4 Epic Heist Scenes | S.W.A.T. & Baby Driver

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[Music] make that two [Music] minutes okay go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] New York [Music] City the [Music] explosion [Music] what it happened yet get [Music] get [Music] thank you very much ladies and gentlemen right now I got to tell you about the fabulous most groovy bell bottoms Bill bottom b b b b you make [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one [Music] [Music] [Music] W wo wo wo wo wo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's going I'm going to break I'm going to [Music] break [Applause] [Music] down [Music] driving a red [Music] Subaru going in now K we got a trans and paying a little too much attention to Kate yep he's packing they won't make their move until you open the back of the truck again Luka can you identify any of the others the fruit vendor maybe the guy pushing the carts in the lap yeah I think I see the getaway car do you want us to take them out now and you can keep Kate safe in that store that's three out of four members if we don't wait the fourth could get away or Ambush someone engine stopped that's the EMP Here Comes Kon backup's still not here hey hey Joy's getting out of the C he's what Joey get back in the truck Joey get back in the truck Joe hey hey you be cool be cool man right we'll kill him all right all right we're coming out no they got joy be cool Lo talk to me if we jump out of here can we get a beat on those guys without getting Joey killed negative to get in the truck radio's up one channel there's a radio in the cab Captain the only leg we have up on these guys right now is they don't know we're back here can you get to them from there we're going to have to once that EMP wears off and they start driving they're not going to keep Joey alive for long Deacon what's your status ETA in 3 minutes make that 2 minutes even if they get here in time those windows are bulletproof we got to get them out somehow big guy had to be a cop check your side mirr you see any more coming no keep trying the engine less than a minute before the emps off look I got kids I captain I got an idea all right I'm up I'm in position once they step out I got them working magic Tan on it if the engine starts get back in the truck now we're going to have this handled before I have to worry about that right t almost got it come on good go to the mall we get a c and park in Gage IO Dan stick to the plan I'll figure something out dick there is bound on Sherman Way intercept and stop [Music] it stop that truck now hold on tight boss [Applause] get out of the cab what do we do out of the cab get out of the cab now you all right d I'm going to kill the guard you just tell him it was me come on man everything was me everything the plans trucks the EMP the happed everything D tell him it was me all right tell him it was me baby brother do it now tan do it now get out of the C get out of the cab get out of the cab your weap the ground now face down face down face down put your gun down drop the gun him I said drop the gun drop the gun and let me see your hands Do It Drop It Go hands on go hands on get out of here here checking the cab what's in there Z it belongs to us they took our money our hard earned paper they snuck in when we asleep last night and took the pants off the chair and emptied our wats they got what's rightfully ours let's go get it back what's right for the hours [Music] yeah what the [ __ ] is this mask Austin Powers doc said Michael Myers This is Mike Myers it should be the Halloween mask this is a Halloween mask no the killer dude from Halloween Oh you mean Jason no [ __ ] let's go wait wait I got to start the song over the [ __ ] okay [Music] go aery a doll be a baby doll it can't be find on anyway it can't be found a way at all I just a man can Sy he can up hold his dist beautiful we out let's go I got this come on let's go man up to tough business go it we got a do your job baby let's go out that's how you do baby come what the [ __ ] soldja boy he ain't giving up huh baby you can't anywhere come on got your ass now that g [ __ ] dad right God damn new ride let's go come on boys let's rock move move move move huh sweetheart oh my love get out the car I have a childhood I got one too get the [ __ ] out come on get in let's move it's okay bring your sorry ass on baby what are you doing leave the baby in the car leave the baby in the car get your Dam ass over here now come on let's go I'm coming let's go sh n [ __ ] I left my shotgun behind what I left my shotgun behind not groovy JD not groovy at all sh take [Music] why are those breakfast bars uh the kind with sugar or the kind without sugar neither of them had sugar one kind has sugar but it's organic pure cane sugar is that even better for [Music] you so where are they which kind get on the ground now get down this is a mistake promise you have the wrong house this is a mistake push your hands together get out get over here on the ground get down and shut up go upstairs and get the stuff [Music] go what why are the police stealing from us because they're not the police you what's your name what's your name Des desire Desiree give me the alarm code or we kill your dad It's 6718 Des is that the right code yes is that the right code do I need to kill your dad to show you I'm serious no please please please don't it's the right code it's the right code thanks Des he did the right thing you know what you seem like an interesting girl you and I do have a talk huh get off no just tell us what you want please just tell us what you want help you please it's probably just another false alarm uh sorry to bother you we got a nor complaint about house belongs to Donovan and Trisha Watson one child 17-year-old girl looks like a home invasion got the house surrounded the bad guys might still be inside and they might have taken off on foot after shooting a security guard either way we have to assume they're all still inside be ready for anything you awake Street shot anything that moves got it be ready for anything met SWAT LAPD Metro SWAT kitchen clear Go dining room clear Lua clear Chris out tan out no leave my family alone straight ah I got him police put down the weapon put down the weapon now how do I know you're really the police ma'am we are the police we're Metro SWAT just put down the knife and step away from the girl Mom it's okay it's not them
Channel: Crime City
Views: 403,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: S.W.A.T. Shemar Moore, shemar moore, s.w.a.t. hondo, s.w.a.t. series, swat shemar moore fight scene, swat hondo, swat hondo best moments, swat hondo best fight scenes, Ansel Elgort, baby driver, Jon Hamm, baby driver best driving scenes, baby driver all heists, s.w.a.t expert bank heist, s.w.a.t bank robbery scene, baby driver best scenes, swat bank heist, swat bank robbery, best movie heist scenes, best movie robbery scenes, best bank robbery movie scenes
Id: uQYgPthJ0dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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