3D printer Wind sensor and Raspberry Pi

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hello everybody in this video I would like to show how I build a wind speed sensor it is also called anemometer anemometer or something like that hi 2d printed most of the parts and I created this part in the way that are easy to print and as less possible support needed the additional parts besides the 20 printed are some bolt and screw this is m3 side and then a couple of very small ball bearing which have the diameter of a three millimeter inside and then we have the sensor this is a bite sensor is the type that is used in the motor to measure the speed and then also we need the cable that again will connect to our system that the system I used to to connect this sensor is the idols is for which is an open source software so let's start to see some details about the small pieces so we have this ball bearings as I said this as well and the outer diameter is 6 and the inner diameter is 3 we need to add them then we have m3 nuts and then the m2 involved thirty two millimeter okay then we have this one this is the sensor this is a very common sensor can be found anywhere so now let's let's see the 3d printed part the parts are exactly place it in this way coming from the printer so they need less support and now let's start to mount it first thing that we are to do is to clean these walls here and here because we had to put the more bearing so I already cleaning them and the ball bearing should fit inside quite easily but still ok so the first is done let's put the second side via and the end result should be this one you can see this one ball bearing on this side and one on the other side now let's take the bigger part and we had to put the ball and the one on the net on this side you can see here there is a leadership on the nut so it should fit inside and this is the result ok so we place both together and if we check it should if you turn quite easy yes make sure that you clean this part and also this part then we have to put the sensor and there is a specific location here this way and we can slice inside this way but before sliding inside completely the literal patience we had to screw this one inside the bolt and to add the other nut so let's try to do it here we are we have the post now so in this way we screw the bolt and that small disc and at the same time we push the sensor down and the end of the shaft should be this one we are the disk passing to the sensor and then when the blades put it it activates this sensor okay okay now I connected the cable to the sensor as you can see and then we had to put the bottom part and we have the final assembly I also had the three screws here here and here to keep the bottom part attached to the body and now it's time to test it with some wind and then connected to the high doses for software and check some data I connected the sensor to the last belly around the three days ago and here we can see the result the graph is indicating the speed of the sensor and as you can see it gives an idea of the the wind speed of course it's nice to have this beautiful graph but the most important thing that I want to use is the fact that if the sensor reach a certain speed it will trigger an interrupt on the raspberry which will cause an action and in my future implementation of the greenhouse I will use this trigger to close the greenhouse windows in the day of also an idea - for the Sun shading but this may be another project anyway let's go to the to the eye doses for setting page to see how that has been set let's search for wind let's just see the last two rows which are relevant to the wind interrupt and wind sensor and let's start to analyze the wind Internet okay this is the row the wind interrupt is needed to set up the interrupts on the raspberry and in case can be used to trigger the events to start some activator let's see how I set up it so we have IO type is input pin two is not necessary directions dear okay measure is event okay time this is 30 minutes but is not used in this case no particular use so frequency okay this is 3000 this is important parameter because in this way we say that the raspberry should consider this as a fast input then we have this controller command with read input pin which indicates this is an interrupt then scheduled type one shot miss is not it's not going to be periodically display in in the graph then we have logic positive means that the GPIO pin will be configured as pulldown resistor then the pin is the actual GPIO pin we just be connected to the sensor the name this is a name to remember it and soul so when we set this row it is going to set an interrupt on the raspberry and in case we want to also twinkle some action we can configure it in the interrupt page then as I said we have another rule that is wind sensor this rule is necessary when we want to have a graph with the frequency counter of these interrupts first of all this is the controller command so it's interrupt free see countless acid and at the time in this case we have two minutes and so every two minutes he will give a reading then another important thing is that pin should be the same or the interrupt pin and then schedule type is periodic because it will periodically collect the data and that's all from the advil part so let's go now to the interrupt part and let's for example set the interweb trigger to send an email every time the sensor reading is above a certain speed so we will go to mail and select working mode in this case is only one is pre-emptive locking then reference input we had to use the wind interrupt input and then activation mode we can use first edge indeed the sensor and except in the first edge of second edge and then we have even trigger so trigger mode in this case is there are two mode in this case is frequency so he means the speed the next field indicated the number of interrupts to trigger an event and for example I put in this case 100 interrupts and this is connected with the second field that is max time between interrupts and this is 2 second it means that the event is trigger when we get 100 interrupts within 2 seconds then actuator output in case of mill as I selected before this need just to be a number above zero and then duration of preemption blocking stages this means that after the trigger is set it can stay a number of minutes without activating and then follow-up action I didn't set because it's not needed in this case after that I said so with this configuration every time that the system reads one other intellect within two seconds will send me an email I hope this video was useful and thank you for watching
Channel: hydrosys4 raspberry
Views: 7,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry, hydrosys4, wind sensor, anemometer, automation, awing, 3D printed
Id: hnbvUe8fbNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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