4. All is One: Parmenides & Zeno on Being and Nothingness

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hi this is an introduction to philosophy where we pursued some of the whole to the questions that philosophers ask my name is Mark Thoris B in this section we've been looking at the question of what is real and our last video we looked at some of the pre-socratic philosophers we're gonna continue that today when we look at this discussion of all things are one that we explore the philosophy of Parmenides of the layout so welcome everyone welcome back and I hope you guys are doing well today we're going to be taking a look at part manatees one of my favorite philosophers car manatees now Parmenides actually came from Aleya which is one of these greek colonies as we talked about in front of our previous videos if you haven't seen that video go back and watch the video three on from mythos two logos will we talk about this now Pomeranians we're gonna see really we're just going to dive into Parmenides and all of his particularity here let's see Erik pardon me and let me sort of maybe write down a couple things that are important as I mentioned earlier right one he's from Alea and then I don't think I have your map to pull off at this moment but you can go back and take a look good enough of that he's from Alea he lived from roughly 515 - 456 BC BCE so he lived roughly this time period yeah we're gonna see though that he was an old man when Socrates was a young man in fact there's actually one of the Platonic dialogues called the Parmenides in which Socrates as a young man sort of meets Parmenides and debates with him in which it's pretty clear that Parmenides wins the debate so Parmenides in and I think the idea here is that Parmenides was is his philosophy is gonna play an extraordinarily influential role in terms of the development of platonic philosophy of the way Plato tries and seeks to answer these questions we've been raising of about reality one thing that's worth mentioning is that he was as a young man Parmenides joy use a Pythagorean now Pythagorean of course you may recognize that we're tight about there's death a giris who's a famous philosopher and mathematician most of you have brought her the Pythagorean theorem right a squared plus B squared equals C squared right this dear though what was very it's very unlikely that that fear was actually discovered by Pythagoras is probably scarred by the Egyptians because we know that Pythagoras who was from the island of Samos which is near alaya we believe that Pythagoras spent time in Egypt where he learned his geometry now one thing that's interesting is Pythagoras created a religion essentially of numbers right he recognized that no but everything can be understood in numbers and in terms of mathematical or numeric ratios and as a result Parmenides ultimately not only was the interest in about knights but he ultimately had a philosophy that he thought all things were numbers right let's go back if you can recall in our last video we talked about the problem of the one and the many right the problem of the one of the many and the way we were discussing is is saying in this fashion is and we'll see there's different formulations of the problem with the one in the main but there's different objects that exist in the world right we have apples that's an apple we have people right we have buildings right and we have trees and so on and so forth right and then all of these things even though they're very different in some way can be can turn into these other things right so for instance you can imagine a tree be chopped down and then you turn the tree into a building right it's a building made of wood or something you can imagine the the building here could burn down and become ash right which forms the soil to plant plant an apple tree and that's maybe where you can get your Apple from right we know that with people died right we can we compare them but then eventually maybe they're literally their molecules dissolve or separate and then for instance flowers grown right the Apple can get eaten and turns into a full belly that's my full belly right so it gets so the Apple everything is changing into other things which means we need a common denominator because if one thing can turn into another then that means we have all these many things the many there but there must be one thing that somehow and all of them to make it possible right and in our last video we looked at how Bailey's Heraclitus Xin dolphinese in exact manner how these philosophers looked at the problem of the one of the main how they sought to address it well Pythagoras right what was Pythagoras his answer Pythagoras his answer was well maybe the wood is simply he called it number it's number right not a particular number but number in general so so he sought to answer this and Pythagoras went as far as to actually turn his philosophy of number into a religion of a brotherhood and we know that Parmenides as a young men actually joined that brotherhood right so and this will become important because we'll see that so a lot of the ideas that Parvaiz parang supper it is definitely not Pythagorean but we'll see that Plato is too keenly attuned to these problems that Pythagoras is raising as well as the problems that Parmenides is going to raise okay the other thing we're going to see here is the Pythagoras is the opposite of Heraclitus right remember Heraclitus right he said that all things are in constant flux their constant change you can't step into the same river twice we're gonna see poor amenities as the opposite not he says things are all changing it's like nothing's changing in fact he's what snowed we're gonna see finally as a monist note ISM you'll recall note ISM is the idea that all things are one and that's really radical idea because what it means ultimately it means that that I am you right if all things are what I'm a-saying you're a thing then we're actually one thing right and that raises a lot of its own question which is why do we have these illusions of all these different things right we have to consider for instance you know how we can understand molecules and how we can understand science that's based on an articulation of differences but we'll see Parmenides provides a really fabulous argument to do so right so he's this noticed I mean it concerns the problem of the one of the many we're gonna see his solution though actually it's simply really to cross out the many and just say well there's this what this is can't be described in terms of many notes so we'll see it so let's actually go through whoops I'm sorry I was spilled my coffee but before we sort of go through his argument for motors and what that means I also want to ask this sort of question before I get going and that's the question what is an illusion right what is it what is it illusion right and think about the fact that when we go when we see a magician right the magician's trick is an illusion right so what is it illusion an illusion is we have the appearance of something happening what if that the reality is much different so there's a distinction here when we talk about illusion on the one hand we can talk about the appearance of things and on the other hand we can talk about the actualities of things or the reality of things right so for instance with the magician add the appearance that David Blaine can levitate but in actuality he came out right I have the appearance that you knew it was hard I was there to levitate but in actuality you followed it with your thumb or something like that so this test is between appearance and actuality is an important distinction because we're going to see that that Parmenides thinks we have the appearance of things through our senses that our sense experience but that this is appearance is really illusory and that the actuality is very very different right for instance consider a mirage right person walking in the desert and they think they see a river or a lake right when really there's nothing there right this is an illusion they get the appearance but there is no actual 'ti now the reason it's important for us as we discuss reality is it what's real is because many of the things we experience that we think are actual made in fact or potentially be merely the appearance of something so this is going to be quite important for us right and so you might also sort of say here our appearance is always based upon our sense experience not our appearance I'm sorry but the appearance we have of other things that comes from sense experience but we're gonna see how is the actuality understood we're gonna see at least four amenities through reason so we're gonna see a distinction between the mind and the body to some extent where our senses through the body or a little less trustworthy than the reason of the muds okay and you can first since consider mathematics right notice I said that Parmenides was originally a map a a Pythagorean right so consider mathematics mathematics is known through the mind but not through through the body not through sense experience right and the thing about the idea that mathematics is eternal or at least it seems to be a turtle that is it looks like the conclusions of mathematics never change right for since the Pythagorean theorem a squared plus B squared equals C squared this is the same today as it was a thousand two thousand five thousand years ago right we it hasn't changed at all and it all likelihood I can't imagine otherwise it's not going to ever change in the future so that means the if mathematics is only known through the mind then that must mean that the mind has access to some things that don't change right whereas our body our physical being is one in which we only seem to have access to things that are constantly changing right I mean you're gonna sort of see here the Parmenides things we have to talk about this but what's actually the case is very very different than what we actually think normally so one of the things I want you to do as we talk to our discussion today is I want you to maintain a certain degree of skepticism regarding the senses right skepticism regard in the senses I want you to really doubt whether or not what you experience in your ordinary sense experience is actually the case in instead ask yourself what can I know for sure regardless of my senses and this is where I think we can get into Parmenides because I think poor Maties is really going to answer that question and a really lovely manner right oops let me I'm gonna so Parmenides let's get into a head what is Parmenides argument well Parmenides argument first off comes in the form of the poem and let me sort of show you that poem now whoops okay so here's Parmenides poem right and there are only fragments of this poem the name of the poem is on nature unfortunately like carrot cleitus all we have here are fragments fragments of work so we don't have the full writings themselves dedicated worth mentioning here is that he's writing in a poem and he writes about a poem or goddess tells him the story of the truth right so let's take a look out there let's actually read it a little bit together right and here's that begins soon as the coursers that bear me and ruby as far as extended impulse guided me and threw me aloft in the glorious path way up to the goddess that guided through all things man that is conscious now the first thing I want you to sort of recognize here is this notion right is that number one is that he's he's actually having a dream here in his dream he's going up to this goddess and they want me to recognize the text I want to do that so I won't try to how about anything but he's going up to this goddess but this guy guided me and kind of guys through all things man there's conscious so notice here you makes a relation almost immediately to the consciousness of human beings right so one of the things we can notice here is man or humans I should say right are called shows right we're conscious and to say conscious that essentially means that we are aware we're aware in some sense right let's go back here okay now there was I carried it long before there did did the coursers sagacious I'm sorry daughters of Helios leaving behind the mansions of darkness right so you also see this decision between darkness into the light with their strong hand forcing asunder the night strands while in hits socket the axle admitted the sound of strings glowing for still it was urged by a couple of wheels well-rounded one upon the side one upon that while hastening emotion so he's on this chariot thing going up there up to the there were the paths of night and the paths of daytime so you can see he's gonna make this distinction between darkness and light right and ultimately between truth and opinion under the gates is a threshold of stone and above is a lintel they're two stood in the aether with great doors guarded by justice justice the mighty Avenger that keepeth the keys of requital her did the Virgin's address and win with soft words definitely persuaded swiftly for them to wither for the gates the bolts and its fastener right so he say that the God says open up the gates and opening wide the uncovered yawning expanse of the portal backward roll in successive the engines of brass and their sockets so there's imagine this huge doors opening right hinge is constructed with nails and clasp then all were the virgins straightway guided their streets and their chariot over the highway then that did the goddess receive me with gladness and taking my right hand into her own thus utter a word and kindly be spanked me youth that art made it with chair eaters and companions immortal right coming to us on the courses the barely to visit the mansion right yeah well I might as well read this venture I don't finish this part then I'll stop reading to you right Hale for it is not an evil war that had guided these hither into this path for I leave it is far from the pathway of mortals nay it is justice and right valid meets must have knowledge of all things ah so you can see here now at this point he's talking about justice and right in order to have justice right you must have knowledgeable so you can see here that the task here is a task of knowledge right that is what is what is it possible for us to know right and to be aware up right first of the truths are wavering heart that is fraught with conviction then of the notion of morals were no true conviction to buy this right so you can see here there's a distinction that the goddess is making the human beings do not have knowledge right that we don't have truth right but he says but that the DAO shall surely be taught this - that every opinion needs must pass through the all and vanquish the test with approval okay that's enough of me reading poetry viewpoint over here it though I find it quite beautiful but you can see this language the all and this is going to be the central so just so you get a sense here of how this poem is constructed there's a distinction they're making here between on the one hand truth and opinion and in the poem between light and dark and over here is the gods the same this is where humans are humans have opinions but they don't have the truth right so what exactly is the truth is the question well the argument can be summarized in this way ultimately what is is and what is not is not right we make that a little bigger for you what is is and what is not is not right that is well laid out in what we say is what are we talking about here right and then I'll show you where this is in the poem we say is we're talking about being right we're talking about existence when we talk about what is not we're talking about non-being for nothing this in many ways Parmenides entire philosophy er is a meditation on nothingness on nothing because think about what exactly is nothing we say this all the time we use the word nothing or not all the time quite frequently right for instance you may log into this class and say I thought this was gonna be here right but now it's not here you're saying nothing is there when it's something should be there but is nothingness something this right only something that has existence can be of something right all right so this is something to coffee cup right so it has because it has existence but but what if I want to point to nothingness I can't point to anything because nothingness by definition has non being is not a being so quite literally nothingness can never exist by its very definition right so this can never exist which means that what do we say when we talk about nothingness it means nothing right there can only be what is now consider for instance in our last video we talked about the problem of change right and we talked about the idea that when you eat an apple literally that Apple turns into you the Apple goes from existing as an Apple to suddenly not existing at all right it goes from something this to nothingness and we're gonna see that's gonna be problematic because what he's gonna say is he's gonna say that what is is and what is not is not this is the path of truth or at least that's what the goddess says in the poem we're by contrast right there's another possibility right were people could say what is is not and what it's not is right right so this is gonna be what's he's gonna call here in the poem or it's gonna be called the path of opinion or the path of mortals is the goddess says now there's sort of two possibilities here right now what this is saying what is is not this is what someone says that existence is the same thing as nothingness and this is saying that what is nothingness is actually a type of existence right so this says this is to say that existence is a nothingness of some sort and nothingness is in existence of sort now the problem is this is a contradiction but both of these are contradictions what is a contradiction we'll see that Aristotle defines a contradiction is when we say something both is and is not at the same time in the same way and in the same manner and in the same respect so for instance if I say you're watching this video and you're not watching this video both of those can't be able to be the case right and the same way that existence can't be nothingness and nothingness can't be existence this is contradictory but he's gonna say that because of our experience of change right we actually think this is what's going on right I say that there's an Apple and now the Apple doesn't exist or I say for instance like grin I can say that for instance there was nothing this and then now I have a daughter she exists my daughter's name is nut so that means Nile woods did not exist but now she exists now the Parthenos this just doesn't make any sense because this seems to presuppose that something can come from nothing and nothing can come from something and that doesn't make any sense rather this is what does make sense because there's no contradiction right what is is and what is not is not there's no contradiction so we might say this is consistent right this and so if this consistent this is rational whereas the other is irrational now let's turn to the poll that sort of get a sense of where he talks about this and this is where the plug gets good right now again this is the the goddess speech is is listen and I will instruct thee and thou and when thou here shalt ponder what are the two soul paths so there's two paths of research that are open to thinking what is that being duck B and non-being is not right or being is and being is and non-being is not what is is what is not is not right this is the central idea right here this is the way of conviction for truth falls hard and her footsteps the other path is that being is not and non being less be or how I phrased it what is is not and what is not is right this I tell you is an all in criminal pathway for you can never know what is not for none can conceive nothingness nor can you give it expression for one thing our thinking and being okay so he's going to say here it is that so you have these two soul pods where you can the path of truth right in which you can talk about existence as existence and you have the path of opinion which is ultimately contradictory now here's the question if all thing if existence is things that exist just are not existence is not well what would that mean if we ask this question of change well it mean that the apple can't really go into nothing less it can't become nothing which means the album must always be right but then on the other hand because otherwise you had to put this contradiction so what does that mean though if you think about it that means that our experience of change is must be an illusion right and so what we're gonna see here is that if we wanted to write on what are our illusions the first thing we should say here is that changes in illusion and I don't know if I'm explaining this too well but it's basically this idea so if things can't out of existence because if they go out of existence something can come from nothing that doesn't make any sense so so that means that things must not really change I experience things that's changing but maybe change itself is false it's an illusion like a magician's trick right but it's not just that because if I say that existence is what is is and what is not is not right that's the way of truth here then that also means that difference is an illusion right because think about it in order for there to be difference there has to always be something that separates one thing from another right but what exactly separates one from another well the answer is space so now the wait space is precisely a lack of something right that's what it means to say there's a space is to say there's nothing in between but to talk about nothingness means that you're suddenly saying that nothingness exists in a positive sense right quite literally right think about yourself looking at your your your computer screen right now right between your eyes your face and the computer screen is empty space but if and if I ask you what's in between you and the computer screen you would quite naturally say nothing but if nothing is in between you and the computer screen then that means that you're the computer screen must be touching but more than just touching you must actually be the same thing difference itself is an illusion right that would also mean that motion is an illusion right consider for instance that if I imagine someone walking right right so what's walking from here to here right the process of motion is such that at one point point a I have a hand and then at point B now this hand is here so we're here to here here to here and each one of these moments my my state here means that my previous day is now nothing right and now what was not here is here so motion itself is ultimately can't be conceptualized right motion depends upon this notion of nothingness but nothing this doesn't make sense because nothingness is nothing which means the motion can't be possible you can see of course here that we're really talking about it's time right time will see is also an illusion for Parmenides right let's go back to the Paloma take a look in here and this is why he said it's an all incredible pathway and truth follows hard in her footsteps right permitting isn't recognized that this is while it's rational it makes some sense is very difficult right and this is also the sense of what he says all because what it must mean is that all that exists is that which exists and all of it must just be one thing hence it's note ism right mono meaning one is all one thing right and this is the truth of it so let's keep going here and we're going to see this I'm just going to prove very important for Plato's discussion later right and then he says he cute he goes on and to meet is indifferent whence I began for two there again thou shalt find me returning speaking and thinking must needs be existence for is is of B what is he talking about here well think about it here if we go back to this distinction let's make it smaller this distinction we made between truth Anna pay what is what is is and what is not is not as the first pathway and then the second is this one right one of the things we recognize here is that why should we believe this versus this well the answer is because this can be thought right this is we're conscious as humans remember humans have consciousness I forgot when I wrote that right humans have consciousness and we also have thought we have thoughts and our thoughts right well we have our thoughts they exist which means that they must be of this first order because if they have an existence they're not nothingness and this that which means they can't be this so that means that our thought thinking itself must be over here with truth and what it's going to say here is that we have this distinction where I wanted to be to maintain the skepticism regarding the senses right thinking right how it is is it comes from existence it is existing which means that this is thinking reveals truth now sensation though by contrast right sensation I only sense things in terms of difference in time right difference in time so for instance right now I can sense the difference between the computer screen and my hand but that difference right as a difference itself depends on this notion of nothingness which means that it can't be true it must be opinion now it's even seen here that thick permittees uses the language of opinion not falsehood right maybe there's something right about my experience but my experience in itself can't be true because it's actually itself always go changing and going into and out of existence right maybe you know let me show you here a an argument that I think maybe I've written down here that may help you understand it right so here's the per million argument what is cannot be what is not and what does not cannot be what is existence and non-existence or never equivalent there never the same thing I've experienced emanation they're opposites of each other so that means that if at neck should be an F so if F exists then it cannot pass into non-existence for all change is the case of sub X appearing to pass in existence therefore change must be an illusion you can go from something from A to B if they both exist but you can't go from existence to velan existence right that's important difference but can you say that non-existence exists well that is can nothing be something it's clearly impossible right which means that change is an impossibility right all that is is all there is and we can call that what is or beat what is we can call this what is or being a similar argument either for instance you live in Houston or Dallas I don't go to Dallas therefore I live in Houston right if nothing cannot come from something then there is something and there is something that it must be eternal right I hope this makes sense right or you know so you either live in one or two places either Houston Dallas well if you don't live in Dallas that is if Dallas is nothing then you must live and used it right in the same way we're saying that either there's change or there's not change there can't be change right because change is nothing includes this cause of nothingness therefore there must be non changing things so change must be impossible and if something can't from come from anything then whatever it is has to be eternal this oneness of reality right so let me jump over here to back here right so that means that thinking must needs to be existent so we should trust our thoughts rather than our senses right you can see we've made this important distinction it's something of the distinction we'll see between rationalism and empiricism right nothing must needs not be right nothingness cannot exist these things I enjoy they depart for most of all withdraw there by your mind for this path of inquiry there likewise from that of other weird men empty their knowledge wander forever uncertain while doubt and perplexity guide them right and then here he says here he says deaf and dumb and blind and stupid unreasoning cattle herds that are want to think being and non-being are the self-same yet not one of the same and that all things move in a circle right so what is it when per minute suggestion here he's suggesting that most of us think that our knowledge comes from our experience right most of us seem to think that knowledge comes from experience where do I have that B comes from our senses right this is our senses given me by experience and most of us think this is how we come to know things right for instance how do you know my name you know my name because you heard me say it right are you read it on the page right either through the eye or through the year that's how you learned what my name was so it looks like knowledge is sensation dependent right but we'll see poor manatee says the poetess sensations right because they're constantly changing change doesn't make any sense this can't be knowledge right rather knowledge can only come from our thoughts and if it comes from our thoughts we have to ask what is consistent in noncontradictory it's this idea and that ultimately leads to this notion of the all or what we refer to as emotivism or a monistic philosophical view that all of reality is fundamentally one right now the question though is why would we believe otherwise right obviously we have our senses but here's what he keeps going on here right never I ween shalt thou learn that being can be one of them is not wherefore do thou withdraw that money from this path divert inquiry neither that habit compel thee while treading this pathway of knowledge so you can see here that for those of you watching this video write out the this can't be true right how could it be the case that that all things are one and that my experience have changed different space and time are fundamentally Brawl false right he thinks that we believe in these things out of habit we become accustomed to them but ultimately we have to use our mind right uh turd be by me by reason he says right so reason should guide us here right and you can see her or as Heraklion I'd say logos right and so he makes this distinction right but they yeah now what are some of the characteristics of the all right notice never it was or shall be right so that means that there's no past or future forever all there's only the present if you will but the all simultaneously now is so all of it is existing right now and it will never not exist in the future right so it's one continuous one Frazee says one continuous one for of it what births shalt thou search for it but there's nothing because before or after it right now he recognizes that most us are gonna read this and think no this can't be right but yet he says but you need to use your mind use your reason and you'll come up with the same conclusion right now umm and so ultimately what does Parmenides fundamental view here let me put over here right so the permittee of argument is that all things are one so what is this mysterious subscribe so what is the mysterious if we go back to the problem of the one and the many the one is B and that's all there is is there many his answer is no there is no many there's only one thing right Heraklion says there's many and then we had logos or something but here we say a sort of simplification of the argument with Perez we say no there's just one being right with the capital B and all of us are beings now his philosophy remember he was from the layer this Parmenides and he had a student named Zeno actually also a lover some of us believe in which Dino he was also a motifs right so motives begin is the idea that all things are one and he oh he believed this and he came up with hundreds of arguments and proofs to help prove that it is the case that Withers that all things are actually one right and I think I may even give this as an example right number one is we can prove that motion is impossible motion can't be possible right think about for instance if I fly from New York to London right from A to B right so in order for me to fly from New York to London right I have to go half way right I have to go halfway over the Atlantic so that means so I'm gonna go half the distance but before I can go half the distance I have to go a quarter of the distance right but before I go to correlate distance I've got to go to the halfway point to that which is 1/8 and of course I could divide it a 16th 32nd and so it's 64th and so on and so forth but you can see or that I can actually take this entire space and I can divide it infinitely but if I can divide the space infinitely what would that mean it would mean that I'd have to go an infinite amount of distance in order to go a finite distance right so an infinite distance would have to be crossed in order to go a finite distance from New York's load that doesn't make any sense whatsoever you can't if you're gonna go a finite distance you don't you should have to go an infinite distance that doesn't make sense since they're opposite that you can see where that motion doesn't make sense right this is nonsense this is not sensible it doesn't make any sense I shouldn't use the term sensible actually I should use the term it's non conceptual izybelle right motion must be impossible right another example he gives here is the famous and Keeley's versus The Tortoise right and so here's the argument of Achilles Achilles if you'll recall from Greek mythology right he's the fastest runner there is it a tortoise or turtle is very slow right we've seen them cross them if you maybe have a turtle but there are very slow creatures so let's imagine Achilles decides to have a race right here's the finish line all right here's the finish line that the race is gonna go to so but Achilles recognizes the tortoises slowed so you know he's somewhat of an arrogant guy but he says you know I'll just give you the tortoise I'll give you a head start and so let's say that the Taurus gets to this point before Achilles even starts to run all right Akili starts to run and eventually he makes it to that same point right but by that point the tortoise would have gone a little bit further down right not as much but it would have gone further which means what before Achilles if he wants to win the race he must overtake the tortoise yes at least catch up and then overtake it so that means he has to go to this point but by this point the tortoise wouldn't have gone just a little bit further down the road but Ike used to get to this point the tortoise would have got just a little further but you can see here that I can propel this infinitely which means that it looks like ultimately the tortoise can you can never overtake the tortoise no matter how fast you run because since they're both in motion right one should always be a leavin if this trip even if it's moving slower it's still gonna be moving and thus ahead of the other but our experience doesn't work like this right we know that in an instant Achilles would flash past the tortoise which means we've got a choice here we can either trust our sensation or sense experience right or we can trust our mind and our reason right motion is not reasonable but it is sensible right you can sense the motion but you can't think it so the question is what do you trust more right what are you gonna trust do you trust your mind or your senses and this is the task now Zeno's paradoxes they're called paradoxes what is a paradox a paradox is a doubly affirmed contradiction right so for instance I said it contradicts students we say something both is and it's not at the same time right you say yup Johnny's in the class and Johnny's not in the class right they can't both be the case now but a paradox is when you want to believe they're both the case anyway right that's what you don't want to give up the collect rotation that's what a contradiction is a paradox is and so these are paradoxes because our sense experience tells us on the one hand that the akiles can run past the tortoise but our mind our reason when we divide it mathematically the space we realized that our reason tells us that the tortoise can never be overtaken right even if this even if the race gets slower and slower and slower the tortoise should always be just marginally ahead of Achilles but you can't have it both ways so you have to choose do you choose your sense experience or your mind and that's where we're going to conclude it because conclude art to conclude today's session on Parmenides here well actually let me give you well I was gonna give you one more of Zeno's paradoxes Zeno actually had doubt hundreds of paradoxes only a handful are known today but he gives many paradoxes in the idea of these paradoxes was if you think Achilles is wrong I'm not kids if you think Parmenides is wrong mode isms not the case then you have to explain this how can you maintain the paradox here do you trust your senses or do you trust your mind trust your reason or your bodies all right that's an interesting question where we ask the question of what's real right is does the mind give us access to what's real like Parmenides suggests what is is of thinking or is is our reality given to us through our sense experience so that's something I want you to think about as we go forward okay anyway I'm gonna conclude the video there thank you guys for watching I'll see you guys on that next time yeah
Channel: Mark Thorsby
Views: 11,793
Rating: 4.9289942 out of 5
Keywords: Philosophy, Being, Parmenides, Zeno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 45sec (2745 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2014
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