4 Levels of Pigs In A Blanket: Amateur to Food Scientist | Epicurious

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hi i'm steven and i'm a level 1 chef hi i'm daniel and i'm level 2 chef hi i'm danielle alex creator of diversity kitchen and i've been a professional chef for 15 years today we're making pigs in a blanket and because i'm a vegetarian instead of pigs i'm going to use carrots today i've got a pigs in a blanket recipe that relies on a lot of spanish ingredients some chorizo membrillo really adds to the flavor without adding too much work but my pigs in a blanket are a little different i'm using homemade puff pastry with sage folded into the dough and we're making breakfast sausage i find it's perfect for a brunch situation [Music] we're gonna get the pigs ready but instead of pigs i'm going to use carrots now we've got the pigs the piggies in this case chorizo which is sort of like a spanish sausage so i chose breakfast sausage country breakfast sausage i like to sear it because it just adds to the flavor so you have a nice caramelized color and flavor to the sausage so i'm going to take these kind of cut them down to size i'm going to cut them basically into little like semi-circles and ultimately easier to wrap up in their little blanket homes i'm gonna add the maple syrup i owe people an apology in a previous episode i think i besmirched the name of maple syrup nobody likes make bow syrup maple syrup is good all right so these little piggies are now ready for their blankets i'm gonna add some soy sauce two cups of water add some garlic powder pinch of salt and then adobo sauce and i don't have to worry about cooking them through obviously because they're gonna cook through in the oven nice golden brown gonna put them on a new tray already pigs in a blanket i mean they need the blankets so let's start with the the blanket making or the dough my first step to my dough is making the barrage so whenever making puff pastry of course you need a lot of butter and flour and i just want to incorporate the flour and the butter evenly so as you can see the first part of the barrage everything is nice and smooth now i'm just going to create a nice little square i just want to make sure that it's even then i'm just gonna wrap this and there we are perfect ready to go in the refrigerator and chill the first step in this process is to get the blanket ready so i'm gonna start by taking some yeast and adding it to the warm water off the bat just so it is time to bloom i'm gonna mix it up a little bit just let it kind of sit gestate there do its thing first we're gonna open this or we're gonna use brute force i just finished my barrage which is the butter pat that's gonna go inside my dough now i'm gonna do the de trump which is the dough part of the recipe the mixer is my friend today so i'm gonna put my flour in the mixer and then a little bit of salt i'm just going to give this a couple little pulses just to mix it all together this has been sitting for a little bit you kind of already see there's like a weird foamy thing going on so i'm just going to throw this into the food processor and then i got a little bit of butter here hey this is puff pastry right butter's everywhere and now i have a touch of vinegar which adds to the flakiness of my dough and water cold water i'm just gonna add warm water slowly look at that you get like this dough ball so now we have our dough let's do some mo what do you do with this uh-huh cause my goal is to kind of knead this out by hand for like five ten minutes until it's nice and smooth and elastic right now it's just like incredibly sticky but you know if you're gonna do it by hand you might as well go whole hog no pun intended but now that it's there i mean come on blanket looks good i'm going to set this in a bowl and i always cover it with plastic because the last thing you want to do is to have a film start to form over the dough this sits overnight like in a refrigerator overnight you're going to chill it and then uh should be good to go and this is my dough so now i've let my dough rest for about an hour with my barrage my butter pat dough's been sitting for like 24 hours i actually took it out of the fridge it's been resting for like an hour just to like kind of get up to room temp so let's start creating our puff pastry i'm gonna roll this out into a nice rectangle you wanna make sure that it's as even as possible so you're making those perfect layers of butter dough butter dough it's gotta be folded it's gotta be you know it's gonna be the perfect blanket for the piggies cause they've they've been they've come so far you can't rob them with a of a nice sleep god our dough looks pretty good now i can add my butter and then i'm going to take pretty much the ends of this here you just want to make sure that the dough is covering all of the butter so it doesn't stick and become a mess so i'm going to roll this out and get this ready for our first turn i'm going to do one like this and another like this and doesn't that look beautiful we'll go ahead and wrap this in plastic once again and i'm gonna let this chill for a few hours first we have this long piece of dill we're gonna take this and stretch it out oh wow alrighty so now i'm taking out my puff pastry i've already done that tri-fold where i you know fold the dough onto itself i've done that three other times and in between each process i put it back into the refrigerator and i let it chill for at least two hours until it's firm now for my last and final turn i am going to add these little sage leaves nicely onto the dough and then fold that over so i've kind of got two layers of sage in between my dough now that i have my sage in there i'm gonna actually wrap this and let this rest all right so i'm gonna just roll this out until it's like maybe i don't know a quarter of an inch like a third of an inch thick so you'll notice here as the dough gets thinner and thinner that you can really start to see more of these leaves come through the [Music] dough i'm stressed eating so this is all set up i'm going to cut this into strips so i'll take a sausage and here i can see roughly like how large how the length of the sausage so i'll measure and doing this with a nice long knife just helps ensure a better and a cleaner cut so when it's all said and done you got a little strip like that see perfect now that our blanket is ready and the pigs are ready it's time to put them together and then put them in the oven and put them in my stomach and then put that's all the puts i got first off we've got some manchego cheese here now manchego is phenomenal right it's like the spanish cheese it's got this really robust nutty flavor i'm just going to cut the rind off of this and then shred it and that is going to be layered onto the dough next is this guy membrillo this is like really really sweet it's quince paste from like the quince fruit so i'm gonna just thinly slice this and this is also gonna line the blanket so when we tuck everything in it tastes great and let's get ready with our egg wash an egg wash is simple it's just cracked egg with a touch of water give us a light whisk let's put these piggies to bed so i'm literally just going to start adding our pig aka my carrot and roll it up so that is nice and safe so the membrillo right here this is like a pillow gonna go with the head of the bed a little bit of manchego cheese this is like the the fitted sheet you know like the fitted sheet that you put i hate myself alrighty so first one in i'm gonna take it like this and then i'm gonna roll it i'm going to cut it to about there do not close your eyes and cut things i'm going to add a touch of egg wash just to seal it shut and this kind of just helps with the binding like helps everything stick together and then the piggy it's right at the head of the bed gonna wrap it in then i'll go ahead and put it with the fold down on my baking sheet you cannot have this for date night that would be your first and last date if this was on date night he made you what uh tell me you didn't see him again if you really want to punch more flavor into this you can actually add some pimenton along the top it's like smoked paprikas like boost the flavor a little bit and add to the smokiness of the chorizo if i had to pair a wine with this it would be a very strong line i'm actually out of embryo which works perfectly because i think me trying to eat any more of these would just be piggish so there it is again oh okay uh the last thing um that these little piggies in a blanket need is like uh it's like a bedtime story so our all of our pigs are wrapped in a blanket you can see the sage in the puff pastry and now i'm gonna brush all of them with the egg wash over the top to give you like this nice golden brown uh crust i'm gonna sprinkle a little bit more of the manchego cheese on there just for you know just a little pizzazz hit them with the old razzle dazzle and sprinkle them with sesame seeds and then top with a little more pimenton just to give it like a smoky little punch and they'll be good it'll be good you put them to rest all righty so i think those look pretty fun so let's go ahead and chill these i'm gonna i'm gonna whisper this next part i'm gonna put these in the refrigerator for like 15 minutes and then i'm gonna pop them in an oven at 375 degrees 400 degrees for about 20 25 minutes for like 23 to 27 minutes for 10 to 15 minutes all right let's do this while our pigs in the blanket are in the oven we're gonna go ahead and get started on our sauce so i'm gonna go ahead and take a little bit of this sausage out of the casing and then kind of chop it up too first things first i'm gonna start with balsamic vinegar my water and put all the liquids in first and cocoa aminos already cocoa aminos and balsamic sort of like the sweet tangy salty flavor profile to them so i have some pitted uh dates that i'm just going to rip in half and throw these in there these are kind of tough so the whole point of adding them into the pot and sort of heating everything up is just to soften them a little bit so there's no chunks when i go to blend it next up tomato paste a little bit dijon mustard scrape it into the bowl give it a little bit of zest then there's some spices to finish everything off so we got garlic powder onion powder some salt then a little bit of pepper but the goal is not to cook really the goal is just to let everything stew together and soften alrighty so now we're gonna do the real sauce so i'm gonna start off by making a roux butter and flour just wanna melt it quickly add our flour for my liquid i'm gonna add some chicken stock i usually make some at home and just keeps them in the freezer and the whole milk and i'm going to continue to bring this up and stir it until it starts to thicken then we're going to add our maple syrup this is an almost maple syrup i'm really sorry about what i said previously i'm not that man anymore some garlic powder and then we're gonna add some water just to cut it and then we're gonna mix it up i think this is a good consistency making this sauce is literally just as simple as transferring this into the blender all it's left to do is blend this [Music] at this point now that you have nice little bubbles there i'm gonna go ahead and add the sausage back in i'm also gonna add some fresh cracked black pepper in it salt now i'm gonna finish it with my dijon and my whole grain mustard so that's where you kind of go from country gravy to i guess something a little more french time to do the taste test oh ah and this is my sauce the sauce is done it's got a kick to it that octave was better in my head so now that they're baked fresh out the oven golden brown they look gorgeous if i do say so myself but i think all that's left is to plate these and then just shove them one by one into my face hole wonderful so we made it we're uh going to plate so i'm gonna put my sauce in the middle then i'll put a few around and you see the egg wash gave it nice color little sesame seeds on top jazz it up and these are my carrot filled pegs in a blanket takes it a blanket a little bit of spanish flair and here are my pigs in a blanket and now it's time for the taste test oh smells so good all right cheers oh wow that is good i had my doubts so good [Music] that's a win 100 win this is so good i retracted my previous statement if you serve this on a first date there will be many more in your future pigs in a blanket is a quintessential dish from the united states that can be a versatile snack or dinner there are so many options let's see how each of our three chefs made theirs steven used a carrot as his pig which is a nice plant forward substitution these carrots have already been peeled baby carrots are extruded from large carrots with special machinery they're usually wet in bags when you buy them to protect them from losing beta-carotene which give them their orange color beta-carotene reacts more with air than with water so the water protects the color and keeps them fresh it looks like meat though from a distance if you squint turn your head to the side and use your imagination daniel used chorizo a pork-based cured sausage that is seasoned with paprika and peppers that give it its red color i think if you want to ramp up your pigs in a blanket game using something like this that's heavily seasoned and has a great flavor profile already is a great way to go it's slightly spicy too easy perfect wow danielle also used breakfast fresh sausage links fresh sausage is made from ground or chopped meat with no meat byproducts like the heart kidney or liver of the animal it contains water but not more than three percent of the total ingredients and must be less than 50 fat by weight but the flavor is so good steven used canned crescent dough this still relies on chemical leaveners like lucono delta lactone that remain inactive while in the package but become acidic when heated this acidity interacts with the baking soda in the dough and creates pockets of carbon dioxide and causes the dough to rise steven's dough is a convenience product that's standardized so that it tastes the same each time so it's on the bland side no that is a myth it's also one-dimensional when it comes to texture it's simply soft from the outside to the inside oh lordy lord daniel made a basic yeast dough raised with active dry yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae which has been dried and made porous so that it rehydrated easily it needs to be proofed for a few minutes you'll see it bubbling and fizzing so you know the yeast is active he proofed his dough overnight which allowed the yeast to produce carbon dioxide which leavened the dough when it was baked and allowed for some flavor compounds to form as the result of proteolysis daniel has more flavor development than steven because he fermented his dough while the yeast is standardized the process includes the addition of natural lactic acid bacteria that add more complexity to his dough it will also crisp very nicely once it's baked which is my favorite part danielle made the most extravagant blanket for her pigs puff pastry she made a barrage where she mixes a small amount of flour and lots of softened butter together and then chilled it next danielle made a dough called the de trump it's a moderately firm dough and acts as a base for starting to fold her layers danielle also added some vinegar which is acidic so there are a lot of questions whether vinegar acid really makes a dough flaky or not the acid allows a small amount of gluten developed to become more flexible and stretchable which is important when she starts rolling folding and turning her dough there's lots of butter and puff pastry butter has enough water in it to turn to steam which lifts the sheets of flour mixture when the puff is baked at a high temperature like 375 to 400 degrees fahrenheit the butter also coats the flour mixture preventing hydration so you end up with minimal gluten development and a tender flaky crust butter makes everything better she did four turns total which makes many layers of cold dough and cold butter making this ultra flaky once it's baked honestly i say homemade puff pastry is always worth the effort steven helped enhance his baby carrots by seasoning them with sweet and salty ingredients his sauce was simple and tasty because the sweet maple syrup balanced the spicy and salty dijon mustard compliments to the chef oh that's meat compliments to me daniel used coconut aminos in his sauce aminos is short for amino acids which are the building blocks of all proteins coconut aminos are derived from fermented sap from a coconut palm tree they add a savory quality to daniel's dipping sauce nice danielle carried the pork theme straight through to her sausage-based sauce she added flour to butter to make a roux then added chicken stock and milk which were thickened as the starch and the flour gelatinized gelatinization occurs when molecular bonds in moistened flour are heated they vibrate and break allowing water to enter the starch granule disrupt the structure and become thick she added the sausage and a dash of dijon mustard and voila level three pigs in a blanket with decadent sausage sauce why not if it works don't don't stop there are so many ways to make pigs in a blanket and you don't even have to use pork next time you're making this rolled treat we hope you'll take some of these tips from our three impressive chefs
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 706,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4 levels, 4 levels of pigs in a blanket, 4 levels pigs in a blanket, american sausage roll, epi, epi 4 levels, epicurious, epicurious 4 levels, epicurious recipe, fancy pigs in a blanket, four levels, homemade party snacks, homemade pigs in a blanket, how to make pigs in a blanket, make pigs in a blanket, party food, party snacks, pigs in a blanket, pigs in a blanket recipe, pigs in blankets, sausage roll, vegetarian pigs in a blanket, veggie pigs in a blanket
Id: sIMfpfUog-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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