4 Friends Get Reckless in Baldur's Gate 3

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hello hello hello ladies and gentlemen we are live and we are back with Baldur's Gate three we have been having so much fun we wait for this stream all week Matt ass I've been waiting all week as well thank you guys for tuning in sorry that I was a little bit late but better late than never as they say my friends I am well rested I feel good my voice is a little bit hoarse but luckily we have three other amazing gentlemen that can carry the stream while I rest the vocal cords a little bit but we're playing Boulder's Gate three today you guys know the deal if you guys haven't seen any of these Boulder uh Boulder's Gate streams you are in for a treat you guys are saying that there's an echo there's an echo that was one guy Zach said there was an echo can you guys hear me loud and clear I just want to make sure you guys can hear me I want to make sure that you guys can see me and then we will get started with the shenanigans also I should probably actually no I'm Gonna Keep robot lady on for this stream and if anyone super chats and donates I can always mute and then say thank you also I'm going to be walking during the stream because I was like yo we're gonna be live for three hours I want to get some steppies in so that's exactly what we're gonna do Sam thank you so much for becoming a member I appreciate that so very much and the only other thing that I have to do is make sure that the guys can see me uh let me come over here the Baldur's Gate screen and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to window projector this okay I'm gonna move this up here and then what I'm gonna do is grab that you guys can't see anything that I'm doing right now but no need to fear shenzo's here okay that's looking good move that up a little bit higher make that a little bit smaller behind the scenes okay we should be good to go so if you guys are ready I am ready let's get this party started we haven't played in a long time so I'm excited to jump back in let me share my screen with the boys on mute and we will get a going baby this is the thing if I sit for three hours once we're done I have to do a lot to get those steps in and burn a lot of calories so I was like I might as well during Boulders I respect it and it's turn based right so it's not like I have to be like completely locked into the keyboard I can I can be free a little bit you know yeah you're right and you might not start wait I think I might be walking I think I might not be in intimidation again intimidation are we already in the game by the way right now yeah we're already in a conversation right now oh okay uh how do I stuck in the cutscene maybe you're in it now by the way how do I join right now I I'm literally famous in it uh Shady should have sent you an invite oh my God somebody how do you get to the how do you get to the invite again Pat it's like tab something yo thank you so much to Squirtle Master Kenobi my dude I'm running a gif Yankee sorcerer Bard at the moment most of the Spells are supported to help his Marshall prowess or marital no Marshall Marshall prowess hell yeah dude we love the prowess okay I think I'm in now it's loading and then we'll be I'm loading in he's coming oh yeah oh I'm gonna pick his nose what is going on right now also wait where is Shady I'm so confused right now come here you don't know is he live bro oh there he is Yo hello the game is broken I can't do anything I think we need to restart the session Sweet let's do that Dylan broke Dylan broke the game because he didn't want to do an intimidation well the thing is it misclicked oh it literally misclicked so I was like we just like fell through the sky did you see that first one second I am alive holy give me a second oh I hear the congestion I hear it man 50 members couldn't be many members another 50. this guy's like dying he's like God they gave me money again they gave me another you know what you know what I'm gonna do exactly what he wants me to do I'm gonna drive to his house and bring him some soup today he deserves it yep I'm gonna go over there with some chicken enemy Lobo thank you Gospel Art of Arceus Gospel of ours is what you're gonna be disappointed with the new video gospel of Arceus thank you so much to both y'all thank you Squirtle Master you guys are killing it with the support right now y'all are gonna end up rizzing Dylan's character by the end dude I I am excited to see which new characters we meet today I'm very very excited Rohan H or Rohan thank you my boy how's the voice sound chat I don't think it's too bad this is a very discombobulated start but we're just gonna roll with it effort we're out here and there's a chance that I have to like go through this little cutscene alone I don't know so the problem is is that when I load the save before I invite you guys I'm controlling your character technically whoa because I can play this I can technically play the save whenever I want but I'm gonna try to invite you real quick we'll try it this way first I'd rather you get to do you know vrp thing again yeah yeah um right now don't touch the lamb don't touch the lamp I'll shoot it again or wait did I mute him oh I why is he needed for me I think you just muted me I could be wrong I I guess I just muted Vinnie on accident do you want me to not touch the lamb don't touch them I can't tell if this is a test do you want me to touch the lamb no touch the lamb wait be nice I'm in the cut team we'll see if it happens I'm loading out you're there show yourself that's right that's right be careful now let me pass why were these characters so overpowered it's crazy okay there we go okay can you add me your icon I can't give you guidance what what does advantage means because probably probably because you're not close enough to him currently is my game broken now because all I see is Dylan's character smiling weird it's the same thing for me it'll it'll pick up okay he's just giving her the Giga chats he looks weird bro that's that's toxic to me I thought the goblin said booyah so many times um yeah I probably wasn't close enough sorry we're back baby we're back all right don't touch the lamb note to self don't touch lamb now listen we don't have a short rest left okay so let's go ahead and let's let's leave the Lambs alone I did pickpocket this last time I want to do it again you did it once you gotta do it twice I'm taking fish supplies here but like now it says they could now it says they're looking at me so I don't know if I can get away you're full yeah be careful be careful why don't you try it wait no no no I'm good I'm good wait I think I'm good let me go over here guys I'm sorry I'm dumb on the inside okay oh don't Repose any trouble yeah they're making it very clearly right now they go don't cause any trouble uh oh they just looked at me I think no no it's okay it's it's not red so it's not stealing you're allowed to take them okay W I got it again I got it again we're good I tried that logic in the supermarket over the weekend patters didn't work out so well it's not red then you can take yeah it was just like taken like you know like mustard and like mayonnaise and like trying to walk out the door and I'm like all right and I activate I activated my sneak and I passed the check so I don't know why they call me it was so weird we're doing pretty good scared to walk around man 40 cam supplies Holy balls W there's so many empty barrels here like these guys have nothing to offer us they just all they just all been wine and they just chug in it oh my God Village I don't think they have much left I'm gonna try to run through the um the triple ogre scene again as quick as I can because we already did it yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna listen in um going on what what's wrong just walked in on I don't even know what I just walked in on buddy what's happening what's happening right now forecasted right now did he find the couple no okay let me let me just walk you through what I just saw because I okay I opened barn doors dude and and this this creature was in the in the back of another creature and now and now Cardinal son of sons is just staring and I don't know what to do uh you guys might want to get over you might want to get over to him uh you know as as you can they might not like a Peeping Tom just just a guess bro when I when I checked like no nudity I don't know where we started this I didn't think you'd even see that that was insane you are so far away you ran away from us I'm just glad I didn't enter it anyway they say what the hells are you doing and the responses are I didn't mean interrupt which truthfully I didn't back away slowly I'm laughing at your puny rotting dude okay all right all right I apologize so hold on so hold on this is my next thing right I don't want to barge in on them and then attack them like even I'm not that ruthless right so I kill people over a shovel no this is they were they were getting intimate I don't want to ruin that we're all so weak right now Cardinal son's not dumb I'm gonna I'm gonna back away slowly through oh okay you're gonna try and back away that's I'm very Barbarian thing but okay oh he wants to smash me oh my God oh my God you ruined her you're ruined her event um I think they want to kill me she's frustrated now oh no we're in a fight oh boy oh dude you're nowhere near I'm nowhere near you I'll get there as fast as I can all right I just want to make it clear to everybody I did not I want to engage in this this was a complete accident this guy just walked in on people slamming I can't believe it now this was this was not what I thought the stream was gonna start with today damn all right Boulder's Gate three Game of the Year baby I thought you were goofing around no dude show that because I didn't click the eyes technically oh my goodness yeah they were just they were just doing what animals do you know it's fun fair enough dude fair enough oh my God here he comes oh wow brother goodness dude yeah the big Olga thing's a level four that's tough oh my God oh my God she has a giant spear okay I'm down Ubers okay I can hit him from this range and then I could go for a bonus attack I think yo this game is getting something else [Music] oh my gosh that was damaged twice I guess thank you so much for the 10 buddy I can do it off him melee attack do it I don't think I can reach them I can't reach them so I think I just what can I just hide yeah you can yeah if you can hide just hide I'm just gonna chill back here for a second I really can't believe that just one shot at all like I don't know I'm learning I gotta go Vapor oh never mind let's go patterns do you want me to do you want me to try and get Vinnie up please okay great uh yeah you could try to get Vinnie up I'll finish off um I'll try to finish off this guy I'm not sure if I can he has seven HP I think I think Vapor's got this in the bag Vapor confuse them all for sure kill him then I'll then I'll come in and res Benny thank you oh my God this is a this is this little forward why is there a dead like dwarf in here uh Ambiance a mangled corpse what are they someone else well not the person to walk in I don't think it's it's part of the event nice okay huh I'm coming Benny I've got you buddy thank you thank you thank you I appreciate that I can't believe like I should have clicked attack maybe I could have got the upper hand they were gonna fight me anyway can I throw us a bonus action I don't think I can all right well we got we got an ogre I don't I think it's an ogre or troll to fight so yeah it's better time all right we got this we got this Vinnie you need to get out of there as best you can yeah she's gonna kill me right now oh my god really bad should I attack her should I just flee like what's the Vibes right now uh we're taking her down we're taking her down she's you already made it here she can't climax she's got to go I actually I don't have enough resources to attack I literally can't do anything on this turn because you just got picked up so should I heal should I use a potion I don't have any potions if you move she gets an opportunity attack Vinnie okay so I'm just gonna end turn I couldn't do anything no literally nothing okay all right Shady P you got this let's go papers I barely did any damage to her but I also healed myself so nice nice let's go Shady oh I wonder I wonder if Golding would work should I attack or should I try and goad them into attacking me so I can tank for you well you're a Droid so I support that I wait Shady shady I was introducing everyone's character and I called him a droids like yeah yeah he's a great boy guys sorry sorry my bad sorry okay you're okay good golden good golden yes let me tank let me tank it's fine nice oh you're nice goodness okay I can attack now oh rage baby if you can I don't know if you have anything yeah there we go okay I can't rage but I can Reckless attack her and this will do 96 I have the advantage nice nice okay she's she's definitely if I can keep sneak attacking I can I can I can do a lot of damage did I even do damage to her just now actually I don't even know if I did damage a little bit God she's jacked I see I was doing hide and then range attack but I thought I could attack twice I thought these were bonuses oh they're not bonus actions those are just my sneaks oh um guys I read that spell wrong sorry about that what what did you just do you just hit me oh I hit everyone in front of me I kind of thought it was uh a different spell I was that was I was a little bit my bad I thought it was um witch light which pope and it was a lightning breath no worries I think we're gonna die I wonder if my little in can pick you up no he doesn't have the capability darn it that would have been really good okay yeah I think she only has 14 off left it's fine okay good good go on do it take him out almost there almost there very close yeah I can't do anything sorry yeah I didn't turn okay you see Shady murder us all Dylan let's go can I can I get you no oh God I can definitely kill next turn I just don't know how we're gonna get videos come on we have enough gold to get him up back home but no you can pick ow okay I'm pretty sure I can finish her do it do it take the last one come on Dylan yeah good job team that's your turn-based mode Let's enter turn base mode again [Music] right dude I didn't hear any noises or anything he's not doing his job can you can you make it over to pick up Vinnie Dylan well um no never mind never mind key boys anyone have a potion for me or can we do a short rest anything I have one potion we're probably best off long resting I got a Sylvan Stone combined three of these to attract their Essence oil of dominion I got some rope a carrot oh I got a jade nice I got some Redstone some cam supplies okay okay nice camp supplies are good I cannot wait to watch this back dude my reaction was so good bro like doing like a like a bit I didn't know what I could say with you and Shady being live if I was alone just now I would have just laid it all out there but I was trying so hard to approach it delicately these these individuals are engaging in uh activities that needs to be a clip on Twitter whoa whoa whoa with my laryngitis voice dude oh it's so funny man all right I'm watching Vapor hey I'm using all my inspiration right now to try to get a dagger I'm gonna tell you right now come and see this before I keep failing my roles staggers I don't but I oh I got it yo Shady's drip right now is out of control I'm so glad I killed that vampire and got us closed oh yeah don't damage output is crazy right now see me the whole time the good thing about uh Vinnie you're getting you get an extra attack I think the next level I'm pretty sure level four for me is like major when I'm close with my offhand weapon do I ever get it I'm not sure maybe I do have proficiency with daggers actually I think most people have proficiency with daggers they're just like kind of kind of weak unless you use stealth stuff I can't wait till we get fully healed again I'm like so looking forward to that yeah I have one potion but oh I have Scrolls I could use I'm at one inch pish I take Dylan's potion are we gonna rest soon well Patrick we're gonna rest right now perfect perfect yeah I mean we should we have a long rest let's use it yeah that's perfect I have a date to get to so uh every man for themselves no no Dylan I have sorry I'll give you your change first I'll let you go first you know chance that's his lady dude let's have something I need to get I don't know I don't see a ring on it damn music can you marry in this game no marriage is a farce true marriage is not real Shadow heart there she is I I believe in you Pat I'm cheering you on this this is strong uh okay I turn a blind I leave see like it's hard to get Pat I'm going for it ew pain gross forget it yuck I could continue I don't know are you okay what's going on wisdom I don't oh I don't know I don't think I should enter our thoughts that's kind of intrusive you gotta at least take her out to dinner first yeah hold on hold on this is the perfect one ask her how she feels that's good that's good grizzly bear not gonna answer the thoughts it's a bad idea sorry sprouting tentacles hey now you stopped that it's nighttime no you can't change the subject you have to try just do it and enter the thoughts enter the thoughts yeah it seems like a bad idea guys I don't okay okay fine oh my God so that's really hard no you got this you got this I'm adding you a bonus oh God do we all get to do that dice doesn't score yeah [Music] okay so that's like that's like a minus one damn oh God I'm going to sleep after that I'll tell you that right now that's pretty rough I'm gonna I'm gonna say what's up I'm gonna say what's up but I know what you mean oh my God there's something you're hiding she goes I don't know what you mean my response is you know exactly what I mean really let's be honest with each other okay look at that look at that Giga Chad hmm you're so unusual I have a feeling that's not the rislon wait I I have a dice roll as well to get over 18 for her to tell us what she's keeping from us do I go for this or no do you want to make her mad I I think I'm I think I'm gonna nail this with ultimate rizz right now to be honest okay if you can then all right I'm going for it hey no words at all Lindsay ah I got an 11. R.I.P she's gonna hate me now too he's expecting the distance there's a line of men Invader thoughts I'm just leaving I'm just leaving a few of them damn dude we all just failed and by we all I mean me and Pat yeah I mean Pat she's your lady do you want me to try or not I'll I'll respect your boundary no I think I think no one should Invader thoughts it's a bad idea I just want to see someone hit a dice roll dude um I think alien and Lazelle are kind of hit off I'm gonna be honest that was great I Honestly Love Her characters I really like lizelle all right I'm trying I'm risen over here all right and I'll leave you I'm watching I'm watching Dylan I just can't wait till we meet the really tall devil and she approved so I mean put like Ellen put in some work right now the gift Yankee possesses you're doing a great job right now killing it dude thank you you know the jawline helps a little bit in the broad shoulders but plus three to Charisma for the jawline hey Sean thank you for the 20 man okay all right I'm ready to rest if y'all are yep I like how we never talk to the male companions I only I honestly only talk to Companions they have an exhibition Mark over them well Shady did and they murdered one I talked to everyone else whoa whoa whoa that was not a companion that was a vampire I'm going to bed well actually not true let's do Auto Select because you were yeah just do Auto Select wow this is so cool all right it's full rest time yo me and Vapor be having trouble pads finally little Bitties on the actual map for one yes I found the bed let's go bitty let's go there's a big moment for me right now yo Sean even said it level four it's gonna be it's gonna be lit all right I'm ready I'm ready I think you're not telling me you're in a conversation with who oh no one why what's going on come on come on Persuader come on okay okay okay I got your Persuader I got this i got this it's 18 again oh my God wait wait I might be able to Bone it oh dude her outfit right now is on point let's go you just need a good night's sleep to reset the risk I will never let anything go I will ship the Mistress of them I must slay you now so oh that's the okay the bittyriz baby you know that might be a deal breaker the whole worshiping Shaw thing I'm gonna be honest oh she's a shower Whisperer yeah that's tough um also Sean I don't know which I don't think I did the the bear heart Barbarian you guys can remind me because I honestly don't remember but I'm gonna keep everything that I have right now and my main goal today just to try to get to level four but thank you for the 20 my man basically yeah it's risen up a Satanist dog I didn't know you run like that hey well I think I mean it's okay we need a lot of trouble for a killing a fam or a kill in a village for a shovel I think we should talk about your thing right now hey your faith is your own concern I won't judge that's fine if you worship demon spawn then that's okay yeah um she took me in when no one else would without her like her voice sounds different right now am I tripping out I like your voice actors I think she's really good don't believe the lies the saloon nights tell don't believe the lies no I would I hate the lies that they tell actually okay I never would have guessed the girl named Shadow heart was a Satanist way to judge a book by its cover well I listen Pat I'll let you do you but I got my eye on this Shady when do we when do we meet her when do we meet the tall devil lady I can change her we can find her yeah whatever because I'm I'm trying to I'm trying to I'm trying to risk yeah do you want to go get it where did you guys go why am I here by myself I I left we left Camp all right I'm right here you just walked right past me how dare you no I know I was trying to find uh oh I'm not important enough okay that's cool no you're not uh he's he's more important thank you man so we got the wolf yeah don't worry it's okay yeah I'm excited to level off I'm excited to customize the character more or she could be a double yeah it's gonna be a w thank you Sean for the five just gonna come with Satanist too if that's what she wants then that's okay okay this this series is all full surprises Vinnie walks on on some Beast going at it and then now we have a favorite yeah that was something else this you satanists my biggest flops here Greatest Hits oh yeah it's it's complex it's not necessarily saying there's a lot of aspects to it you know true she said that she took her in when no one else would you know think about it you know apparently there's a druid companion later that Patrick rizz instead her name is uh I got Hira like that thank you guys for all the super chats Shady do you want me to bring you some chicken noodle soup later buddy uh my wife made me some fresh ones but I appreciate it Vinnie you are gonna go for store-bought when did I ever say store-bought I actually I was cooking in the crock pot all morning for shady but you know he's gone right he's good he's good he's chilling all right where are we going we can go over to where Vinnie activated the lamb last time and then tried not to do that well at least if I'm working I'm pretty sure all I did last time though was go there like I didn't even interact with the lamb why don't we talk to the goblins and try and free that gnome because he's on the windmill and that's kind of uncomfortable well that's what happened right yeah but there's no one over here this time oh they just spawned never mind render distance oh God [Music] little lad flat nose Wings some more zap those wings some more I'll feed you a worm and you hope you got a stomach for rights for right what are you're like three feet tall yeah dude what are you doing favorite just punches to fly yo Vapor's not taken there's also a giga Chad attack the Goblins let's run it [Music] I want to hear him out a little bit I want to hear him out it does look funny mind if I stay and watch he joins yeah is vapor like morally good oh words I don't know I can't murder someone oh yeah he's definitely more he's more he's his alignment is definitely like awful good okay okay maybe uh maybe not lawful good actually maybe uh neutral good maybe neutral I mean he's a Vampire killer so intimidation was your best role isn't it an alleged Vampire Killer Hey listen let's go smell alone we're leaving wow we gonna get out of here are we supposed to bring into well I said we're leaving there's plenty of sport and Rich Pickens this voice actor killed it yeah it was amazing let's make sure they're gone before we go over near that land thank you so much written for the 20. you're amazing thank you thank you I'm just Vinnie like I don't know what he did I literally I'm pretty sure okay first of all the lamb slaughtered I didn't do that I could I took the lamb meat all right one of you Heroes go save this guy yeah let's let's save The Gnome I guess I should we should right oh I just went inside I'm down I'm down beneath now two planets of the wooden hatch I did we're gonna see if there's anything else because I just I just take everyone's stuff for the latter we go oh I'm not proficient with medium armor but I found the Speedy light flight when the wearer dashes or takes a similar action during combat they gain three lightning charges nice oh that could be useful I mean so I can't wear it really so someone I just put it in my inventory somebody wants to grab it um I don't think I don't think any of us could use maybe Mama actually what's Vinnie like uh well videos Barbarian and they oh no they don't really wear Obama right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we like to be nude true all right I'm gonna I guess how do we get him down we gotta like break the thing to stop the windmill or no you can just stop the windmill like any any normal human would how does a normal human sorry sorry like any normal uh bipedal contract thank you individual I don't know how to well how do you how do you do that I'm I'm not following what you're saying I think I got it I think I did it you sped it up you sped it up oh we're good oh we stopped it yeah all right guys yeah but like okay he's right here we just gotta cut him down so he says cut me loose uh I can either say what's in it for me or I can just free him say what's in it for you you're a barbarian remember that he said free me and find out all right free him and if he doesn't do anything we kill him whoa whoa hey no no no I like this energy Dylan I like this energy why are you killing people I don't know maybe it's a Satanist at our camp she's not here right now foreign do we want to extort him yes for sure I feel like we shouldn't explore Ellen will put him back on the windmill if his and pay up I want 30 gold we'll speed it up yeah I'll put it back on and speed it up you thought the crazy guy with the voice like this was bad way to get a taste of paper that's how this works oh he just offered to be extorted I feel like he'll be rude not to now as expected coercion by the book yup yup take my take my Distortion procedure was its weight I'll travel lightly from now on yeah be smart dude travel lightly it is alive and well it seems deep gnomes aren't responsibility I lived in Boulders Savage looks like me you know I think he's in trouble I saw something on Twitter by the way that showed uh YouTube's working on a feature where you can watch multiple uh videos at once so when that comes out people can put up all three of our streams one window yeah you guys should do an actual play Campaign what's the difference between what we're doing in a play Campaign like a real one like an actual like in-person DMV I'd be down for that I always help my friends you just gave us an amulet one nice guy amulet coins if we should meet again well we will have met again I love this video the social awkwardness was real dude I love it all right we meet again that gave off big I don't see you then or I'll see you another time energy another time there's an animal carcass I I don't know where his pack is oh heavy backpack that might be it where'd you see that I found a smoke powder Satchel oh it's like a grenade and a baguette oh dude that's a w right there got a baguette huge you never go wrong with the nice little baguette I love the baguette right now nice all right here where should we go now okay where are you guys where'd you ping I'm like all the way west there's like drums coming from over here I'm down can I just click there and it can't get there no we have to find like a specific way I think oh there's a bridge over there's a bridge right here and the bridge we go you want to go let's go to the bridge yeah let's do it all right we have no rules that bird just squawked right in my ear pretty sure got some permanent hearing damage from that 2K and Sam up there screaming in my ear Dylan how do you spell how do you spell Froot Loops fruit and then l-o-o-p-s incorrect it's actually f-r-o-o-t a no it's not Mandela effect baby yeah it is Del effect baby he's Googling isn't that crazy yep it really is you just ruined my day Fruit Loops that crazy no way dude I can visualize the box with it out there right I hate this I'm selling Goblin camp Oh this is scary we're definitely about to fight to be here I'm just making fun of your character from being dumb I'm sorry all good all good strange oh I see the symbol again Flash I love this narrator okay oh my God a lot of options here I'm looking for someone uh standing oh Houston is the remember that they sent us to find the Druid that got kidnapped by the goblins Your Leader summoned me a glossy coat on that animal does she belong to a family read the Goblin's mind I feel like your best Advantage isn't it intimidation if you just say stand aside now oh oh no it's a 20. okay I can nail that I can nail that you boys ready yeah if not we can only get a fight we got this easy easy job wow I clicked a really fast yeah this guy's scared of me now dude yeah a dog yeah um okay apparently we're looking for yeah we should find Allison yeah if he ain't one of us and if he's here he's down in a pits down in the pits okay depends who you are we're celebrating a ride thanks for the room great Shadow Legends dries up rip the guts out of wacane's rest we did ends are good for gutting oh that's probably the town worth celebrating that is okay good meeting bye-bye we gotta get a bit of info there wow 140 xpg nice all right well we're allowed in now we have uh permission dude that 15 was claunch Dylan don't forget about the owl Bell entertainment I mean we tried like multiple times and can we go back I don't even know if we can try again I I want the owl bass so bad I do too like really really bad I love animals he's going Majin car don't get in kill kill the kai it was crazy that'd be overwhelming Authority that you've used authorities infinitely stronger infinitely clouds Escape redirection three figures before this is crazy an armored male elf exuding power and command with a pale young woman with even paler eyes what the hell their search for the weapon and you will be worthy to stand beside them in my presence the role positions fade and the voice Alters as a strange energy swells around you the many sided artifact and how you understand it's repelling the presence dice wait are we steal that from Shadow Hall I don't I think we should give it back yo my teeth are crazy right now yo you look really worried I know I'm freaking out dude the first time Cardinal's ever been scared that voice these Visions what just happened I want to examine the power of the artifact possesses shows no no something all right where'd you get that dude yeah why did you get that because that's not yours I just should maybe give it back I just got it it just says receive the artifact interesting I don't know I'll be watching you can I use that you might catch an arrow to the back of the head again dude this is probably a lot of can we take all this food for camp uh that's definitely stealing well I mean you can try but you might get caught what's up Riley welcome to the stream you can steal while hiding it literally told me that okay can I hide though dude there's literally hiding successful this guy's got a mustache just like me am I hidden right now or not no no right even though it said hidden successfully where's Dylan I can't see him do you know where he is I'm gonna cut scene yeah you're talking to bolo he's been caught by the goblins uh I'll say Bravo yeah I knew I wasn't but why why like if it said it's successful is this guy just a regular human yeah he's just a guy this is you on my thumbnail today yo she's jacked [Music] filing [Music] um [Music] oh so he's being captive by being held captive by the Goblins yeah of course he got caught it so if I hide over here then I walked into red chat like they'll see me right well you'll have like a role of each person that sees you wait wait what right here on the left oh my God wait where is it oh you're right cop I'm here please speak to it hold on uh let me activate speak with animals I think I'm already talking to the people oh you are yeah this ain't dragons all day NES or anything else we have to save him we have to so we have to kill all the goggles the mother died to die we have to do this oh my God yes oh my God down it a beak I will murder this whole village for this thing I'm right behind you dude is that our last chicken I'll go eddiego over this like okay we have to win the game bite your hand let's go rumbling rumbling rumbling beware legs mates you just gotta taste the chicken round the calls and through I'm just off my treadmill would have broke both of my legs oh no she quick alone time Runs Out yellows wait I have to I don't want to be the one the pressure all right okay we're gonna put some big money no no let's just do 30. Chad you seeing this and God this is you and not me where do I go uh I'm sure I'll tell you wait where'd the owl bag go over here I ran this way I want to talk to her oh okay this is where you play the game oh okay let's get out of there okay just get out okay okay [Music] um why is she going crazy yeah I chase it wait I made a conversation with the owl bear same oh he's got roll ten that's easy dubs let's go let's go success trembling give him a belly rub now Dylan you're such a good boy he looks mad rage blazes he doesn't like Dylan I do I should have done this because I could talk like yeah what should I do here um they're the exact same it's okay so it looks like what it's it's saying you can either play the game with the first one or you can fight to death but there's a lot of goblins here right like that's there's hard yeah there's a ton well we are fully healed yeah but what if they kill the what if they kill it in the fight yeah they could kill it pretty easily I imagine I think we should just we should get it to the goal post or we're gonna play the game option is no longer valid what oh they're mad they're mad at us now I have to do the other one oh boy good luck Dylan oh okay you got it you got it easy right I have inspiration I don't think so yeah I think we've used up all our room inspiration there is one all right second time to charm double down we we might be going on boys nope and dude oh boy named everyone right now yeah but weekly oh then a phrase no okay I just don't want him to attack uh because I want to take him home so what happens now like what did you even fail so we lost the game let's play again hold on can I oh can you play again immediately all right one more you just gotta keep betting 30 bucks this feels like animal abuse or it feels like human abuses all right I'll try come on Dylan spin that wheel and spin the wheel he's mad again you can follow your scent to your camp in the wilderness oh yeah you do that he's considerate come on buddy come on come on I have so many giblets I can give you one way or another one come on join us please afraid to be oh they're afraid to deal with the goblins so we have to get rid of the Goblins somehow before it will join us looks like um we can kill them that is one way I feel like we have to that's the only thing we can do it's either the Goblins or the owl bear you guys do anything else I think you literally have to murder them there's no other option what do we do we don't have to do that now do you want me to stab this girl on the barrels right now I'll initiate Dylan just give me the word they are level one well what are we feeling what is that Vapor uh Betty what are you all thinking uh I think we don't have to start right now but we can come and do that maybe when they're leveled up I don't feel like I don't know I feel like that he's gonna die I feel like they're gonna eat him they said they're gonna eat him they are definitely gonna eat him can I ask his opinion I'll go and ask him what his thoughts are he's over here come here buddy they're chasing him oh my God I want to kill him so bad stop we have to Patterson give me the word I'll do it I've literally locked and loaded on the leader right now well what did you do hey uh I was just trying to send them a signal what is this guy doing go to my conversation go to my first conversation all right I'll bite she said I said I'm taking him with me oh oh good yeah you do that do that yeah my persuasion is definitely the best you could just buy it 10. easy you were having a Vinny day at the casino today my friend yes oh yikes no I'm still going I'm willing to fight can I try that hold on what if someone else can try I'm being very patient for you guys right now but I'm losing it slowly just letting everybody know oh wait I'm doing it again no I'm serious I'm just letting you all know now okay okay did we um [Music] [Applause] all right can we bring the owl back to the campsite so it's safe I think he'll I think he'll automatically come back yeah he goes he's gonna go or you can run him also he's oh my God he's zooming are you disappeared yeah you know what we didn't even need any violence let's go thank you oh I love him why oh this is gonna be a fight hey hey hey hold on hold on he's saying we don't pass a constant career a streamer who's talking right now I'm in Pat's conversation samezies uh let's see I could do uh the detect thoughts detect thoughts uh sorry from wisdom should I just go for the wisdom well the detect thoughts uses your wisdom too it says plus three from wisdom but I'll yeah I'll do this one oh come on dog finally I win something he's risen up everyone the Bold goblins please that's right ahead are you call me true Soul what's that I can go right ahead one of them why do the Goblins have to be British what are they trying to say stuff that you're a goblin now what do you mean by that whoa you said that in kind of a way you know it sounded a little bit a little bit weird you know Gathering us all together big she has massive ears mad all rude are they not massive yeah they're kind of big oh this is a cool area type Priestess of the absolute or who wants to deal with this one [Music] anyone want to take it Vinnie you've got this all right here we go oh you're special she has seen better days hold on wait a minute I might just kill her for being busted bro Jesus oh my God oh my God um I'm not letting you burn me for life yeah you ain't well I'm here to spill your guts across the floor oh lovely uh I'm gonna I'm gonna go with the more barbaric response I'm gonna do this after all your mind a familiar sensation she too oh she has a parasite as well why am I always having these acid trips I'm telling you Shadow Hearts doings no this is not how dare you you stand before I'm sorry once again [Music] I'm gonna kill her I can't do this right now um Vinnie there's so many there's so many goblins in here we are boned all right don't worry I'm gonna be nice the absolutes will I couldn't fix it okay so she's actually a little fixer upper that made me think of like a little house that you buy to flip maybe she's not so bad she just said she's gonna help us I feel like I've been abnormally calm today I think it's just because I'm in a good mood I'm with my boys yeah you had a great trip you know and she's up here want a lot of money and shut your mouth shut it and clamp it do me a favor all right that's what she's like through here troll oh Vapor Vapor what are you doing whoa whoa whoa whoa guys come on you know no real reason to get my arm around okay um all right take it easy not my girl cry oh Christ this is your sister bro I'm not this is not croissant stop getting agitated oh oh we all need to leave okay well have fun we'll just leave no no I'm not doing I'm not doing this I'm not comfortable I'm not doing this yeah are you kidding me you leave me alone with this go ahead dude I I am literally I'm making something so clear I'm doing this for my boys this has nothing to do with my mind yeah yeah no no no I I understand oh my goodness [Music] all you need to do is open your you look so nervous bro I don't like this right now dude you guys shut the door yourself up it's his first time oh here's another acid trip blood rushes down stop it seal your mind against the intrusion allow her do I let her rummage through yeah a lot of rummage oh my God holding a wrinkling tadpole to your eye everyone can get some ribs no I will go back to camp and talk to Shadow heart right now Pat I swear hey that's not cool I will roll the dice damn it parts of your brain and get it out I've got everything I know oh Jesus fix you can't get a bit she's gonna fix you oh boy I hope she attacks me so I can just kill her you know the absolute don't like to touch nothing unclean see I'm dirty drink this bro why am I just agreeing to everything this random woman says I'm not drinking that blood posture sleep absolutely not I'm not drinking that well I mean you can't operate without you know oh oh oh you're kidding me oh no uh should we do boys should we okay we intervene they're gone please intervene oh they're gone no they're gone um he is in a prison cell okay we are subtle change yeah Dylan can you come unlock this door for us because I think we should go save video right now no now I'm just getting full blown aggressive you pay for this yeah I'm not messing around anymore this Christmasy lady yo when I get out of these chains I'm literally gonna decapitate you I hope you know this well I I unlock the door I got us okay I'm gonna leave this conversation out if I set you free rescue operation rescue many years ago no you're not stay away I don't even need you guys man this is a battle that I'm gonna do on my own we got your Cardinal right here oh yeah you can help if you want oh she just ran away oh okay bye-bye complete ask the Priestess for help I'm not doing it am I literally in a lose-lose situation like I have to ask her for help I mean we're right here can you let me in way more win more and more okay more time more time what time there is I'm still chained up oh God yeah that's true yeah we have to come and help you okay I'm gonna I'm gonna come and help you Benny oh hell yeah thank you Pat okay can I can I help you up right now oh I don't have enough movement um it's my turn I literally can't do anything uh I can have enough actions should I rage on this turn no probably not worth it okay I'll free you next time okay W thank you nice hit Vapor oh no she's back yeah let's go oh yeah oh what the hell was that okay we're gonna have to wake you up yeah I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to run away thank you Pat oh it's go time baby oh my I'm so dead I'm so dead I gotta just jump yeah you're in you're in trouble I I need to wake up I have to wait a ton I don't think I can do the thing right now I think what I want to do here yep yep all right don't worry I raged yeah she's scared of me dude oh God why is she coming closer not that scared that's fine didn't do too much damage all right good good oh you're oh she's okay wait wait wait wait I can wake up Vapor Wake Up not the time for sleeps okay I'm attacking that'd do anything oh nice bleeding on it got off balance I'm gonna push her I'm gonna push her be gone oh she's too heavy to push too heavy to push yeah yeah I'm gonna do are y'all able to resume or no I'm not gonna die oh Jesus oh my God the the lady is doing a lot of damage too can we focus Down The Bodyguard right now oh my God okay she missed thank God oh I cannot wait to get my yeah come come through come through oh Homer okay yeah I don't know how much longer I am until I die I'm setting my sights on Palmer I have it if I can get up but can I throw a police oh there you go with the clutch I don't even think I hit her yo can we get some Vapor dubs in the chat Vapor dubs okay guys can I go is it worth it double b double b oh balance nice nice big dubs oh no oh nice nice not nice wow oh God I'm about to die oh no yeah yeah okay I'm gonna can I hide or no let's see if I press shift I can see it yeah you should back up to get like further away I think first oh boy okay I can't get like a sneak attack yeah I get a sneak attack try and focus The Bodyguard no fight low I'm down nice nice Vinny's knocked do we have any more potions or no oh Vapor's doing something oh the director almost all right only five we're almost we're almost there get me up I'll finish the job I'm tanking oh God thank you I'm gonna I'm gonna go I'm gonna let's see hold on I'm gonna go for uh the lady yeah yeah do that do that oh I finished it nice patch oh no thank you Vapor Cardinals the goat no he stands up so in the very far back and just be back here yeah just stay away okay my turn's done ah and turn you electric you Baby good tank good tank good tank yeah oh it's working 16 nice let's go I'm gonna kill her right here yeah wow you want to lock me in a real you want to enter my mind player what's up with this giant one that's just standing here or is that a bug on my screen oh we can get keys and stuff oh yeah oh yeah she's just got a broken neck she's just standing there yep well that's that's how you get revenge the stat oh I'm gonna take this Shield I'm pretty sure I can use Shields oh I'm gonna take the I can't do shields I'm gonna take all of her stuff nice do we want to use a short rest or do we want to use potions I shall rest probably short rest yeah what does this do absolute Mercy if the wearer Bears the absolute brand they have an advantage on on death saving throws should this work on any of us or boys if I if I rush to the bathroom really quick can we just chill and talk Chad till I return yeah it'll be quick all right BRB yo thank you such all the boxes thank you thank you thank you you could get the mustache David you could do it in boxes all right what's in here oh we got acidaros wait wait oh there's a scroll a swazer acid arrows I'll take those no it was a scroll it was like a magic thing oh dang okay it's like some arrows for me would be really nice or some poison use poison take the mind take the specimen did y'all do that or did I need to do that wait did you have a mind flare specimen I think they said I think Chad said Vinnie took it I took it I just took everything as you do you just take everything because then I sell it later I'm a looter through I'm gonna steal from this because no one's here I mean I could clearly steal a good thing we went into the old prison good thing Vinnie got abducted I would have true yeah I think it's good I do too I agree Big W ow what did you perceive bitty oh I'm I'm there's a there's like a whole oh there's a hole there's a rocky crevice am I small enough to go in there there's a hole there's a hole I can fit through I'm tiny where am I don't know where you went I'm in a room full of barrels and it looks very dangerous I'm not too buff I can go no I'm too buff oh it's back it's back where we were before okay I'm gonna come back through I think I'm looking over here there's a there's a lot of um these do these things spin oh you down oh you're down the bottom investigation failed I guess I'm done it's like you looks like you found a puzzle oh definitely a puzzle something to do with like the black squares being on the same or something like that the black circles I mean I know shapes oh wait wait wait if I go back through the crevice there was something to look like that one second don't mind me just uh crawling through the crevice again I shouldn't have known that one yet I have no idea what I'm doing Chad I'm gonna wait for Pat but I'm just putting them all the black circles on one there was yeah there's like um there's like half moons and there's a I'll just send you I'll just send you actually can you can you click on me so you can see what I'm seeing no I can't you know you should be like double click on my portrait and I have returned hello oh wait I can I can I can yeah do you do you see like the the thing on the wall this oh yeah yeah yeah uh let me take a screenshot so I can just stare at it all right where are you boys I actually did not discover this on my other playthrough this is new to me oh I didn't mean it can I go back to me I want to go back to me there's Carnage everywhere also you uh yeah Elwyn and Vapor just leveled up but we didn't we didn't meaning me and you Pat yeah oh yeah I guess it's got to be like this way yeah did you get the screenshot yeah I mean did I not just do exactly what that thing did can you come over to me uh uh not not yet no I don't think Arthur's asking if you guys could explain attacks I think I did it oh yeah you did it you just you just yeah sorry one second you you just uh you sold the puzzle congratulations looking at your screenshot yeah so uh opportunity everyone I have no idea where you guys are I'm just gonna watch this cutscene I love how I was like I'm going to the bathroom can you guys wait for me you guys completely just left me in that room we're just looking around the room and then yeah don't worry about it the other one is going somewhere I leveled up I'm in oh no ice do you all want to level should we all level up right now I'm in like this big cavern can y'all come to me level up our bearings I'm gonna wait for y'all I don't wanna I don't want to mess this up okay do you want do you want to just do a level UPS fast though yeah yeah let's level up oh I get to pick a number it's good for you which one should I pick Pat um I have so many things pending oh oh yeah this I I think I mean it's all up to you you can do whatever you want I think great I think it's called great weapon Master is really good for barbarians yeah I know this is epic you want a critical hitter Target melee weapon attack this is so overwhelming your range height do not perceive penalties from High Ground rules kind of Archer thing is what I would do would be the best I don't know also Arthur thank you so much for the five oh but yeah Pat what is an opportunity attack opportunity attack is this when you're standing next to someone and you go to move away from them they have a lot of melee users have an opportunity to just hate you when you're going to move away from them so should you just not move then you can kind of tell because on the floor there'll be a red kind of Sword pointing towards you if you're going to move away it'll show you that you're about to be opportunity attacked yeah all right cool oh I found vapor oh did you already do level up oh yeah what should I do for mine I did the master weapon mastery yeah the great weapon mastery wait is Shady not even here because Shady Oh no you're right I'm here I'm just leveling up how are you uh I don't know why I should get here actually I feel like oh a sharpshooter for me is good you do fire off those long range attacks you gain advantage on perception checks made uh detect hidden object or and saving throws made to avoid or resist traps ability score 41 HP damn nintendell ability I don't see ability I see ability Improvement not cuter yeah a sharp shooter I've mainly been playing it range so like should I do go for the sharp shooter your range weapons do not receive penalties from High Ground rules range weapons with attacks you are proficient with have a minus five penalty to their attack roll but dealing additional 10 damage I don't know can I change this later or once I decide I decide you can change it I think right yeah you can respect okay okay I'll just do this one then he is now level four I'm waiting for y'all to come to me I'm gonna take a quick pee Oh I need I need to staff does anyone have a staff I can have oh I have one maybe I think I actually might have one of my inventory I'm gonna look in your inventory I need I need a stop or a club how do you use the inventory again it's a tab yeah tab I'm taking the staff from from Alien mine now I have a glaive and a dagger I have so much stuff it's crazy I can do more damage now cool all right I understand the opportunity attack but what I'm not understanding is like should you just not move if they have an opportunity attack or is there a way to like combat that I mean it's usually like not a good idea you can use disengage which I don't know if you have but there's an ability called disengage where if you use it then you won't be opportunity attacked gotcha yeah I have it I don't I don't think that you have it as a barbarian though I'm not sure Oman said I can do it so I'm gonna I'm gonna give it a try next next battle yeah I'll send you a screenshot of what it looks like actually that is if you have that that's what it looks like okay bet all right boy should we should we go into the deep or should we hang around the camp a little bit more what do you think we just unlocked I say we go into the deep but yes I do have that Pat awesome going too deep and I'm trying my hair [Music] right behind you going into the chasm down the ladder that's long and we don't know who's down here we don't we don't know who's down here cutscene we are oh that's locked these the pits sorry I'll use the pits uh these these are not the pits oh this is who the hell is this guy Raphael this is uh this is a very very big area Redemption hi Brenna hello hi Brenna branna I wonder if you can know so your journey is she's so small look at her yeah probably precious so cute [Music] no the mouse I can't focus on Raphael Brenna's too cute then down came oh yeah the down came the claw okay what's that oh I just got a red or am I tripping out Vinnie is chatting to someone right now I'm in the cutsy nail I don't like his Vibe Raphael you don't like him I don't trust him much why is he why is he just hanging out down here what's he doing looks like like us wow looks like a beast don't be condescending to him knock him out Vinnie I'm definitely doing it I've I've been constrained this entire stream it's time to let loose when was the last time we saved by the way we should say like a lot oh there we go hit the auto save real quick come oink us oh all the time oh banquet yes it's awesome somewhere hmm oh the music yeah I don't trust us no need for that crew oh you think he's a vampire as you can see vapor get ready yes Vapor oh wait wait wait we need to we need to ask the expert vapor in your in your expert opinion he's definitely a vampire look at the freaking picture vampire he doesn't he doesn't smell a vampire guys really smell a vampire I mean he could have a magical item but he's not smelling like a vampire to me no I know he's an issue I've threatened to attack him three times and he keeps going come now there's no need for force hmm oh my god oh oh he's not always what he is big demon boy okay well he's not a vampire but he I knew I didn't smell vampire you don't know yeah I know vapor is right he's not a vampire definitely do you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but a savior that's oh this guy thinks he's all high and mighty over here it's time boys my haunt you are nervous yo he's so condescending I mean if I was a literal demon I probably would be a bit condescending as well you're predicted one skull two tenants and no Solutions oh there's a solution it involves your head getting chopped off like I don't know if we should trust the devil hmm and what is madness but a denial of reality oh my God shut up and fight already I have a feeling change your mind before it's changed for you try to cure yourself shop around beg borrow and steal exhaust every possibility until none are left I think I think bitty should be the test this time that's true I just think that we should judge a book by its demon horned cover okay I'll rip out your mind yes the I feel like the game does not want us to battle him how many times do I have to engage in combat he seems like a very strong guy that we maybe would lose I think we can win thundering skin someone in my chi goes lightning doesn't strike twice sometimes does one might say you're a paragon of luck oh my God this guy I'll be there when it runs out so you're here right now draw your weapon I think we should have accepted it I'm just gonna say it I know that's controversial I agree I'm a good idea oh what are you doing I don't I don't know I just I broke a barrel you're just so angry you're like I hate this I had to break I had to break something dude I was ready to fight all right what is this open the wall oh white boy where where the the gate oh it's getting attacked oh it's getting blasted dude if we were if we were to like hit it we've gotten massive experience maybe that would have been that would have been a good idea how'd you kill it so fast like a defense thing mechanism that's kind of showing us that if we go out that side of that gate we're probably getting Zapped yeah that's I think that's a we gotta find a way to turn it off I guess well I feel like if we do that then more minutes we're gonna come in maybe we should be concerned about the minotaurs coming out do you think the minotaurs are friendly I don't know we I mean I don't know either yo this world is crazy looking I love this okay there's some clothes down here maybe maybe there's a book we can read that'll help us figure out what's going on here or something oh there's like an open window climb through oh yeah you can just like oh we can just leave hey guys let's find a lever eleva wait where perfect yeah wait hold on wait wait I wouldn't I wouldn't that Minnesota just got blasted will we not also get blasted well the gate's down now so we should be fine um okay all right and uh Jesus Christ I'm almost dead don't worry yo you want to run Crimson oh Cardinal I messed his name up thanks shady I called him Crips and I was so stressed crimson that's what I'm saying we have to disable this if we even try oh no no guys again with the gates man dude the lever stuck it won't it won't work anymore don't say that shady yeah I'm like literally clicking on it and it won't go Daddy Let Me In like can I walk through this right now what the hell is going on I'm literally you can literally hear my mouse and I'm like I'm literally clicking on it are you kidding me I'm just stuck here now okay so we're gonna get attacked by minotaurs then probably we no Vinnie oh thank God I figured it out w oh God okay anyone got a potion no oh yeah little ones if I could snag one that'd be beautiful oh it's like a Target thank you Shady there's gotta be a way to turn this thing wait there's a ladder right here what's the letter oh it doesn't go anywhere it just literally just goes up I think I'm gonna go up it just just to see just to take what's in this room there's probably something in this room oh this is the Waypoint room I have the great sword oh there's some log books in here oh it goes up here oh there is it does go somewhere there's a skeleton you have lights reading wait I found a a key I found a key okay oh it's selling my key oh look yeah there's some locked doors like at the top yeah what the hell are you wearing a night's mask I'm wearing helmet for safety oh dude just to keep myself protected no where's the okay I see the light door I see a lot more they're pushing they're pushing they're downed they're downed Minotaur coming in coming in wait wait Dylan where are you I genuinely don't know where'd you go I think he wasn't here just kidding no I don't know where I went where did I go oh you're just at the gate I was gonna say come back to the it won't let me where we came from bud I genuinely can't move no no no no no disengage disengage disengage damn it man okay there we go it just it just like broke for a bit can I help yourself he wants to strike everything this guy crazy okay final okay there you go that was a fix that yes I helped I I helped it doesn't seem like there's much else for us to do down here right now well I'm gonna try to unlock this and just yeah well no there's yeah I was gonna say there's luck there's luck dolls up here that you can open probably with that key oh check it out yep yeah and then there's uh this chest Cardinal son of sun also known as Crimson the barrel contract you want to open that yeah you're gonna crack open 15 should be pretty easy oh we just failed some perception hold on wait Viper come over here level 20. nice critical good success noise oh he failed as well it's another me um a helmet medium helmet if anybody wants it if not we can just sell it there's another it's like a it's like a hidden door this looks like a hidden door can't get in hmm what are this well we could probably try and turn the turrets off yeah I just don't see any way how there's gotta be a way though gotta be this place right it's getting powered yeah can you do any magic on it Shady come on the light's going to like can we like redirect the light oh wait Dylan can you shoot the Moonstone at the top of it I can't reach it with my sword attacks it it says 100 but disadvantage but yeah yeah just just go for it oh wait I'm not I'm not near it never mind that's why if someone can blow up that Moonstone we should be we should be chilling yeah yeah perfect good idea let's go dude nice idea Vinny that's awesome I did walk though hold on who wants to be the test dummy uh I have the most health I can go I'm 99 sure it's fine I'll I'll go I'll I'll do this okay all right okay you can literally just bear up just bear up boys if I die it's vapor nose Vapor said I'm really going out there dude I mean I was gonna be like the cool hero but that's fine too okay sorry I thought we just knew it was fine no well that's it we didn't know well we're safe now boys oh what a lovely skeleton bone taking a gander there's so much stuff around here this world is kind of insane whoa what is this another chance wait what'd you find oh uh patters can you go in this little crack over here this crevice you know I can let's go oh I'm wait I'm back in the oh I'm back in The Outpost you can sneak out there's there's a little crevice you can sneak out with him ah well you can yeah only I can sorry my bad whoa whoa what's happening fungal spores oh I love fungals oh I found a sword oh oh Vapor start a conversation that's a nice looking sword it is really nice strength right now I don't think I get this boys I'll try I wrote a three so wait it's a strength check but okay it's a strength in religion so oh my God I'm gonna let Vinnie do it I got this boy stand back yeah wait why can't I use it all right you're up you're up I I already I'm glad there we go all right let's go baby let's go let's go Cardinal it's a nice looking sword it's gorgeous yeah uh this isn't gonna set off like any booby traps it's the Z side I give you guidance there you go thank you sir here we go I didn't give you anything come on baby I think you'll have an inspiration I think you have an inspiration I hope so it's not really one other yeah let's go again all right come on come on we can do this come on Cardinal we want to go come on Gohan go Super Saiyan pull up that sword baby come on slay Marshall boo yeah oh beautiful easy so do I get to use this sword now we're gonna find out as long oh my God people for the blade yank EES you're always getting Excalibur oh my God bro this is crazy dude is that two-handed I think it is oh hell yeah wait yeah look at the sword eye to view yeah where is it oh it's in your inventory it is oh it's a long story oh it's not a two-handed there's like I think I'm proficient with this yeah wait I think I actually am really proficient with this because I have a long I wait right am I looking at the right thing the great sword yeah you scroll a bit on the bottom you're inventory I will put it back I'm just trying to make sure hold on what the hell Dylan I pulled it out I have a lot of bonuses with it I have a lot of bonuses with it but I don't have to use it it does 5 to 14 damage all L's are proficient uh with long swords yeah Dylan my Chad saying I'm the is anyone else proficient with it it'll if any above like the second or last line will tell you if you're proficient or not it'll say not proficient proficiency with this weapon unlocks yeah but then keep going down is there a yellow exclamation mark that says not proficient no then you are proficient with it you can equip that the only thing is you have to get rid of your two-handed weapon how do I how do I oh I equip okay yeah dude okay uh the only issue with this okay that though I I can't rock his Great ACT could anyone else use his ax oh okay all right I'll stick with my daggers in oh wait no no versatile you can wheel do it both hands so it kind of functions like a one-handed or a two-handed sword that's kind of interesting that's so cool that's really cool where's my dagger I think that's good for you Benny actually all right W I like it congratulations you just pulled off Excalibur now inventory see if it's better than your other one was that that one you spent all your inspiration on yeah wait what just happened with this dagger I put a dagger in your inventory see if it's any better than your other one okay Chad is saying that my ax is better but I I kind of really like the new shiny toy um I think it's better because if you look at the damage rolls it goes from five to fourteen yeah it was the exact same I think is it for a cardinal though because it'll be different based on what your character skills are wait we'll put put the great X back on oh God oh God oh God okay we're gonna fight we'll do this later minotaurs okay wait you walked into minutes oh boy why can't I put this dagger back on where are y'all oh boy okay I can't put my dagger on now um oh my God these guys you can put it in your golf hands I'm trying it won't let me God I'm scared because I'm using a long sword maybe maybe you need to use a short sword and a dagger at the same time that's why is there any way I can throw something I can't throw anything right now crap oh oh wait maybe I've got to go around here can I go right here and shoot an arrow too heavy to throw I throw something else about this yeah so we love that all right and the turn here oh God he's dashing he's dashing he's dashing we're bound we're bones oh this is terrifying [Music] um yeah that's not that's not so good don't worry we can do this no one's doing something right now let them cook ing there's no way I hit this shot guys I'm sorry you can do it because you're below and you're you're on the low ground nice wow nice shot dude what do I do I I wait I unlocked a new a new transformation what I can be this thing now oh that's not cool what are you I think it's pretty cool what do you mean what did you just become the rock a ram a RAB I can't see you right now hold on it's uh it's burning spare time oh that's so cool nice oh my God a Minotaur oh my god oh not the Reckless Roar always coming for me he's coming for oh Jesus Christ okay all right what do I want to do here go to your passive tab where's my passive tab bottom of the screen okay pass it all right please don't miss me did I get him oh God oh okay when that's on I have a higher chance to miss but I do plus 10 damage okay oh oh I missed snow oh God oh God boys I'm scared I'm scared yeah you're probably dead I'm scared oh my God that took so much damage wow no migration my flaming spear oh my God they're big boys damn it I hit him I hit him your new sword's doing some good oh this new sword is pretty op okay uh can I can't they call me Gohan they call me Gohan and I saved it an old Kai is gonna pop out and give me mystical Powers once I break there's no way I can't even get to y'all can you dash it used to be on The High Ground if anything cunning action I don't have enough movement I can't I can't if any Dad no he's on one okay he's hanging on him one anyone cause a potion um right now I'm a cult right now all right they're both decently weak it's just I don't know how we do this uh yeah I can't attack anymore yeah we could only hand to one we're caught on handle two can I jump away will that attack me yeah I think if it was one uh it probably will yeah yeah nope dead damn it man uh oh I'm going down soon Dylan can you dash over whoa whoa whoa no go back images through here oh boy [Music] let's go Betty do something crazy it's time to hit him with a big stick yeah yeah 11. that's not terrible oh no oh bye-bye oh my God we just die yeah we're done there's no way yeah he just jumped on me so wait can I shove this guy can you imagine Dylan that's cool dude though I didn't want to do that anyway yeah oh hey at least we know these guys are you know crazy devil centaurs with flames around them now Oh no just mean I don't still have my sword and I miss suck my balls I'm sorry yeah but that was just the rough one that is that's tragic damn you're just kicking me off it's the fight we're actually the same level as though as well that is really powerful yeah they're strong dude these Super Saiyan power-ups that they're doing are crazy you can do this you can still save us I hope you're dead too never mind I'm the only one nice nice that would have been great if I hit the last time because then I'd actually had a chance with this I actually think I could have won if I did that last time if I didn't miss or I could have killed one of them at least oh oh dear the only way is if he misses and he doesn't there we go over there it is so the question is when did it save do I even have Vinnie's sword now we might not have a sword we do not have a sword oh we gotta go back for the sword dude the sword we retreat I mean we could definitely we could definitely beat them if I wasn't dead frame one and then on the floor you know yeah we must stick together lads okay perfect we're right here so we'll go get the sword oh we won't do that yet have I even got the key yet I don't think I've got anything yeah yeah wait no we're here if anyone if anyone wants to take them from me if you can give me a polishing pad that'd be that'd be W give me one second because I don't think we've got the key anything we needed we need to make sure we got the key yeah I gave you I gave you potions thank you I also have a closer I'm pushing them great to Healing nice say that for combat yeah absolutely yeah no let's see I never got this okay so we need to go I need to go back now give me one second I wish we could bait them up here so we could have high ground and I could just well on them with an Archer you know that'd be great did we break the light on I mean my assumption is that they will eventually come because they're they were walking down that bridge to us okay let me let me pick this real quick I really hope I can get my sword imagine I just fail every time now nah you're big and strong Vinnie you can I'm a big strong boy oh my god dude are you kidding me I rolled a 20 last time thank you Oman you have to be careful with the great weapon Mastery it'll give you negative five a tier attack roll causing you to miss some more but do more damage if you really need to hit you can go to your passes and toggle it off good too no my boy thank you all right now I'm coming to y'all I do like the extra power though it's w okay the sword was over here oh you're already down there Dylan I'm I'm headed there now me too yeah let's go let's go get Vinnie sword back yeah the sword leave yeah I just didn't want to I mean we get inspiration quite a lot and I just didn't want to waste another lock pick since I only have five I think maybe we need to position a little bit better like spread out more so the minotaurs can't charge through all of us as well Chad was telling me we have to stick together you want to spread out there we go all right let's do this yeah smokes a minus five penalty I think is when you roll it will take five off your roll feels like you're worrying but it's okay but like cool I'm so confused so it doesn't matter when I'm attacking everyone's saying yes so if you rolled a 20 on your attack it would go down to a 15. um so you have less chance of Landing attacks but when you do land the attack the ability makes it do more damage if that makes sense it's when you attack so it's like having hustle you have hustle oh that's okay explain it in Pokemon terms let's go let's try to kill all this I'm gonna skip this skin because we just saw it sorry guys I think we can yeah absolutely okay okay actually it might yo Dylan if you want to level that way and like sneak around the side and we we could like approach from the front way and we could get hit them on like two sides maybe it's equipped okay where at where do you want me to Ping it ping it where do you want me to go it's so like on the on the left side if you can like sneak around yeah try and like sneak as far as you can get see if you can see where the minotaurs are they're right up here they're climbing up this uh mushroom stock let's knock em dead this one I'm coming boys I'm hiding I'm trying to see them where are they yeah let's let's try and sneak as far as we can right here I can see it yeah we saved now before we battle them oh boy here we go actually you know what I'm gonna hold on don't don't attack Oh no I got caught I haven't been yet I can go foreign dude oh wait that's a long distance wait wait wait don't don't reveal yourself let yet let the Minotaur come towards us and then you can come around the back should I attack or wait wait wait wait wait wait wait for him to like come such a clear shot but I'll wait I I I mean what should we do uh we're in the fight yo he his little his little ghiblings oh God oh God oh okay okay oh my god oh boy he leaves my days Jesus I'm waiting for the other one I'm still waiting okay if there's only one of them and you can't see the other one no I see the other one he's over here fight yeah he is in the fight yeah he's in the fight okay well yeah we'll just focus on this guy right now I guess I'll come behind them as best as I can come on hit him oh I missed oh no it's this time oh God we're both missing Pat oh boy I had an 88 chance that's crazy oh God okay okay he's coming coming in hot okay so you want me to come behind this guy because I think he'll come towards us I didn't I I got out of hiding on accident I did not mean to click that hey boy I think I'm still good I think I could still hide but it's just it's gonna waste a turn now that's okay yeah maybe don't attack because if he talks you still can't see me I'm still waiting okay that's good that's good all right Vapor's about to cook Vapor's about to cook um oh okay he's in a cloud of oh that goes okay three different one like we can handle this one hopefully boy okay right boys we can do it we can do it nice good hit that's getting damaged dude okay bro why am I missing every attack is it the sword uh I'm not even sure what it said there so I'll just do this little strike 64. there we go yeah that's crazy mine all right Dylan let's go let's go Dylan we flagged him he's ready he's ready 16. nice all right should we should we focus the lower one right now just get him out of the fight am I not yes yes I keep on accidentally pressing hide every time I'm trying to do that oh God oh opportunity attack nice nice I I tripped okay my papers down no don't worry hey 44 help left yes oh no no no I was gonna say when you should already attacked the law yeah I think I still can't hold on oh wait no just kidding uh what action Burger can anybody throw a potion for for Vapor to get up uh I don't have one yeah bro okay throw a this okay I think I'm done here it's a 60 chance it's gonna actually like it'll it'll always work it'll always work okay I think there we go nice too okay I can't move because I'll get an opportunity attack so I just need that how are you got us boys we got this boys let's go these enemies are crazy yeah they're low though they're low they're so cool looking nice attack nice wait wait another one oh nice let's go yeah that was crazy there was opportunities are crazy Chad I'm still hidden if I go here right yeah yeah as long as you're not like in their site voice noise okay there's 136 and one of boys they're both kind of low nice all right let's go I'm just like I'm just taking a nap in a pool of blood yeah little guy 27 and 36. we're so close they hate me they hate me because they hate me okay we can definitely win this though you want to beat him up go and get him Vinnie get him I got this get him bitty yeah we'll take it damage is damage he's poisoned now he might die we're so close bitty should you transform me oh God I'm still alive you can kill one of them right now oh my God it's scary what levels okay I'm gonna so it's just me and Dylan right now right yeah get him Dylan had a boy and then I okay I don't have a bonus action it's the only thing I thought I did all right you started your turn with hide yeah oh God he's gonna kill me right here oh no he's going for Dylan I should kill the one right behind me correct yeah the one that's on like no help kill the one with six HP yeah six uh this one okay got you boys all right oh I have a hammer great weapon Master bonus attack I'm doing that bonus attack I'm doing it I'm doing it okay that was sick let's go to turn base mode turn base mode a Vinnie go for I got Pat you go go get Shady uh okay where is Shady he's over here um okay one second sorry Shady I'm just trying to hold on what are these controls right now dude all right I don't have an action when you're in when you're in turn based mode there's no way to move the oh that's how you move the camera okay look at me just looking at it with my hands on my hips like yep oh yes this is a dead Dragon Ball you need to enter this uh intern okay looks like you need some help there bud that was so epic dude I've never seen that hammer before that was so cool you should get it okay they had uh we got a lot of gold from that dude uh has 260 I mean we can all just power gold in the one so we have now 610. it's not bad maybe come back to the underdog because this is I was gonna say this is a little bit intense I'm feeling good morale after that W but I don't know man we could like go back to the surface hang out for a bit yeah okay so why don't we go why don't we find uh your father oh my dad I forgot your literally father that's my dad we need to find my dad all right let's go find my dad guys excuse me you're welcome so when I kill enemies I get an opportunity to attack again with the hammer it's very cool no it's just a bonus action that you get I think it's like maybe like once every time I was saying yeah I was saying that's a bonus action once I kill somebody or get a crit oh is it once you kill someone either we're gonna create yeah oh get a credit that's pretty good thank you David I appreciate it man that was crazy now the question is we we did just like recently kill like the goblin woman so I wonder if when we walk out here if we're gonna be enemies of everyone well they didn't see it happen yeah we don't know that's so true we did it very sneakily that is true look on the side of the stairs there is so much blood though I hope no one came in here yeah but I don't know we did it like they they might find a body but don't colored Goblin woman stop don't acknowledge these scallions I was never I was never even remotely entertaining that oh God you did this to Vinnie's wife I want people I want the devil lady that was young Shady's Last Chance dungeon and everything 40 camp supplies on this woman we've been looter oh my gosh wait wait is that I just got I picked the 40 camp supplies yeah let's hop a long rest not bad oh we go we go to the wild blue yonder my palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy arms are heavy um or it's not injured I don't know if we can fight anything right now can we do another uh restaurant Ellen's kind of vibing I'm gonna be honest well then you're fine that's great you're not gonna die okay I mean do you have do you have any cure wounds uh for yourself patters you could do a battle right now uh yes I have an absolute talisman's Aid and I can call yourself hit me please what is this any healers because we get we could also like buy a bunch of potions we have a lot of gold now like I want healing let me get your healing all right so where are the pits where we gotta find the pits I fell into the pier where are they at I don't really where are y'all let me touch you touch me oh wait yay Liam's getting tortured over here what who is yeah yeah can I watch sure oh oh my God apparently I have a cool necklace in my inventory how do I put it on thank you so much um necklace necklace yeah there's some big torture going on right now where is the necklace she's really screaming Lawrence thank you so much where is the rare necklace I got an onyx ring my blind chat necklace hot lid Fork spoon other armor the blue one this The Amulet of the Lost voices oh my gosh oh that's a tough one I mean you get a five to eight bonus but that's that's Todd let's try it I'm doing it go on big 20. big 20. oh that's uh he's pretty far off there pretty far inspiration come on come on come on no we don't we used it oh God now we got a fight huh no we don't have to fight who's screaming right now you can use your typings Maybe [Music] oh wait you're gonna help hey I think we should let go he seems like a good guy no I don't think we should beat him up that's oh Shady let's go no well maybe you think about his family and who his maybe he has a cat named Leo foreign [Music] okay wait wait there's only two oh my no there's more coming your way where even are you guys right now if we do this nice and sleeky like then we will be fine I am so bad at reading this I'm trying to not attract attention hold on hold on if I I'm just I'm just casually walking don't don't mind me commence the battle I wonder [Music] I did not mean to shove you I'm so sorry that's toxic I already killed one so I don't know why you're blaming me I did not mean to do that I apologize Savage Dylan time I missed him guys did you know that Pat was called in school The Ginger Ninja that's not well yeah no that was true he showed up to school one day for the talent show and was doing uh some ninja skills and that's how he got his nickname I killed that guy was also called I was also called Genghis you know it's really funny actually you think about it all right uh I'm gonna hit the Wardrobe wait what don't why would you oh my gosh you're having a good time here mate gosh my dice are like my sinuses sprinkle with the sets of lock picks wait I'm good at lock picking shouldn't I be up here oh my god did you just break the locks you sucked dude he's so jazz is he just stuck there wait shouldn't he let me pick it I'm gonna try again I mean listen Dylan you're over there picking your nose and blowing mine I'm getting a critical failure no this is insane oh my God you are really fumbling right now that's crazy and you just keep trying you can literally start dying yeah I wish they couldn't I wish what I wish the game did was like increase the difficulty class over and over again yeah until it was like above what you could actually do yeah oh my gosh maybe we might be here for like three hours though that would be hilarious yeah I'm just gonna tell I'm not gonna leave a mirror and I'm gonna kill him no I'll do it if you want me to no no don't kill him no we're not killing them we're not killing them yeah there it is he let patters go that's not it's not me it's not dude that's literally you I think this guy's gonna go date Shadow heart no that's crazy yeah he's gonna rise up Shadow heart watch it happen I'll kill all out in our camp we should battle him for our camp look at them chest muscles that is patters bro yeah bro he's a Chad thank you why does he look like he's about to open field tackles he's a linebacker bro he's getting ready to go in the Hot Pursuit dude he needs to work on his arms though his his upper body looks great but his arms are pretty skinny first no balls I lost sight of him he's a bear he went into bitty bear mode bear where's the bear Bear Care Bear to the east ER they wanted to know wait they want to call Madrid no no no no absolutely not killed him as a Kill should we go back to the Grove ASAP then well they haven't released we used to rescue Houston well I hit 10 000 steps so I'm gonna stop walking W nice congratulations thank you thank you now I know I can play this game while walking that's sick goblins could be racist dude that was really toxic honestly I thought we kill Pat now that's not me I literally am confident that I could kill him with one sword swipe I think you could it was locked away years ago somewhere underneath the Shady penguin the place was supposed to be abandoned but when we arrived I like to imagine you just randomly sing my name even when you're alone [Music] it can't happen even even when we're like in Vegas it can't happen oh yeah no shot goblins no chance no chance tip eat them I have to go no this guy's tripping out man Well Ron Weasley took some crazy drugs he's not allowed to come to our camp I'm gonna let him go I want to kill him all right hold on what's wrong with you dude you talked way too long dude stand down or I'm putting an arrow into your back no one if we went hand to hand I would end you you know that bro you couldn't even catch me brother I don't need to catch it don't do it Dylan put that arrow down put that arrow down Dylan don't play these dangerous games with me Dylan that's on my side right now okay he's a cat all right we have to we have to redraw our weapons all right okay for the cat all right okay agreed when the hell could you learn how to become a cat there you go that felt very Captain America Civil War uh that Goblin is very concerned about my body okay this guy's just knocked out who's the cat don't worry about me well you know there's a rising it's clear not everything you find at your disposal I want to save this guy who likes who likes pain oh he's probably one of those Shaw people yeah no he serves someone else oh really yes the goddess of pain quick question I thought that was sure if one were to kill a goblin in here right now would it be all-out War yes probably would they see it if I'm in a different room because I want to save this human wait there's another human yeah the court gestures in a cage and I I can't let him out unless I stab this woman maybe we should just leave them I might be able to pickpocket all right I'll let you pick pocket but if that doesn't work I'm stabbing her maybe I'll literally finish that question where you have any um I am inside of the little door here and uh it's a room with a bunch of cages I'm trying to find yeah this is not Vapor stick I'm not gonna lie you better hurry here because I got a 70 hit chance you don't want to get involved are you are you in here yes yeah okay okay let me let me let me let this guy pass me that weapon's drawing you just give me the okay yeah I know there's a lot of can you distract him where's he at oh it's the lady yeah where are you are you in the right room I I don't think it's gonna work but I'm gonna try are you why is this guy in the goblin not even in the right room okay here you go perfect yeah it worked oh this is like this massacre okay would you steal Dylan I was trying to pickpock get the key for you okay [Music] yeah it didn't work all right squirrel let's attack okay oh God okay I'm gonna close the door okay this shouldn't be much of a fight to be honest I'm sorry uh I just closed on paper dude like literally A Child's Play Come On wow all right okay uh what's going on in there guys I do find it funny that we're just murdering goblins whenever we get the chance behind closed doors gotta save the humans all right you gotta get you gotta do sweet potatoes on the ground um there's everywhere that's a bit of metal between allies he'll do me one better please curl your mustache like that I will much smaller I saw someone in uh Florida this weekend that had a curly mustache and I walked by him at the bar and I was like dude sick mustache come on thanks man we could have a Jester at Camp to entertain us I am worried that he'll he will try to RIS up Shadow heart because guys with the funnies get the honeys no is this an actual companion is he a Bard I think so cooler of associate stories and curios smashing this guy from Pokemon Legends Arceus I think so yeah cue the Jupiter Village Theme all right oh there's some goblins down here wow they did not hear the slaughtering weapon clangs when we leave just close the door so they can't notice that we did any other companions to save yeah we need to find my dad oh God oh God there's someone's fighting me where the heck are the pits dude wait who's fighting you oh what happened wait Shady why were you able to walk down there but I couldn't it might be from the murder you guys just did that probably what did it yeah she said you're pushing your luck and then she attacked oh boy okay there's a lot of enemies down here but they should be easy to kill a lot of guys I'm hidden so oh no we can do this we can definitely do this don't walk in don't walk in my spikes please nice very cool I don't see them oh hell yeah they're they're on the ground oh my God there's so many enemies oh yes [Music] I think I can knock them I think I can get him I don't know barely Steve the hex wisdom damn blessing as well that's crazy close enough yes it is oh we are yeah we're not healed don't worry we got this no they always Target me and I didn't I didn't even kill the Goblin in the room he's got a valid point oh at least Dylan can be on the playground yeah yeah go go oh no no no don't go for him girlfriend go the one down yeah yeah that one the level two yeah hold on let me reassess here because then you might be able to one shot them it's only three for one chance well no the one downstairs is 55 the one up here is 30 no don't go for the big one go down the stairs because that one's almost dead knock it out this is the one I was gonna attack you said don't do that no I was saying yeah I said go the one down the stairs got it are you kidding me bro [Music] they call me Cardinal son of Miss Jesus Christmas see if you get do you have another I pushed him okay it missed it failed okay I don't know this is good I just missed every attack three attacks I missed them all okay okay let me oh what's the best way to get you up should I throw potion is that bear away thank you nice I guess I'll make it close enough Greg called him Dylan the Archer is that Hawkeye a United play there you go okay I did a good bit of damage to the boss w ow dun dun dun dun dun dun dun is it uh it's shadies did Shady leave the room did he go somewhere Mr Penguin leave the rumors and leave the Discord call or leave the no he's in the Discord but he doesn't have a he doesn't have a face cam so I don't know if he left the room oh facts guys oh no we they can't tell us either because I'm face count on stream yeah yeah if you can't tell us Shady's chats is he there is Shady penguin where did he go where is a penguin he's a shady guy go to the party Shady Shady Shady did you you leave us we just don't know his name is Shady penguin he's a penguin that hangs in the shade cause it's hot it's really hot if it's hot outside he will get third degree burn so he always stays indoors make sure that you put on the sunscreen or you will see a burnt penguin penguin a burnt penguin is no good no no no no JD's Gotta Wear a hood Shady he's Shady they don't get burned you already know his name and his game Boulder's game three Shady doesn't miss these he's not Nintendo and Mrs every attack [Music] I'm updating the Iowa speed of five because beta 4 literally made my YouTube account not work I can't even load my comment sections on shorts penguin I have been updated my phone in years his name is s to the H to the a t e y that spells Shady Shady Shady she's Shady Shady Shady animal they go by Penguins oh yeah oh my God he's morphing he's evolving now he's the Shady orca I run away when he's swimming near you he's a shady Shady orcas back he's back his turn and it is back welcome back we're serenading the chats while we're working for you thank you I didn't realize that I got picked up Shady our leader vapor oh my God ow look at me suck saved trash saved missed saved oh my God oh my God oh my God you don't miss these okay should I kill him while he's down you should definitely kill him all right I got this oh I almost just quit the entire game how how bro if I miss one more time take off the freaking sword it's not the sword it's the it's the master class thing apparently the passive ability you can turn it off if you want you still get the bonus action if you kill people if you turn off the uh all right uh I guess I'll just Unturned how do you turn that off because right now I'm Cardinal son of the blind I literally can't see it come on go on I think it should be under passives at the bomb passives why is it such a low attack 50 . Chad how do you how do you change the passives I know I'm gonna miss please just click on it and you can turn up on or off great weapon Master yeah I knew it it's not letting me do anything right now I'm probably on his turn Ellen chat Ellen chat coming down here to archery I did not mean to get that close but whatever guys I don't know if we're gonna make it out of this one no we got this as long as Vapor stands you have a potion to heal you I don't know if you can miss that while being blinded imagine well Chad I am clicking on it I think I have to wait for my turn yeah you might have to wait for your time is there anything good I can do I don't think can you not heal you have potions yeah that's a bonus action I'm trying to decide what I want to do for my uh Josh you've been typing ttk in the chat like all day I have no idea what that means brother tpk team party kill me it's like a team white ah so good it's so good oh no my spikes no no the spikes he's gonna bang on the drums too it's over no we got this we got this don't worry like Rocky Balboa says it ain't over till it's over oh God it's getting it's getting close beta 5 coming we got this oh that'll help if I wasn't blinded I'd feel better but I'm blinded yeah cool dad driver with me okay well they're pretty pretty strong all right baby don't miss I'm gonna turn off the hammer okay hold on I'll be back in a second I turned off I'm so blinded you're also blinded so good luck so should I just turn the hammer back on at that point no no no no no no no no no I'm just saying just I'm genuinely wishing you luck I got this watch he's gonna die right here finally yeah all right nice too dead two dead oh god oh he's got an acid vial who wants a trip attack this guy right here too if you can go for it Grand Master bottom nice concentration broken okay I can hit him again can you really uh JK lol and turn total pod kill Kylie total pod kill so many it's fine we have vapor I'm blinded so I don't even know what to do Dylan let me ask you a question when water heats up what does it turn into shut up wouldn't even water what does it turn into it says it's water Dylan are you kidding me right now creeper it turns into vapor oh and right now the battle's heating up the water you know what that means Shay's about to pop off guys we're only in this battle because you decided to mug that's literally not my fault shady I just followed your lead it's not fault they hate hand Forks Kylie said I was gonna say steam fair enough fair enough Dylan do you have a steamer you have oh cool that's not sweet oh Jesus Christ that's scary can we throw a potion down to heal up bitty I'm gonna be honest with you it's not looking too great now listen we gotta we gotta believe in each other at the end of the day oh I believe tell you what the hell that's not oh that's not even the room he's on a mission it's nice idiot w i mean jump now let me jump beautiful thank you oh Ash attack knowing oh no oh he's scared of me dude he ran away or he's healing oh what the hell he's healing his homie up dude it's so smart they're so smart yeah no this is this is crazy it's almost like we're playing on expert mode or something like that looks like we shouldn't have murdered a goblin we're all bleeding out on the kitchen floor it's kind of a bar it's kind of a bar all right what do I want to do here should I attack the big creature or the little Goblin you can I would type the big one all right hold on let me think those Ward companions have what did so much damage to you if you let her throw a potion at Pat so you can get him up I don't have a place I'm gonna die nice nice good damage good damage okay hold on hold on I'm gonna try to get up here so I can get away from everyone I'm gonna I'm gonna push the big guy how's it going we doing good did nothing okay yeah yeah really yeah I mean we're you know we're hanging in there someone just died yeah patters it's your turn my boy I am still dead hey guys if you can just shove them into my cloud of daggers how do you I I can try but how do I throw a potion to heal it you click the throw button first which looks like a uh hand with an ax getting thrown out of it okay throw potion 20 it can't miss it'll it'll it'll it'll work can't miss why do they give a percentage if it can't miss not sure interesting also patters I've lost visual I've lost visual oh sorry I just turn off my camera okay intentional on visibility intentional invisibility I'm invisible so they can't see me so they can't kill me okay I've tried that the whole stream and I've endowed every fight okay um [Music] should I back up here I feel like maybe yeah I would do something or transform while having transform to get some help it's true I will next turn let's already shallow laid I can't do it now yeah could go bear mode yeah you don't hit those buddy who do you think you are shot by zombie I hate this town so washed up and all these goblins don't give up well I find where I fit in I feel kind of bad for Lukey because he's he's not attacking the goblins shout out looking one time oh nice uh the warlock's animations is the coolest it just is like it's just so weak like damage I don't know when he's gonna get stronger he's a sad can you use like a like a stack your Eldridge glass gets good you get to use it like multiple times when you love love how dare you I don't know what level that is but that's what I gotta go for yeah or I've got to respect my Feats and just take the elders blast one I didn't realize how like completely dependent this class is on that one single spell I'm fine little heels oh no oh whoa all right I'm going in fudge right when I activate the hammer again bro they just never used that ever now the bonus the bonus attack is always good it's just the you can turn off a passive oh God oh no oh no oh God I'm down oh oh God I'm down I'm down okay oh God United Haze has The High Ground um I can't throw potions get both I'm just grab my soup what should I do I feel so bad that he's sick so little this bike growth everyone's so little this might this might feel this whole thing is your fault it's literally not my fault you pickpocketed the Goblin okay I wanted to kill the damage am I still bonus action I can still I can still transform okay I'm gonna we need potions on the ground stat S I mean I don't think you don't have a potion I have one I have one if you hit right in between me and Shady we both might get healed no it's they're too far apart damn it if I go bear mode then I can't throw a potion but I only have full health smoke no I'm about to die yeah yeah you gotta go bear mode Happy Thanksgiving oh my god oh my god wow look at that Big Bear air time damn be flexible yeah you still suck how the hell did he miss you from Point Blank Range I have no idea that's crazy oh Jesus nice ow on fire are these your spikes these are my spikes yeah what's up I'm just wondering I mean they're not wait they're not hurting you look oh oh my god oh that's the same damage nice broken oh God concentration broken United Hazel's turn what will he do folks there's still so many of them we've been killing them but they just keep coming my God hey remember Chad we're playing on the hardest difficulty right now this this is tough mode nice Dylan okay uh I guess I just beat up the guy in front of me I don't know w ow I I wish I could I can't throw him back you sprawled out like this fast can you not un unbear and throw yeah I have four and he wasted he wastes his whole uh wild shave bonus yeah and then and then yeah yeah just try and kill him nice seven damage because we still have one two three four five I mean we can try to clutches but we do have five we gotta knock out saved I'm tanking whoa whoa whoa they're really they're really going after me yeah you're the bear dude the Bear in the Big Blue House oh my yikes he pushed you oh God this is bad I know that chicken soup just hit shady I know it hit I'm trying huh everything hurts you have aches yeah oh that's the worst man I hope you feel better soon is he dead no he's got three thank you if I hit it do you have a fever right now Shady yeah no I'm sorry man should I even like I can't really do anything else in bad mode it's kind of it's weird because in game I'm on the floor but stable and in real life I'm not on the floor but unstable it's kind of weird Paradox that is a paradox oh that one that one has oh no oh God it's starting to rock up now oh God oh God the Bears down Bears down Bear's going down they murdered me yeah I'm dead yikes I have one Health left I do the big thing patters you know what to do big thing uh yeah yeah I know what to do I'm gonna do it listen if you have one Health left it might be best no growth true I'll take him down with me that is so annoying that I missed oh my trunks the concentration breaks anyway yeah that's why it's better to just Spike her because if you die the concentration breaks anyway um okay um areas codes you can also no way I don't think that's gonna work all right can I can I like not get myself excuse me you have to no matter what you're gonna have to dodge two opportunity attacks right you should probably try to back up first my phone's working again guys yay I can get there's like three of them I can get the three in front of me I just can't get the one the shop I zombie up to the side on the platform there it's still pretty good because like you wanna you wanna lead them away from you so if you cast this Bell first and then you can hear that opportunity attack you might break concentration so if you're gonna have to move no matter what you should move first true I can use yeah I can use my bonus action to use the potion first and then try and back up true okay eight pretty good out okay not bad all right now and I could put the spikes like right in front of me so they have to walk towards yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so they have to walk up the stairs now they're really weak dude right here I'll be all right thank God oh eight damage nice oh I'm on eight health you're okay you're okay there's so much damage there believe in yourself he's so done this that was nice nice not you're not going down but oh God yo push them can you push them onto the spikes uh I can try should I heal first I know it's a bonus but I should just yeah yeah yeah about this yeah let's see it yeah yeah yeah I feel like I should stay at the back here let them just walk through the spikes should I did you shove them I shut them all off apart from blockers oh goodness oh no dude I'm like I can still move can you shove him can you shove him no I can't because I hate my bonus action I used already I'm shooting it over here and okay he's like the main threat this guy's like the main thread he misses almost every single attack though oh yeah I don't think he hasn't hit me once who's this guy Dash he's the Healer he's the Healer yeah right onto the Spike oh no he's going on where is he going he's gonna die he's gonna die yeah nice okay huge okay I'm back uh where is the where's the sniper no we actually are playing here right now this is crazy wait hold on I can use I can hold on I wonder if I can use you try and kill him actually let's see if you can get him let me see something hold on if I take something out of someone's inventory and heal does that does that waste a turn um Inventory management in combat okay I don't think it did guys go to my dead bodies loot bag take my potions actually crazy [Laughter] oh oh boy do you have another talk no I need to turn you can throw a potion though you you're right at Shady that's true can I the only thing is he's just gonna spawn no he's in the spikes should I disengage them should I let them go no don't don't disengage them because keeping enemies away from you there's no other enemy left besides this guy in the world no there's a guy over here on the stairs oh where right here on the stairs warlock grease now now patters please throw a potion at me the save is 200 gold I can't I can't I can do it I think anybody I'm already over here I'm already okay I'll go for the kill then I need to uh hold on let me get rid of the spikes Bros okay it's fine because I have Misty stuff I was just gonna miss a step out of them Maybe okay can't believe we survived this is me hitting you with the potion that's so funny that's literally incredible that's crazy okay nice okay all right all the left is a warlock he's running too he's scared of us Shady's pretty close to him too get you guys good names too get him Shady finish him show him what it means to be a Dragonborn I can't hit him this is ridiculous yeah I can't get him and he's too far no investigation roll I tried to distract him that's all I could do oh damn God oh no not again oh boy are you okay Shady I'm good I'm good yes he's almost dead let's go boys there it is we're almost there we're good are we setting up Shields this guy's tough Scott has a coward nice finish him one lap finish him yes I have no idea let's go listen everyone is throwing shade about oh we're on good difficulties too hard no we just we can do it guys we are good video Gamers that's true we're Gamers how do we bring me back I'm gonna loot you first no what do you mean yeah honestly you don't you don't deserve that sword I might take it bro you started this fight you couldn't even pull it out of the rock what makes you think you deserve it I don't miss every other tackles because of my master class sit down you Archer all you do is shoot arrows you're too scared to go throw the doll potions out of his dead friend instead of picking him up it's crazy I still helped you you guys you guys might as well take screenshots of the inventory because guaranteed Dylan's gonna steal it without saying a word sexual gas that's actually facts I mean at least he's playing a rogue right so it's kind of it's at least you have 50 leather armors Vinnie don't worry about what I have in my inventory we have 50 leather almost I'm a big leather guy all right should we go back to Camp pick him up and take a long rest yes yes please he won't lose his stuff right you take my sword Dylan give me my sword back bleeding out of my screen I'm gonna talk to him real quick freaking guy man waiting out that's so funny can't defend yourself if you're dead I took it back I took it back go back to cap please talk to the octopus man and revive me octopus or the alien man the alien man who have you been talking to ambian he's a skeleton I'm watching you Dylan stop taking my Mom oh wait no you're good you're good take your freaking you're good you're good [Music] you have a similar weapon it looked like my sword I'm watching you I'm down down specifics of rather what it comes down the specifics are rather complex son I need to get my hands on a powerful magical scale moaning again absorb the weave inside yeah he's flapping his gums dude Psyduck duck I'll burden anyone other than myself with this were the stakes not so high and the means of obtaining such artifacts challenging for a humble wizard to face alone been days since I last consumed an artifact since before we were abducted and by that I mean it's imperative that I find and consume strands juncture he's such a good listener right so what do we got what do we think about this guy what are we doing what do you think about this you have to give them like magical items he wants magical items he decides he needs to absorb the weave for inside is he done to deserve this he doesn't even true he stays at Camp all day does nothing he just expects us to feed him magical items true um oh then I'll go with the fourth one I have better things to do with my time than Hoodwink gullible adventurers out of there oh he called usual adventurous but I promise I only make such a request because it is so incredibly important Chad's telling me I took the wrong sword I gotta return the dagger I took from Dylan dag nabbit what class are the boys we are super ultra Mega hard mode right now anyway yeah well I'm telling him the difficulty for Ultra Mega hard mode are you guys vote are we helping or are we not helping find him I say no all right I don't know how else I can explain the imperative shut up you whiny bastard you can't simply dismiss it right the sky is the worst here I go dismissing it look at those teeth dog why are you snarling at us see I see that this is not something that can be ignored forever artifacts are of little use if you don't live to enjoy them it's kind of a bar okay uh not helping Gail did we already pick up Vinnie uh no uh no not yet oh okay where is where's Withers this place this is at our usual camps I'm very confused is where there's even here you should be are y'all at camp yeah I went to camp and uh I don't see Withers anywhere oh my God is it gone no he's he's here somewhere yo bitty what are you doing I'm just you know he's literally not here Chad can I not take my sword back this guy is the worst no no well yeah no yes going to Camp wait do I click long rest or short rest I'm dead how do I get to Canada long rest and then eps party members in a conversation right now that would be Pat so I can't even okay I can't do anything oh it's uh sorry I'll I'll uh okay I left sorry uh yeah we can do we can do uh what do you do where's weather patters where's Withers I I think well he should let's see wait where's the owl Cub wow yeah there's like no one here wait there's a door here hold on I can't go to camp for some reason because you're dead this oh so I just did nothing right now we're trying to find Withers to Res you because you're dead we kept Vinnie back to life thanks guys bring him back thank you can Withers change my feet can I change my feet with Withers back not those kind of feet that he what kind of feet our Feats that we take when we level up Oh I thought you want to like customize your foot that'd be dope too all right I'm gonna camp with you boys oh I'm back I think Shady wants a reclass wait not yet wait tell him what are you whoa you hanging out with lizelle yeah just having a conversation over some cool careful as hell he might take your sword and equip it oh no quip my sword [Laughter] still I don't do this Vinnie I'm sorry looks like you're going you should have you're going back to the ax Dylan Dylan I honestly if you would have asked nicely I would have given it to you taking it and equipping it is so toxic give it back and then ask for it and I'll give it to you I have a helmet on I ain't afraid of you now yo this guy is ignoring me right now what kind of teamwork is this if we're just gonna take each other's items Tailwind I think you should be a little bit of a team player thank you sword thank you he's asking nicely nicely look at him he's like staring me down I am not staring you down I am merely Cardinal son of stairs so I'm staring why don't you equip your shovel that you love so much did you do you have that shovel right now uh I do okay good this Respec is a waste I can't actually change my feet that I wanted to change this is ridiculous wait really yeah it doesn't give me like all the options from leveling up it's just like uh I can change my subclass and that's it wait isn't that you change your feet I understand wait Dylan did you throw away the sword Dylan you did not work at all Dylan why are you I did not throw away this one where is it though because you don't have it and I don't have it you got this I believe in you you're smart hide it did he give it to someone else oh my God he gave it to freaking patters yes I am sword Jesus Christ should we give it to Gail to absorb it honestly at this point maybe none of us should have it it's it's causing a lot of contention amongst the group I would give it to Gail and you can just eat it instead why can't I equip it now is it because I'm like too low in health what's going on here are you gonna grab it I'm clicking equip and nothing's happening also where is my character like I don't see me anywhere are you oh no wait that's me you're with Weathers oh cause wait I'm so confused right now why can't I move are any of y'all good with medium or no I don't think so I don't think anything I'm a light armor boy I think my game's glitch is it normal that I can't move right now um are you like I'm in the room with Withers and and Vapor but I can't like step I can't move um I yeah I don't know yeah this is definitely glitched Chad's convinced Dylan cast a spell on me I don't know if that's true yeah because I know how to do something like that wait should I quit and re-enter like what do I do right now thank you for that hatchet yeah you might have to like just leave it drum back real quick um okay do I need another like request from Shady or do I just how do I do that yeah you'd have to like send you in to buy a thing yeah I'll send you I'll send you an invite so you know when you're back into the game loading yes well I can quit right it'll just bring me right back in I don't have to save or anything oh okay I'm quitting all right Shady you can send another one thank you man ray hey pal Vinnie tough please stop it no okay this is the only Steam account you've had oh crap I'm new to the steam World Cardinal son of sons in my eyes why do I hear Vinnie's don't know I think it's because I'm sharing screens and you have the audio not muted Maybe thank you yeah I don't hear him I heard I am cardinal son of son nobody can defeat me son of the sun's in my eyes oh wait I'm not even putting on an attack can I not put that in the chess chat Shady can our next mission be to look for the uh the tall devil lady sure yeah I'm down well I love that we can do one of two things right now we can we can go and find my data we can find Vinnie's wife well I feel like are we in the area where your Dad should be true we might want to do the family Conquest first oh God finish your dad and then we'll get the lady finish my dad Jesus Christ yeah you know you know you know you know what the Vibes are oh there we go find video wife all right all right I'm loaded back in can I move now aha I can move can I equip things well we're waiting I can go talk to them yeah talk to you know there we go now we're good because I'm curious about this magic thing yeah scale Shadow Hardware I think I might need it I think I need to catch up with um that'll hurt I was just thinking the same thing you want to come join me Dylan no yeah and you know having a conversation why are you being weird about it interesting what grabbed you exactly yeah bro why do you show bloody after a fight every time you talk to him it's masculine you smell like a rancid ass my order uses the same tactic when dealing with enemies of Shah I would never be an enemy of Shaw I loved Shaw what does she do fear and self-doubt is sufficient when actual pain comes the victim's already done the heavy bleeding for their torturer yeah us yeah I agree completely it is um and a trance right now I didn't realize it's so well first and mental and emotional torment I'm glad I made the right decision because we agree perhaps you didn't damn it sowing down man you were just striking out with her every cutscene my God this dude's doing the speed run to get shadowhearted don't possess I know no oh oh that's right a little bit Vinny I was gonna say ditch but then I pivoted the dump I suppose you'll want your artifact back it's been a long day possible it's stubborn that way yes sir [Music] in the middle of her speech I just saw a shady sprinting in the back I saw that as well um I I didn't take it I just had it it looks like it belongs to me now vote that one no no no no no no no no no no I would never steal that's bad they did fight back if it didn't want to be with you he wants to be with me do you want to be with all right I'll talk to you later wouldn't it be nice if we were all right wait no no no no no no no no no it's like the shadow wait is it no never mind oh what are you doing what are you doing what's going on are you drunk what's happening trying to choke himself out here oh oh wow what the hell is this masato is this like Rolex maybe I don't know I thought you were vibing with her Dylan what happened with that your belly your bones popping your flesh swelling I don't like this one I see this is not I feel like in me we are lost I will be quick first you whoa in the earth whoa whoa then your mind's intertwined he sense a touch of uncertainty a touch of disgust whoa oh you need to pass this or you either die or killer if he clicks attack is it a 1v1 or do we wake up and back them up here I don't know okay I got this I don't see the roll I got it you got it yeah rolled an 18 for a 15 let's go big deal I cannot trust my own mind so it seems I must trust yours that's a big step I know this I am watching if the sickness does not pass come Dawn I will end us all I'll chill out dude he's just gonna go to bed now oh my God we were sleeping through that whole thing why do I sleep like that because you're an out oh no oh no that's me oh it's Guardian time God it's a shadow heart yeah it's my guardian and it's Vinnie it's literally oh that's my guardian oh God this is when Vinnie was drunk sleeping next to me it packs wait it's the first time we're seeing well we all see our own Guardians right now are we watching yeah yeah yeah okay yeah [Music] I know your voice I've heard it before I've heard it before yes oh so she's the narrator I saved you w that's so cool I look Giga Chad Lee away oh my God I'm falling what the hell I caught myself oh she can just like make us float in the air okay throw me Guardian throw me out how pretty you need to protect me take the hand Roya recoil any help yo that tells a wild chat it's a this is an average look of how me and Vinnie hang out together exactly like that height difference this is very accurate I can't see a screenshot I'm just gonna agree with him yeah exactly look at that stature it's just this is me and Vinnie going for a stroll in the mountain 100 for the sake of both of us you must learn so she wants us to use our lipid powers can we eat the tadpoles guys how do we eat what's already inside well it's got to get from our brain to our belly you know we have I think Dylan picked one up or Vinnie picked one up from um the the Priestess [Music] whoa the Distortion worlds you think there's Ultra beasts in there what the hell is this fight for the fight what in the Fantastic Four you can change that but only if you embrace your potential I have to go no don't leave the enemy is ghosting in no please I will be back yay with weapons total annihilation you'll feel better protect me Guardian Vinnie all right so how was your dreams guys pretty pretty hard I find it interesting that we're all back sleepers I sleep on my side same dude side sleeper all day son side sleepers rise up I still want to find the owl bear Dylan would you like the would you like the sword first why did Shady just put on Armor what's good Shady it's just uh it's just good to have it you know it's just a precaution Target by literally everybody in the game yeah why does he get targeted so much guys this is my imp his name is uh oh hi bud what's up how you doing where is that oh my God leave camp girl I got a hat now that is so silly I love it Ally but I don't know it seems like we can't escape this mess in the waking world or otherwise join me I want to talk and I want I want to talk about all that's happened to us I think I know you more no what more can you ask I already know like she already told me so you don't you don't have to you can actually ask me because my life's calling and the greatest problem I've ever faced well I like night orchids and can't swim I can teach you is that the sort of thing no well it'll be really hard to do that would it have to point out of my orders to me if we ever pass I'm really hmm it's a deal wow damn what he he just pulled his resume no yeah he's literally losing her dude showered every once in a while Pat I'm sorry she just proved in my hat we were just bro somebody called the police that's a really cool hat it isn't really yeah don't worry next time robbery robbery in place Shadow heart has been stolen at the camp don't worry I'll give you my hat and then you can yeah really yes I'll let you let me go I'll let you borrow it is that the key you're just gonna wear a hat and talk to her yeah I got you though I'll take care of you I think he likes hats see if I got a hat oh I got a robe I got a robe though I forgot we came back to a full-on Slaughter of goblins yeah oh you guys all these bodies you guys left the camp uh well uh guys what yeah what I was just walking around and uh I don't know yeah I guess the guy the remaining goblins aren't too thrilled about us uh oh they want to fight already dude we just got back yeah I'm okay okay I'm coming I'm coming oh wait hold on moving ahead I love the way bitty runs bro he's a little itty bitty guy oh no if we step outside we're gonna get railed yeah we can't go outside basically yep unless we want to get railed well you know oh there's a guy up top very good he's climbing he's climbing they're all moving to us it's fine we get him into Marjorie I guess he misses they don't understand the word John Wick showing up to get revenge yeah bye-bye what ow that was your that was that was me that was my answer I didn't click I almost attack is in I almost attacked the M2 yeah critical hit nice throw thank you sir I'm so mad you're mad and myself Shady at myself myself I don't know what came over me I'm sorry Em I'll heal him oh God that's crazy I love how Shady always has like a comrade with him yeah his little bud have a little bud because I'm pathetic otherwise nice Dodge it's my turnover again oh okay I'm definitely clicking on this guy now there you go we're doing some good damage now we just attack the guy what I'm going to throw because I couldn't reach him with a regular attack oh you couldn't reach it oh yeah that's why it was taking me a while you impatient Rascals sorry all right um this all right aha you missed hey what is going on right now oh yeah my imp is just running away because he's you know bleeding out of the kitchen floor they said it was an accident oh you're dead did we make it out oh Vinnie there's some good stuff in there there's a good ax oh yeah I just grabbed it don't slip don't slip so let's not go out that front door right there's got to be another way out well we still need to find my dad and he's in here some way oh yeah well I don't where the heck are the pits well maybe this maybe it's like there's like down here is it down here aren't there oh yeah there's a iron gate Dude any lock Pickers I I can do it this is this is typically my specialty it's your area of expertise here we go any any levers in chat any levers okay I got this I got a little two oh my God and I rolled a tube there was a lever and it just opened you're locked back in the air buddy oh cool oh giant spiders hey pack and talk to this thing oh my God wait what this game's crazy oh you want me I I can talk to him hold on yeah can you go through diplomacy I can do that because I'm gonna clap I'm gonna leave I'm gonna I think I'm gonna I'm just gonna try to leave so you could should we not fight the giant spiders that's all right oh God guys whoa just let me talk if I turn into a spider will they be nice to me or they'll just hate you even more can I join their side against you oh my God that is a big spider bro larger giant spider giant spider oh come on man all right it's pretty wild I'm attacking ice ice beautiful all right we killed this one so again oh my god wow okay I'm gonna run towards the other spider [Music] rage yeah and turn oh my God there's so many spider emojis in my chat right now oh my God what is that oh oh wait oh they sold oh it's the spider Kingdom dude exactly oh no now there's more goblins damn it who the heck is this drawer ragslyn dude just shot right over my head that was crazy there you go idiot get caught get caught nerd nerd by 1 HPM I'm blazing did that Goblin fall down no he jumped oh you're Frozen nice well yeah yeah hi don't why you get another turn oh you've been held that's toxic someone's gotta hit that person all right I'm gonna kill the other spider okay dude so sick nasty dude yeah all right all right uh spider's dead he's got nothing for us to take I'm gonna start leaving here to die all right a new turn okay he misses these oh my God I thought this is 62. almost had a heart attack where the heck did you come from you nerd what is this [Music] stop calling me flirts let's be comedy ah I have my I don't have my major armor on right now I'm so pathetic um skip up skip skip okay last one that's that's freaking got me held right now oh he's like miles away though he's right next to this level five nights there's a dead mine flare up here yeah this is a this is a tough spot to be in play that right now it's probably a conversation we could have had that right could that guy yeah yeah let me get in this position uh we're looking for your dad see if we were looking for the devil lady we would not be in this predicament I'm just saying that's very true yeah that's right oh hold on I can I can snipe him whoa nice concentration broken I got you how the hell am I supposed to do anything if he's this high up by the way should I just like yeah you're gonna have to yourself to go around okay I don't like the things go um we're just gonna have to get out here like just leave out the way we came we not get up top there mm-hmm wow can you ping it leave so long they call me Dasher and Prancer why am I on the why am I sleeping in the grease vomiting Cuban Donna cozy true very cozy I can't believe it's almost Christmas boys the most famous reindeer of all Hatters the red-haired reindeer reindeer had a very shiny nose yeah yeah and if you ever saw it that's right you would even say it close all these water reindeer oh my God it's August why are you making me sing this stuff stop it's not August you're lying it's not almost what yeah wait it's almost September exactly right Dylan knows it'd be so funny if you slipped on the grease though I'm trying so hard to not slip Hatters with your nose so bright yeah I can turn into a reindeer no way no I can't but it'll be cool if I could there's 117 days till Christmas that's enough it's actually insane my turn already run a Magical Mystery Tour around this place locked oh oh I had to explain grumpy key alone I was just opening the door for us you didn't ask permission I didn't know I didn't have a key always stealing stuff oh wait wait um um guys if we go up here there's a lot of people do you want to run away there's a there's a there uh yeah yeah a lot of a level five a level should we we can flee combat if we're far enough away from people I think we attacked I think we should go I think we probably level five I don't think we got that just being a run away I think run away easy he's a true form of the absolute true Soul yeah that sounds like a cakewalk I'm down let's do it okay let's quick save here and that way if we fail we'll run away it's time to fight fight fight okay whose turn is it I think it's Bitties not mine yeah no worries Kitty wasting our time oh yag yep it's our time nobody no big deal wow the that Goblin just completely ignored Dylan right what the hell was that oh me I'm I'm hidden [Music] oh I wanted to shove them but I can't excellent developments sock one sorry my bad radical red 5.0 looks sick right dude all these updates it's crazy yeah kogo's Togo's looking hard Koga is dude is this we're fighting right now Shady would know better than anybody hey hey watch your mouth dude he's a rock Mastermind your time the joint you are not smart now because yeah wait wait let's okay let's not go in that room then why not what we say we might as well go check it out I'm walking in hide hide hide and then walk how do you hide see oh I like this ASMR can we talk to them I don't think that I don't think they want to talk yeah problems not stay out of the red yeah oh oh I got unsnaked oh my God oh Jesus Christ oh god um we're in battle oh boy oh God fights nice oh spikes are such a good shout dude that's crazy I did it hey though man it's bad as you know I dropped the spikes I yo I got those spikes on you know I got the spikes on Deck are you done I never leave us without the spikes they call me the zap Cannon Spike Master you done this music is ominous I'm going for the Warlock so he doesn't heal foreign that was such a dramatic death make sure he get out of range tell Vinnie I said hi thank you I don't know you you could have went to history and who's that but thank you Joseph Ward Joseph hi Joe thank you um what the hell do I want to do here don't waste a step simply do not waste a sniff go and walk around I dare you stupid Goblin all right jumped you can't do that [Laughter] yo when the enemies Miss on us I genuinely get so excited oh my Joseph thank you ah you missed me okay all right who's this guy LeBron James oh my God you were broken you're so broken how's the goat right what should I do here leaving yourself you will achieve wait wait wait wait do you want to see something cool okay let me see if this works he what the [ __ ] yes yo that's that's crazy that's crazy yo my boy thank you man for the two okay go ahead okay yeah that makes sense oh hey Dylan yeah what's up dog we're together hold on Dash attack I'll be back guys it's not letting me bye-bye oh that's good hi guys oh that's sick your sniper is here oh well no need to fear the sniper's here all my imp is gone I just realized I wonder why that happened okay here we go let me turn he he really odd about this him yo next next when we're in Vegas I'm a bit like is he has a 10 for the United States dude just bring like a stuffed animal yeah get buy it from I'll buy you a devil shoulder imp here's the wind up Here Comes one damage one damage wait bro will pretty much I can always do as soon as you get get all up in there like business you can slaughter them can't wait let's run it baby he's upset heart of the wolf on walk Walker dead stop jumping bro you're just getting poned oh God hey return the one damage you son of a bee oh my God oh my God no wait wait no no no no oh my God he just destroyed boys okay I can't be seen so I hide guys yo that was massive damage there we go nice down there with you my dude no thank you oh yay I think he might have died from that fall though he took 36 damage he is definitely not a squirrel yeah he might be dead yeah that was crazy see I I sacrificed myself to get in that position true murder this clown um what do I want to do here his loot is probably lit I'd miss that saying up really bad it's Wombo Combo I said it backwards I should just end stream why do I have to walk around why can't I walk like Walmart it's embarrassing combo Wambo goes hard dude uh you should be able to walk like up to him I can't we should throw another weapon at him try try move like try moving just like engine closer to him see that's all I can get oh nice there you go you're right in his face now and I better use throat use throat just throw a bonus you're not there passive on right now uh no that's like this third person you've knocked out you can use your bonus action to Pummel Pummel is a is a concussive like it doesn't kill oh that makes sense okay I just gotta have my turn then it just gives them incurable brain damage yeah God oh push him off please push him off they'll be so funny dogs [Laughter] oh that was amazing that's all cause of Pat how is that me yo this guy is so strong what the hell dude that was so funny oh no how can you run that much that's toxic oh my god oh it's my turn I I was in a great position until now homie climbed the ladder pushed you off and killed you that was crazy that was so funny fatality I'm not laughing well I laughed when I got pushed off I thought that was funny too yeah but you're bitty thank you Shady I'm sorry can you tell us me a potion uh no you can piss off my throat could have reach that far so angry right now Edwin's been betrayed too many times bro why who you treya well what have I done to betray the team stealing constantly the constantly one time all right okay now check the Vibes brother check the vibes our bags like your own I'm still picking you up steal my girl too that's the worst oh it's so funny listen I'm just trying to finish Cardinal while we were talking to Withers the other day you killed Vinnie straight up it's kind of wild it's kind of wild yo I I just didn't trust Vinnie listen listen it's all it's okay I forgive I forget very very quickly you're projecting all right what I want to do here uh not enough movement okay okay I'm at my turn that's so funny yeah Joseph donated 20 things he said stop this argument yeah this is bullying I'm getting I'm getting third partied God you idiot thank you the ax you throw has throwing aspects more than one damage thank you dude thank you so much you nerd okay um I'm not gonna go near actually this is a mistake going this ladder was a big mistake it was a mistake that I will probably live to regret I'm going right back down oh no I don't I'm not gonna hit this shot just letting you know 60 is possible [Applause] no worries wait can I can they see me where can I hide oh I can't hide okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna just disappear for a second going ghosts hiding is successful he does not know me he does not see me they don't know me son go on get him get it get shot he's called shop iru going in nice okay I'm gonna come around start helping Dylan all that's left is this idiot thank you Drac um no stress okay Joseph with another right there tell Vinnie I'm going to watch his videos thanks Joe Joe's full username toxic dude you missed I'm just gonna intern I should have done the sneak attack one uh Joseph Ward Joseph Ward four HP looking head is just ah I missed an 85 chance oh oh that's that's really nice I just missed Stone Edge even though it was 20 or 80. you gotta go for them home claw must have Advantage I literally am hidden am I not no more I'm not I feel like we're getting better at battles [Music] all right let's go gentlemen that was that was a Wombo Combo if I've ever seen one hey truly drawer ragslyn they're just hanging out on this with the spiders if anyone wants to come you know come hang out oh yeah wait are we still in turn boots mode are you dead dead I don't no no you can just come and get me I don't you don't have to be in turn base I don't think are you sure you stabilized yeah okay what's the purpose of turn base mode like not in a battle interesting myself there's an enlisted parasite in the corpse in which corpse this dead mind flare cool I just fell good game design so funny wait oh you're so disagree wait guys I don't understand Vinnie I don't know if you want this uh I got a Warhammer uh um weapon oh I'm down but look check this out I'm sitting in a throne here I'll drop it in your inventory I appreciate that Paul do you want the sword Dylan we'll trade wait are you taking if you you took the tadpole yeah I want to get stronger what do you mean what are we doing wait he took the tadpole that doesn't seem like a good idea I hate the tadpoles okay crazy like I dropped down to help you fell to my death and then you get the power of it it's we all get it it's like a crazy person lore wise you took the temple oh lore wise I made three tadpoles from one because I can do that really are you is that Canon that yeah it's called there's a spell called tadpolify ah I've never heard of that as a warlocks that makes sense yeah it just it just dropped it was a new release actually right all right where's your where okay well actually normally I would like love the fact that we're super extended on Baldur's Gate but since I'm sick uh uh dude I'm such an idiot I've been muted this whole time I've been trying to talk oh there's are we fine did we finally find is this the pits is this where that is or is it just the treasure room I just found so much gold where are you guys we just found so much why am I here oh oh God guys guys guys I'm in a battle alone help me there's a warlock oh my God what do I do should I run away I don't know what to do uh if you can run how how do you how do you run uh bottom right there should be a red button I can't run gentlemen the enemy's Too Close dude don't know me can can you guys come help me please for the love of God me crap I'm not starting fights you guys leave me alone I can't find you I wander and then I go into enemy territory you're you're the one that's off in the distance right now brother don't even do this to me right now I try to keep up with you guys y'all leave me in the dust I don't play games like this it's new it's new we're still we're by the combat area we didn't really go anywhere where we won the fight well listen I see I see your little blue dots after we finish that last fight no I don't I don't know but now I don't want to save in the middle of this I'm Gonna Knock this guy off though all right I'm attacking you're an idiot y'all won't back me up I'll defend myself there's so many all right where are you my imp see I didn't kill your imp bro I mean I'm just saying I'm just saying we were we were in the same spot we were in before and then all of a sudden you're like screaming from the top I could never I can never find you guys I'm not good at reading Maps do you look at the map yes Shady dog I'm not having IRL lag again bro I'm so sorry how did you blame us and you went completely to the different country I only blamed you guys because y'all say I always pick fights when I'm just trying to find y'all that's it oh my God there's two separate battles going on right now we're screwed yeah we're in a different way you're so far from us this is bad this is very bad that's kind of funny okay I'm gonna go 1v5 and win and then I'll meet back up you're the only one that's fully healed so you have the best chance thanks dude nice nice oh but you broke our Bridge oh that's excellent it's okay we can jump it's just fun do you guys ever play wait guys guys guys there's a level six night Warden Mission uh yeah okay wait wait wait wait wait she's not in the battle let's just let's just walk away let's walk away before we leave we should just totally just disengage she's a level nine just go let's just go towards many I definitely said nine oh my God okay let's just run away um yikaroni's oh I need a short rest to be able to use all these attacks right now this is very bad yeah I see this ladder to go over but it's not worth trying to provoke her you know yeah don't don't start fight with her friend okay I dazed him I dazed him nice nice this is time for Cardinal son of Sun so finally just get they're oh God they're climbing up I'd rather that they'll get away from me as long as you they don't pull as long as it doesn't provoke her we're gonna be okay yeah the drow all right he's Dazed and Confused please don't attack me he bit me he bit me Shady penguin he's a dragon with mystical powers he's Dragonborn how do we get to you we have to go down around the whole cut scenes right my screen just went black so I thought that was crazy we go yeah we go around this way that's crazy we can't just in there it's initiative again oh no can we leave this combat enemy too close anyone got a potion they want to give I can flee I can flee now will you please just sneaks you to Kim it doesn't like oh it takes you to Camp what that's what happened before when the screen went black yes oh okay Vinnie if you can you start running away from these goblins you want me to run away at least run towards us so that we can all right I'm coming so we can help all right Channel man thanks for having my back Vinnie Picken fight with goblins left right I didn't pick a fight I was looking for my brothers I'm gonna need a light to smoke my cigar through the night yo he's got a buzz he's a shining star L one smokes oh true he does seem like a smoker pull the troops Shady eating chicken soup yeah you know how he do when he does it he's buzzing packed lunch sacked lunch Ables who started it I don't know it's not mine I think it's bitties Betty what are you doing mate Hey Moy but he's gone you're almost done does anyone have a potion I'm trying if anyone has a potion that'd be huge right now I don't think so my God check your inventory Vinnie take my last potion thank you all I do is given this campaign that's all I do what do I get thank you I appreciate it it was an accident [Laughter] okay nice homie still gonna die right here no no I'm not homie's Not Gonna Die he's gonna run right by you and we're gonna be fine Cardinal you're bleeding now buddy talk to Cardinal like that yeah what's up Dylan what's up buddy how you doing getting out of here that's what I'm doing not me hitting the wall couldn't be me hitting the wall or enter aw ful oh this stupidity it came from my back oh they're up top now be careful super high ground can you blast him off of that I'm gonna do it right now if I do it do a blast off yeah dead stupid boy yo Vapor has some of the craziest kills I've ever seen them on days look at that jump look at them legs bruh look at them legs what you know about them legs no damage three I'm afraid of three damage light work no reaction oh it's got a little bit of a cake we have a liquid points oh god oh no oh come on man leave me alone all right wait Dylan should we walk back that way and attack them or do you want me to keep oh I guess I'll meet up with Vapor over here ain't done I watched this Vapor you ready for this how you doing oh that didn't work wait did you dash I I thought I jumped but apparently I didn't I got it okay are we gonna we're gonna wait here for them yeah we honestly should okay I'm hiding behind a wall so that's a w there's only two of them left and they're both on the bridge so W's and Chad W's in chat I want to see everybody W even if you're lurking [Laughter] I was stretching I don't man straight up went uh taking strips dude what do we chicken noodle soup over here Dylan's gone brother Dylan's got the giggles I don't know why I did that because we have a lot of fun playing Boulder's Gate together you're just excited right now oh it's a really really excited all right can I hide now finally yeah I can okay cool I'm just gonna chill here don't come in here because I'm gonna use this all right whoever just killed that guy I was literally gonna throw something at him oh he's dead now so there are so many of the other one I did nice seven thank you thank you thank you I have learning to use people weapons that I can throw face W nice there you go Dylan oh my God all right gentlemen don't leave me thank you for the backup I'm literally just gonna ride Vapor's butt oh God I'm walking in acid Arrow whoa Vapor why you just comment on Me on the wall I didn't there was a novice there and I wanted them dead you can craft your own potion poisons and elixir using Alchemy gather ingredients how do I how do I do that I gotta go to camp or something wait what I think like Alchemy yeah oh okay it's like Monster Hunter when you combine yeah when you craft yo look at look at the boys dude the boys the boys the boys chat can we get a W for that boys did I grab something and like wanted to spawn this [ __ ] with the boys chat like gosh this concentrated blast is broken Hey listen gentlemen I think we should rap now this is Baldur's Gate three and a half hours deep it's getting late for Patty that's valid it's valid it is a little bit late I'm gonna go live on Twitch yep so this was fun hey this is a successful stream yes we did a lot we definitely got a lot done find my dad we still have fun I hope you uh feel better by the next session on Friday yeah hopefully so we'll see oh [ __ ] are you wrapping on a stream right now because we have to chat about uh the video stuff real quick if you're down I'll just say goodbye and chat real quick and then we can do a little Chit Chat um I can't chat dude the chat is that I'm sick and I probably can't record it all this week okay sounds good good chat yeah I'll text you I'll text you if anything's different but right now I'm literally I'm literally dying in front of my computer go get some more soup buddy go get some rest bro all right okay all right guys that was awkward yo hahaha what the hell did I do so about our session though it was for his video it's for him oh okay it's less it's less point of this for his I thought it was for both of us but his would have been tomorrow that's why I was trying to get these five shorts Friday I wanted to figure it out everyone it's too extreme I'm I'm wrapping up I'm trying to go to a hit partner over there before twitchcon I think it'd be kind of cool I'm gonna go play some Apex I'll see all of you over there in like literally a minute all right all right good night boys just wanted to clarify why are they so mean mean all right chat listen very successful Boulder's Gate stream all right I am gonna go on my speed run uh and then that's really it that's a w indeed love you guys thank you guys for everything and I'll see you guys in the next one have yourselves a great day peace out chat love you fam
Channel: Original151
Views: 18,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TiOvyRrYWxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 48sec (12648 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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