#4 Deuteronomy 7-10 by Chuck Missler

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we are in session four of the book of Deuteronomy since several the chapters a little shorter we're going to go from chapter 7 through 10 don't have that terrify you some of those are fairly short chapters and which should take we I suspect it should take better part of an hour but Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 1 when the LORD thy God see this again moses is continuing his recount of history putting his editorial emphasis on the fact of what God wants us you and I also to learn from these experiences but he contains an historical rundown here he says when the Lord that God shall bring the end of the land whither thou goest to possess it and have cast out many nations before thee the Hittites the girgashites the hammerites the Canaanites the Perizzites the Hivites the Jebusites seven nations greater and mightor that mightier than thou when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee thou shall smite them and utterly destroy them thou shalt make no covenant with him nor shall show mercy with him now the point of this opening serious verses is to just Israel would destroy all the nations within the borders of Canaan the the we've talked already about it we'll talk some more about this business of destroying every man woman and child of these certain nations that shocks us it seems so offensive unethical for a loving God to do that but we need to understand the full context to keep in mind that you know the whole situation here also realize that Moses is encouraging them because he remembers that 30 years ago when they had the same chance their knees buckled and they said no way and they didn't have the guts to go forward so he's trying to emphasize to them that God is committed to them six succeeding don't panic we're going in there he's dealing with the next generation it's they're the guys that are there now it was their dads that blew it and didn't survive as a result of that now this whole issue of tribal genocide bothers us but we need to know several things in Deuteronomy 9 we're gonna have sight the fact that these nations these these seven nations that occupy the land deserve to die for their sin they deserve to die they were they were they were hate they had hated the God that has made their covenant with the nation Israel and they not only deserve to die for the sin they persisted their hatred of God and then in the these verses in Daniels in and in Daniel in Deuteronomy 7 it's going to emphasize that and these the Canaanites as a group these seven nations constitute a moral cancer that endangered God's covenant people and Deuteronomy 20 is going to deal with that and course numbers 33 and Joshua 23 also deal with this and by the way if this all offends you you got to realize something Jesus Christ is going to return to slaughter the unrepentant upon the earth the unrepentant wicked and occasionally not too often we'll see a little bumper sticker Jesus coming again soon and boy is he angry and it's a little irrelevant irreverent I think in my people's mind but but it's it happens to be the scripturally right there's going to be a very big contrast between the second coming the first coming where Jesus came to fulfill his mission in our place but the the our kinsman redeemer has that coin has a flip side it's called the Avenger of blood and when he comes back he comes back as a warrior in fact we'll see him he is going to be drenched in blood not his blood that was shed at the cross the blood of his enemies read revelation 19 read Isaiah 63 and so forth and it'll become very good let's well let's move on verse 7 verse chapter 7 verse 3 neither shalt thou make marriages with him my daughter shall not give unto his son or his daughter she'll take unto thy son for they will turn away thy son from following me that they may serve other gods so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you and destroy these suddenly it is imperative for the survival of the nation for them to keep themselves separate to fulfill the mission that God has for them their survival individually and collectively depend on it that's what the same here but thus shall you deal with them you shall destroy their altars break down their images cut down their groves that's the ash draw these these phallic symbols that were part of their fertility cult and burn their graven images with fire you notice the very tactful multicultural attitude here you're under do you realize that we have to just accommodate that and of course not being facetious here no this is different this is this is this is black and white stuff I'm reminded of a conversation in entertainment context when and where the young operative was talking to his CIA boss dad but talk about the old days and he said to the old guy - speaking of the World War 2 areas so he said do you miss the old days sir he says I missed their clarity I missed their clarity you know always echoes in my ears you know it's interesting there was a time as recently as the second world war where things were sort of black and white couldn't bend it's amazing to see how blurred that is today it was pretty clear here usually how you here's how you deal with them you can destroy their altars break down their gonna just cut down their groves and burn their graven images fire for thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth Wow no wonder the world hates the Jew because they are ordained by the God of the universe to be a special people and the world who doesn't accept that regards that just as an excuse to you know to be officious and what-have-you but all the people that are on the face of the earth that's a heavy trip in spite of that they are going to blow it in spades or keeper building up to that the Lord did not set his love upon you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people for ye were the fewest of all people it wasn't because they were powerful they were large or whether they were this or that it was God's sovereignty that chose them but because the Lord loved you and because he would keep the oath which he has sworn unto your father's aha there's another reason hatha Lord brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you out of the house of monment from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt these people were beneficiaries of a Redemption that God had promised he swore to their fathers he would do this you and I are beneficiaries of a similar kind of promise that he made to Jesus Christ every benefit we have is the function of God keeping his promises that he has given us in Christ there's a parallel but we'll know therefore that the LORD thy God he is God and the faithful God which keep to the Covenant the mercy with them that love him and keep his Commandments to a thousand generations and he pay of them hate him to their face to destroy them he will not be slack to him that hate of him he will repay him to his face see the Lord alone is God he's able to control history and to raise up nations to bring them down God is in Qatar he's in control he's also a faithful God the same God has and obviously this thousand generations thing is an it is a rhetorical device meaning you know in effect endlessly or forever it's a it's a figure is a figure of speech but anyway you move on thou shalt therefore keep the commandments the statutes the judgments which I command thee this day to do them wherefore chil come to pass if he hearkened to these judgments and keep and do them but the LORD thy God shall keep under the the Covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy father's that's the good news and he will love thee and bless thee and multiply thee and also blessed the fruit of thy womb and the fruit of thy land by corn thy wine 9 all the increase of thy carrying the flocks of thy sheep in the land which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee thou shalt be blessed above all people there shall not be male or female barren among you nor among your cattle the Lord will take away from the all sickness now put none of the evil diseases of Egypt which thou knowest upon thee but will lay them upon all them that 18 the very sneak book that was published many years ago called none of these diseases a phrase of course about of Exodus by dr. Milton who went through medical history and it's a shock to realize a couple of things one is it's amazing when you first of all from the papyrus eBrush if you look at the ancient recordings that we have of the medical practice of ancient Egypt they're really weird they're really they're really grotesque what's amazing about them isn't the ignorance that they portray what's interesting is that Moses was taught in that culture and none of that shows up in the Torah all these weird concepts they had medicine they're not in the Torah in contrast to that there are hygiene issues there are there are all kinds of things that the Jews do not get you there's a cervical cancer issue that derives favorably from the fact that they're circumcised there's all there's medical study after medical study after medical studies one of the most interesting ones is the circumcision on the eighth day if you do medical grafts what is it vitamin K and prothrombin anyway it turns out that if you're going to circumcise a child if you do it before the eighth day or after the eighth day you could encourage great bleeding but by doing it on the eighth day it's optimum to make it safest now it's interesting about that how did Moses know trial and error what things it's interesting that the medical insights that pervade the Torah are astonishing if you and there are books written and in Milken's book was just one example I was very intrigued with that but none of these disease all these diseases of Egypt ii think we're familiar with they were kept from by god and in part by the hygiene by the rules which he Institute's in the Torah but anyway move on if thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee then I shall have no pity upon them neither shalt thou serve their gods for they will be a there unto thee if thou shalt say in thine heart these nations are more than I how can I dispossessed them thou shalt not be afraid of them but shalt well remember what the LORD thy God did unto Pharaoh and all Egypt boy you know I often it sounds a little reverent but I almost feel when I read Exodus it's almost as if God showing off you know one thing after the nether go X is the climaxing of course in the death of the firstborn but you go through that it God seemed to be going out of his way to demonstrate that he was God and there's no way you can rationalize by circumstance all kinds of scholars have tried to rationalize the events of Egypt in national and naturalistic terms by comets are all kinds of conjectures no God was so vivid so you know he wiped out the firstborn of the animal it's not just the the people of Egypt and so it's an incredible so that's why Friday the 13th there's someone lucky did you know that you realize when did the Passover take place 14th of Nisan okay now the it was the Shabbat it was but when does Shabbat start not as you know the next day starts at sundown so what's the 14th of the Sun to the Hebrews is the 3rd Friday the 13th to the Egypt so Friday the 13th is the Gentile side of the Passover interesting we are indebted to Velikovsky of all people for that insight but anyway move on the great temptations with Dinah I saw the signs and the wonders and the mighty hand stretched out arm whereby the LORD thy God brought thee out so shall the LORD thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid so you're worried about these ruffling you're worried about the Nephilim these Giants whatever don't sweat it God can deal with it and these are all things that were true by the way 38 years ago but they wouldn't listen they were terrified and Moses is reminding him of all this that this generation should go in and go forward in victory more of the Lord that God will send the Hornet among them until they that are left and hide themselves from they be destroyed now there are some scholars think this is just an idiom you know idiomatic some believed there were little Hornets I won't argue that one why the other the the idea that God's enemies will run as if they're attacked by swarms of Hornets that can be taken literally or others say it can be if we can make reference to the way the Egyptian army was taking but whatever and thou shalt be a frightened at them for the Lord that God is among you in the mighty hand mighty God and terrible the LORD thy God will put out those nations before thee by little and little thou mayest not consume that but once lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee that's interesting is what he's saying you're not gonna wipe out all those seven nations at one time because you can't handle it all the wild beasts and stuff will multiply you won't be able to handle the turf so you're gonna take them little by little so you can manage it and meanwhile your enemies will keep the beasts out of control you know we're not gonna bite off more than you can chew as a community what they're what he's saying here I think that's I think it's it may is not consuming once let's the beasts of the field increase upon me the LORD thy God shall deliver them unto thee and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction until they be destroyed the truth of the matter is the enemies were fearful of Israel we find that X is 15 numbers 22 Joshua 2 if I remember in member Rahab the harlot and she was she'd heard she's terrified the the reputation has preceded them and so God would throw the Israel's enemies into confusion and we're gonna see I mentioned here subsequently - and so God inspired panic would engulf the Canaanites and render them help us in battle and all this would happen by a well-conceived plan that's what this little by little implies and so that the land would not be depopulated too quickly and be overrun by wild beasts and so on and he shall deliver their kings into thy hands and thou shall destroy their name from our heaven there shall no man be able to stand before thee until thou have destroyed them and of course all this comes true it comes past in the book of Joshua the graven images of the God shown you burn with fire and thou shalt not desire the silver gold that is on the north under thee lest thou be snared therein for it is an abomination to the Lord thy God so they weren't d'etre apparently not not to recapture the precious metals that were involved just destroy it that's exactly what Moses will do the Golden Cap it doesn't destroy the girl he destroys all of it it was an abomination as far as he's concerned neither shalt thou bring an abomination to thine house unless thou be cursed a curse that thing like it but thou shalt utterly detest it and thou shalt utterly abhor it for it is a curse of thing you may remember an AI that the salt comes later of course but at AI the Aitkin tongue Wanda something he wasn't supposed to and for that reason they got clobbered the whole nation got punished because this one guy didn't obey this and we should take this to heart not that were under the law but it says you should not bring an abomination in the night house a cult object should not be in your your house I'm not talk about artifacts that the harmless thing I'm talking about occult objects I shall not bring an abomination to that house lest thou be a curse the thing like it thou shalt utterly detest it not so utterly abhor it for it is what a curse a thing and so that ends chapter 7 let's go to chapter 8 now we're gonna have a warrant warning against the spirit of Independence this is something that jeopardizes all of us and it jeopardizes America right now we have a military that's distinguished itself made military history in its effectiveness as professionalism as technology incredible incredible accomplishments in the recent war in Iraq and the danger is we can get prideful David has made it made his major problems around the heels of victory when you remember the people so we need really watch out watch out for pride we have Dugan justifiably proud of our military in many respects we need to be careful that we don't fall on that same trap Deuteronomy 8 verse 1 all the commandments which I command thee this day shall ye observed to do that ye may live and multiply and go in and possess the land which the Lord swear unto your father's and thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led they these 40 years in the wilderness to Humble thee to prove thee to know what is in thine heart without words keep his Commandments or not know the these challenges they had during the 40 years the wilderness weren't too shows God something he didn't know that's and what they call an effort more morphism or a rhetorical device to show them what's in their heart do you follow me just to know what was in that heart for them to know God knew it wasn't hard whether you would keep his Commandments or not he knew that he knew there was going to have to be a redeemer he knew that they would get themselves a predicament that nothing less than the death of God himself would suffice to repair the damage and that's what Christ is all about but that was ordained back in Eden Genesis 3 that's it that's hidden in the text of the genealogy of Genesis 5 man has appointed mortal sorrow but the blessed God shall come down teaching that his death shall bring the despairing come for the rest that's the genealogy who translate the names in the first 10 from from Adam to Noah interesting know God's plan was not a knee-jerk reaction after over someone he knew and Vance what was coming what it would take to redeem these people because he didn't ultimate it would be to his glory he loved us that much the real mystery in the bible is who how or why he loves it so much he sure does anyway so they went through this trial he humbled and suffered thee to hunger and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not neither did their fathers know that he might make the know that man does not live by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord deaf man lived the whole wilderness the whole 38-year experience that this nation has gone through was deliberately designed by God so they would understand that is only by their dependence on him they would survive they couldn't fabricate there was not the kind of wilderness where you could raise food God provided it that's the way God wants us to be in response to him there's a danger when we become independent there's a danger when we become self-reliant that we failed to look at him and one of the there's a risk to our spiritual welfare when we become self-reliant because honestly if I rain that wax not old upon me neither did that foot swell those four years can you imagine their shoes didn't wear out 40 years thou shalt also consider 9 heart that has a man chasing of his son so the Lord by God chasing at thee when a father expresses the love for a son by disciplining you know how he loves that son he destroys the son by being passive and ignoring his false no we should deal with him and our father is a loving father he loves us so much he wanted that go without being dealt with therefore thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God to walk in his ways and to fear Him the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land a land of Brooks of water fountains and depths that spring out of the hills valleys and hills a land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and pomegranates a land of olive and honey a land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarce tostão shall not lack anything in it a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass all these things by the way have been discovered there and it's all it turns out to be very very descriptive but Moses didn't know that at the time this is inspired we since we take this all for granted we know Israel today but this was written by Moses before he died and he didn't enter land he only saw it from Mount Nemo verse 10 when now as deepening artful and when thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which he hath given me beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God you're not keeping his commandments and his judgments in the statutes which I command thee to say you know this what Moses is saying here hey God watch it when you're prosperous you're gonna you've had a tough time that's been for a good reason but now that you're gonna go in and prosper in you're gonna conquer these nations you're gonna have all this food and all is this fabulous land don't forget God you know how interesting it is that our country is founded by people who are seeking the freedom of worship people that came here and found it in the nation on godly principles the Constitution Declaration of Independence all these things our God breathe documents they're based on they were they were they were penned and formulated by brilliant geniuses that were god-fearing and in those early years they understood the heritage that they were laying down for their posterity and it's really a shock to realize now that we are prosperous we're forgetting that we're turning back same thing happened to Israel here same thing happened to the Northern Kingdom when the Jeroboam rebelled against rebel and they separated the northern how the house of Israel they prospered Arab ohms aren't standing army conquer all the way Damascus they were very prosperous God said Hosea to them you guys think it's the best of times in God's eyes it's the worst of times you've abandoned two centuries of heritage and you've exchanged your heritage for worshipping idols that's brought you social injustice and violence and so forth and so on the whole indictment list if you study Hosea from chapter four through 14 it's a description of the United States also we too have two centuries of heritage we've abandoned it we've forgotten the God that made it possible and it's very possible he's going to give it has the same indictment against us the Hosea head against the North game same kind that danger beware that I'll forget knock the LORD thy God in keeping his Commandments his judgments his statutes which I command this thing you know it's amazing how empires have been studied empires have a life cycle they go from bondage to faith and from faith to freedom and from freedom to abundance and then for abundance to complacency from complacency to apathy and apathy the dependency and dependency back to bondage it takes about two centuries and that's been the history of mankind and United States looks like it's where are we on that cycle we're beyond you know bondage and faith and abundance are we moving to complacency and apathy how are we going to move towards dependency well that plunges back into bondage that would be the pattern with it less doubt when I was even in artful and has built goodly houses and dwelt therein and when they herds and flocks multiply and the silver and gold is multiplied and all that thou hast is multiplied then thine heart be lifted up all and thou shalt forget the LORD thy God which brought thee forth out the land of Egypt and from the house of bondage who led thee through the great and terrible wilderness wherein were fiery serpents and scorpions and drop where there was no water and brought the forth water out of the rock of Flint who fed the in the wilderness with manna in which their fathers knew not and that he might humble thee that he might prove thee to do thee good at the latter end and now say in my heart my power and might a mine hand have gotten me this health be careful that's what brought me a beacon is ER down he's on the top of the wall I was Babylon it was a considered impregnable by all the experts of that era look what I did and to God struck him down just as he predicted of course Daniel took care of her for seven years as he went through this is a institutionalization till he we've covered from all of that watch out when you were saying your heart my power and my in the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth but don't remember the LORD thy God for it is he that giveth me the power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he may swear unto thy fathers as it is this day and shall be that if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God and walk after other gods and serve them and worship them I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish well that's pretty clear there isn't any technical ambiguities about the language ye shall surely perish he's speaking individually and collectively if the nations which Lord have to destroy us before your face so shall ye perish because he would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God Moses is building this up because he's about to describe their tendencies he's not through here we're going to see the chapter 8 is followed by chapter 9 now we're talking about a warning against spirit of self-righteousness this is a different thing to some close cousin chapter 9 here o Israel thou art to pass over Jordan this day to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself cities great and fenced up to heaven if people great and tall and people of the Anakin's remember we talked about the Anakin's most people don't understand these were not just tribal things these were fom these were vestiges of the Nephilim and so on whom thou knowest and of whom thou hast heard say who can stand before the children anak that was the way they assessed these people they were it was they were terrified understand therefore this day if the LORD thy God is he which goeth over before thee as a consuming fire he shall destroy them and he so bring them down before thy face o thou shalt drive them out destroy them quickly as the LORD hath said unto thee he's anticipating the same reactions by the young men their graph of pace these guys as the young men did 38 years earlier they're terrified what they're up against he's saying no no to understand God has committed to go before you he's going to take care of this for you trust him you know it's interesting the whole issue here is trusting God God finds a new way to ask us each day you and I do trust me God finds a new way almost every day to ask you that question and that's what he's after do you trust him speak not thou in my heart after the LORD thy God hath cast them out from before thee saying for my righteousness the LORD hath brought me to him possess this land but for the wickedness of these nations the Lord does drive about from before thee see God's gonna go before them but not because they merit it he's going to do this thing but not because they deserve is because God promised he do it not for thy righteousness or for the uprightness of your heart thus thou go to possess the land but for the wickedness of those nations the Lord they got that drive them out from before thee that he may perform the word which Lord swear and I father's Abraham Isaac and Jacob God told Abraham for their for 400 years your people are going to be in Egypt but then they're gonna come back for 40 years they're gonna come back and God promised to rid this land of it's see the flip side of this is Satan at for centuries lay down a minefield when God told Abraham your people gonna come back here for 400 years from now Satan could say boy I've got 400 years to lay down a minefield to thwart the plan of God and that's the that's the undergirding strategic thing that's going on with these seven nations the for special tribes that he mean the roaming the the rephaim the walking dead that were there for the wickedness of those nations the LORD thy God to thrive them out before thee that he may perform the word which the Lord swear and I father's Abraham Isaac and Jacob again God either getting the victory not because they deserve it not because they're righteous because God promised their fathers he would do this it's God's faithfulness that's the issue that ours I understand therefore that the LORD thy God giveth thee not this good land to possess it for thy righteousness good for thou art a stiff-necked people now that's not written in some anti-semitic tract that's in the Word of God that's Moses assessment now aren't a stiff-necked people their hearts are hard to change the attitudes are rigid their their their very self will that's what's involved here now you think they are we are too so when you got the most stiff necked person you probably going to see in your life if the one you shave every morning guys okay remember and forget not how that provoked us the LORD thy God to wrath in the wilderness from the day that thou disty part on the land of Egypt until you came in this place ye have been rebellious against the Lord she now after this build up he's going to nail him he's going to tell him let's remember what the history was like also in horrible that's it Masonic he provoked the Lord de wrath so if the Lord was angry with you to have destroyed you God was going to wipe them out Moses says when I was going up to the Mount to receive the tables of stone even the tables of the Covenant was made with you then I had bowed in the mount 40 days and 40 nights probably it's a long time think about it can't be on the mountain unprepared probably for 40 days and 40 nights I did neither did eat bread nor drink water it's a long time by the way he does this twice he's gonna do this twitch I've got them out to receive the table stone I blown them up four days and forty nights neither did I eat bread or drink water and the Lord delivered unto me the two tables of stone written with the finger of God Wow and on them was written according to all the words which the Lord spake with you in the Mount of the midst of the fire and in the day of the assembly I came to pass at the end of the forty days and forty nights that the Lord gave me the two tables of stone even the tables of the Covenant by the way most people assume trivial thing but that the two tables had half the laws and one half on the other no both of them probably had the complete laws the style in the ancient time if you had a serious covenant were to have two copies it was anyway came to pass at the end of 40 days four nights the Lord gave me the two tables of stone even the tables of the Covenant and the Lord said unto me arise get thee down quickly from this to thy people which that brought out of Egypt have corrupted themselves and they are quickly turned to side out of the way which I commend them they have made them an image you know while Moses up there forty days and forty nights with God what's going down in the camp revelry partying and they con a Aaron to build this golden calf you know the story okay this is G just came out of the fire like this thing furthermore the Lord speaking me saying I have seen this people and behold it is a stiff-necked people there it is again God's opinion seems to be the same as Moe's let me alone then I may destroy them that's God speaking let me alone let me destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven this is God speaking about Israel and I will make of thee a nation mightier than greater than a so God is actually is actually putting Moses to the test but he's saying I am fed up with these guys they've got down there and corrupt themselves are making this golden calf I'm gonna wipe them all out and start over I'm gonna make a I'm gonna make a of thee noses a nation even mightier than name that's the interesting deal G God Moses the so I turned came down from the mountain the mountain with fire and the two tables of Covenant were in my two hands and I looked and behold he sinned against the Lord your God he made you a molten calf he had turned aside quickly out of the way in which the Lord had commanded you and I took the two tables and cast them out of my two hands and break them before your eyes why because they had broken the Covenant the Covenant was broken not by Moses breaking they think by them by turning against God he just got through this whole thing he's up there 40 days 40 nights getting the details and he they're down there and he's back as it's hard to turn when they're in it doing what doing exactly what God said not to do so as far as and by the way God did regard that covenant is broken he's going to read he's going to give a new set he's gonna make a new one charlie but the point is that those two tables of stone symbolize the breaking of that covenant it was kaput I took the tables cast them out of my two hands and break them before your eyes teach art that he's talking to the people started and I fell down before the Lord is that the first 40 days and 40 nights so he does another 40 days and 40 nights here guys I didn't either neither the bread nor drink water because of all your sins which he sinned in doing wickedly in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger and I was afraid of the anger and the hot display with the Lord was wroth against you to destroy you but the Lord hearkened unto me at that time also see Moses prayed for the people his his his he prayed for the people the Lord was very angry with Aaron destroyed him even his Brittany oh brother I prayed for Aaron also at the same time he says this the only place by the way that's mentioned and I took your sin the calf which he had made and burnt it with fire and stamped it and rounded very small even until it was just small as dust and I cast the dust thereof into the brook that descended out of the mountain so that was the golden calf you all know boy is that the gold calf thing is right and that's not the end of it he then goes on there's been a lot of other cases as they wanted in the wilderness at Abra at NASA and that Kippur of hot lava they provoked the Lord to wrath and the Institute a burro that was the people were complaining about their hardships and and God burned burned them at the fringes of the camp the word tappero means burning by the way and at the other one here masa that's that was where they were complaining about the no water and they struck the rock and they got the water and so forth and at ke Brava the Catawba means the graves of lust is what it translates into that's where they they didn't like the manna so they been asked for quail we gave him plenty of coil and they so gorge themselves in the quail that they got sick and many of them died and and because again again always complaining rather than being grateful always complaining murmuring and instant after its incidence here's three that he just suffers at Abarat Meza and this is this is all familiar to them of course as part of their history it says likewise when the Lord sent you from Kadesh Barnea saying go up and possess the land which I've given you then you be bailed against the commandment of the Lord your God and believed him not nor hearken unto his voice their kids for nearly 38 years ago you could have gone in and God was right delivered to you and you wouldn't take it but it must be frustrating you know it's even more frustrating when God promises in the Garden of Eden that he's gonna bring a deliverer and he guest goes through centuries of profits detailing everything about of his genealogy and what family and where he's going to be born all the details of his life the Messiah when the Messiah comes they crucified Nick whose fine you know it's a very interesting summary of Hebrew history by Steven in the book of Acts acts 7 Steven the young man has the audacity to give the Sanhedrin a Hebrew lesson but he goes through and recounts a similar history but he makes an interesting point because they don't let him finish so many people understand where he was headed but if you take act 7 an outline his logic he always points out the Israel always blows it the first time they get it a second blows it the first time to get it the second they blow it the first time they get a second and he gets to the resurrection and they don't even finish to get him so upset they think because stone them what are they saying they blew it the first time his first coming but they'll get it I'm the second coming it's the pattern this interesting in you have been rebellious against the Lord from the day that I knew you yes I fell down before the Lord forty days and forty nights have felt out of the first because the Lord has said he would destroy you God is gonna destroy Israel and it's Moses that's interceding we have Moses in the role of an intercessor do you have an intercessor - you know who that is who's your intercessor not Moses who's your Assessor Jesus can you imagine the son of God spending his primary duty right now before the father is there as intercede on your behalf is he gonna more effective than Moses I think so was Moses adequate he sure was because God didn't wipe out that nation because the Moses in if he interceded and in it on the basis of God's glory not because they deserved it his arguments are very interesting God don't if you wipe out this nation to start over all the nation will say how so you couldn't do what they already promised to do the interesting logic I prayed there for the Lord and said O Lord God destroy not by people and mine inheritance which thou has redeemed through thy greatness which thou has brought forth out of Egypt with mighty hand remember thy servants Abraham Isaac and Jacob look not to the stubbornness of this people nor to their wickedness nor to the sin now remember your promises to Abram Isaac Jacob II saying but you notice he points out that it was God's greatness that we did not the people deserved lest the land when style brought us out get this lest the land whence thou brought us out say because the Lord was not able to bring them into the land which he promised them and because he hated them he hath brought them out to slay them in the wilderness Moses is arguing for the Lord hey people don't deserve to be they deserve to be wiped out but what are your enemies going to say you're gonna say you couldn't cut it you couldn't deliver the land like you promised yet he rose continued yet they are thy people and nine inheritance which thou brought us up by T by thy mighty power power and by thy they stretched out our interesting logic Moses well let's take one more and we'll wrap it up here chapter 10 and at that time the Lord said unto me hew thee to tables of stone like unto the first and come up unto me into the mount and make thee an ark of wood and they will do that later he that will become the Ark of the Covenant later and I will write upon the tables the words that thou that were in the first tables which thou break us and I shall put them in the art so God is going to make a new set of tables Tallis and that's a new covenant be the same words but it's a it's it's a restart if you want God decides not to destroy him in effect you know to to give him another chance and I made an ark of shittim wood and he two tables of stone like unto the first and went up to the Mount having the two tables in my hand and he wrote on the tables according to the first writing the Ten Commandments which the Lord spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly the Lord gave them unto me I turned myself and came down from the mount and put the tables in the Ark which I had made and there they be as the LORD commanded me and the children Israel took their journey from be wroth of the children of the jaqen to muster where Aaron died there he was buried and eleazar his son ministered in the priests office in his debt and now this may be an editorial insertion some scholars point out that because this involves some things that happened later and Israel was in Ross era when Aaron died according to numbers twenty and thirty three he died on Mount hor so muscle might be the district that Mount Horeb was located in to speculation Nellie eleazar's Aaron's third son I became the high priest in Deuteronomy from the very 1006 and the Levites were then given specific responsibilities in relation to the tabernacle and so forth to be a priest yet to be descendant of Aaron but the other Levites were given other tasks and so forth and from thence they journeyed too good to go good going da and from good Gorda to jot both the land of the rivers of waters at that time the Lord separated the tribe of Levi to bear the Ark of the Covenant allured to stand before the Lord to minister in to him and to bless in his name unto this day where 40 of I have no part nor inheritance with his brethren the Lord is his inheritance according to the LORD thy God promising you may recall me the twelve tribes go into the land under Joshua they after they conquer the land eleven of the twelve tribes get land allocated to them but Levi's the Levites didn't inherit land the God was their inheritance but but they didn't get as 48 cities six of which were designated as cities of refuge and so forth and as you go through all that let me also warn you if you haven't noticed it before there's not twelve tribes or thirteen the tribe of Joseph was entitled to a double portion his sons were east of Ephraim of Manasseh so you've actually got 13 tribes to play with so you can take 12 tribes and leave one out and always have twelve so when you want a marching order of twelve tribes you leave out Levites it over the war you still have twelve cries because you got Ephraim Manasseh if you want to count leave irons still have twelve we counted the tribes of Joseph you put the two together follow me so you'll discover the Tri the twelve tribes are listed 20 times in the Bible each time in a different order each time there's a different one left out for different reasons and each and there's a lesson in each one of those so I'll leave that but just recognize the reason that works you can leave one out and still have twelve is because you've really got an alphabet of 13 so the baker's dozen if you would so we'll move on okay the Lord said unto me arise take that journey before thy people if they may go in and possess the land which I swear unto their fathers to give out of them and now Israel what death the Lord thy God require thee but to fear God to fear the Lord thy God to walk in his ways to love him and to serve thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul doesn't this remind you of a very famous passage Micah 6:8 what does the Lord require he has showed the old man what is good and what did the Lord require of thee but to do justly love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God that's the long and short of it that's what God expects wants us to walk in on his ways to love him to serve the LORD thy God with all my heart with all my soul you're not Jewish he doesn't say you take it under the Jewish laws on your shoulder but you still expect you to love him with all your heart with all your soul to keep the commands the Lord and the statutes which I command you this day for thy good behold the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord as thy God and the earth also with all that therein is only the LORD hath delight and thy father's to love them and he chose their seat after them even you above all people as it is this day circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart and be no more stiff neck strange phrase we think of circumcision dealing with a totally different organ of the body but that's the circumcision the flesh he's using the term idiomatically here circumcised is therefore the foreskin of what your heart I mean going there with a scalpel no no no no what you've got to do soften your heart you've got to have your heart right with the Lord circumcision was the instituted and instituted symbol of the covenant yes but he's talking about have the covenant your heart circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart and be no more stiffening the Lord your God is a God of gods and the Lord of lords the Great God Almighty and a terrible and you've gotta thought persons nor taketh reward he does execute the judgment of the father's and the widow and loveth the stranger in giving him food and raiment love you therefore the stranger by the way this is one of things he you love you therefore the strange before ye were strangers in the land of Egypt that's why they were instructed that when they had a non Jew among them for some reason treat him with hospitality why cuz you were once strangers in a strange land they love me therefore the stranger for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt thou shalt fear the LORD thy God thou shalt thou him shalt thou serve and to him shall cleave and swear by his name he is thy praise and he is thy God and he that hath done for the these great and terrible things which thine eyes have seen thy father's went down into Egypt with threescore and ten persons and now the LORD thy God hath made thee as the stars of heaven for multitude that was what he promised to do back in Genesis 15 and just 17 Genesis 26 let's frame sister make these estar as opposed to you it's interesting that the fathers went down to Egypt with so many people and elsewhere in Genesis 10 we find that the nation that the nations of the world were numbered as 70 in the Torah in the book of Genesis chapter 10 and this is a a point of some confusion among some scholars because when we look at Genesis 46 in verses 26 and 27 it reads all the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt which came out of his loins b-sides Jacob's sons wives all the souls were threescore and six and the sons of Joseph which were born him in Egypt were two souls and all the souls of the house of Jacob which came into Egypt were threescore and ten now this is further confounded by the fact that when you get to the New Testament and Stephen is giving his summary of the Old Testament before the Sanhedrin you know that that's a that's quite a scene here's this young deacon presuming this is what we call in Hebrew Hudspeth this young man is giving the Sanhedrin a lesson in the Old Testament history in fact X chapter 7 is an incredible commentary on the Old Testament it's worthy of a very careful study because there's a half a dozen things in that chapter you won't find in the Old Testament we learn a great deal about the Old Testament from Stephens presentation but just to focus on one thing in verse 14 of x7 Stephen says to them then sent Joseph and called his father Jacob to him and all his kindred threescore and fifteen Souls so here we have yet another number and this has caused a lot of confusion of the average Bible student Genesis 46 26 speaks of 66 going down to Egypt and the next verse speaks of seventy and of course the difference between them is the between the 66 and 70 is Jacob Joseph and Joseph two children Manasseh and Ephraim which were adopted by Joseph but then when you get to X 7 14 there's five additional and that just emerges from the fact that Stephen was using the Septuagint translation which includes Joseph's scrams sons and so there were five additional to give you the seventy five so let's say it's a that explains the the seventy that go down into Egypt but one of the things we discover when we get to Genesis chapter 10 we have a chapter that's known as the table of Nations and we have Noah and his three sons ham Shem and Japheth and their descendants enumerated there in Genesis chapter 10 under Noah of course we have ham Shem and Japheth ham head Masurian cush put and Canaan Shem had Alam Asher at our FAC said lewd and Aram and Japheth had Gomer Magog Yavin and Tara's and what goes on in that Chet in that passage is we have detailed under each of them the tribal names and of and their descendants it's interesting of course that Mitt serene is the name for Egypt you and I think of it as Egypt but often in the scripture we'll have the ancient tribal name of midstream referring to both upper lower egypt and the Philistines came originally from from if notice by the way that these are not sons of Ishmael they're him and it's there's a lot of confusion as to what constitutes an Arab are you speaking ethnically then certainly not the hem lights are you speaking geographically then you're speaking of Saudi Arabia but in any case also from ham came cush translated Ethiopian your Bible but it includes the cast sites and they settled east of Syria the some of them and the settled south of the second cataract of the Nile the Kushites among them of course was Nimrod he's the one that created map de El the Tower of Babel and from him came Erik iCade and calneh and that'll be detailed further in the 11th chapter of Genesis but also under ham came put now he settled west of Egypt that's why it's translated Ethiopia in our Bibles but it really refers to the North Africans which are mostly Berbers and so on and also a descent of ham was canaan from sidon to gaza from all the way to sodom and gomorrah we have the Canaanites but also descended from them were the K ties with from which we get the term cafe and also the senate's and that C note is where we get one of the designates for China so some of these descendants found ourselves in the Far East and that's discussed in Isaiah 49 among other places so those are the hem lines under Shem we have alarm which is the ancient name for the Persians or what we call today Iran we also have asher and our facts and our facts it's the important one for us because from them came Sayla Eber and Peleg in the days of Peleg the earth was divided and then under him came a series of Senate's ultimately get to Terah and of course Abraham because from chapter 12 following the rest the Bible really deal with Abram and his descendants both spiritually and linearly in addition to our facts that we have a loot of aram from as shemites and then the third son of Noah was Japheth and that's the one we associate with with Europe and so forth we have Gomer who wrote at this Plutarch and others talk about the Centers of Gomer and the Simran's settled along in the Danube and the Rhine the ashkenaz was a descendant of Gomer as a term that generally refers to the Germanic peoples and riff hath Josephus speaks of them as a flag on hands and the word Europe also comes from riff a strangely enough elderly derives from that and the minds of some scholars also undergo more was to garma from which we get the Armenians but not just the are mean they call themselves the house of togarmah but also parts of Turkey and Turkistan also traced the roots to to garment so those are all gamba rights if you will a second song Japheth was Magog and of course that was the ancient skiffins to you to the Greek term it's critical for our understanding a zekiel 38 and 39 to understand the skiff Ian's Hesiod which was a Greek didactic poet from the 8th century BC uh spoke much about them but we know a great deal of the skiffins or the sense of Magog from Herodotus who was called the father of history wrote about the fifth century BC and wrote a great deal about them because the Greeks were very interested in this the tactics and strategies of the skitty and military so Gomer Magog the Medaille the Medes the Kurds and so forth the immersion of the 10th century BC made a coalition with Persia to become the Persian Empire in the 7th BC 7th century BC then we have Yavin which is Ionia or Greece and under them we have Tarshish apparently and many people believe that might be an allusion to the British Isles then we also have Terra's and who deals with the Etruscans of Italy and others so those are the sons the reason I bring you bring this up if you go through Genesis 10 you'll discover there there are 70 nations so we have 70 nations in the table of Nations in Genesis 10 and we have 70 tribes if you will from Jacob entering Egypt as a family and leaving Egypt as a nation Israel and it summarized for us in Deuteronomy 1022 the last verse of our study this evening the interesting thing we'll discover when we get to Deuteronomy 32 verse 8 that these two seventies are linked together that that the scripture actually makes the point of this Deuteronomy 32 verse 8 says when the Most High divided to the nation's their inheritance when he separated the sons of Adam he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel for the Lord's portion is his people Jacob is a lot of his inheritance so there's very strange connection if you will between the 70 families that went down as a family to Egypt that came out as the nation Israel is linked by the Lord Himself by the creator himself to the number of Nations which from a biblical perspective are 70 so it's going to be interesting to see that all theme developed as we go further in the scripture so that concludes our study for this session we look forward to continuing these studies in session 5 let stand for a closing word of prayer well father we do thank you for your word we thank you for this precious precious gift you've given us and we thank you Father that you have provided us a day of helps and references and backgrounds that O the elders we have coveted to have this insight we thank you Father for your work we thank you but above all things father we also thank you that you are a God that keeps your promises let me thank you you've made such many precious promises teachers we thank you father your honor those and indeed we claim them the name of Jesus Christ we thank you Father above all things that you've given us the ultimate mediator of the Covenant the ultimate the Messiah name of Jesus Christ we thank you for him father you've known me provided him to go to the cross to pay our debts but also for your Holy Spirit have made us aware of who he is and what he has done and and in so doing meet his heirs to that covenant we thank you father we thank you that you've written us a love letter in blood that was written on a wooden cross erected in Judaism thousand years ago we thank you Father for that we do pray father for your Holy Spirit you'd help each of us to grow and grace the knowledge of a Lord and Savior that you would help each of us to be more effective stewards of the great gifts you've given us we pray father that you help us to understand what you would have of us in the days that remain that we too might love you with all our heart with all our soul all our strength and all our mind we do pray father that you would just help us to walk in a way that would please you we do pray father that you would help us find what you would have us do we pray father your purpose would be accomplished in each of our lives help us to father to be not to be a stiff-necked people but rather father to be responsive to you and to know your heart as we commit ourselves into your hands without any reservation in the name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen
Channel: NarrowPathMatt714
Views: 17,061
Rating: 4.768786 out of 5
Keywords: Chuck Missler (Film Actor), Deuteronomy, The Bible (Religious Text)
Id: 6Lc_aont9eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2014
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