3rd Time is a charm! Multiplier Bars love me! 46 Free Games on Old School Style 5 Reel Buffalo slot!

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do [Music] it all right guys I'm at Arya you remember when this bird paid us all that money see if we can repeat that there he is Jin Jin Fang gold Phoenix come on Jin Fang do that thing again he gave us like three jackpots and 800 line hits it was amazing I know you guys remember it's like one of my best videos ever come on do it again what we got 205 in and he'll do the random wobbly spins which yall know I love and he [Music] [Applause] [Music] goes do it give us a wobble spin come on [Music] buddy wobble for me come [Music] on do it that wasn't it bird did [Music] it come on bird do it [Music] Brook come on buddy do it [Music] hit it terrible that's a bad bird bad [Music] bird [Music] [Music] all right I'll give this stinking bird one more 100 got to have faith got to have faith in the Gin Fang uh golden golden chicken golden golden Goose all right come on do a wobble wobble it up wobble Rama get wobbly with it [Applause] [Music] Bri yeah do that [Music] one that's not [Music] [Music] it that is a very bad bird bad bird bad all right that was Jen Fang from Arya thanks for watching guys all right guys guys I'm in Arya we're going to do some $6 spins on this Buffalo instant hit it's a five re mechanical so it's kind of like what we play it'll pass right see if we can't sneak a win in come on need three of those coins 550 nickels I don't know what that is let's fix this there you go 2750 much better come on coins oh God we're betting 15 I didn't want to do that how did that happen $15 spins I I had it down six I don't know what happened oh that's right we need like four of those I think or six of them to get to go up top hopefully I'll be able to show you but I'm guessing by that they're going to have to start over here you can't you have to start here and get them [Music] across but that one should count cuz I think it's a buffalo under it I don't know I'm confused now we got it I guess or no it's just two okay I guess we need I think we need six of them kitties what we get mooses or whatever they are me moose I don't think that's a word come on beow come on [Music] beeer kitties and NES okay we got Buffalo blocked Buffalo blocked hit it you butthead all right I'll give it another 100 since we goofed up and bet [Music] 15 all right come on hey all right well we did that 83 games awarded okay come on give us the other thing give us the other bonus and a bonus bonus and a bonus come on re-trigger five more games come on beefer you can do it more game all [Music] right come [Music] [Applause] [Music] on well I mean if the games have no value I guess it doesn't matter how many we [Music] get so that just like wiped out all those extra games we [Applause] got come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] Buffalo all right eight more come on come [Music] on more all right again they got to be worth something though come on 31 preg games so far two times what Caribou oh Queens okay come on let's get the Buffalo [Music] bonus hey okay [Music] game 36 three games come on [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Buffalo I mean it's not promising that after the 20 games we got uhoh we got it after 23 games we got $34 but hopefully we get that bonus up there no we didn't okay think we needed one more we just get everything lit up up there which is like little amounts come [Music] on we needed on this fifth wheel that's where the big ones are so you get like the grand wheel chance hopefully I can show you come on [Music] beo come [Music] on all [Music] right 41 free games come [Music] on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey all right more games some stuff up there and two times two times what kitty cats I guess or [Music] [Applause] beff [Music] we need to get our buffalo all the way across come on two times sweat Kings [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] okay go [Music] [Music] W come [Music] on [Music] all right last chance come on gosh we never even got over to the fourth one 190 bucks for all that 46 free games 190 bucks don't pretty bad pretty bad I won't go below [Music] 200 pretty bad do it [Music] [Music] go all right needed them over here needed one right here needed one right there he just went past little [Music] buad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay go buffal lame come on you got to get over to that fifth where were you on that first one f all right I'm going stop at 200 I had fun that was Buffalo instant hit from Arya thanks for watching guys all right guys I'm at the Arya I got a $200 ticket in mega diamond you know the deal n bucks a spin see if we can't hit something on it Mega oh what was that Mega Diamond's not usually good to me gold Inferno is but not this one change it today uh that's it's not it that's not it come on Mega Diamond get mega with it get mega [Music] stupendous Okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] we need to get sevens with those multipliers on them the little teardrops that's what we need or I guess bars we get two of them come on all [Music] right yeah that with matching stuff things and stuff get mega with it come on don't be Mega shy be Mega awesome let's go that was Mega l that's what that [Music] was do it okay better than nothing I [Music] guess hit [Music] it [Music] [Music] here hit it no do it oh that would have been 300 all right well that was Mega stupid of me to sit down here I don't know what I was thinking all right that mega diamond from Arya thanks for watching guys all right guys I am at uh ARA we're going to play some triple double Hot Ice uh very rare machine it's the only place I've ever seen it I got 107 in see if we can't hit something on [Music] it [Music] sound is a little goofy but it'll be all right speaker blowing just a little come on hot ice do it oh there we [Music] go very nice Coin [Music] Show very pretty all right won't go below 200 let's do that with some magic sevens [Music] huh [Music] [Music] come on sevens [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on seven you left your Budd just hanging there poor little guy by himself yeah let's do that let's do some fers [Music] [Music] Bama all right I'm pulling your lever don't tilt please okay all right I'm going stop there cuz I doubled up and I'm happy with that that was triple double hot ice from Arya in Las Vegas thanks for watching guys
Channel: Mid-South Slots
Views: 10,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slots, slot machine, slot, high limit, high limit slots, old school, old school slots, jackpot, casino, las vegas, the big jackpot, wheel of fortune, double diamond, oldschoolslots, 3 reel slots, win, travel, vacation, atlantic city, Hand Pay, CLASSIC SLOTS, SLOT PLAY, SLOT WINS, jackpot handpay, handpay jackpot, slot tips, slot secrets, how to win at slots, slot method, slot hopper, slot cheats, progressive jackpot, cowboy slots, vegas, money, loss, losing, gamble, Vegas Matt, poky
Id: 3ZVIEkm-qK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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