4 Levels of Chicken Wings: Amateur to Food Scientist | Epicurious

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Pretty lame there's no comments about a fan favorite closing a promising Brooklyn restaurant and adjacent project and moving on to this.

Hope this offers stability or opens new opportunities on the horizon.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tejon_Melero 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
and Bianca and I'm a level 1 chef I'm Gabrielle and I'm a level 2 chef I'm Chris and I'm gonna chef for 30 years my recipe is a twist on the traditional hot wing add a little honey to give it a nice sweet and tangy flavor my recipe is going to be featuring these scotch bonnet peppers even though it's super spicy has a ton of flavor so my dish is gonna be a fusion of two cultures my wife is Korean my background is in southern food this dish kind of encompasses both of our styles [Music] so let's get started on the marinade before anything else even happened or adding the chicken to a ziploc bag to add the seasoning so it's really easy to make this marinade I'm gonna go ahead and put in my oil thyme scallion pour this seasoning we have pet freaka mustard powder a pinch salt oh crap too much salt and a pinch of pepper these in so is what chicken is made for someone told me this is like a heart attack in a bottle but like it's not quite here and now you hold these scotch bonnet pepper to get an idea of just how spicy these are the scotch bonnet pepper is actually around 40 times hotter than a jalapeno pepper and we're gonna eat it today so the yogurt here is really going to be the workhorse there's a lot of acidulated properties in the yogurt that will really tenderize the meat just like in buttermilk the garlic the soy and the sesame is there strictly for flavor I can like feel it radiating into my eyes and then you just kind of mix all this up together take a little taste it's perfect you gonna go ahead and pour my marinade Street on two chicken wings now I'm going to add my chicken wings I'm gonna be using a free-range hormone-free chicken wing so free-range chicken is good because for one how its raised for two how its fed these are done and I'm gonna let them marinate for two hours I'm gonna put it in the refrigerator for an hour so now we have our seasoned chicken if it doesn't look like this you're doing it wrong this all right time to make the hot sauce I'm gonna go ahead and chop my peppers deseeding it because the seeds are where the heat is kept and you're gonna want to chop them really fine you don't want a big chunk of this in your hot sauce because it will probably reduce you to tears I really fear this put a pepper my hot sauce so we're gonna add about a stick and a half of butter wait until the butter completely melts before we add in the other ingredients I'm gonna go ahead and add my deli mustard or shoots which is gonna add a little bit of sweetness to the sauce a little lime juice yeah and my spices cumin coriander curry powder salt and pepper so right here I have some gochujang what is this you might ask it's made from a blend of red and green chili peppers pounded into a paste and dehydrated so the butter is totally melted so now we're gonna add ranks hot sauce this here is vinegar powder you've ever had a bag of barbecue chips or the salt and vinegar chips this is exactly what they use right here now for the last bit one cup of honey that always hits the spot we're mixing all of these ingredients together and there's my sauce so now that I got my heat let's fry the chicken Rome on the grill here we go these suckers have been marinating now for about two hours my chicken has been marinating for about an hour let's get ready to fry I have some all-purpose flour right here cornstarch some baking powder and I'm gonna mix all that up let's get ready to operate after I dredge the chicken I'm gonna lay it right here on my rack and kind of let the air get to it for about a good 15 20 minutes this is the way you make wings so now we're gonna put this in the oven at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes a grilled wing is the best wing it just has that char and especially with the recipe that's really spicy like this it just adds to the flavor it's time to fry I got my oil at 350 probably gonna be able to fit maybe one or two in there nicely got some grill lines going on you don't get that from deep-frying or baking I prefer to fry my wings because of the crispness aspect of it see how it has that golden crisp enos to it so chicken just came out of the oven time to coat them in hot sauce so we're gonna add the chicken to the bowl at it so you want your chicken to be at a hundred and sixty-five degrees you want to really cook out the bacteria tickets kick now I went to drizzle some of the garnet hot sauce all over these and we're pouring the hot sauce oh my gosh and while it's still hot I'm gonna sift my spicy goji going powder onto the chicken and what this does is really going to create that fragrance and heat that I've been talking about I like to let the meat soak up all the juices so let the chicken sit for five minutes I love they look amazing to complement the hot wings I'm gonna make Guinean Guinean is a perilla leaf it's marinated in sesame and soy so I'm gonna take garlic some Korean chili flakes soy the sesame a little bit of sugar sesame seeds blend all this up thin it out with a little bit of water and then I'm gonna brush each leaf individually and stack them ever so nicely and let that firm it I am gonna be making a chutney so we're gonna start with a little bit of oil I have some shredded purple onion here cook them until they are a little bit translucent it smells so good gonna add in my apple cider vinegar and my mango and mango is gonna help tone down some of the hot salty savory flavors in the chicken so I'm gonna be making a Kochi going sauce this is the paste version of the Gocha going that we saw in the beginning we're going to add some soy some vinegar and a little bit of water to kind of dilute it out my mangos soft something gonna add in the rest round sugar my allspice pinch of salt a little pinch of pepper cook down for about 12 minutes until it gets nice and thick and syrupy the spiciness and the tameness of this sauce is going to be the perfect marriage of everything that's going to be on a plate ranch and hot wings is just a match made in heaven you can't get too much ranch a lot of people like blue cheese blue cheese is disgusting you guys are monsters now this celery is synonymous with wings not bleu cheese so another thing that I like to serve with my wings are crepinette it's another way to utilize the chicken wing meat mix it up with a little bit of a garlic ginger some herbs pepper this right here is called a farce almost as if you're making meatloaf and I'm going to wrap that up in caul fat well caul fat is it's the thin membrane that surrounds the organs of the cow and once they're all ready then we're going to sauce it and here we have our chicken wing cover net I can eat all of this in one setting now I'm just going to go ahead and serve this chutney on the side so here I have the chicken wings the crépinette the guinea sauce and some fresh herbs and these are my hot wings with ranch and celery and voila here are my wings and these are my hot wings here we go really really good perfect finger looking good literally I never cooked for my family but I would definitely cook them these wings I'm very very very happy with these Wow the sweetness is there and definitely will hot my mouth burning everything that it's supposed to be it's the marriage of the two flavors and the two cultures together I'm telling you it's gonna be the best hot wings that you can get anywhere let's take a look at how our three chefs were able to mix heat and flavor while we can add wings Bianca and Gabriele use the drumettes and wing gets in their recipes Wow Chris use the entire wing the wing gets are comprised of tender dark meat the meats on the Dramat while technically is considered dark meat actually has a texture a bit closer to whites meats the wing tips are tiny pointy pieces shaped like a feather they are almost completely skin bone and cartilage with no meat Bianca season head chicken with Larry's salt pepper and paprika resulted in a well-balanced combination of savory and woodsy flavors I can't really say what the flavor is but what I will say is banging okay Gabrielle and crisp of marinated their wings when chicken is marinated moisture is absorbed making it juicier Gabrielle marinated head chicken in a puree of oil chilies scallions time dry mustard and salt creating a deep harmony of flavor Chris's marinade consisted of sesame oil garlic powder soy and yogurt the result is a nutty salty creamy language ins of sourness the acid in the yogurt helps break down the muscle tissue and connect to proteins acts as a tenderizer and enriches the flavor of the final product Janka rosewood have wings in an oven Gabriele used a grill and Chris use a deep fryer bianca baked her wings at a high temperature for 40 to 45 minutes the wings slightly shrunk as water evaporated from the surface and made Brennan occurred producing a deep color aroma and flavor Gabriele grilled her wing grilling adds smokiness and tenderness locks in moisture and cooks the meat on the inside by creating a caramelized crust on the outside Chris used a mixture of flour baking powder and cornstarch to bread his chicken wings cornstarch is often used as a thickening agent however when used to fried chicken it creates a super crisp crust that seals in the juices of the chicken for Chris's wings the process of deep-frying cooked and dehydrated them that's where that crispy goodness comes into play frying cooks food quickly could use in a crispy surface and in tender moist interior Bianca used store-bought Frank's hot sauce but added melted butter and honey the butter added creaminess to have sauce while honey increases its sweetness and stickiness Gabriele use scotch bonnet peppers in her sauce these peppers are among the hottest ranging from 80,000 to 400,000 Scoville units which measure heat for comparison the hottest jalapenos are only 5000 Scoville units I know how dangerous it is so I'm just gonna treat it with a lot of care scotch bonnet peppers are extremely spicy yet add a slight sweet taste to the sauce with hints of tomatoes apples and cherries Christmas wings got their heats from gochujang powder this is made from Koji Dhahran which are Korean red chili flakes it has heat to it with hints of orange and cardamom they are vibrant red cross and texture and fairly smoky and spicy in taste wrench sauce was served with Bianca's wings capsaicin the chemical in chili responsible for eat is fat-soluble ranked stressin contains key seen a fat lovin protein casein binds to heat receptors makin capsaicin easier to tolerate and more pleasing and rounded in flavor the mangoes in Gabrielle's chutney added a break from the intense heat found in the scotch bonnet peppers the mango tempered the sweetness added tankiness and raised the acid level of the chutney they have a little bit of everything in this chutney Chris made a sauce out of gorgeous ham paste and soy sauce the result was a thick dipping sauce with pungent savory notes and an inviting warm spicy kick the crepinette and perilla leaves that Chris served with his wings tied everything together and emphasized the Korean influence in his dish as you can see from our chefs dishes just because something has a lot of meats doesn't mean it cannot have a lot of flavor
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 2,715,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken wings, chicken wings recipe, best chicken wings, expert chicken wings, homemade chicken wings, chicken wing tips, make chicken wings, make hot wings, spicy chicken wings, hot wings recipe, expert hot wings, hotwings, spicy wings, wings recipe, best hot wings, perfect chicken wings, best buffalo wings, perfect buffalo wings, fresh buffalo wings, homemade buffalo wings, make buffalo wings, buffalo wings recipe, buffalo wings, make wings at home, epicurious
Id: KH3qRq_h1SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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