4 Crazy Tricks I Learned From Flume

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hi this is Nettie with rocket powered sound in this video I'm going to be showing you four more tips and tricks that I learned from Flume in case you missed the last video on this topic we did another one of these before so be sure to check that one out afterwards if you enjoyed this video we're going to be putting together a little drop to Showcase these talking points so let's get right into it alright so tip number one is to do organic drums so Flume I feel like is all about organic drums um so this is no exception so let's get right into it I'm going to be using the ultimate sample pack from rocket powered sounds to demonstrate all these points so if you want to go check that out as well click the link in the description but let's lay out some drums uh let's start with the iconic EDM uh and get some like kicks so um there's a couple of like really big like spacious kicks in here like oh yeah it clicks right on it perfect so I'm thinking we go like kind of like 125 beats per minute here make like a bit of a UK garage kind of beat oh yeah like that maybe maybe even like remove that kick right there and then just like let this ring out and then we'll just Loop that and then let's get a um [Music] yeah perfect it's a little long so it's like showing that up and then do this [Music] I think I think less is more with the case yeah something like this maybe also just slower because I feel like it's kind of fast so let's try one of five [Music] yeah okay and then let's just add some like like organic hi-hat Loop kind of thing see what we got for like perks like that like that I like that as well [Music] like that okay let's go with that and then just get some high hats just like scatter these around and we'll arrange them later it's good all right let's be enough so we got a bunch of perks a bunch of hi-hats uh sort of arranging these so I'm thinking we go like you know like something like that you know oh okay nice nice [Music] yeah okay okay we're cooking now [Music] okay okay this is sounding great duplicate this let's move these over real quick over here and then we can add a little variation right here we can maybe do this [Music] um I think this is just their two hi-hats right here so let's [Music] okay cool and then let's just look at that [Music] okay cool we've laid out a drum Loop now on to tip number two which is to add like scattered 808 placement so um I was listening to like flume's uh palaces album um and I kind of noticed like before this video and I kind of noticed um that it does this a lot where he takes like these 808s and then like plays them like once every like bar or something like that like it's it's very it's very like scattered out so let's see if we can get some of that like let's see if we can replicate some of that so let's get an 808 [Music] it might be better to go for like um the uh like iconic hip-hop for this since they'll have yeah like they'll have like all the 808s here I think if we get like kind of a gnarly sounding one something like this um let's just put that into a simpler [Music] [Music] now this is a this is a semi truck too high so let's tune that down [Music] I was kind of sick to have it like clip like really hard like that [Music] maybe like this and then uh [Music] bomb yeah [Music] I kind of want this to like Reverb like not reverberate in the sense that we add a Reverb but I do want this to kind of like have a bit of a Decay thing to it so let's just add like some processing to this [Music] just go kind of crazy with it it doesn't have to be anything like um [Music] oh that's kind of cool [Music] I kind of like that it's a little weird it's a little weird but like maybe we can um maybe we can kind of like do something about it maybe we can add like a faux coder here [Music] I think it just sounds kind of like in the background because of the spectrophone [Music] yeah that's cool all right so let's start adding just like synths so one thing I'm thinking we do is we take some like granular stuff so this is this goes this kind of ties back into the um previous video we did on this topic so if you haven't seen that be sure to check that out I was looking through some of these samples earlier and I found this one which I think is like really cool for this so let's uh let's toss this in uh again this is from the uh the iconic EDM session of the ultimate sample pack um now this is in uh F minor so let's uh let's just transfer this up until this is uh in F minor like that um now I'm thinking we um just throw this into let's what does this sound like uh doctors oh that's kind of a cool let's swing to it yeah I think we tossed into a sampler real quick and then just like tweak it like this so we we go sampler we put it on the sustain mode and then and I'll snap and then we can play around with like this the loop end and just like do some crazy stuff [Music] yeah like that um I'm thinking we just mess around with that um and see what we can get so let's just like like Loop this and then record this to audio and just start messing around foreign [Music] bits and Bobs here and there wow look at that waveform that is a shocking way for it okay cool um let's turn that off and then now we have like this at a disposal we'll turn that off for now but um we could probably reference it later [Music] or some crazy stuff [Music] yeah let's take this and then toss that right there [Music] [Music] yeah this is also kind of quiet so let's turn this up a bit uh like this [Music] okay cool maybe maybe just like like throw this around a bit [Music] okay that's cool maybe maybe like a little bit of Ott wouldn't hurt on this [Music] and then cut out the lows and then add a little Reverb like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] clicks on this are crazy but like um I think I'm willing to move look past that you know just kind of turn a blind eye to that okay so let's add a little like drone synth again this kind of ties back into the previous video and that's by the way editors know that it's drone like d-r-o-n-e not like drum okay so we're going to take a like a wave table uh since this works with like literally any sense that exists that produces saw waves and multiple voices and then we're gonna just like maybe put it on the uh Shimmer mode because we can like detune it nice and like hard like that and then we'll just low pass this a bit [Music] and then just add like a little [Music] the thing about this little sample is it sounds like it's tuned up a bit so let's let's also do that like just microtonal tune it up a bit [Applause] [Music] boom boom boom [Music] now what I'm thinking is doing this like crazy glitch this would be the perfect opportunity to automate the detune amount you go up I was listening to um I don't know which song it was off of uh Palace but it was there was like some song where they like where uh Flume like just did some crazy crazy like detune stuff and like just moved on like it was nothing and I thought it was a really cool effect so let's see if we can kind of replicate that here foreign yeah you can kind of hear it in the background there it's pretty subtle but like [Music] it's there just noticeably detune stuff just and just like move on from it like it was nothing right so that's what we just did here it's like add this little synth I just eating the crap out of it and like it'll it'll make it sound Flume can just do that okay so on to the next tip [Music] so tip number four is to just add a vocal that sounds like it's just ignoring everything so right now we've got some absolute Carnage going on in the song we're gonna we're gonna add a vocal that just doesn't even realize what's happening you know what I mean so um if you don't know what I mean you might you might see what I mean in a minute so we're gonna get some vocal one shots from the bonuses part of the ultimate sample pack [Music] why don't you tell me the truth stay by my side okay let's so we're in uh F minor so we gotta be in G sharp major let's see um [Music] I used this in the last video uh I'll just use it again uh because screw it and we'll tune it up like 40 cents maybe so that kind of fits with the rest baby tell me it was wrong and then please okay so we're gonna add this in a place like after the glitches so that it like you kind of get a chance to emotionally recover after you've just heard like this glitch yeah like that that's perfect and then we'll just add a little ping pong delay to that um do a little parallel action so that it kind of comes in like later do this and then add a gate to that and then side chain that's to itself or uh wait no I'm thinking of a compressor hold on wrong the right thing side chain live bfx there we go [Music] that's that's a little intense so let's let's tone that down a bit um maybe turn that'll release a bit [Music] okay and then we're gonna add like uh we're gonna we're gonna take this put that here as well and I just realized we didn't even sidechain it but you know what it's it's fine we're balling like that [Music] oh that's kind of cool [Music] [Music] it's kind of nifty [Music] oh maybe this would be kind of cool like yeah it's like turn turn on the little filter like only there [Music] okay okay that sounded great uh and I think I'm gonna leave it at that okay so that's all the tips I have for you today let's go ahead and take a listen to the finished results let's go yeah that's sounding that's that's great I love I really like it it sounds great to me um I hope you liked it as well so yeah I hope you enjoyed it as well be sure to check out the ultimate sample pack with a link in the description and uh hopefully I'll see you in another video bye-bye
Channel: Rocket Powered Sound
Views: 8,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rocket Powered Sound, Rocket Power Sound
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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