4 PAYCHECKS IN 1 STUFFING🥳 | Waitress Income🍝 | Cash Stuffing💰

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hey boo welcome to my channel if you are new here  my name is ray and i make cash stuffing videos   um i hope you all enjoy this video so let's get  right into it today we're going to be doing a cash   stuffing of over 1 000 because as you can see  i have not posted a cash stuffing in a minute   um it's just been a really busy month i went  to the beach it was my birthday on thursday i   turned 22 as you guys can see so that was really  exciting but yeah let's go ahead and get started   we'll go ahead and do my 52 week challenge first  i did previously film this video and i messed up   so i did cross out two of them we've got  50 and 55 which is a total of 105 let me   go ahead and grab my envelope for that and  then we'll go ahead and do 105 2 4 6 8 105. yeah i've been insanely busy um i mean it's  life you know i also have school going on   and i did take three summer classes which looking  back on it was not a good idea um but you know i'm   getting through it okay let's go ahead and move  on to my 100 box or 100 envelope box challenge   okay you guys so like i mentioned i did try to  film this video beforehand and it didn't go well   but funny thing is i did um randomly pick these  and one of them that i randomly picked was   22. like what are what are the odds like i swear  i didn't cheat guys i didn't just pull this out   of here um and look for it but yeah so we're  going to be stuffing these two for the week   let me go ahead and put that to the side  we'll do 39 first 20 35 6 seven eight nine and these are probably my  favorite nails i've ever gotten   um i do usually get the almond shaped but i feel  like these suit my hands better for some reason   i don't know makes my hands look smaller  i mean even smaller than they already are   all right and then we've got 22 someone said  it was my golden year um which i never knew   that was a thing because i turned 22 on july  22nd so that was really exciting all righty but i bet i'm still always gonna get carded when  i go to places i literally look like a sick like a   16 year old guys but um but yeah so that  is it for the 100 envelope box challenge   let's go ahead and get into our stuffing okay i've  got my wallet here let's go ahead and take out   all of the change which i have a ton  because you know i have not filmed in forever all right a little bit more there we  go okay oh and did you guys like my fan   um my boyfriend was so cute he took  me on a picnic date on my birthday   and he got me this just in case i was hot and it's  the cutest thing ever so shout out to him for that   all righty so this week food is gonna be getting  twenty dollars and we'll go ahead and be doing it   in a ten five and five ones two three  four five so that's five ten twenty oh and i didn't tell you  guys but um the total that   we'll be stuffing now um without all  the challenges is a thousand sixty-three   oh my god all right gas this week is going  to be getting a random four dollars um   yeah i don't know i already got gas and i  don't really need to get any any more um   so this is just like emergency emergency all  right and my buffer will be getting twenty dollars okay that is it for my wallet let's go ahead  and jump into my pink binder okay so here is   my pink binder first up we have my envelope um  if you guys didn't know my full name is rayani   but i do go by ray um i actually received fifty  dollars as um birthday money um the rest of it is   all in my bank account so i'm just gonna leave  that there i'm not sure what to do with it yet   but yeah so we'll go ahead and put this 50 in here i don't need to get my nails done  anytime soon since i just got them done   but i think i might want to get lash extensions  again um but yeah that's exciting so we'll see   all right next is health and  that's going to be getting 30. 10 20 30. now health has 20 30 40 50 60 which is  perfect because that's exactly how much i need   to pay my chiropractor at the end of the month  all right and as you guys can see i did move my   spending envelope from my wallet to this binder  because i think it just makes more sense to me   and yeah spending is going to be getting a  total of thirty dollars as well 10 20 30. i'd rather have like a lot of money in  here rather than my wallet just in case   anything happens you know this is at home  and i carry my wallet everywhere all right   okay guys so exciting news we have a  new envelope and it's all blinged out   so i actually went ahead and signed up for  sessions to get laser hair removal which   i'm so excited about because it's something i've  been wanting to do my entire life i just you know   it's a struggle being a girl and this  is just gonna make everything easier   um but my payments i did it for six months total  and the monthly payments are going to be 406   and since this is four paychecks in one stuffing  i'm gonna go ahead and just do the full amount   so we've got one two three  hundred fifty four hundred five   and six so that is paid off for this month since i  did use my credit card alrighty next is a car and   car is only gonna be getting four dollars just to  even it out make it twenty i think two three four   so now car has 10 15 16 17 18 19 20. i just did  a bill exchange video and look at all these now i think my next one will only  be at the end of the year since   um you know just to for it to  be a little more satisfying   all right clothing is going to be getting twenty  dollars all right now we have 60 in clothing next is gifts as you see gifts has nothing  um i had my boyfriend's birthday i had   my step-sister's birthday we  had a lot going on this month   but gifts is gonna be getting a hundred dollars to  make up for that so two four six eight one hundred i think the next birthday is my grandma um so i  don't know what i'm gonna get her yet but we'll   see that should be plenty enough all right  christmas is going to be getting ten dollars   so now christmas has one two three four  hundred ten twenty four hundred twenty dollars   and i don't know if you guys noticed but  i don't have like my little notebook or my   paycheck breakdown um paper next to me um i don't  know i just i think it looks messy in my setup   and i think what i'm gonna do is i'm either gonna  go ahead and start using these again these little   budget sheets where you know we have them inside  the envelope or i'm just only gonna write these   for myself and just do what i'm doing now and  just tell you the totals and stuff like that but   we'll see later all right travel going to be  getting a good bit this week it's going to   be getting 280 dollars so we've got 50  100 50 200 twenty forty sixteen eighty   all righty so now travel has one two three hundred  four hundred fifty seventy ninety five ten five   thirty five forty five forty in there which is  even more than what i planned because i originally   wanted five hundred dollars to go on my  trip to new jersey but i'm glad i have more   you know just in case i under budgeted okay so  let's go ahead and move on to my purple binder   alrighty first up we have wedding oh and i did  switch some of these around and i did add um i   think two more in this one which i will see later  okay wedding is going to be getting sixty dollars   and we'll do twenties two four sixty wedding  now has one hundred two four six eighty one   eighty and i finally figured out what i'm gonna  do um with the money that i save up from the 100   envelope challenge the money that i have  saved up until then i'm just gonna put into   wedding since it is in june and this is for  my step-sister's wedding but yeah the total   for that is a total of five thousand fifty  dollars that i should be saving up from the   envelopes numbered one through one hundred but  obviously i'm not gonna finish by then so i   may as well use that money for here okay house  this week is going to be getting thirty dollars now house has one hundred two hundred  three hundred fifty seventy eighty five 385 okay we've got our first new envelope  this is my boyfriend's envelope   so i'm sure he's gonna be super excited because  he's been asking where's my envelope where's mine   um this boy is expensive guys he really is um and  my gift envelope is not enough it's not enough   to include him in it or my christmas one so this  is going to be solely for when i want to get him   his birthday present his christmas present any  other anniversary presents or anything like that   so yeah this is oh it's just the first letter  of his name um his first name is too long so   we're just gonna do it as oh but oh this week  is going to be getting a total of five dollars all right next is our second new envelope  or third including laser and my other binder   um fun so what i'm going to do is for fun  sometimes me and mom if you want to go on   dates and stuff like that to the movies and  you know maybe he'll pay one time i'll pay   the other and i just want to have some money  saved up just in case we go on stuff like that   or we do like doing you know outdoorsy things or  like different adventures and stuff like that so   yeah this will be for that  fun is going to be getting 10. these look so pretty i got  these little sparklies at um   the dollar store and i'm upset i didn't buy  like 20 of these i will be definitely going   back though alright savings this week  is going to be getting twenty dollars my last twenty now savings has one hundred two  hundred twenty thirty two hundred thirty dollars   like it just looks so clean with these alrighty next is emergency an emergency always  gets five dollars it's my last five dollar bill   we've got twenty thirty five  forty forty dollars in emergency all right here's where i run out of the blinged um   stickers so these are just all normal  um dog will be getting four dollars one two three four so now it has 24.   all right baby oh i did have these little things  i found these at the dollar store too i thought   these were really really cute they're like  little balloon animals like dogs or unicorns   but yeah baby is going to be getting two  dollars one two and a half hours 22 my birthday all right now we have retire and  that's just going to be getting three   one two three so now we have 33 and retire okay and last but not least i did move my  two dollar envelope over here i only now have   two in here obviously but i do want to save up i  know that tara budgets here on youtube she does   this as well so i got the idea from her um but  yeah we'll see how much we can save up now we   only have four dollars in here and i also need to  decorate this one because it's got nothing so far   okay that's it for my purple one that will  be it for this cash stuffing i hope you guys   enjoyed that four paychecks in one video  um next time i will be doing just a regular   stuffing but yeah thank you guys so much for  watching oh also want to mention thank you   guys so much for 200 subscribers um i'm really  excited about that i love making these videos   i really really do thank you guys so much for the  support and comment down below any suggestions you   may have for me but yeah thank you guys so much  for watching i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Ray Boletti
Views: 7,230
Rating: 4.8980169 out of 5
Id: oWF6stchFK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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