4 free tips for a better SPEAKING score on TOEFL iBT

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hey it's Jamie I wanted to answer a question on video this is from an email that I got this morning and somebody asked me what is the best way to do TOEFL speaking practice and this is a great question actually because I think a lot of people are so worried about the TOEFL speaking section generally when I talk to potential students the speaking section is their biggest nightmare they're the most worried about it they feel the least confident so it's really good opportunity for me to answer this question and hopefully help some more people okay so let's think about this in a different way if I was going to train to be in a football competition for example the World Cup that's right yours truly me is going to be in a football competition what would I have to do to become a superstar football player okay well probably eat healthy take care of myself and train a lot but the training yeah how should I train I mean should I train in a parking lot or should I train in a football stadium with grass football stadium with grass why because it's similar to the actual football competitions stadium if I train in a parking lot the environment is different it smells different it looks different it's a different size right the the environment that you take an exam or that you do a competition in it's very important so when you're practicing for something like the World Cup or TOEFL they're similar you want to be practicing in the same conditions the same environment that the exam or the competition is going to be in because you're training your brain you're getting comfortable with the place and how you feel in that place so what is the TOEFL IBT environment a computer and you're alone on the computer everything is automatic thanks to technology it's a little bit weird but that's the way that it is you don't have somebody to look at there are other people around you and they're talking but they're not talking to you and everything is automatic on TOEFL the timer turns on the timer turns off the recording and the dialogues turn on and they turn off you don't have any control so when you're practicing for TOEFL speaking it's very comfortable I mean very important sorry it's very important to become comfortable with the environment of TOEFL IBT so to train under similar conditions you want to be on a computer honestly my face-to-face lessons for TOEFL speaking practice are not as effective as my skype lessons for TOEFL speaking I swear to you that's true yeah speaking on the computer for TOEFL is so much more effective than being in a room looking at somebody because when you get to the exam there's nobody there and you're talking into a microphone and the timer turns on and the timer turns off and there's nobody there so Skype speaking lessons are a much better way to get comfortable with technology talking to yourself feeling like you're alone in a room but you're not yeah things like that so that's the first thing train on a computer second thing is to get very comfortable with the automatic timing of TOEFL on TOEFL you have 30 seconds to prepare or 15 seconds to prepare and you have 45 seconds to speak or you have 60 seconds to speak so when you're practicing do not be nice to yourself oh this time I'm gonna take five or ten extra seconds to prepare oh it's okay that I talked for an extra thirty seconds on my response that's okay no it's not okay do not give yourself extra time be mean you have to be mean you have to get used to having just 15 seconds to think just 30 seconds to speak and getting very comfortable talking for 45 seconds and stopping a sentence at the end of it or speaking for 60 seconds and stopping your sentence not giving yourself extra time okay tip number 3 record yourself everybody hates that everybody thinks they don't have to record themselves why do I need to record myself to listen yeah TOEFL is gonna record you don't you think you should know how you sound it's the most painful part and I know everybody hates it but I promise you that if you record yourself and if you listen to your recording you have to listen if you listen to recording you will get much better you will hear things about the way that you talk little habits that you have and you will get better I promise and then the fourth thing that you should do is share your recordings with a native English speaker you want somebody who can listen to grammar word choice ideas development organization things like that to give you some feedback about how to make a better speaking response and then you record yourself again with timing so just like if I wanted to be in the World Cup I would have to practice really really really hard on a soccer field or football field sorry that was American English on a football field like for TOEFL you want to be doing speaking practice on a computer with technology not face-to-face so that's it for my advice for you today if you have any more questions please send me an email I love getting email so my email address is Jamie j AI AM e at my English teacher is American comm see you later bye
Channel: Jaime Miller Advising
Views: 185,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TOEFL, iBT, speaking, online, free, sbpietaocekfhliengaomf
Id: QcFXlh7vLrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2011
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