3rd Episode |Season1| FULL Episode - Mia and me 🦄

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I am Nia [Music] guy was sent so far not flying looking step-by-step as I explore this wonder display [Music] today [Music] to the sky [Music] [Music] they're on Mia here I'm [Music] [Music] so you ready for the math test if by ready you mean in a blind panic because I don't understand any of it I'm completely ready I'm never gonna get this what's the penalty for skipping a test seriously you'd rather skip Adams study I just have other things on my mind don't look now but Miss Perfect is coming this way I gotta get out of here why please I know a place in the old days this would be where the groundskeeper would live everybody just sort of forgot about it so I just sort of moved in this is all your stuff yeah I've been sort of accumulating it for a while nobody ever comes in it really ever ever so I feel privileged it's like walking around a heavy frame I saw you looking at those white pages in your book don't know why that's sudden is so important wow that was blank how'd that work it's a long story [Music] hey pass me that CD I don't know what you're doing but somehow it's so exciting um Vincent I know this is sort of your place but I'm gonna have to ask you a really big favor could you leave leave I think better when I'm alone wait what are you gonna please Vincent [Music] many where there once was one persist until your task is done Miriah [Music] hi to you too how long have you been trying to get that Oh looks like there's some kind of celebration this I gotta see are you coming okay well I can see you're busy I'll come back after the party [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take me to Yuko [Applause] hello I'm right here ever think of looking I did but you kind of blend in with its negative crowd what's all this for only the best Parade ever [Applause] [Music] today we celebrate a new hero among the elves a most unusual hero indeed it is because of this hero that the wicked Panthea has at last been driven back and will soon be banished from centopia forever elfin friends I give you the trump tiss [Applause] the trump tiss will hold this place of honor within the palace now get out there and use it it's not saving any unicorn sitting here I'm the prince I should get it uh uh hold on when there are many where once was one it's the new Oracle for my book photo why have only one trump tiss why not make more many where once was one give every elf their own trump tiss and to persist ensures the day is one that must mean if we don't quit Panthea won't stand a chance that's brilliant funnel begin work on more Trump toises Trump time more of those things making [Music] you haven't brought me a fresh unicorn 14 days and you're blaming it on some float trombone tuba atratus ma'am and it's decimating my your army [Music] you told me that unicorns regularly graze in a valley here so why are you here and not there capturing them that badly is unapproachable by Scottie we'd be spotted from the elf panel is long before we got there oh you can what can't you yes ma'am then why are you doing it right away anything you say [Music] Wow when you want something you really don't give up do you yeah hurry up well enjoy your Apple I'll see you later the unicorns are here at least a dozen of them and the monkey lists are coming this way from the east by land this time staying hidden in the trees we almost flew right past them on our way back from scouting good thing you co had her eyes peeled Mia could go out there and warn the unicorns they'll listen to her any way I can help it wouldn't matter they're cornered in that Valley it's like a box canyon how fortunate it is then that we have the trump tiss where is it it must be found whoever took it must be really short come on we'll find him you've not seen him not since he left to make more Trump toises he's not in the workshop he's not in the courtyard Prince mo you and Yuko returns at the valley and keep an eye on those monkeys we're on it Mia you must bind Buttle and find him soon for those unicorns time grows perilously short subtle oh hey um just checking for Nayland yeah nope everything looks ok well that's enough break back to work you can forget about working right now just bring whatever Trump disses you've made to the throne room right away right now um all of them yes it's important the thing is I don't know if I can carry them all did I'll help you how many are there well let me see there's a hmm okay we'll carry the to end up zero zero zero well that's okay just bring the original um there's kind of a problem with that too [Music] this is the Trump TISS what happened to it I couldn't remember how I made it so I took it apart to check there are some pieces in there it's just impossible to copy there's no way I'll ever be able to make more that's the bad news when there are many where once was one didn't think it meant many pieces you have to put it back together that's the other bad news I can't remember Oh what you must have had a plan or a blueprint or something right that's right my blueprint I forgot it out in the woods I keep it in my thinking tree then we're going out to get it the monkey list will reach those unicorns soon there's no time to waste [Music] [Music] what I wouldn't give for a trump diss right about now you can't remember which is your thinking tree look at them they all kind of look the same but didn't you used to live in these trees I didn't live here I used to come here whenever I wanted to think so like you know almost never but I'm almost sure it was a tall one made of wood with leaves you got that right what did she say was that about me well this is useless there are hundreds of these trees we'll never find those blueprints in time okay here's the plan I hide in a home and you don't tell anyone where the hole is we're gonna have to tell the King the trump this is gone what are you being we I'm not telling him I've got a hole to dig hey Leiria are you coming okay if you insist gone what do you mean it's gone well not so much gone no it's not good at all I've got it right here and here and some of it here we're doomed oh dear we tried to fix it it's just too complicated huh I'll just turn into a puddle now if you don't mind Prince mo how would you describe the monkey line numbers overwhelming we lack the numbers to resist them there is little chance those unicorns can be saved come on mo there's got to be a way to save them mo I'm sorry father somebody has to help those unicorns you have to stop them there are some who abandoned hope as soon as they face difficulty and there are those like Moe and Yuko who never abandon hope which kind do you suppose keeps the world from falling to pieces to persist ensures the day is won we need to have another look at those pieces puddle puddle wait I wish I'd never invented this thing in the first place we can't quit now you go in Mon need us it's too hard it can't be done Fido how long did you work on the chump just before you got it right years when I started it was a kazoo but you never quit right you kept trying and trying until it was perfect and look what happened because of that you saved centopia this morning there was a parade for something you made that was pretty cool right now you cou and Moe and all those unicorns need us to keep trying but how without those blueprints all these pieces could fit anywhere [Music] birria my little prince you found them what did she say she said she doesn't give up easy [Music] the Trump tiss is only this big how can the blueprints take up all this space oh it's a complicated piece of musical equipment do you know how much research I did when I designed it how much none if I had researched it maybe some of this would make sense okay start at the beginning what does that say that's a doodle of a chipmunk I like to do too when I'm designing play also like chipmunks okay how hard can it be let the master do it was that parade today for you I don't think so I told you it can't be done why won't you listen to me huh wait a second that looks like that and it looks like it attaches to that yeah yeah yeah jawless hey now we're getting somewhere that's a corner piece goodness that one's a reason to decide that one goes there this one's here [Music] we have to warn them no you'll just spook them and they'll run straight at the monk ulis our only hope is surprise so you think there is help not really great as long as we're on the same page Shh here they come they haven't seen us go not yet wait until they're in the open everybody ready at my signal let's go let's go let's go wait three two one let's go oh great can I have one thing that is ruined by hell [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] cat you might need that [Music] this thing really works [Music] hold your ground we will not back down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's seems to go well it sure would be nice to have more tromped assist that wouldn't it I bet I could figure it out if I could just take it apart one more time no one will do fine thank you uh-oh that doesn't look right I can fix it that's okay I'm sure it's just a loose connection or something who those connections are my specialty I'll mostly connect things all the time let's just give it a few seconds maybe it'll fix itself things never fix themselves it takes a master Oh Oh see a photo say goodbye to you go and mouth oh [Music] what's wrong with this thing and battery turn it [Music] I'm back right I mean dad I'm done people say I'm wood but you really take the cake what was that all about I'm sorry for kicking you out of your own place you gonna do that every time you mean you're not mad I can come back here any time just don't mess up - I can study here you know Matt so you said you were gonna skip the test yeah well I figure I'll give it another shot right do you feel like studying I could use your help well then step into my brain but your brain needs some redecorating I think I'll hang up some curtains sure that's current air freshener and a couple of plants okay now your place [Music]
Channel: Mia and me
Views: 299,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mia and me, miaandme, yuko, onchao, unicorns mia, mia unicorn, mia and me unicorns, mia and unicorn, colorful unicorns, rainbow unicorn, unicorn world, unicornworld, different unicorns, elves and unicorns, unicorn elves, special unicorn, mia and me full episodes, mia golden unicorn, unicorn cartoon, best unicorn cartoon, top unicorn cartoon, mia english, mia and english, mia and me english, unicorn english, unicorn cartoon english
Id: HwCHIwQxF7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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