4 PRODUCERS FLIP THE SAME SAMPLE ft. Dorian Electra, Neon Vines, ABSRDST, Diveo

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hey it's Andrew Huang you probably know the drill by now for music producers are going to use the exact same audio sample as the starting point the inspiration for their own original creation my guests this episode are absurdist Divya and neon vines I'm really excited about the sample we're using Dory and Electra gave us part of the a cappella for their take a listen so that's the sample we use there are so many ridiculous tracks in this episode I hope you stick around and enjoy let's go yeah how's it going everybody my name is neon vines first of all Andrew thank you so much for letting me be a part of this this is absolutely awesome I had a blast making this song so one of the more obvious ways that you'll hear I use this sample was in this kind of interesting little vocal chop I basically just chopped it up in a rhythm that I liked so it was just then the way I sort of made it a smooth transition through the melody that I decided on was by using a plug-in called talk box by ear and I automated the vowel that was emphasized so another obvious way that I use the sample was I chose at the end of one of my phrases to sing all the time just so that I could have the vocal all the time come in and echo that i hughes the sample for a variety of different kind of transition effects and swells and all I did to make that was just put a whole bunch of different kinds of delays and reverbs on the vocal bounce it out to an audio track and then put that in Reverse one of the lyrics I picked up on was I'm gonna get you to want me to love you and I took a spin off on that and interpreted that in a kind of inter getting conky way so my song ended up being about making money in cash the checks I had to have some kind of a money sample or slot machine sound or something like that so this is what I ended up making using the vocal sample sped up the original sample a lot without the plugins this is what it sounds like then after adding some strange-looking EQ a little bit distortion a little bit dynamic delays at ping-pong delay we got this the next track I was pulling from the on Daddy leg sped it up and we got this and in combination with a couple other ways that it's processed similarly we got this so it's kind of ironic that probably the most challenging way I use the sample and the way that like took me the longest no one's gonna even notice anyway like the only way you're gonna notice that thing is good I told you basically I used equator awesome virtual instrument software but you can't currently import your own samples into it unless you can code so I I basically wrote the code for this in order to be able to import my own sample into equator and kind of blend that in with an already electric guitar sounding preset and it makes the guitar sing and we're left with something like this I just need to say thank you again to you Andrew you are awesome Doreen Electra your voice is phenomenal working with the sample was so much fun because of that thanks for everyone watching - vocal harmonized and like cut up and delay [Applause] [Music] call response [Music] it's out they're gonna be on the radio it's a Bob [Music] that's me on vines vocals rapid-fire little stutters are fun these overlapping are really cool [Music] I was hoping for a neon vine solo on a racetrack [Music] full-on song that's officially Sega Genesis future [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Music] Khanh at it too here yeah it's over that's awesome 1000 10 That's not me it's you I don't like run a marathon or like crush my enemies or something hi everyone I'm Divya I want to make a song that was kind of hyper and crazy first I started with the sample slow down a little bit and then I used something called Michael Norris's spectrum blend which blends all the audio data together into a blur it's kind of like reverb but blurry [Music] over the top of that I just put the original sample sped up and we have our intro the next thing I did was I made all the chord sounds and everything you use that la la and I use that to make this town don't hurt to me chords I even made a pluck sound out of it just by putting a pitch envelope and a volume envelope on and in the word like also I did a snare how much just heavy compression enveloping I made this crazy sound part of that is made of the letter D just loop it and reverb multiband compression saturation one big thing I used was pitched delays I took this I put this on it which is it goes up a fifth and it goes up an octave then I added a formant shifter and some reverb really cute it's so much fun and I like it for the vocals I wanted to make this my own so I wrote my own lyrics and I thought I'm sure there's a plug-in that I can use that will just let me replace the lyrics with my own lyric well guess what there is your can source filter you take source audio and then your own audio takes the frequency of the source audio and the tambour of your new sound and it mixes them together we started the way the original sample sped up slowed it down and recorded my voice don't you touch me with your hand and then I sped it back up again when you touch me with your hand then when you combine this together in a source filter yeah yeah and I got to do my own lyrics on it while still using the sample so that was cool I've been listening to Andrew for I think 15 years one of my biggest inspirations so it's really cool to be able to work with them on this and I can't wait to hear everyone else's songs div such cool chords yeah that's the divi oh I know oh damn Yoshi's Island very expensive love big man Cho psychotic really interesting combination of instruments [Music] new lyrics to the tune of the original melodies oh here we go [Music] I don't even know it [Music] slightly evil this is so bizarre it is kind of a feeling experiences [Music] oh we both use xylophones oh my god [Music] like I'm in like a marshmallow Kingdom above the cloud yeah modulation [Music] mother's baseline oh this is so fun [Music] this song is like made up of ringtones and I love it [Music] so I'm gonna be major I love that sound trash [Music] [Music] [Music] kinda hard to put into words Max's new service is just so otherworldly it's like I don't even have a reference point but it's really dope Oh fun ending love that hope is so freaking dope that's incredible that's really really really good I'm Jack aka absurdist I'm a singer and a pop producer I'm really excited to show you guys my remix of daddy like by Dorian Elektra I produced the original with Dylan Brady who was one-half of 100 X but it was like really cool to be able to make my own version of the song and just like he's my own weird technique so I hope you guys like it here's the Dorian voice sample that I made it sent out of so if I play this without any of the crazy stuff that I got on it just sounds like this and then you had this distortion then you had more Distortion and for the vocals I don't have Auto Chin's too expensive but I have something called a motto pitch which is free my name Auto pitch doesn't have a harmony engine so what I do is I make different layers with different auto tune settings and then play the same audio through those different effect chains using that I get like very cool harmonies that sound like really broken and robotic I was like the main use of the Dorian sample here's my drums I do all my MIDI by mousing notes in like that but I also for a very long time have started chords pitched down and have them like land at their natural pitch somewhere within the first beat this is just like a glass sound effect I can play one note for you and I put that through like a cool guitar chain just to make it sound more crazy but what's going on in the MIDI is more the star of this piece of the song so what's happening is pitch bends are like affecting the decay of these notes so even though this note hits all the way back here you're actually hearing all seven of these notes get pitch bent really fast this is like maybe the coolest part of this remix first I'll play it without any effects what's happening is I've got this one long since note being played with all these pitch bends I have three copies of this instrument and they're each playing at a different semitone and then they get auto-tuned and then I just add there's the effects [Music] I just thought that was such a pretty little technique really proud of it and I hope other people like to try using that technique because I I just thought this sounded really neat I have CDs available in my store and I also have t-shirts if you want to support me that's probably the best way you can and enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a really fun fungal child [Music] nice oh it's beautiful [Music] music's so [Music] I like the reharmonization [Music] the vocal in the background there [Music] I still love this arpeggiated thing wind up twin fully harmonized you in itself [Music] oh yeah [Music] I like that pitch down badd why [Music] harmony as far as really catchy oh all right just you did not this melodic part is beautiful Oh so pretty love that piano whoo that's a real nice ending that left me kind of feeling heavy I like that that was amazing this is so much fun okay that's that's creative that's incredible Wow [Music] so because we were dealing with an a cappella I had an idea of how I wanted to work with it I wanted to just take little snippets of syllables and kind of mess with them in as many ways as I could think of so I brought Dorian's a cappella into an Ableton simpler device and by adjusting this sensitivity parameter it makes automatic slices within the audio kind of based on where there are spikes in volume so now each slice is triggered by a different key good so then what I did with that is program this rhythm on just one note but I used Ableton's randomizer MIDI effect so that that note would jump around a bit it would mostly stick to that first note but 43 percent of the time it would jump to something else here is the kind of main sound that I ended up coming up with off of this technique so I made a duplicate of the simpler one of them pitched down to minus 22 and the other one pitched down to an octave below that I put overdrive on both of them independently I'm OTT and saturator so after I'd come up with this sound that I like I just recorded a whole bunch of these randomly sequence notes with these effects on and then I chop those down into the parts that I like the best so I had those chops and I just added a really basic beat to go with them so I had this heavy section and nothing else for a while and I was trying to put stuff at and I wanted to have fun with it and I came up with this idea to juxtapose it with something really happy and light and upbeat and you know just a completely different sound world so I was messing around with some since and came up with this part I made sort of a snare drum clap sound by taking one of Dorian's breaths and pitch shifting it down and adding a bunch of distortion to it it sounds a little better when it's like faded out and really tight then there was another little like part of a syllable part of a breath and I found a little groove that I liked so I looped it and did some formant shifting on it with a little altar boy what did the original of that sound like oh yeah end of them saying like and then and then the last thing in this section that I did with the sample was take a couple different more melodic syllables and turn them into my own melody there's this layer then I layered it up with an octave above and then I doubled that with xylophone from Native Instruments so there's another section of my song that's kind of like a build up but it starts out super weird I was using a lot of granular stuff sometimes stretching I threw the sample through this VST called crusher acts kept messing with it and layer it up another version of this granulated stuff that sounded like this I don't know if you could hear all the really high-pitched little like daddy daddy daddy and the final section of the song started with me turning the vocal sample into this bass part just pitched really low put some filtering on it and then I went back to that original simpler instrument I created out of the vocals and I took all this torsion off and I just messed around playing it with the keys and then that melody that I did with the vocal and the xylophone in the final section I played it on guitar through the data corruptor which is a crazy pedal so I hope you enjoy this track 8d why what is so cute - the amount of genres you discovered in the first like 15 seconds is crazy [Music] Phil yeah the juxtaposition between those who sexist is so great it's like almost like a Sophie song or something what's gonna happen oh yes yes I go off like crazy I fish [Music] this track is chock-full [Music] oh my god Wow short and sweet and we love it was that it oh I don't even know what just happened those don't rock on Andrew that was Adele oh my not supposed to swear all right thank you so much for watching and subscribing if you want to learn music production I've got a course you can check out at learn monthly calm slash Andrew I will link that in the description along with all of the artists from this video such amazing work from all of them thank you to them for collaborating with me go show them some love and I will see you in the next video bye [Music]
Views: 1,619,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew huang, andrew, huang, music, musician, producer, song, producing music, how to, how to make music, music producer, making music, ableton, making a song, sing, songwriting, learn music, ableton live, live, neon vines, dorian, electra, dorian electra, absrdst, diveo, neon, vines, daddy like, electronic, 4 producers 1 sample, 4 producers, sample, sampling, 4 producers flip the same sample, flip, pop, house, techno, dubstep, beats, vocal, a cappella, acappella, daddy, logic, production tricks
Id: j4sx0VFbwHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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