4 in 1!! Drill Press - Router Table - Spindle Sander - Thickness Sander // 4 in 1 Çalışma Tezgahı
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Channel: Gökmen ALTUNTAŞ
Views: 268,219
Rating: 4.9045968 out of 5
Keywords: homemade drill press, mini drill press, rotary tool drill press, dremel drill press, diy drill press, homemade router table, dremel router table, mini router table, homemade spindle sander, thickness sander, Imprensa de broca caseira, самодельный сверлильный станок, trapano a colonna fatto in casa, Prensa de perforación casera, Presse à forer maison, Hausgemachte Bohrmaschine, Mesa router casera, домашний стол маршрутизатор, Mesa router caseiro, dremel
Id: eVmAipO0WOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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