboard four position and we can just slide this over here to the left i'll zoom out and that's cool now what i want to do here is actually grab this grid layer and go to layer solid settings and i'm gonna bring the height down to maybe like 600 ish here and this will kind of just close up the top just like that and i think that's good because we want to be able to create a box here so what we'll do here to expand this is come here to effect uh stylize we'll grab motion tile and i just overuse this effect but because it works it's just awesome so we'll come here to output with and we'll go ahead and expand this and you see this will expand out the sides one thing you'll have to adjust is the anchor here because you'll see that the lines may not be exactly perfect so you come here to like the x and you can expand the line so it doesn't look like a you know an awkward cut and then what we'll do is we'll come here to the tile center we'll add a keyframe for that we'll move to the end of our animation end of our timeline and we'll just go ahead and increase the x value up to about 2000 here for the motion tile and this will animate the side it'll create movement in our scene then let's come here to effect stylize and we're just going to grab glow and we'll take this effect we'll just duplicate it and set the glow radius up to like 120. cool all right so it's a small glow effect but it worked so now we'll do is take our grid layer and we'll come here to edit duplicate and you just position this over to the other side of our scene you can bring up the title save so you'll match that exactly where it was on the other side all right so now we'll do is take one of these grid layers we'll duplicate it and it'll bring here to the top and we'll just go ahead and reset the motion tile effect and we can just delete the keyframe for now and we'll hit r keyboard rotation set the y rotation back to 0 and the x rotation to 90 degrees and we'll hit ph keyboard for position we'll bring this to the top and re-center it back in the middle of our comp and we'll come here to the output height and we'll go ahead and expand that out and we'll just reposition this into z space then you come up here to layer solid settings and you can close in on the width of this layer to close up the sides and expand the height if you want to and then as before you can add a keyframe for tile center move to the end and this time you'll animate the y value to go up to about 2000 and then when you're done take your grid layer duplicate it and bring it down to the bottom to create the floor so the next thing we're going to do is create these really cool glow lines that go down our grid here so very easy to do this we are using a free plug-in called saver i'll link it in the description you probably have heard of it so what we'll do is come here to layer new solid and we should call it light one if you want make comp size click ok and we'll grab the pen tool here and all we're going to do is turn off this layer real quick we'll lock the other layers so it's only this new layer selected and we're just going to create a mask here at the two you know where the two grids meet each other like this so straight line and you can fix that up like that and then we'll come here to effects video code pilot and we're grab saver so amazing that they give this way for free is awesome coming into preset and we're just going to set this to neon and where is it there it is and make sure your layers turn back on and what we'll do is come here to the customized core and we'll set the core type to layer mask and that will take the shape of the mask that you created and we'll toggle twisting modes we'll set the blend mode here to screen and let's come to the core size maybe bring this down to one and bring down the glow intensity by a little bit so it's not you know that intense so go ahead and duplicate that line and readjust the mask to finish out your scene like this and then we just want to create a quick rectangle here so we'll just duplicate one of the lines we'll delete the current mask that we have here and we'll grab the rectangle total here at the top and we'll just close out the tunnel that we've created with a rectangle mask like this awesome and we'll make sure this rectangle box line is underneath our four original lines so this is how you can create a really cool you know down the hallway effect here instead of after effects and before we move further and before we move further in this tutorial if you want to create really cool full motion graphics scenes here in after effects can help you save time with our brand new motion graphics pack for after effects called pulse so this is our 150 motion graphic extension right here for after effects we call this pack pulse because we have these really cool designer you know full screen motion graphics for you know typography instagram stories cool animated backgrounds lower throws and even long form promos but how this pack works is aimed to help you save time so for example we can come here and apply a template that we like and it applies this full animation into our active project we can double click the composition and we go into each title layer and we easily change out our titles and you can quickly change the colors of every single template in here with a click of a button to whatever color palette that you need and the animation will update in your main composition so there's a ton of other full screen elements that you can use for vertical videos or for you know landscape motion graphics so if you're looking to save hours of time on every project you work on while producing awesome work you can take a look at any packs we have off our website i will link them below if you do pick up anything you will be supporting our channel so thank you very much okay so before we jump into this title that we'll create here i want to go ahead and add the other effects to really just tie that together the scene right now because this by itself is pretty boring and bad so what we'll do is come here to the top we'll grab an adjustment layer so layer new adjustment layer and we'll go to effect stylize we'll grab glow set that glow radius to 90. so just kind of glow out the scene by a little bit and that's nice and then we'll go ahead and create another adjustment layer and this time we'll go to effect blur and sharpen and we're going to grab a camera lens blur we'll set this up to maybe 18 on the blur radius or check on repeat edge pixels and we'll come here to the top and we'll grab the ellipse tool and from the center what we can do is hold down control on our keyboard and maybe shift if you want and we'll draw a mask like this we'll set the mask to subtract and you'll just hit f on the keyboard for mass feather and you'll feather this out all right and that's going to soften up the edges like that and i think that looks great all right we'll go ahead and create another adjustment layer and we'll go to effect stylize we'll grab cc and vignette and we'll set this venue up to maybe like 230 ish like that and i'll just kind of darken down the edges and then we'll come here to effect color correction we'll grab curves to this and we'll do is coming to the bottom curve we'll bring this up and i'll brighten up the entire scene here and we'll add a point here because this will crush down the blacks a little bit and we'll add a point over here to create this nice s curve so this will be a nice way to you know control the brightness of the scene and we'll come here to the blue channel and we can just bring this up by a little bit and this will blow out the scene by a little bit and then we'll go ahead and create another adjustment layer and load to effect noise and grain and we'll add noise this and we'll set that noise up to maybe twenty percent and only you wanna do is come here to layer new solid and instead of creating a pure black background i'm going to create you know an off gray you know off black background very dark click okay and bring this to the bottom and this will make a big difference with the noise and everything involved so these four adjustment layers will make a huge difference in our work and once we add our title in here underneath these adjustment layers it's going to look awesome all right so now we'll go ahead and create the title i just typed out a very simple title layer here so just whatever you need to say and once you have a title in here go to layer pre-compose and you can just call it title placeholder and click ok so we'll do first here is duplicate our title and we'll just turn it off for now here to the bottom layer and come here to effect generate and grab fill and we'll set this color to black then go to effect perspective and then we'll grab bevel alpha and we'll set the edge thickness up to four and the light intensity to one then what we're gonna do is we're gonna come here and create a new composition right here and we'll just call it map and click okay and we're gonna create a completely custom scene here so go ahead and create a new solid and we can call it gradient one and we're going to effect generate and we'll grab gradient ramp and we'll select maybe a nice purpley color here and we'll go here to keep that white if we want and one thing we'll do is come here to the top grab the rectangle tool and we'll just create a mask down here like so and we'll grab our great ramp grab that top point and bring down that purple and you know that should be okay and a frame keyboard for mass feather and feather this out and you'll see why we'll do that here in a second so then we'll go ahead and create another solid and we'll just call this hills and click okay now come here and grab the pen tool here and all we're going to do is just going to create some really smooth jagged i guess that made no sense but some hills here and it doesn't be perfect at all just like that perfect close that mask up i'll make sure that this layer is underneath the gradient like so and you know we can move the gradient down a little bit perfect and then we'll go ahead and create another solid and we'll call this one gradient two i'm going to effect generate and we'll grab another gradient ramp this time around we'll do like maybe a nice light blue here and this time around maybe we'll do like a darker blue here at the top and we'll come here to the bottom and we'll do like a nice light blue and we'll bring this layer to the bottom keep this light color here at the top like that and that looks great so then we prefer hills layer we'll come here to effect to store and let's grab a quick turbulent displace of this and where it says evolution awkward stopwatch we'll type in time asterisk 100 and it'll add just a little bit animation to this and that's cool okay so now we're done with this layer all right back in our main composition what we'll do is we'll bring that map layer that map composition into our main comp right above our first title placeholder and we'll change the track matte here to alpha matte so it'll only take place of that title there and we'll have our keyboard and we'll scale this down like to maybe right here and then we'll go to effect stylize and grab motion tile once again and we'll increase the output width and check on mirror edges then we'll go to effect stylize or grab cc glass make sure it's above the motion tile effect come here to surface change that property to red set the softness to 40 the height to 50 and displacement to negative 400. now we'll come here to the light layer and we'll set the light intensity up to 120. all right and then we'll come here to the placeholder that is being turned off right now and then we'll go to effect stylize we'll grab cc glass again open up surface change the property to alpha go to softness set that to 50 go to height set that to 15 and displacement to negative 150 and then we'll go to effective store and grab cc bobbly lies oh i butchered that um anyway so we'll come here to blobbiness and we'll come here to property and we'll set this to alpha the softness to three and the cut away to five beautiful so now that's starting to really look like an awesome title here and then what we can do is go to layer new uh null object and we can you know parent all three of these title layers to our no object pick whip with that and you do a quick you know maybe scale animation testing keyboard for scale and you make it title a little larger and move forward in time and just have it scaled down or do whatever animation that you want and that will add a nice little you know movement to your title do what you want with that and for sufficient touches you can duplicate the bottom title layer come here to the bottom layer completely delete everything and just go to effect perspective and add a quick drop shadow to this you know maybe you could duplicate this and then you know increase the softness by a little bit and increase the opacity here and we'll duplicate it one more time and that will help separate the title from the background so when it's all said and done you can have a really cool scene like this just by following these techniques and you can build your own you know retro 80s i don't know crazy scene right here inside of after effects so it looks like these motor graphics could have been created 40 years ago but they were created here in 2021 and you did it so hope you enjoyed this after effects tutorial if you're new to our channel be sure to hit that subscribe button because we post multiple post production tools every single week right here on the channel you can also hit me up on my instagram we're posting you know post-production tutorials on there as well and always be creative [Music]
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 14,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, After Effects, Motion Graphics, Retro After Effects, Retro Effects, 80s Styled Effects, 80s Styled Video Effects, After Effects Tutorial 80s, After Effects Tutorial Retro 80s, 4 Retro Motion Graphics, SonduckFilm Tutorial, Motion Graphics Effects, MOGRAPH Tutorial, AE Tutorial
Id: cq176TpC99o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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