3DEXPERIENCE World: Model Mania® 2022

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3d experience world 2022 was virtual again this year and in order to simplify model mania we didn't have a phase two so contestants were asked to model a part and then run a simulation study to determine the factor of safety under a certain load this is the 2022 model mania drawing the dimensions and product manufacturing information is shown in blue and the simulation instructions are shown in red when looking at the drawing the first thing i notice is the cylindrical upper area and the rectangular lower area of the part that's where i'm going to start and then i'll add that 12 millimeter radius to connect the two shapes and slice off the 40 millimeter radius rounded off the back here next i'll cut out the pocket and the hole here and then the counter bores here and finally i'll add all the fillets so let's get started now you could create two sketches but i like to use a single sketch whenever possible to not only get the overall size of the model that i'm creating but it's also a great time saver later when edits need to be made and that's a hint for when we get back together in person and you'll need to do a phase two again [Music] so we have created both our circle and rectangle and we will fully define the sketch by making the midpoint of that lower line aligned with the origin now since we don't have a closed contour sketch given that we have both a circle and a rectangle overlapping we'll select which contours we want to use in our feature and then we will reuse that same sketch and select the other contour again this could have been done with two sketches next we will go and apply that 12 millimeter fillet to connect these two shapes together now let's go and create a sketch on the front plane and i'm going to draw a large circle since that back edge that we're cutting off is a circular edge and we want to make sure that the center point of the circle is coincident to both edges of our part our sketch is fully defined and we can create our extruded cut and we will select through all and flip the side so that we are cutting on the outside of the part [Music] next we'll create the sketch for the rear pocket so i'm going to create this sketch on the bottom face and will create a standard tombstone shape and as you can see i have converted that line into an arc by simply going back onto the point and it creates an arc that's tangent we will lock down our line there so that it is at the midpoint and we will add in the dimensions per the drawing now because this is a tombstone and that's an arc not a circle we get a radius but of course we can convert that over to a diameter dimension [Music] we'll rotate the model around and create our cut now again i don't want to cut the entire sketch i just want to choose the contour i want and i can offset this by six millimeters which is the height that that cut is at and then i will simply reverse the offset to make sure i'm cutting in the right direction [Music] i will reuse that sketch again and go create another cut and i'll use that center hole there and we'll do a through-all and there we go next we will create that hole on the other side which was 18 millimeters diameter and 10 millimeters deep so we will add those dimensions there [Music] and we'll do an extruded cut 10 millimeters [Music] and now we will go and apply our hole wizard to the back this is going to be a counter bore metric it'll be a socket head cap screw m6 and we can show the sizing there and that's correct for the drawing next we will position this and we'll select the plane to put it on since there's no flat face to put it on we will orient it so that it is at the center of our circle and next we can go and edit that sketch inside of the whole wizard so rather than having that six millimeter from the other end we can just simply drag and drop and reconnect that dimension so it's on the other end which is what we wanted 15 millimeters [Music] now let's go and apply our fillets it's always good to apply the fillets last and notice that i selected fillet expert without fillet expert you might need to create two fillets here in order to get the order correct but by using fillet expert solidworks does all that calculation for us and we get the result we're looking for now i'm going to go and change the color of this fillet which is not required but i like to do it just to make sure i didn't miss anything looks good and now we will apply the material which is plain carbon steel this is very important because if you don't apply the material you won't get the right weight so as you can see our mass is 128.69 grams [Music] and next we will go and run our simulation express study so we will simply walk through and hit next and then say add a fee fixture and we will fix those two faces the bottom face and the cylindrical face and then we will add a force to that cylindrical face and we want it to be going downward so we will choose selected direction choose the plane and then put in the value 5000 newtons downward we already have the material applied so we can simply go ahead and run that we can see that the animation is showing us what we expected and here's our final number the factor of safety based on the design that we did and the material that we chose and the load that we applied is 2.5 so that's model mania 2022 at least one way to do it and i'd like to encourage and invite you to come and try next year's model mania at 3d experience world 2023 in nashville and model mania will open on sunday february the 12th and will close tuesday the 14th with winners announced on february the 15th hope to see you then
Views: 14,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenge, contest, model mania
Id: 2nJeZwyj4b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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