4 Blender Addons for Weight Painting and Skinning

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we can all agree that white painting is a tiresome and timec consuming process so in today's video we're going to be showing you guys some anals that will save your sanity and time during the boring process of wind painting and skinning these anals are really popular and they help thousands of artists create their projects and save their time so without further Ado let's Jump Right In we're going to start with voxel heat diffuse skinning this is an excellent Anon designed to resolve the problems encountered when using the traditional blender method just like I said earlier generating good weight Maps especially for your rig characters might make you lose your sanity in the process but not anymore since using the voxel heat diffused skinning algorithm you will have the ability to generate perfect Vortex weights for your complex characters within a couple of minutes give or take but this particular workflow isn't really compatible with the built-in heat map algorithm since it can only deal with watertight and seamless meshes and this is where this Anon comes handy using its Advanced skinning algorithm it makes it very easy to convert non- seamless characters into a solid statue which can be used to get a very natural and accurate weight map so using this addon is very easy and intuitive after installing the add-on and locating it in the M panel all you have to do at this point it select all the sub meshes and the Armature and within a few clicks of Vox diffuse skinning you will have successfully generated perfect weight pains this workflow generally works for characters meant to be used in games meaning the Armature is very basic and not very complicated but if you're working on very complex characters for movies or animations with a lot of moving Parts you won't have to combine traditional andox heat skinning methods in order to get a perfect result this Anon also resolves the problems that often appear when using the built-in blender bone heat waiting so using the surface heat diffuse skinning feature you can easily generate Vortex weights for your detailed areas of your mass such as fingers mon only diffus skinning also comes with a built-in corrective smooth Baker feature and what it does is that it can intelligently fix vertex weights issues so you don't have to do it for yourself manually and what makes this anals algorithm so good is that because unlike the traditional way of using the voxelization method voxal heat uses Advanced rate racing technology which is very interesting and it works by converting polygon Mash into a solid statue which is proven to be better than the voxelization methods just on the side note the Anem comes with a huge sets of adjustment parameters to find the generated weight maps and it gives you full Freedom over many settings like voxa resolution sample rays influence Bones the ability to protect selected Vortex white paints as well as the B range and many many more settings that you can explore the next add-on is called handy weight edit it can be an excellent alternative to weight painting that works in the edit mode handy weight edit can be a great tool for modifying your weight using a couple of Sliders in the edit mode and this gives you full control over the weight map so you no longer have to manually paint every little area in your mesh and use an accurate brush to fix your map instead you can select individual vertices or Vortex points and adjust the weight value using many familiar tools like Loop select x-ray L show select in addition to hide and unhide elements so generally speaking this Anon will make your life a lot easier when modifying your weight values during the character skinning process which is an important part of any character rigging and animation process ESS this is important especially if you don't like dealing with manual weight painting which I'm sure many of you don't like since it can be tedious to work with and from what I can see handy white edit offers a smooth and nice user experience which makes it very easy to use so after installing the add-on and opening it in the M panel you just need to select your vertices and create the vortex maps that you want to tweak and after binding an Armature select a single mesh object and and enter edit mode then use various tools to modify the weight values all you to do at this point is to use the Arrow's many tools and features to fully control your weight map you can increase or decrease the weight value with the mouse wheel using two different methods either uniformly modifying the weight for selected vertices to fill up a large portion of an area with the same value or you have a second option to assign white value per vertex level which is handful to add gradients to fine tune where multiple bone groups meet which is important you have also the ability to smooth selected vertices weights for an easier transition in addition to the ability to copy weight values to another selected vertices as well as an option to mirror the weight on selected vertices this Anon also offers the possibility to switch bones influence groups in addition to a tool for removing weight below a threshold and limited max weight groups to better optimize the performance adjust Vortex weights can be an intuitive blender add-on that gives you the ability to smoothly and easily adjust the weights of selected vertices by simply dragging the mouse up and down and as you make adjustments the weights are automatically normalized giving you a preview of your MH in real time now have you ever encountered challenges while rigging an elbow or a knee while with this tool achieving the ideal skin folding outcome becomes considerably convenient and less timec consuming this is because it provides you with the ability to control weights in complex areas that are influenced by multiple bones which can be really frustrating and Beyond its applications in Armature based skinning this tool proves valuable for tasks involving weights such as controlling hair density setting physics goals adjusting modifier influences and much more using this add-on is very simple and straightforward first you need to install it then you need to click on the mesh you want to weight paint and go to the weight paint mode next you need to pose your mesh and locate where the skinny needs improvements after that you have to select the vertices that you want to adjust then you need to lock all the vortex groups EXT the groups affecting the selected vertices and finally press adjust vertex weights and change the weights to your liking by vertically dragging your mouse and voila you're done but if you want a lazy solution for weight painting you might want to look at this addon which is called lazy weight tool it can be a solution that simplifies weight painting for those who don't want to spend a lot of time in this particular process it supports weight painting by displaying weight values in a table in addition to making it editable just by inputting your desired numerical weights into the table this tool actually comes built in into other software such as Max and Maya so it is nice to have an add-on that exists in similar software inside blender which is very cool what's interesting about the weight table is that you can highlight specific vertices that have a weight value that you can lock you have also the ability to copy and paste certain weights of vertices onto another Mech object instead of having to manually match it this in addition to a tool that will help you adjust the weight gesture by selecting the vertices and clicking on shift plus alt plus F this will give you the abil ability to move the weight by moving your mouse until you find a weight that you are satisfied with also this ano comes with a couple of selection tools that work with the weight paint mode so that you don't have to switch between object mode and weight paint every time you need to select a different vtex these selection tools are very similar to the ones used in the edit mode for example select more or less multi-loop add Loop and select link and there you have it guys if you are interested in one of these annals we mentioned in this video you will find all the necessary links in the description also if you think there are similar anals that should be included in this video please leave a comment down below just to let us know so I hope you guys found this video useful and informative if you did please give it a thumbs up you can also check some of our previous videos thank you very much watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 18,323
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Id: lpnLGdLP1r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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