4 2 1 Christopher Domas The future of RE Dynamic Binary Visualization

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/schmon 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2014 🗫︎ replies

Is there a higher quality video? 480p for detailed presentations is unfortunate.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jsprogrammer 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2014 🗫︎ replies

Reminds me of the virtual computer hacking in the movie Hackers.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/G0T0 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2014 🗫︎ replies

If you think that debugging provides you with pretty deep highs and lows then you never spend any significant time trying to reverse engineer some completely undocumented custom format. I think reversing is at least one step above my tolerance for frustration. The whole "trying to see patterns everywhere" messes with my mind.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bimdar 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2014 🗫︎ replies

One of the most frequent thoughts I had watching this video was "what would the 'numb3rs' version of this look like?" heh. Very interesting presentation though, and I am really curious to see what more refined statistical analysis can produce.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/somtwo 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2014 🗫︎ replies
all right first of all thank you everybody for showing up today especially at nine o'clock on a Saturday morning I appreciate it what I want to talk to you Q's up or read what I want to talk about today is a new concept I call dynamic binary visualization and I think it's a very important and interesting topic because I really do this as the future about a first engineering which i think is a pretty bold statement but I'll let you be the judge of whether or not that's accurate at the end of the presentation so before we get into things I've got to go through the Liggett ory bio slides and kind of dry and boring so I'll try to speed through this basically my name is little closer okay my name is Chris Thomas I'm an embedded systems engineer in the cyber renovation unit at the National Security Division of the peloton Memorial Institute now a lot of people haven't heard of a tell but we are the world's largest nonprofit R&D organization and we manage some of the leading national laboratories around the world so I'm not here to be a show for my company but we do a lot of cool work hopefully some of that you'll see today so diving right into things what I want to talk to to you about is reverse engineering and specifically our view of the first engineering as a type of information analysis and in other words we did a big binary blog or big binary data stream and we need to decide what is this and what does this do so when we view reverse engineering through this lens I think there's two ever-present issues that we need to be able to address and that first is how we conceptualize binary information second is how we use our conceptualization for analysis and I think there are big flaws with the way we approach both of these issues and that's sort of what I want to tackle today so let's look at the first problem how they conceptualize binary information so it brings us to what I consider to be an arty dichotomy there's two polar opposite approaches here and they're basically neutrally exclusive where on the Left we have our conventional approach which is essentially a hex dump of information it gives us the raw binary information it's very flexible because this doesn't tell us what the information is it means that analysis up to us it's also a very exact representation of the data there's no question that what I'm seeing is what the data really is unfortunately it's unreasonably complex and it's very difficult to deal with information this way so most people tend to go to the alternate approach something like a disassemblies tends to be something very rigid and it's governed by rules and structure but it has benefit of being very succinct and it's very easy for us to rehan this so it's not so much I have a problem with either these two approaches of conceptualizing binary information the real problem is that there's a giant chasm between these two and it's completely empty there's really no software no conceptualization approaches that bridge this gap here and that's one of the issues I want to address if we look at the second problem how we use that conceptualization of binary information for an analysis of binary data here what we're looking at is essentially the questions of what is this dual where's the vulnerability questions reverse engineers are usually interested in and I know guys who can look at a function graph and instantly tell you what that function is doing without even reading the disassembly just by the way the nodes are connected alternatively I know guys who can just leap through hundreds of pages of disassembly and instantly find the vulnerabilities there and it's a pretty amazing ability but what I find is these guys usually have a lot of trouble telling you how do they came to their conclusions and I think the reason for that is that in its current state reverse engineering is very much in art and I think there's a problem with that because we're far enough along we've been doing this for a long enough we should have better approaches for this so I want to fix those problems I want to bridge the gap in our analysis tools find some happy medium between hex dump and our high-level analysis tools like Ida Pro and I also want to change already from an art to a science so those are ambitious goals so how can we accomplish those things well I think we have the tools available through to two things first going to be what I call visual reverse engineering this is going to address the issue of binary conceptualization how we understand binary data the second way we can tackle these problems is through statistical exploration techniques and this going to address the issue of how we analyze binary information so disco side of things gets a little dry unless you're really into math and it's really those are just too much depth that I don't have time to cover today so we're not mostly skip over this I'll show you some of the ways we can use statistics but I'm not going to go into the algorithms in too much depth what I really want to focus on is the visual or reset of thing which i think is really more interesting approach from those people so let's dive into that and see what I mean by visual reverse engineering so the idea here is that we can take a computationally difficult task and translate it into a problem that our brains do very well for so in this example when I take the difficult task of understanding binary information and translate that's something we're very good at in this case that is understanding visual information so our visual cortexes are very powerful we are really good at processing 3d and spatial information so if we can find a way to translate binary information to visual representations we can analyze it much faster than normally possible so in other words I'm going to find a way to traverse a hundred thousand pages of binary garbage in a very short amount of time and we're going to understand exactly what was in there just as if we have been looking at the hexadecimal itself the fundamental idea here is that if we fundamentally change the waiting process binary information we can find unexpected ways of making sense of it so that's really what I'm trying to accomplish and if you've never spent thirty hours looking at a hex tone wondering what the heck is this stuff you might be wondering why bother aren't our current and houses tools powerful enough that they already do what we need and the answer is they're absolutely not and there are a lot of reasons for that but I want to focus on two big ones so biggest issue I see is that our best reverse engineering tools are completely dependent on a known structure so the problem with that is that information is evolving faster than our tools can keep up with it so every day there's a new instruction that there's new data format and file format some new format that we need to be able to support and our tools have to constantly play catch-up in order to be able to analyze this type of information and it's a losing game this stuff's just exploding at a rate that we can't keep up with so being tied to structure in this way is usually problematic we need to find a better way to analyze the information that's completely independent of structure if we want to be able to keep up with things the other issue might be colloquially called Gates's law and after that guy that we all love so this essentially says that software is getting slower more rapidly and hardware becomes faster it's basically the counter to Moore's Law and what this means from a first engineering perspective is that the amount of information we need to analyze is growing exponentially so if processor power is doubling every 18 months the number of instructions that Pusser is actually executing is growing at an even faster rate so from a reverse engineering perspective that means we have a lot more information to analyze and we just can't keep up because our tools aren't becoming exponentially more powerful there aren't a whole lot of new reverses years it would attack these and we're not getting any better at collaborating on reverse engineering problems which means this is another losing game we're never going to be able to keep up with things at the pace we're currently going so I think this is a really big problem first engineering and if you haven't run across this already anything to see this more and more in the future so this needs to be addressed and I was sort of shocked to find when I started investigating this that there are only really two people who have done any sort of real research into this field two guys named great content out or parchesi both brilliant guys and I want to talk a little bit about some of their work into this field and talk about how we can extend what they've done so Conti I'll talk about first he's a smart guy teaches at the United States Military Academy and at 2010 at blackhat he gave a presentation that still today does the best black hat presentation I've ever seen so I'll talk a little bit about what he talked about there okay the other guy I want to look at he runs a small software company called Knoll tube and he runs a blog called port a dot C so if you're interested in malware or reverse engineering there's a great blog to read now introduce some of his ideas as well but let's look at content first cotton posited that even it's unstructured data there is some type of structure and barring any other information about what type of information we're looking at we can assume that sequential bytes have some kind of implicit relationships so context only dilemma is how do we conceptualize and understand that relationship if we have no idea what it is and so his or Conte's genius comes into play he came up with a very simple approach for visualizing the relationship between sequential bytes and data he said what we're going to do is take sequential bytes and a string of information and translate those to XY coordinates so in this case if we have a string like Derby time where it's going to take all the sequential Y from the string and translate those XY so D is asked the hex 64 a is ascii hex 65 F dump 64 65 and XY coordinates we're just going to plot those in a Cartesian system here and when we do that what we start to see is we're marker remarkable patterns for any type of information we're trying to look at so here's what companies found when you looked at ASCII information so even though this algorithm had no concept of what type of structural is within ASCII information we see clear structure and patterns in the visual representation through this algorithm so what we're actually seeing here these different artifacts are each caused by some type of structure or some type of relationship in the ASCII data so this cost by lowercase letters followed by lowercase letters this is a uppercase followed by uppercase uppercase by lowercase lower case Piper case these various lines are caused by slash are slash and spaces so all those implicitly implicit relationships the way that data is intrinsically laid out with an ASCII data results and structure that we can see here you found that regardless of what type of information you're looking at there's clear structure so here he's looking at image data here he's looking at audio data and the benefit here is I can almost instantly learn to recognize these images for what they are whereas trying to analyze that information that a hexadecimal level would take a tremendous amount of time so I think this was a big step forward in improving the way that we conceptualize binary information but that's really just a tip of the iceberg and that's where we started our investigation but before I get into that let me look at some of the stuff a guy named Court hazy did so now unfortunately I had a child most of court hazy slides for the sake of brevity but not a way to use a fractal called the Hilbert curve to improve the way we conceptualize binary information essentially uh what he found is that if we map data to this curve first before presenting it to the user we have this important aspect that we preserve locality which assists our brains in interpreting information so I'll going into the details of that here he's map dated a hilbert curve in here he's laid things out in a more intuitive fashion line by line but what this shows us is of them get more detailed information from the hilbert translation when we look at it this way so tiny little artifacts like this a little red block here indicating unique features inside of this data set that I can't see without mapping into the Hilbert curve first so we make extensive use of this Hilbert curve in our software and I'll leave it up to you to visit 4kz site if you're interested more information about how that can be used but basically brings us to subtle region developing I thought these guys had some really great ideas counting Forte's these are two brilliant people but I felt like he didn't bring their ideas to their fullest potential they didn't pursue things as far as they really could have gone so I wanted to take it further than they ever did so content has some software called Bend is that you can get out his website and I tried to use that for binary analysis but it just wasn't robust enough it couldn't give me enough information to do any sort of meaningful analysis on binary data so I wanted to go further than that somebody 4kz had these Python scripts I could generate these images but reverse engineering is a very interactive process so I needed interactive software I didn't want to be staring at some static image and trying to get information from that so that's sort of where we pick things up and our big goal when we were designing the software was to find a way to understand binary information that was independent of format that's the key that's what sets us apart from any other tools that are out there right now we can analyze unknown code format deviations proprietary structure anything at all as easily as we can analyze well structured data and that gives us a powerful advantage over a lot of the traditional reverse engineering tools it gives us the ability to analyze structure a priori without any prior knowledge about what that structure really is so soccer we've developed is called canter dust and I am a ridiculously nerdy person actually have a top 10 most of my favorite mathematicians and your canter is a second on my list I want to name some software after hims that's where software gets thing some reason people always think I say cancer dust it's a it's a weird name but it's not that weird so this is not cancer dust it's canter dust and really I'm going to be demonstrating the software today but what I'm really trying to do is illustrate concepts it doesn't need to be a software anybody could implement this stuff and I'd like to see more of this in the future it's just high right now this is the only thing available to illustrate these concepts so let's have feet dive into thanks for the demonstration of our software I'm going to look at in the book overview essentially our interface first so that you can sort of follow what I'm doing as I'm using this I'm in taste a little bottle load up all this pre computed data that we have so what we've done is launch this up it a argue loaded at plus plus for us to explore and what we have on the left here are two navigation panes this gives us a very intuitive layout of binary information within this file and what I can do is select a small window within this information on this left pane and then I can narrow that window on the right pane here and this window here gives me the visual representation the binary data within this window and over here all the different translation techniques all the different ways that we can translate this binary information into visual information so we have some very simple straightforward ones like about a hex head returning here even on kind of Thai text editors there's really no alternative in some situations or we have some common statistical analysis methods like looking at histograms view of bite distributions but I don't really want to look at those today those aren't really very interesting or new what I want to look at is some of the new methods we have to analyze information so first let's examine some of Conte's ideas so content had this idea of this diagraph system and I'm going to call this a 2-tuple system because I've extended this other dimensions but let's look at x86 code and Conte's digraph so this is what x86 looks like in the in this diagraph view and the striking features you see here are essentially these horizontal and vertical lines so the the most amazing aspect of conscious research that I haven't mentioned yet is that similar classes of data have similar patterns associated with them so any type of machine code I look at is going to have similar features as to what I'm looking at now but they're all going to be visually distinct so I can load in something very similar back to 86 like X 64 and has a similar but clearly distinct pattern so the benefit here is that well I can look at this hex I can't you tell you that this is X 64 but the only reason I'm able to do this because I've been looking at information like this for three years it takes a tremendous amount of time to learn to recognize information at this level but it takes only 3 minutes learn to recognize these pictures and the benefit here is I can look at anything even something not familiar with like I've never worked in PowerPC but I can instantly recognize that I'm looking at some type of machine code based on these visual patterns even though I would never have any idea I was looking at machine code based on the hex tone so that's a benefit of visualizing information in this way gives us a much faster way of understanding what type of binary data were looking at so I thought Connie had to need ideally this to tuefel system but what I found is you can't always get the information you want from a 2 typical system sometimes you need to go to higher dimensions in the more dimensions you add the better your analysis can be so what I found is that when we extend this to three dimensions we can actually get much more in-depth information than we could ever get with counties original idea so we can pull up our three-dimensional visualization of a notepad dot exe is what I dropped into here and the idea here is a same same concept that I'm going to scrub through the data and watch the way the visual patterns change and through these pattern changes I can understand exactly what I'm looking at within this file without ever having to go to a hexadecimal level without ever trying to have to understand binary information at something this low-level so it gives me much faster more powerful way of analyzing and understanding information so just like just like we have all these different visualization techniques here what you'll find is that some techniques are good for some types of analysis others are good for other types of analysis and some are only some translation mechanisms with any technique tend to be good for finding certain types of data so right now we're translating binary fragments to three-dimensional information what we can actually change the way we translate that so we can translate it to two-dimensional information first and then later these two-dimensional images on top of one another to give us a different representation of the binary information we can also change the coordinate system so what you'll find is some types of information are more easily analyzed in a spherical coordinate system some types of more easily more easily analyzed in a cylindrical coordinate system you can to just get a feel for what the right approach is for the type of information you're trying to find and I don't want to get too sidetracked I don't have a ton of time here but if you ever get really bored sometimes looking at hexadecimal for for hours and hours on end can be my numbing so there are a lot of Easter eggs that I put in here just whenever I got really tired of working with this stuff particle effects are fun to play around with so whenever you're done being being lazy you can just go back to work so there's really no reason for that but some fun so let's sort of the extensions for Conte's original ideas that we've investigated so that some of the ideas we can investigate for some of Cortese's work so quick idea this idea of Union from to Hilbert transformations and he also looked at visualizing entropy so what can interview tell us well if you're not familiar with entropy it is simply a measure of randomness in areas of high entropy or high randomness into the areas that are very useful for reverse engineers so high entropy areas could be something like encryption keys you can also indicate packing you can also look at entropy differentials in order to find key features of information so for example x86 has a certain amount of entropy typically associated with it but if you try to obfuscate your x86 code by adding all sorts of weird jumps or odd constructs that's going to implicitly change the entropy associated with your code so what visualizing the entropy we can find changes in my details and data that we couldn't normally see from a raw hexadecimal view so some of the more obvious examples were entropy or useful one would be malware analysis so one thing malware loves to do is it lust to pack itself which towards simple static analysis techniques so I dropped a piece of malware in here we can visualize the entropy within this piece of malware where pink is very high entropy and blues much lower entropy so this entire region of this malware image is all pack stuff which means I can't believe work at it right now but the malware entry point is going to be in as lower entropy region it's how it's going to decompress basically in this low entropy region xx doesn't compress the patch malware so as a reverse engineer this gives me valuable information about where I want to start with my analysis I'm going to begin my analysis in the low entropy region to understand how it's going to unpack the high entropy region so there's an example of how we can get some key features and a better idea of what we're looking at through these metric visualization techniques another one I want to look at is a commercial software one of my favorite hex editors and I don't want to get them in trouble so I'm not going to name any names but you might be able to recognize it so if we look at the interview with in this commercial piece of software we see a very high to B region here so I was a little bit curious about what that was so you can zoom in on this high in 50 region and try to find out exactly what this is if we pull up our hex view here and now so it is what we'll see at the very beginning of size B region is a PNG Heather so PNG is a type of compress the image format which means it's just the compressed image that's what causes behind trippy there so that's not too interesting if you're a reverse engineer on the other hand if you're a forensics analyst might be interested in images or something like that memory dump so back abuse for you but as a reverse engineer I'm just going to skip over this part I wasn't arresting in this little detail down here and if we zoom in on that in a hex view it doesn't look like much but I investigated it more in Ida Pro and that turns out to be the key checker algorithm in this piece of software they've tried to obfuscate it in package prevention from stealing your software but in doing so they altered the entropy for this region of information which gives us a clear indication that that's a key feature that we want to investigate more so we have dozens of different metrics that we can run on this binary information not just entropy and we can get all sorts of interesting details like that from these various metrics so that's sort of a the idea that's that Quartey z investigated it's not an actual practical example of dissecting a file using these techniques I'm going to look at notepad.exe here and obviously you can drop this file into a tool like writer Pro and I will tell you exactly what the different pieces of notepad.exe are but it's only able to do that because it knows exactly how to parse a PE file it's a basically governed by a set of rigid rules and with those rules it can break apart this information but we don't want to be tied to those rules we want some other way to analyze information so that's where this software comes in without ever knowing anything about how a PE file is laid out we're able to dissect the software through these visualization techniques so what I'm going to do is select a small window at the beginning of notepad.exe and begin analyzing these visualizations in order to understand exactly what information is in this file so this is the 3d visualization 480 X 64 data tell bass-heavy bands right here and going across there in a vertical one here tell me that this is X 64 and as I gradually scrub through this file I'm going to see new artifacts so right here we saw these purple stuff up here in the middle here and what this is it's essentially a set of small cubes inside of our larger tube a set 3d pattern for English ASCII information and if you look really closely you can see that it's projected onto each face of this cube so here's a little projection of those tubes here's all the projection here that actually tells us that these are no terminated strings what does that mean from reverse reverse engineering perspective not awful lot but it's just an example to help me get very detailed very accurate information about what type of data we're looking at through these visual representations so if we continue scrubbing through here what we wanna see next is artifacts associated with the bitmap damage specifically were looking at an RGB image here and if we pull this up so what you see here is a long street movement in the middle of the cube and then that streaks projected onto three faces of the cube so the fact that is projected on these faces can tell you that there's an unused alpha channel in this image information again as well versus near that's not something I'm overly concerned with if we continue will see this overcome with static which suggests we're going to a compressed region in this file and if we go to the end we'll see more artifacts associated with a different type of image and you can actually see the moped icons appearing and our in our bike plot view of things so just an example of how we can quickly dissect information if we want we can actually switch to other visualization techniques to get more information out of this so for example here is where I see this very clear distinct bitmap data pattern and using our metric map visualization you know letting your layout and shading by bytes we can actually pull out this image even though our software knows absolutely nothing about how bitmaps are laid out just by changing the way that we translate that information to visual abstraction so we can actually pull out what that image is so in this case it's the genuine windows logo which I don't think appears in notepad.exe but they use 10% of the file for that so so yeah that's a yeah that's Microsoft's way um those are sort of the idea is that other people have come up with we've extended does to make those more interactive and more useful for real analysis but now I want to get into the ideas that we've developed ourselves so one of the more powerful approaches we found is binary classification so what I wanted to accomplish here is essentially what we saw earlier just a second ago is going to this file and identifying the regions based on these patterns but I wanted to automate that process to a statistical analysis and that's what we managed to do to this classification what we do is I take on some binary data that represents a sample of something I'm looking for so for example if I want to find x86 I can crop compiled x86 out of some other file and supply that as a template to my software so the key here is I'm just saying this is what x86 looks like I'm not I'm not completely defining x86 I'm not giving it a grammar I'm not telling it how to parse in x86 I'm just giving it a sample of that say t6 code I'm going to give it a whole bunch of these different templates and from these templates our software builds what are called Engram models and we do a statistical algorithm called naive Bayes classification algorithm in order to classify regions of the file as most closely matching various templates so now I can feed any arbitrary file into our software and it will run it against these templates in order to identify the different regions so here it's saying well this region most closely matches from a statistical pattern perspective this most closely matches your x86 template this most closely matches your compressed template this looks like a ski here so it's a that's a neat automated way to do file carving but it has uses far beyond that so one of the things we'll see coming up is using this to identify custom and proprietary formats will actually look at finding custom compressed modules inside of a firmware image through this type of statistical matching technique this also lets us examine unique instruction sets so one of the things now or less to do is invent their own instruction set and then run it inside of a custom virtual machine and if you're used to dealing with well-structured information you don't really appreciate how hard it could be differentiated between code and data but in some of this malware that can be incredibly difficult but with these statistical matching techniques we can automate that process as long as I can find a small snippet of instructions from this piece of malware or whatever I'm looking for I can supply it as a template and then find that throughout the rest of the file based on the patterns present in that data and we're not quite here yet but where I eventually want to get to with this is a video with identified data and code features so say I'm looking at a file that's entirely x86 but I want to find cryptographic algorithms in that file well cryptographic algorithms are going to have a different distribution different patterns of bytes and instructions than normal x86 so I can feed in and cryptographic x86 algorithms they find more stuff that looks like this we'll be able to parse that it will be able to parse through file and look for things that statistically match that we'll be able to say well here are the other cryptographic algorithms within this file so it's a really powerful idea I think that's going to save us a lot of time in reverse engineering one of the other things we've looked at is what I call probabilistic parsing so conventional parsing conventional conventional disassembly falls into two categories usually recursive descent which is what I that is recursive descent this assembly starts at a beginning point and it tries to follow the path of execution when it's doing the disassembly linear sweep disassembly is something like Alex dump it starts at the beginning of a file and just moves forward linearly it doesn't care about where execution would actually go to both things have their pros and cons but well I like the information you get from these you can get a lot of important information about how functions relate to each other the problem is I didn't want our software to be dependent on any specific type of structure I don't want to be tied to x86 or arm like that so I don't want to give it knowledge of how to parse these things I still want the ability to gain the benefits of parsing so what we came up with is what's called probabilistic parsing we're actually able to identify call graphs inside of an arbitrary binary file through statistical patterns rather than grammar definitions so what we're looking at here is it's just a call graph for a file that I gave that was parsed using statistics rather than disassembly directly this gives a really powerful ability to analyze information so I can run the exact same algorithm on x86 or on arm or on some instruction set that comes out tomorrow that nobody's ever seen before and will still be able to generate these function graphs and I'll show you coming up how that can be incredibly useful because what I want to look at next is an actual case study how we can use these techniques we've talked about for a real world example of simplifying their lives as from first engineers and what I'm going to look at specifically is a topic brought up by a group of the invisible things lab so if you're not familiar with these guys it's just a small group of people I think it's three guys in a girl who are really really brilliant they're coming out with some of the best exploits I've ever seen and unfortunately I can't pronounce their names but they gave a presentation there blackhat a few years ago that they caught attacking Intel bios and it was a really neat idea and that's what I want to look at more depth using analysis techniques so their goal in this paper was to bypass EFI signing protection and just a little bit of background UEFI is basically a bios replacement it supposed to be more structured more extensible and more secure and one of the things you can do with EFI is you can one of the ways it's more secure is it can be configured so that it requires signed images if you want to reflash your bios or efi that way you can't get unexpected code solder the firmware of your system because it has to be signed so that's supposed to make them more secure but these guys have invisible things we wanted to get around that so what they did is they started investigating efi images and they found that the image itself is not signed the images only an envelope with a CRC check sum but inside of that envelope are signed modules so they found sign module after sign module after sign module and then they came across an unsigned module which was a perfect attack vector we can flash this unsigned module without having to sign it which gives us a way into the system so why would you do that why would you require signing on these things to improve security and then give this a give the opportunity for an unsigned module well reason for this is the unsigned module is boots splashed logo so when you first press the power button on your PC the image that comes up is a splash screen that's an unsigned module in this EFI system and the reason they leave that unsigned is because they want ovm to be able to add their own splash screen to the system without having to go through the trouble of signing things so that's an interesting possibility for an exploit here and they found a way to leverage this to their advantage their goal was to get unsigned code execution they want their own code running instead of the BIOS so they can get early control of this system but they can't update the code the code has to be signed but they can only update the bitmap but what they did is they found a vulnerability in a bitmap parser for this flash screen so mostly if I code comes from this efi template code provided by intel and then ib fees are independent bios vendors use that code for their efi development so finding how vulnerability and as template code means that you're finding a foreign the animals every year if I system out there so they found that they could flashtab it up with an invalid image by manipulating the width and height to get an overflow when this image is parsed and through that also they can get code execution early on and the bios in the bios boot process so that's pretty powerful ability and i want to look at that in more depth but one observation we need to make before we go forward is that no one is really efi and if this well same sort of blossoms or this fact they make it look like this is a fairly straightforward hack but it's not at all because bios printers have a lot of legacy code and they're gradually moving towards efi but they're not really willing to give up their latest code yet so what you find are systems that are 25% efi and 75% legacy BIOS or something like that what that means from our perspective is that we can still use this vulnerability but we're dealing with much less structure than if i would provide because we're dealing with more bio some BIOS is very unstructured less structure means more headache but it also gives us a perfect opportunity to use this tool in developed which is very resilient to unstructured information so IPL covered the actual exploitation process I want to figure out everything else the first step is going to be to choose a victim laptop I just chose this jump laptop I had lying around that's held together by duct tape and staples and scrap paddle basically so I didn't care if I break this thing is a perfect system to test on you go to the laptops website download the executable for a BIOS update and what you get is essentially this you have to do some quick are read they've tried to hide the flags from you from so that you can't just spit out the actual if I image but what you see is all I did is they added one to each character in the flags so if you just subtract one from all these strings you can figure out what the slides for this exe are and there's one called writing on file so when you give it the right rom file flag it'll spit out the efi image that we want to analyze so let's go ahead and pull this image up and haida and we don't get a lot of information here because i can't deal with unstructured data like this and it has been a little bit about how execution begins when a processors first power gombo if you know that you can figure out where the entry point to this information is it's essentially right around here is where execution begins when your computer first starts up and what we want to do is go trace execution down to the bottom here they've got this function loop down here which is essentially executing a list of functions that they provide here and most of these have to do with hardware initialization we're not too concerned about most these for the very last one I am adjusted and if we go to that see what they're doing is they are loading in this module this happens to be a module that's undergone custom compression it has no standard headers it has no type of format that anybody's ever seen before which makes this very difficult to analyze but what they're going to do is decompress this module with this decompression routine so I looked at this much in a little bit but it wasn't module oriented we're interested in we're trying to find the module that has to do with the splash screen but if you look through this file you won't see you don't see anything that looks at all like a splash screen it turns out it's in another module somewhere we need to find where that other module is so odds are they're going to be using the same decompression of the team so one way to try to find the other modules is look at extras this decompression routine there's only one other place where this is called unfortunately this function is not called anywhere else in this binary it turns out this function is only called from that compressed module so in order to find out what parameters are being passed this function in order to find the other modules we need to reverse engineer that first module that we found and we could be chasing our tails for a very long time trying to go down that path to find the splash screen module this is where statistical analysis can help us in the reverse engineering process so what I'm going to do is connect to the Ida database pull this into our software here and fire this up and what I did is I went to the module that we had already found and I basically highlighted all this cropped it out and supplied it as a template to our software so now I can run our statistical matching algorithm against this database and pull out regions of this file that must closely match that compress module so it's something we really can't do with traditional tools because this module has a little kind of standard format for us to look for but through statistical analysis we can find things that look like this module and it does a pretty decent job where found the x86 code that we were already looking at is over here here's the original module that we gave as a template found a compressed region here but it couldn't identify what this exactly was it found some ASCII here most importantly it found this region here is the reason that statistically matches the module that we gave it so this is all the other modules in this this file that we can now pull out and analyze in more depth so I need to find out exactly where those begin so we try to do that turns out they start right up here so now let me know where the modules begin I can prop these out and I use a plugin for a Texas Miller with Ida you should know about a guy named Chris Eagle who wrote a plug-in called x86 mu which allows you to emulate x86 code so using this you can actually emulate that decompression routine and give it the module sight and found in order to decompress these modules without ever having to understand the algorithm so that's a really neat ability and what you end up with are these twenty or thirty some modules the problem is they're also proprietary structure which means if you run on something like file on them to try to figure out what they are they're all basically data we get two false positives here which are pretty common and with the file command so here's normally where you have to start looking at these things in hex editor in order to figure out what these are but here's another chance for us to utilize the binary visualization powers of the software in order to figure out what we're looking for so what I think is I tabbed at all those modules together and I'm going to drop those into here and use Conte's technique of a 2-tuple system in order to visualize the information within these files what I'm going to find is something that looks like a bitmap image I'm looking when I scripted this and look for a pattern that looks like bitmap data and that will be theoretically the splash screen that we're looking for in order to implement this exploit so right here this patent I recognize it's a little bit thing but I think we can pull this kind of moves a little bit stronger this is a pattern I've recognized that it's associated with four bits per pixel bitmap image and if we try to zoom in on this region and change the way we're rendering this information we can actually see that this is indeed the splash screen that we're looking for so anyway so if that's Dell and that's essentially assessable so that's the spots thing that would come up so if we mouse over here we can see where that is our padded image we can find out that this was part of this mod II pull that up in a hex editor what you'll eventually see is that this is actually following the bitmap format but they stripped off the bitmap Heather the bitmap header is the characters BM at the beginning of the file not late it is delete those two characters which breaks all of our normal and analysis tools means we normally can't recognize this information for what it is but if you open that up in a hex editor and add those two characters back in and you can then drop it into something like oh I know which understands bitmap information very well and oh and oh I can show you exactly where the width and height fields in a bitmap are so that you can modify those in order to implement this exploit without having to do any serious re so at this point we have everything we should mean in order to do this exploit so it's just a matter of repackaging this modified splash screen shoving it back into the envelope and trying to flash the computer unfortunately it doesn't work if you try to do that it's not a signing issue the models are signed and the bitmaps not so it's okay that the bitmap is not signed it turns out it's an issue with the envelope checksum so in order to get this with flash we need to fix the checksum in the envelope so this gives another perfect example of where we can use some of these analysis techniques we found so what we need to do is find out what type of checksum they're using and where it's stored within this binary efi image so what I'm going to do is pull up that very first module we found the raw the raw efi image doesn't do much other than initialize hardware so it's pretty reasonable to expect the first module that is extracted and executed it's going to have something important and interesting unfortunately when you load that module and tied up you get nothing because I doesn't recognize this format it doesn't know where to begin it's waiting for you to tell it what to do so that's a problem for us but again that's where this type of software comes into play so we're going to import our Ida database again and what I want is the statistical parsing method I discussed earlier what does let's do is it shows I'm working up more or less that's what this lets us do is find on relationships between functions by a statistical patterns rather than trying to parse things like Ida would try to do so I can select any arbitrary window within this file and if you throw the functional connections within this region now I don't know where the checks and routines are so I'm going to view this entire file and since that's going to be a lot of data I'm going to crank up the number of nodes we're looking at we end up with this ridiculously awful horrible mess it looks like spaghetti monster to me but what this is showing us are essentially a call graph for this entire file and when I don't know where else to begin I usually like to look at who's called the most so I think shape despite who gets called the most this is telling me that statistically speaking there's almost certainly a function here that is called more than any other in this file and if we go to that position in the i2 database we'll see that indeed there is a function there and I'm not going to walk through the reverse engineering of this function but if you do that you'll see it's really nothing interesting it's just the dispatch function function it's a way to wrap other information so I'm interested in the next most call function which is going to be statistically speaking most likely right here so if we look at that guy again it is function we pulled it out correctly and we see what it calls what you're going to see is it accessing some interesting characters it accesses % + - 0 9 LHC sx d you might recognize these as placeholders tokens from a printf so D is going to be decimal as a string X is hex C is care so what this is is a printf function but if you look at it in a little bit more depth you'll see it's not just printf these aren't going this printf isn't going to the screen it's actually going to a debug port which means that this is some kind of debug printf so if they're printing out diagnostic information that is definitely something I'm interested in so I wanted to explore this function just a little bit more so right now this whole thing is kind of a mess so we can crop out just this function and I'm going to change this to a two-dimensional layout it's a little bit easier to work with things in two dimensions when you're dealing with a smaller amount of information so here's my printf function and all these are the nodes that call printf so right now I'm not really interested in which one is called the most I'm rather interested in who's calling princess the most so I can change the way I'm shading information and pull out this function here that is again statistically most likely to be the one that's calling printf more than any other function in this binary file so if I make that into a function I see just as statistics predicted this calls printf quite a bit but it turns out this is just messing with ports that's really not something I'm interested in unfortunately the rest of these all these nodes are about the same size which means all these are calling printf about the same amount but two of these will more interesting than the others these guys here and these guys here because these indicate a higher level of complexity than we see with the other nodes because not only is this node calling printf but one of its children one of its sub functions is also calling printf so that's something I wanted to investigate and more depth so if we look at those guys we see this one we just looked at is a bootp flash recover so flash recovery algorithms are pretty interesting but not really what I'm looking for so I want to look at this other one instead if we try to pull out that function I'd already found it since we gave it some starting points this turns out to be what we're looking for validate rbu that's remote bios update crc so we statistically found the CRC check check some routines here we find right here this is the offset with him the image file that we need to replace the CRC at and if we look inside some of these if you don't know much about CRC there's a lot of different versions of it these different magic numbers different algorithms so we need to know exactly what version they're using if we want to replicate the correct CRC for our file so here's the magic number they're using for their CRC check sum and in here's their actual CRC algorithm so at this point we have everything we needed to duplicate the correct CRC for our modified image and again I can't stress enough that what we did is we poured out that information through statistical and pattern analysis rather than by parsing things like Ida would try to do which gives us great advantage we're dealing with things that we don't understand the structure for so at this point we can repackage are modified splash screen successfully flashed a computer and I didn't try to get code execution on this thing I wasn't really interested in that aspect I just wanted to quickly dissect this so this whole thing took about nine hours using the software and most of that was spent in reverse engineering there there compression algorithm because we had to find a way to recompress that splash screen image I try to do I want to know how hard it would be without using this software so I tried to begin afterwards and took about 37 hours without these statistical and pattern matching algorithms that we've used so just an example of how this can really help cut down reverse engineering time make things a lot faster than they would normally be so it basically concludes what I wanted to show you really the print what I'm trying to get process we need new ways to understand and analyze binary information because we can't keep up with the way things are changing using our current approaches and if we don't try to find new ways of doing things already is going to stagnate and we're just going to lose the battle so the point isn't use this software at all it's just that the software right now is the only way to do some of these techniques it's really a about thinking differently finding new ways to understand and conceptualize information is what we need to do in order to move forward so if you're interested in the software there's a demo available at our website you don't to memorize the address if you just search for cancer dust that's cancer that's not cancer dust if you look for cancer dust binary visualization you'll come across our website and I don't have the demo posted there yet but I'll try to put that on there and it'll give you a couple of these visualization techniques to play around with if you're interested in them and really we've just gotten started with the software we're going to be developing this a whole lot more in the future and really add some powerful mathematical and statistical analysis techniques to make this really powerful and hopefully we just scratch the surface and hopefully I'll be back here next year with a updated version to show and I hope everybody will attend to see that so that's all I've got looks like we have about five minutes if anybody's got questions having built the tool and explaining how you're analyzing the data where countermeasures that start using that's a that's a really good question um and be honest I don't really know of any very good ones yet so one of the things I didn't have time to show that it might as well pull up now that I have a chant and have a chance is these translation mechanisms translating this information to visual abstraction this way is a really powerful technique so I toss in our x64 file which we saw earlier as a pattern like this here I took that sync file and I inverted all the bits and it has a very similar pattern here I took the same file and I export it with a random 8 byte key and it still maintains its pattern so the fact is were we've got some really powerful techniques for visualizing and understanding that simplicious relationship between elements in this data set and even when you try to damage the actual value of the elements the relationship remains which means we can still analyze information this way so it's a very hard dang to circumvent grip the data through your shrinker blocking physical analysis to see correlation different algorithms reverse so far we haven't really looked at that side of thing we've been looking at mostly analysis of static images is what we've been focused on as we move forward we're going to be looking at adding additional layers so decrypting things looking at patterns in that type of information so hopefully next year I'll have a better answer for you signals analysis so yeah so that's one of the next big things on our list is we want to be able to plug this into stream the information we also want to be able to plug this into processes address faces so I can visualize the entropy as malware unpacks itself or I can visualize anomalies in your network data streams we're not there yet because mostly what I do is from reverse engineering I designed this to help me with what I do but we'll be moving there in the near future your call graph those are generated from a grammar free parsing of the correct it's it's complicated but uh at a basic level what we're doing is we have enough people who are very familiar with the way different instructions are constructed and they all have similar patterns between them where particularly function calls are usually specified as a relative offset from the current location it's hard to specify them as anything but that so we're able to essentially treat every offset as a relative offset to another location and then we use statistical filters to filter out the noise from that and find what is most likely actual Jumping call instructions in order to identify function boundaries well so I've written this in c-sharp and I'm using XNA for the visualization techniques which I would not recommend to anybody it was a horrible choice to go with but that's what I'm stuck with now because I'm too deep to go back it does okay but it's it's brutal to work with all right well thank you everybody for showing up specially this early
Channel: Adrian Crenshaw
Views: 39,784
Rating: 4.9552794 out of 5
Keywords: derbycon, hacking, security, louisville
Id: 4bM3Gut1hIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2012
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.