4 Common Causes Of CANCER That Most People Don’t Know About

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by the end of this video you'll know the four common causes of cancer that most people don't know about or at the very least the four categories of things that are associated with an increased cancer risk the first category which is of course out of your control genetics some cancers are in fact hereditary either directly or indirectly inherited and this group accounts for about five percent of all cancers examples of cancers that fall into this category include retinoblastomas certain types of breast cancers and certain types of colon cancer for example there's a variety of genetic mutations that can increase the risk of colorectal polyps and colorectal carcinoma as is the case with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma or Lich syndrome which is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner meaning that if your mom or your dad passes that Gene onto you you're guaranteed to get said disease the second most common form of auditory colon cancer is familial adenomatous polyposis or fap the cause is a mutation on the adenomatous polyposis coli Gene APC gene on chromosome number five and is also inherited in an autosomal dominant manner in this condition patients develop hundreds to thousands of colorectal polyps during their adolescent years and they always go on to develop colon cancer for this reason prophylactic removal of the colon is advised at a young age there are many chemicals or molecules in our environment that make us more prone to cancer so polyfloral alkyl substances are pfas are a class of more than 5 000 human-made molecules found in a variety of everyday products such as plastic non-stick cookware cleaning products paints Carpeting and more now in certain areas Water Supplies have been contaminated with these pfas and so drinking tap water in these regions is one of the most common means of exposure research currently suggests that these pfas are closely linked to a heightened risk of kidney and testicular cancer as well as endocrine complications so that's why pfas are also known as obesogens and endocrine disruptor molecules so in other words they affect their hormones and through your hormones out of balance and they actually affect the cells to make them more prone to storing fat what you eat has an impact on your risk of developing cancer in general the more processed food that you eat the higher the likelihood of getting cancer there's a few reasons for this one has to do with the fact that a diet that's low in fiber and high in sugar it makes cells more likely to encourage genetic mutations that not only lead to cancer but promote it you see every day the cells of our body incur mutations in DNA this is how cancer starts and that's what's called cancer initiation but our immune system fixes these mutations before things spiral out of control that's spiraling out of control is called cancer promotion and that's the the real issue because that's how it spreads and grows and guess what highly processed food does it feeds those mutated cells exactly what they need over the last several decades as we've generally eaten more and more processed food with more and more added sugar the incidence of obesity related cancers has gone up think colon cancer kidney cancer pancreatic cancer and even liver cancer especially for those who are in the age bracket of 30 to 50. so how is it that eating highly processed food like dominoes Dunkin Donuts Subway Doritos Oreos actually uniquely feeds the growth of those cancer cells while the main culprit is the added sugar which specifically supplies the backbone for the structural elements that allow those cancer cells to divide and conquer for example the ribose molecule comes from sugar ribose is what makes RNA in the deoxyribose is what makes DNA but that's only part of the story because cancer cells import 200 times the amount of glucose compared to normal cells your cells contain an enzyme called pi3 kinase which opens the glucose floodgates of the cell if the cell were to open these glucose floodgates there would be so much glucose that can be used to fuel the cell without even needing the mitochondria or oxygen and this is why it's no coincidence that cancer cells and fetal cells both have rapid growth and they both have high levels of pi3 kinase and so some very smart scientists ask themselves the question well then what if we could come up with a medication that blocks pi3 kinase because that might actually stop cancer and so came the development of pi3 kinase Inhibitors in fact some scientists found that if you first cut down on insulin signaling by reducing the amount of dietary sugar in refined carbohydrate then these pi3 kinase Inhibitors become much more effective insulin drives Down Cancer cell growth because it's how the glucose gets into the cell in the first place you could think of insulin as B being the key to the door and the pi3 kinase determines how wide that door swings open insulin and pi3 kinase work in unison to flood the cell with that glucose but refined carbohydrates and added sugar aren't the only reasons that highly processed food increase the cancer risk the lack of fiber contributes as well then there are all the other chemicals that are added especially when it comes to processed Meats things like pepperoni sausages and hot dogs these contain the carcinogens known as nitrosamines in Char grilling food especially grilling Meats as another class of chemicals that increases the cancer risk especially when it comes to colon cancer and that's something called pahs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons there are class of chemicals that occur naturally in Coal crude oil and gasoline they result from burning coal oil gas wood garbage and tobacco pahs can bind to or form small particles in the air so they can be inhaled and get into your lungs but also they can be inject adjusted when they get onto the food from that grilling process speaking of smoking in tobacco tobacco consumption is responsible for about 40 percent of cancer in men not just cancer of the mouth the throat with the lungs but also pancreatic and colon cancer and of course it affects women in big numbers as well chronic alcohol consumption substantially increases the risk of cancer in the GI tract especially esophageal cancer stomach and liver cancer then there's ultraviolet light from the sun leading to melanoma and some sunscreens that contain Benzene which should be banned by now but some of these sunscreens have Benzene in them which are another carcinogen so don't get the sunscreens with Benzene and we have certain types of medications like hormonal medications that increase the cancer risk and chemotherapy itself while these drugs can cure cancer many of them actually predispose that person to developing another cancer in the future if they survive their initial cancer I actually once had a patient a young woman who had bone cancer and one of these drugs that she received in her chemo regimen was called cytoxan also known as cyclophosphamide and she ended up beating the bone cancer but later on she developed AML a type of leukemia as a result of cyclophosphamide and she unfortunately did not survive her second cancer certain viral infections actually increase the person's risk of getting cancer for example HIV that increases the risk of capacity sarcoma and malignant lymphomas then you have Epstein-Barr virus which is the virus that causes mono or mononucleosis and Epstein-Barr virus actually increases the risk of developing burkitt's lymphoma then you have hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus which increase the risk of liver cancer and HPV which increases the risk of cervical cancer okay the fourth category is this sort of Oddball category that doesn't really fit into the other categories that I mentioned here we have various medical conditions that increase the risk of certain cancers so cryptorchidism is a condition in which one or both of the testes fail to descend from the abdomen down into the scrotum it's used usually just one testicle but it can be both testicles this condition is associated with a higher risk of testicular cancer then you have things like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis which increase the risk of colon cancer adults who have this condition called dermatomyositis are an increased risk of developing cancer in general with about 20 percent of patients being diagnosed with cancer within three years of being diagnosed with dermatomyositis people with Sjogren's syndrome have an increased risk of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in cirrhosis of the liver increases the risk of liver cancer so those are the four main categories genetics environmental factors viral infections in various medical conditions for most types of cancers genetics is estimated to contribute anywhere from 10 to 30 percent of cancer development while smoking in unhealthy diet are the leading factors in 50 of cancers and if you want more details about colon cancer specifically then you can check out this video right here
Channel: Doctor Mike Hansen
Views: 534,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4 Common Causes Of CANCER, Cancer Symptoms and causes, do I have a cancer, cancer, cancer doctor, cancer test, doctor mike, doctor mike hansen, mike hansen, prostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer
Id: wGuqcUhSUOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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